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Why are people criticizing this game so much?

  • kewl
    There’s been allot of unnecessary hate out there. As a result, reasonable and justified criticism gets lost in the battle between troll and fanboi. I’m generally pleased with the game. However, there are still allot of non-trivial issues ZOS needs to resolve quickly or it risks a steep subscription drop in 60 and 90 days.
  • Sedalias_Hope
    Moyana wrote: »
    I'm not entirely sure. Anyone who has played MMO's in the last few years knows that very few (if any) launches are foolproof and work right off the bat.
    First of all, IF you have ever actually been there for an initial LAUNCH, you would know that most ALL MMO games, well the successful mmo games like EQ and WoW, have GM's on standby to help in ANY WAY possible. Why they expect US the player base to organize and get people to leave a broken "phase" of the quest to let it reset is BEYOND me.
    Moyana wrote: »
    I think a lot of it may come from (as people mentioned) trolls from other games, who have little better to do than slate the latest game to join the MMO community, pretty sad if you ask me.
    Umm before you say it, I stopped playing WoW almost 3 years ago and haven't played EQ in nearly a decade, so when I complain about a game that is a STORYLINE based game being broken, I am not a WOW fangirl or anything else. I am complaining because, JUST like when I read a book, I don't skip pages, I don't want to skip a quest that is a part of the story that I AM IN CURRENTLY.
    Moyana wrote: »
    That being said, I also think quite a bit of it is coming from people who think that re-coding and patching can be done with a click of the fingers, and don't realise that changing a single line, hell, even a single digit or even placing a "," or "." can completely break another line of code and your game. Coding is difficult, laborious and takes a lot of time and effort, and I have nothing but respect for those coding patches and fixes into the game.
    You're kidding right here aren't you? I mean yes, for people that do not understand how coding is done, it is an insurmountable amount of work, IF you are under a delusion, that coding is "complicated" to those that work with it every day, coding is a language, no different than English or German, It is a computer language and you either KNOW it, or you find a new job. NO business is going to pay for someone to "scratch their heads" and try to decompile a single line of code...
    Moyana wrote: »
    To those working on the game - Keep it up, ignore the trolls and whiners and (for lack of a better word) children who demand blood at the slightest issue and mishap, know that there are some of us who know the pain you are going through and fully support you.
    Perhaps you should go back and rethink what an MMO fantasy game is trying to accomplish. A(n) MMO FANTASY game, such as TESO, EQ, WoW, are all trying to IMMERSE you into the game, to make you "feel" as if you are actually in the game taking part of the action. Do you honestly think that the writers of the lore in these games that spend CONSIDERIBLY longer developing the content, much more than the graphic department, appreciate that everyone is fast clicking through their HOURS and HOURS of work? Perhaps with all of your "pro-tips" to correct us "children", you can observe how silly some of us think you are with this nonsense.
    Edited by Sedalias_Hope on April 8, 2014 8:42PM
  • pema
    I love to moan, but not online. You are used to awsome gaming, like skyrim. When you get stuck or trown out then that does no longer match with the thing you want, be in the game. A forum in general is a sesspool for people complaining so you only have to do little to get a lot. Interesting to see that ingame there is litte complaing.
    Officer of Alith Legion
    Ebonheart Pact guild, EU server.
    Check out our site alithlegion.com
  • Greydog
    kitsinni wrote: »
    Research shows people will use the internet to complain far more often than to priase something. People are far more likely to not comment on something they think is fantastic than to complain about something they don't like.

    This exactly ...people come to forums to complain. Even if you have no problems with the game you have most likely complained about the complainers, Those that have no complaints are busy playing.

    People pay for the right to do it. So I say let them do it ..if it bothers you that much ignore the thread.

    "I Plan on living forever ..so far so good"
    Sanguine's Disciple

    Asylum Amoebaeus ..A refuge for those who normally fly solo.
    Message me here or in game for an invite
  • Vikova
    Greydog wrote: »

    This exactly ...people come to forums to complain. Even if you have no problems with the game you have most likely complained about the complainers, Those that have no complaints are busy playing.

    People pay for the right to do it. So I say let them do it ..if it bothers you that much ignore the thread.

    While yes, many people can be ignored, in general it can be useful to keep a positive presence on forums so that newer players can find help as well as not get the wrong impression about a game by only seeing whining when they look into it.
  • Sleepwalker
    To the people that believe "X, Y, and Z errors were discovered in the first beta session, so they should be fixed by now.": Not at all an invalid expectation, but I'm curious as to what you all do for a living that you are so surprised that this can happen?

    Another forum dweller laid it out, but I feel the need reiterate. Projects take resources, resources that may not always be available or are better placed elsewhere. If a bug did not get fixed before launch that was discovered early, that in no way means that it was "glossed over" or "ignored". Where do you even get evidence of this? I love the game, bugs and all, and have full confidence that the developers are working to ensure that everyone else does as well. It is exactly the ESO game that I was promised.

    Don't get me wrong. I understand the frustration indeed! I'll be the first to admit that "Ghosts of Westtry" and "Bloodthorn Assassins" pissed me off quite royally during beta and at launch. But did I automatically think that the bug reports on them were being ignored? Of course not, and neither should you. That's just silly.
    "QUIT CRYIN'! Do some pushups or something!"

    Grayfield - V2 Breton Nightblade
    Windspike - 40 Bosmer Sorceror
  • Greydog
    mutharex wrote: »
    Greydog wrote: »
    mutharex wrote: »
    Some as said are upset about the few launch issues, but there is a hard core block of wow fanboys that are upset because (GASP) this isn't wow....

    just ignore them, free month is over in 26 days....

    Careful what you wish for.

    Potential customers leaving is never a good thing for a companies bottom line.

    1) these people ALWAYS leave after 1 or 2 months
    2) any game is better without them
    3) TES fans and wow players with an open mentality will stick around
    4) the megaserver architecture makes it so that it doesn't matter if there are 500K or 5mil players

    So long and thanks for all the cash

    1- Do they really? Is this opinion or fact.
    2 - Some of them I can agree with. Of course there are many playing that we could do without also.
    3 - If that's all that are staying then this will go f2p rather quickly.
    4- But the developers bank account rules ...no matter what kind of server they use.

    Methinks you're selling this issue short. For ESO to truly succeed they're going to need all those complainers, fanbois and wrathbabies to be paying a monthly sub.

    f2p is that lurking boogey man with the huge pot o' gold that ZOS has gratefully ignored thus far. Lets not give them a reason to start paying attention by flippantly suggesting that any segment of their customer base leaves.
    "I Plan on living forever ..so far so good"
    Sanguine's Disciple

    Asylum Amoebaeus ..A refuge for those who normally fly solo.
    Message me here or in game for an invite
  • Greydog
    RakeWorm wrote: »
    Greydog wrote: »

    This exactly ...people come to forums to complain. Even if you have no problems with the game you have most likely complained about the complainers, Those that have no complaints are busy playing.

    People pay for the right to do it. So I say let them do it ..if it bothers you that much ignore the thread.

    While yes, many people can be ignored, in general it can be useful to keep a positive presence on forums so that newer players can find help as well as not get the wrong impression about a game by only seeing whining when they look into it.

    I agree wholeheartedly. Problem is people feed the trolls. Then a two comment thread turns into five pages ;)

    "I Plan on living forever ..so far so good"
    Sanguine's Disciple

    Asylum Amoebaeus ..A refuge for those who normally fly solo.
    Message me here or in game for an invite
  • Sharee
    I just dont understand why there is so many people hating on this game so much.

    Because the people who like the game and have no issues are playing it and not posting on the forum.

    The forums are essentially the complaint department of MMO's.
  • Vikova
    Greydog wrote: »
    RakeWorm wrote: »
    Greydog wrote: »

    This exactly ...people come to forums to complain. Even if you have no problems with the game you have most likely complained about the complainers, Those that have no complaints are busy playing.

    People pay for the right to do it. So I say let them do it ..if it bothers you that much ignore the thread.

    While yes, many people can be ignored, in general it can be useful to keep a positive presence on forums so that newer players can find help as well as not get the wrong impression about a game by only seeing whining when they look into it.

    I agree wholeheartedly. Problem is people feed the trolls. Then a two comment thread turns into five pages ;)

    This is what gifs are for.
  • Laura
    If not for the bugs and if they added a crime system and housing it would be perfect for me.

    99% of the complaints I see are related to bugs. If you are complaining about something other than that (that is actutally related to the game not marketing or billing) then its most likely a troll or something unreasonable. (MY FRRAMEZ IS LOW ON MY 2001 DELL)
  • Greydog
    RakeWorm wrote: »
    Greydog wrote: »
    RakeWorm wrote: »
    Greydog wrote: »

    This exactly ...people come to forums to complain. Even if you have no problems with the game you have most likely complained about the complainers, Those that have no complaints are busy playing.

    People pay for the right to do it. So I say let them do it ..if it bothers you that much ignore the thread.

    While yes, many people can be ignored, in general it can be useful to keep a positive presence on forums so that newer players can find help as well as not get the wrong impression about a game by only seeing whining when they look into it.

    I agree wholeheartedly. Problem is people feed the trolls. Then a two comment thread turns into five pages ;)

    This is what gifs are for.

    Come on ..I gave you a lol+1 for that ;)

    "I Plan on living forever ..so far so good"
    Sanguine's Disciple

    Asylum Amoebaeus ..A refuge for those who normally fly solo.
    Message me here or in game for an invite
  • Audigy
    First of all, IF you have ever actually been there for an initial LAUNCH, you would know that most ALL MMO games, well the successful mmo games like EQ and WoW, have GM's on standby to help in ANY WAY possible. Why they expect US the player base to organize and get people to leave a broken "phase" of the quest to let it reset is BEYOND me.

    To be honest, unless you play in a top raiding guild, no GM is standing by. I remember we had two assisting us at our Vanilla raids, as there were many bugs - but I also remember how I didn't get any help for 5 days when I was harassed by a very rude person.

    Wow had a bugged quest at STV for almost 3 years, if you were a troll fan you missed out, also because of the nice reward there.

    Wow isn't as golden as people keep saying it is, a lot is covered by Nostalgia and hey its understandable. Vanilla wow was together with Ultima also my fav. MMO ever. But times change ;) and if we are honest then we could name many things about wow that didn't work well.
  • Vikova
    Greydog wrote: »
    Come on ..I gave you a lol+1 for that ;)

  • SgtPepperUK
    I love the game but can't deny that ZOS aren't dropping the ball quite a bit.

    Bugs, the need to register payment so early in the "free 30 day period", the £10 horse in the store that could be a hint of things to come, no AH (Last major MMO to release with no AH was FFXIV 1.0, something SE later rectified with A Realm Rebord) and some poor quest mechanics (Love the quests, hating some of the mechanics such as collect quests where the item disappears for a while if another player picks it up, we should not be made to see other players as a hindrance like this).

    Quite simply, people looking to be critical have been given a fair bit of ammunition by Zos themselves.
  • Salsadoom
    Edited by Salsadoom on April 8, 2014 11:52PM
  • fredarbonab14_ESO
    Its the human condition, specially the American one. If they are not trashing something or someone, they are not happy. Honestly, once you get older, you start to realize most of it is nonsense and a game people play because they want to feel important, or think they are. I don't really care what the human race thinks, says or does anymore and happier for it.

    Love the game and having a ball.
  • marty83
    People are more likely to complain about things they don't like than to praise the things they do. For every one that praises the game there are probably 5 more who love the game just don't say anything. So that's why there are more negative posts than positive ones
  • byghostlightrwb17_ESO
    its 2014 everyone thinks they are an armchair expert on everything from games, books, tv, movies. Most of the complainers dont really care, they are just hiding in the anonymity that the internet allows. Others think it is cool to hate. Or to quote The Dark Knight "some men just want to watch the world burn". Some people just want to throw hate into the mix for their sad entertainment. Some have just lost touch with reality and think all the teething issues with this game is karmic payback because they are demanding a subscription fee or some such sillyness

    Im not saying their arent things wrong with the game, just some people in 2014 have lost touch with a little thing called constructed feedback, compassion and manners with regards to the devs and fellow gamers.
  • seano509b14a_ESO
    its 2014 everyone thinks they are an armchair expert on everything from games, books, tv, movies. Most of the complainers dont really care, they are just hiding in the anonymity that the internet allows. Others think it is cool to hate. Or to quote The Dark Knight "some men just want to watch the world burn". Some people just want to throw hate into the mix for their sad entertainment. Some have just lost touch with reality and think all the teething issues with this game is karmic payback because they are demanding a subscription fee or some such sillyness

    Im not saying their arent things wrong with the game, just some people in 2014 have lost touch with a little thing called constructed feedback, compassion and manners with regards to the devs and fellow gamers.

    I must say that second part basically sums up the entire younger generation nowadays. Its pretty sad to see kids turning out to be narcissistic :/
    -In thy name of Akatosh!-
  • Ozgul
    Soul Shriven
    First of all great game keep up the good work hope everything goes as planned and even better.Now for the topic you see first to introduce myself I have played if not all then most MMOs since 2006.Since then stopped playying single player games that includes the elder scrolls.So I bought this game cause I have a tradition to buy them all and cause it is a mmo , thus I have no idea about elder scrolls lore story so on.And from a game mechanics and the way this game is made and drawn I must say keep up the good work!The first time I netered beta from cure account I was like playing an hour or so and had work and went off the pc and on the way in my car was commenting with other mates my ultra early expressions and I was I don't like something about this game but I can't tell what exactly.So after I started playing it again I thougt thecharacter animation was sluppy not the world and after I started playing it again I was so hooked oh boy!Like a schoolgirl on her first crush and so nervous like again a schoolgil on her exam :) basicly what I am saying is that if you look into the game mechanics and gameplay you will see many unique stuff and having that in mind you need to approach the game like something compleatly new not like the other wow copies which btw isnt true since wow copies all :D the thing with wow is just that blizz or more correctly the companies which won the projects to do em polished them not only as source and performance but with game designh and secrificed graphics for performance.Anyway when wow started and there was nothing else to play exept Lineage and few more including Warhammer which is currently dead since last year :( And here comes the big diffrence it's what people wanted back then.And they wanted pve warhammer was the pure perfect pvp game and died no one payed for it insted went to wow where there werent even battlegrounds at that time and not only that but huge lag spikes and night with no log in and so on but people still continued to support them to the point they did someting very good and now geeedy and confident they aren't even giving 10% of what they can insted double charge peaople.So that's another topic basicly wanted to say someting more about me and I don't just play games I let's say strip em and see how things work iconimicaly and compared to the community.So the idea is that this is a fresh start a great mmo in my opinion and if people are patient and let Zinemax fix their bugs support them and hopefuly they will close the shop since there are taxes this can be a great mmo in all the ways not only as pvp or pve but econimicaly and a nice expirience if you dive into it's story.I know no one wants their bank to be emptyed and people are like "all my staff was there! " But I say what stuff you invested only 3-4 days of game time in this it's not like it is the end of the world not like other veteran mmos will say runes of magic (dont want to say wow again) and yeah have patience they gave us the game early this year and are working a lot to smooth all things so all we need to do is give em time and meanwhile enjoying the game :)
  • Thybrinena
    There will always be people who have problems during the inital weeks of an MMO launch but experience shows that there will always be those who complain and whinge and determine that anybody who stays positive through it all is a fan boy.

    This game is far from perfect but it is the perfect distraction for me. I come home from work, turn on the PC and I look forward to getting ingame. What more could I want from this game. At $15 a month I'm sure it will improve as time goes by but at $15 a month I'm sure most of the ahters (at least the bright ones) will leave for pastures new. For me this is a win win situation. Roll on the end of the free month :)
  • spawn10459
    This games launch is doing very well. and the game is awesome. But its not with out its faults.

    Exploits in PVP allow 2 people to take any keep when ever they want.
    unbalanced PVP servers ( factions)
    hundreds of bugged quests ( this is a game changer for some people)
    hundreds of random bugs regarding random crap ( this is a game changer for some people)
    Instances are bugged
    still randomly getting dismounted for no reason

    My personal gripes are

    EXP is crazy low for questing. Leveling is just out right to slow.
    Respec costs are WAY to high
    Its really easy to screw up your character early into the game
    0 dev interaction on the forums ( sorry to say it but these guys need to take a page from Gaz over at Marvel Heroes. The Devs are on the forums every day)
    Class's are way to shallow with not enough skills
    Same goes for weapons
    not enough classes
  • SexyVette07
    If people think that launch was bad, its a good thing they didnt play the beta. It was FUBAR up until just a week before early access.
  • Dunhilda
    Honn wrote: »
    Lots of launch issues.
    The rest of them are WOW trolls tbh. The Twitch streams are full of them.

    I've not see one WoW troll in game EU, been some mentions about wow but not comparing, you got to remember this simple fact wow has survived were others had failed so many MMO had came to remove WoW and failed, when people say that ESO is better they better say how it's better.

    I seen ESO trolls living in denial on a higher scale than WoW fanboy basing ESO.

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