Bots already harvesting resources

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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
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Soul Shriven
Like the title suggests bots are already an issue, decided to head back to bleakrock to harvest some nodes and seen a level 3 "retyu" harvest an iron node, disappear as it did to instantly spawn at a maple node a few meters away. I watched this for a little while and every time the node disappeared so did he only to instantly reappear harvesting another. These things are an instant kill-joy for me as I feel my time is being completely wasted. have any of you witnessed something similar?
  • clavdivrwb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Interesting as I saw the same character lying dead in a dungeon in Stormhaven. Tried to resurrect but there was no response. Thought it very strange that there was a level 3 in this zone. Put it down to a new player wanting to explore and ending up coming to grief in a higher level area
  • Osodvus
    Gary_Reid wrote: »
    Like the title suggests bots are already an issue, decided to head back to bleakrock to harvest some nodes and seen a level 3 "retyu" harvest an iron node, disappear as it did to instantly spawn at a maple node a few meters away. I watched this for a little while and every time the node disappeared so did he only to instantly reappear harvesting another. These things are an instant kill-joy for me as I feel my time is being completely wasted. have any of you witnessed something similar?

    I witnessed this action myself while in Khenarthi's Roost. The bot appeared next to me as I was harvesting a mining node, then disappeared. I thought it was phasing glitch until he popped up at a wood node. He got agro on that one, but harvested the node successfully then popped up at the next node. The agro zig zagged all over the place until it reset.

    Although this was happening pretty quickly, I was able to catch the offender's name and get it reported.
  • uselessbass
    yep just as of tonight i noticed they are all over low level areas
  • Sarenia
    Saw this myself. Thought it was lag at first, but my latency was flawless.

    They vanish at a harvesting node, and reappear at another one a millisecond later, warping around like that.
  • PizzaFungus
    i see that constantly on my new made characters.. and would also like to know if they intend to do something quickly about it..
  • sevcik.miroslaveb17_ESO
    I did not come across this issue yet, but it indeed is disturbing and must be addressed immediately. As this will turn away a lot of players. Not only it will mess up economy, but it is making life harder to common crafters to gather materials... But I believe developers. Gold spams are not often. (i put them instantly to ignore)and not many new pop up. So I think they actualy are dealing with them. If gold seller/botter gets several bans I think it will turn them away. They just need to keep up.
    Edited by sevcik.miroslaveb17_ESO on April 10, 2014 12:24PM
  • gimarwb17_ESO
    I have noticed and reported some. I am not even surprised. ESO seems to favour gold sellers because for instance storage costs an outrageous price.

    I hate it that nowadays it is practically impossible to find enough stuff for your crafting because the bots are everywhere. I noticed that I am wasting my time keeping my eyes open for resources.
  • Sam
    I too have noticed exactly what you've described - bot appears at node, harvests and disappears. At a dedicated crafter I find this very disheartening, and I hope Zenimax can find a solution to this as soon as possible.
    * Arkay's Tester *
  • Laerian
    Yes, I saw many while I was gathering runes in a starting zone. They "teleport" between nodes.
  • Aenra
    Have had this as well, my impression was that it was a phasing issue, ie a node i should not be seeing spawning, or vice versa. Will admit i hadn't even consider this..

    and i have seen this a -lot-, definitely needs some attention
    Pride, honour and purity
  • spideyfk
    I saw this as well!!! I was collecting runes and on two times i had a "player" appearing on the node like out of nowhere. I was able to gather the node on both ocassions though and waited to see if i saw that character again to get an screenshot, but couldn't :( .
  • Vlos
    Yep notice it a lot, as I have an alt that I am farming the low level areas with. I would run to a node, then see them appear, so I move onto the next and pop there they are again... It's like how did you get here so quick...

    They seem to just appear and disappear, so not sure if I'm lagged or what, but it is pretty instantaneous when they warp about.

  • Chalybos
    Wow, I thought it was just me. You can also hear the mining/chopping sounds, but no resources nearby.
  • Brennan
    Maybe these aren't bots. Maybe they are the spirits of long dead crafters, driven mad by their quest for total crafting domination.
  • Elvent
    I haven't seen these in game but I have seen a YouTube video somebody posted of a bot doing this... I hope this isn't the reason why the enchanting nodes are so hard to find.... I want to level and work on enchanting but can hardly find any.

    Hope zenimax cracks down on these soon though.
  • Mansome
    Elvent wrote: »
    I haven't seen these in game but I have seen a YouTube video somebody posted of a bot doing this... I hope this isn't the reason why the enchanting nodes are so hard to find.... I want to level and work on enchanting but can hardly find any.

    Hope zenimax cracks down on these soon though.
    If they do its going to hurt us more. I have never seen a dev in any game make changes to stop bots that doesn't hurt real crafters even worse than the bots. Not to say I don't want them to do something I just need for it not to suck.
  • mrlee95b14_ESO
    Saw it also... starting to *** me off.

    Hope they do something about this crap!
  • Imryll
    I didn't catch the name, so I can't say who it was, but I saw the same thing in Bleakrock this morning. Pretty sad.
  • Carnage2K4
    Anyone notice that they have apparently banned a bunch of accounts for gold selling spam and the like? just keep reporting them, every one you see, report the player, one of 2 reports might not set off alarms, but 6-7-8 reports and they will get flagged, it's all we can do atm.
    Human Infant Connoisseur
  • alphasquid
    It's getting harder to report them now. Was just on Bleakrock and the harvesting bots are mining underground so the nodes just disappear and you can't see the bot.
  • Sakiri
    That underground mining bot crap was in WoW too. Its annoying as Hate.
  • Delte
    alphasquid wrote: »
    It's getting harder to report them now. Was just on Bleakrock and the harvesting bots are mining underground so the nodes just disappear and you can't see the bot.

    That was also in Final Fantasy Realm Reborn as well. I reported a load but the devs never banned them.

    I also report all the gold and item sellers i see in zone chat that try to sell stuff via a web site. Not seen the teleport issue though yet (EU server) But I have seen resources nodes vanish as I try to gather them figured it was a glitch. Not so sure now though.

  • Ibura
    Delte wrote: »

    That was also in Final Fantasy Realm Reborn as well.

    True, those were there too, only hearing sounds and see nodes vanish. Sometimes you could capture a glimpse of the char or only of the nametag for a sec.Haven't noticed it on EU servers yet.
  • leandro.800ub17_ESO
    yes also videos in youtube so you can see
  • ZOS_AlanG
    Hi guys, we wanted to thank you for the detailed information in this thread. This is an issue we take very seriously, and we posted a thread about this last night in the developer discussions forum:
    Today, we made our first major strike against those who choose to cheat in ESO, permanently banning thousands. This is only the beginning of our ongoing efforts to keep the game free from botters, speed hackers, and gold spammers. We want to thank everyone who has sent in-game reports about these individuals in ESO—your reports helped us identify many of the accounts we banned today. Please continue to report any botters, gold spammers, and speed hackers you see in-game, and we’ll continue our efforts to keep them out of Tamriel.
    Forum Rules | Promoting Constructive Discussion | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Help Site

    I’ve moved to a new position and I am no longer active on this forum. For assistance, please check the resources linked above
    Staff Post
  • Nadrak
    how are they doing it? How can they teleport like this? And how are they able to be underground...? It looks like serious cheating...
  • Chalybos
    Good to see it's being addressed. I'll be sorry to no longer see ckckckckckckck the farmer, though. I'll miss him.
  • Kitty8Khajiit
    :) Please fix the code that causes this behavior to be possible, while leaving it flexible enough for real gamers to enjoy Tamriel. Please do not make your fix worse than the quite bad problem. It would be terrible to penalize us to punish them. Thank you! =^..^=
    <3 Kitty, Kitty, KittyKittyKitty! =^..^=
    <3Adopt a tiger, we need to save Earth's Senches.
  • GLaDOS
    I've seen them 'flying' too. Made my brain do a backflip because it looked so bizarre to see someone land on a node to farm it, lift off the ground about 20 feet, and float away to land on another. If I had not seen it with my own eyes I would never have believed it haha.
    Still alive.
  • Brennan
    ZOS_AlanG wrote: »
    Hi guys, we wanted to thank you for the detailed information in this thread. This is an issue we take very seriously, and we posted a thread about this last night in the developer discussions forum:

    Alan, I am so buying you a beer man! Keep up the great work WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE!!

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