Like the title suggests bots are already an issue, decided to head back to bleakrock to harvest some nodes and seen a level 3 "retyu" harvest an iron node, disappear as it did to instantly spawn at a maple node a few meters away. I watched this for a little while and every time the node disappeared so did he only to instantly reappear harvesting another. These things are an instant kill-joy for me as I feel my time is being completely wasted. have any of you witnessed something similar?
If they do its going to hurt us more. I have never seen a dev in any game make changes to stop bots that doesn't hurt real crafters even worse than the bots. Not to say I don't want them to do something I just need for it not to suck.I haven't seen these in game but I have seen a YouTube video somebody posted of a bot doing this... I hope this isn't the reason why the enchanting nodes are so hard to find.... I want to level and work on enchanting but can hardly find any.
Hope zenimax cracks down on these soon though.
alphasquid wrote: »It's getting harder to report them now. Was just on Bleakrock and the harvesting bots are mining underground so the nodes just disappear and you can't see the bot.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »Today, we made our first major strike against those who choose to cheat in ESO, permanently banning thousands. This is only the beginning of our ongoing efforts to keep the game free from botters, speed hackers, and gold spammers. We want to thank everyone who has sent in-game reports about these individuals in ESO—your reports helped us identify many of the accounts we banned today. Please continue to report any botters, gold spammers, and speed hackers you see in-game, and we’ll continue our efforts to keep them out of Tamriel.
Hi guys, we wanted to thank you for the detailed information in this thread. This is an issue we take very seriously, and we posted a thread about this last night in the developer discussions forum: