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Why are people criticizing this game so much?

  • mutharex
    There is a difference between people being pissed off because they cannot play (for tech problems or account problems) and people whose posts are either crapping on the game (and the 'minus habens' that like it) or others that want this to be a wowclone and get angry because they aren't receiving the attention they crave. A BIG difference. personally, I am 45 with two small kids and I am used to see tantrums and know that you never obtain anything that way ;)
  • Pixie123
    Haters gonna hate ;p nah but seriously, i feel constructive critisims are a good thing, but yes there has been quite a bit os bashing on this game from ppl that have no clue and just hate hate hate. Bugs and stuff are normal for any mmo launch and are expected. Boicing concerns etc in forums is all good but like i said when its kept constructive. All those ppl going wah wah refund now i say ok bb :) this is a brilliamt game with amazing potential , is it having some teething problems? Yes ofc, but what game doesnt? It will settle down in a few months and tbh if you cant deal with bugs and stuff just dont play right now and play in a few months when the majority of the issues will be resolved :) simples
  • Shimond
    Most of the hate I've seen is by people that either haven't played the game and fear something new showing up (for whatever reason) or people that focus on one or two issues they either had or know someone that had (or in some cases completely fabricate) because they're negative people.

    I was reading this 'review' someone posted on reddit where all they did was focus on a couple negatives (namely inconsistencies with ignoring the starter islands as far as quest dialogue goes) and completely ignore all the positives of the game. That's the kind of stuff you see, people looking for a nit to pick.
  • Twistedmind
    Kolache wrote: »
    mutharex wrote: »
    Greydog wrote: »
    mutharex wrote: »
    Some as said are upset about the few launch issues, but there is a hard core block of wow fanboys that are upset because (GASP) this isn't wow....

    just ignore them, free month is over in 26 days....

    Careful what you wish for.

    Potential customers leaving is never a good thing for a companies bottom line.

    1) these people ALWAYS leave after 1 or 2 months
    . . .

    This is so true. You couldn't win them back even if you wanted to.

    We could ... but that would not be legal..
    Egypt and Antarctica kills off more investigators each year than cancer does.
    Old Call of Cthulhu fact.
  • Audigy
    A lot is inexperience and miss communication.

    For many players TESO is their first MMO or they just know World of Warcraft. Because of this a simple downtime, a simple bug can annoy them - even though WOW is full of bugs still - after more than 10 years.

    Besides that, if you play wow and only wow and its clones then you have a very strange opinion about how MMO`s should work. They should work as a dungeon crawler, where you don't have to level a char up but spam a mouse button to enter the same dungeons all the time.
    Many people don't realize that an MMO also has a world outside of town, quest´s, story´s to explore.

    But its not all the fault of the players, some things ZO and the retailers did wrong. It cant be that retailers blame ZO, while ZO blames the retailers and this for now almost a week. It looks unprofessional to your customer, no matter from which perspective. These companies should talk to each other and not through their customers.

    I think the guys at ZO are trying really hard, but you see their inexperience with MMO games at times, also the choice of retailers might have been not the best if we look at G2A and some others who are now back stapping ZO, by sending all their customers to the ZO support instead of their own.

    Sure ZO has the codes, but this is just ridiculous from the retailers, but many people fall for it and their anger and hate rises.
  • Alyrn_Grey
    It is what people do with every single MMO out there. They post like mad because the game doesn't do X, or Y, or Z and they rush to the level cap then whinge about how horrible the game is. They also complain because the game doesn't play exactly the way they personally want it to.

    This happens at every single MMO launch. It is always like a swarm of little children having a temper tantrum.
  • Pelerin2014
    Not everyone likes the balance of TES and MMO gameplay, which is fair enough - I also think the hype behind the game led to many people having big expectations.
    Pelarius, Imperial Dragonknight of the Aldmeri Dominion.
  • Vikova
    Some TES players that had no idea what an MMO was all about and didn't know what they were getting themselves into.

    Some MMO players that didn't know what TES was all about and didn't know what they were getting themselves into.

    Others that are just looking for things to hate about a high-profile launch.
  • Rotherhans
    Many people wanted Skyrim 2 and all they got is an MMO with typical MMO problems.
    This includes the sometimes clunky animations due to the lengthy development process, which didn´t seem to have a good influence on the game´s engine or its database backbone(see banking bug etc. :( ).

    Also don´t make the very common error of confusing valid criticism with "hating on".
    Edited by Rotherhans on April 8, 2014 1:13PM
    “I'm not going out of my way looking for devils;
    but I wouldn't step out of my path to let one go by.”― Robert E. Howard
  • Vikova
    Not everyone likes the balance of TES and MMO gameplay, which is fair enough - I also think the hype behind the game led to many people having big expectations.

    In my experience, hype these days is less about high expectations with MMO players - it is more about looking for a way to attack what is hyped. To not be one of the excited ones, to not be that sucker that enjoys the new game, to make sure you stay a knowledgeable and cynical MMO player.

    There are less people I run into that go "oh, this is going to be awesome" than people that go "oh, look at all these losers hyping this new game. Who do they think they are?" Then they attack it.
  • Taaltos
    I personally LOVE the game. But, what I'm criticizing and quite pissed about, are the amount of bugs that we found in the betas, that weren't fixed for launch. I'm not talking about a week before launch, but some of the first beta's back in November. These bugs should have been fixed instead of glossed over.

    The Prison Starting area used to be a multiplayer area, there were issues with Quest NPC's (The Prophet being one) getting stuck because of ZOS's layer technology, and it seems that their fix, was to make it a single player area.

    On top of that, there are still a multitude of the same bug type concerning quests. NPC's not spawning or getting stuck in a bugged phase.

    At launch, you should at least have your Questing/Phasing system polished enough to NOT block progress.

    The last patch was supposed to fix 'Unsafe Haven' it did not. I spent over 2-3 hours logging in and out until I got a working phase.

    For some reason, people think you need to hide under the stairs and wait for stuff to happen in the room on the right. WRONG! If it's working, the damn quests starts as soon as you ENTER the fighters guild.

    That's why the criticism.

    It's lore core is amazing, it looks amazing, but there are broken core features that block progress.

    A pretty game with great story doesn't cut it when you can't get through the story because you have to close and open a book hoping ripped out chapter 4 will magically appear.
  • mutharex
    The game is what? 4 days old? c'mon...
  • tallenn
    On the contrary, people who actually hate the game just leave. People who love it, but see potential issues that could make it a long term success make well thought out constructive criticism about what they feel could make it better. If they didn't care, they wouldn't bother posting anything.
  • Killum
    Osi wrote: »
    You can tell you have a WoW fanatic when they call their character a "toon."

    This isn't a cartoon, your character doesn't have giant floppy ears, and there is no Acme company.

    Cartoons are drawn or rendered characters. I have used the term 'Toon' for my characters since I played Starwars Galaxies and I have never played WoW (Except for 10mins on a free trial)

    Some 'Toons' are crude and simplistic like in WoW and the upcoming EQN/L.
    Others are highly detailed and realistic like those in ESO and the now defunct Vanguard. They are all still 'Toons' to me regardless of artistic style.
  • Evelyn_Nightingale
    WhiteQueen wrote: »
    And finally, some of them were in closed beta and some of them were in open beta and most of the bugs that they reported are still in the game.

    Resources are limited, and man-hours are one of the resources a company has to think about. The company has to prioritize bugs and also take into account how long it will take to fix said bugs. The company will want to fix major bugs first, and how long a bug will take to fix will also play a factor.

    The amount of skill it takes to fix a bug will also determine which developer it gets assigned to. The stronger developers take on the more complex or crucial bugs while the less experienced take the rest.

    The developers probably aren't only working during the down time. They are doing their best to iron out the bugs in the game they created. Some bugs that a user may run into could be very difficult and take weeks to figure out how it happened and how to fix it. A fix to a bug is not always straightforward.
    Edited by Evelyn_Nightingale on April 8, 2014 1:44PM
    Ebonheart Pact :: Nord Dragon Knight :: Blacksmith
  • Shimond
    tallenn wrote: »
    On the contrary, people who actually hate the game just leave. People who love it, but see potential issues that could make it a long term success make well thought out constructive criticism about what they feel could make it better. If they didn't care, they wouldn't bother posting anything.

    That's being rather optimistic. There are plenty of people that are just 'bored' enough to play for the free month who will rant about whatever it is that annoys them until they finally go away. Call them trolls or whatever, they do exist. Not to mention most of the criticism I've seen is a pretty far cry from constructive (there's one large thread on this forum that talks about UI quality of life issues being something that will kill this game if not implemented - that kind of exaggeration isn't what I'd consider constructive).
  • Taaltos
    Shimond wrote: »
    tallenn wrote: »
    On the contrary, people who actually hate the game just leave. People who love it, but see potential issues that could make it a long term success make well thought out constructive criticism about what they feel could make it better. If they didn't care, they wouldn't bother posting anything.

    That's being rather optimistic. There are plenty of people that are just 'bored' enough to play for the free month who will rant about whatever it is that annoys them until they finally go away. Call them trolls or whatever, they do exist. Not to mention most of the criticism I've seen is a pretty far cry from constructive (there's one large thread on this forum that talks about UI quality of life issues being something that will kill this game if not implemented - that kind of exaggeration isn't what I'd consider constructive).

    There's the giant Name Plate thread too. xD
  • mutharex
    Taaltos wrote: »
    Shimond wrote: »
    tallenn wrote: »
    On the contrary, people who actually hate the game just leave. People who love it, but see potential issues that could make it a long term success make well thought out constructive criticism about what they feel could make it better. If they didn't care, they wouldn't bother posting anything.

    That's being rather optimistic. There are plenty of people that are just 'bored' enough to play for the free month who will rant about whatever it is that annoys them until they finally go away. Call them trolls or whatever, they do exist. Not to mention most of the criticism I've seen is a pretty far cry from constructive (there's one large thread on this forum that talks about UI quality of life issues being something that will kill this game if not implemented - that kind of exaggeration isn't what I'd consider constructive).

    There's the giant Name Plate thread too. xD

    The one that says that without name tags and chat bubbles this game is going to die? yeah good example of what we are talking about....
  • kitsinni
    Research shows people will use the internet to complain far more often than to priase something. People are far more likely to not comment on something they think is fantastic than to complain about something they don't like.
  • Vikova
    kitsinni wrote: »
    Research shows people will use the internet to complain far more often than to priase something. People are far more likely to not comment on something they think is fantastic than to complain about something they don't like.

    It all comes down to anonymity allowing people to let their solipsism show.
  • SinBad
    Myrmidons, my brothers of the sword. I'd rather fight beside you than any army of thousands. Let no man forget how menacing we are, we are lions! Do you know what's there, waiting, beyond that beach? Immortality!Take it, it's yours!
  • digibluez
    the fanboy are you, if you are blind to see all the bugs and errors, with the game. I was expecting a lot of better from bethesda with such a big name like Elder Scrolls.
  • Vikova
    SinBad wrote: »
    Edited by Vikova on April 8, 2014 2:50PM
  • Surragard
    It's just after launch. People will always be disappointed that a particular feature isn't ready yet, or bugs and the like. Typically it takes most MMO's about 6 months to smooth out the kinks so keep that in mind.

    You also just have plain trolls who are enjoying getting you worked up. People blame WoW and claim that all the trolls are old WoW players but that's also trolling itself lol. We have plenty of old WoW players in our guild and they're not jerks.

    Also, unique to ESO you have a group of people who love ES SPRPG's and can't get over the fact that this is an MMO. They're complaining about common MMO features and the like because they don't like that this is an MMO. I don't know what can be done about this crowd other than to try to welcome them into the game and hope for the best. Lots of them will probably drop out once the included sub is finished or a month or two after.
    I don't always drink Skooma, but when I do I go to the Southwall Corner Club. May you walk on warm sands my friends.
  • beriiel
    From what I've seen in /zone, some people didn't take the time to read about the game and thought it was open pvp.

    A lot of people assumed it would be f2p and are only going to play their 30 days. I assume they are either on a budget or non working college age who can't swing 15 a month.

    Another group hates questing and haven't listened to one story line quest and have no idea what's going on and are bored.

    And . . . there's another group that really haven't quite figured out how to play (which is fine) and are frustrated.

    There's another group that can't find the quests and aren't exploring enough and are frustrated that they are under level.

    A lot of people come from other games and are addicted so they're looking for the one that will hook them and feed the addiction. Some will stay and some won't.

    It'll level out once the free days are over and we'll have a better idea who and how many are actually here to stay.

    As for me, I've only encountered one bug and that's the BC dungeon and am over level for the quests I'm doing. I also have played MMOs long enough to know launch is bumpy for the first few months.

    I'm having a blast at least.
  • Pretext
    MMO launches, criticism follows every time.
  • Eris
    I just dont understand why there is so many people hating on this game so much.

    For some reason people on the net these days feel the need to bash things if it's not exactly what they want. It doesn't matter, game, movie, tv show, book, artist, whatever, they just feel the need to express negative opinions.


    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • kitsinni
    Personally I am very surprised how much I enjoy the game. I enjoy it far more than I expected after playing the betas. As far as bugs/poor launch this game has had one of the smoothest MMO launches I have seen in the last 10 years I have been playing them.
  • Splattzilla
    People gonna hate...

    From my experience of the game so far (a whole two hours in the jail). The game is just phenomenal. I'm absolutely loving the combat and all the abilities that are available to my class (Templar). The world is absolutely beautiful.
    Edited by Splattzilla on April 8, 2014 3:58PM
    To succeed you must do the things that you think you cannot.
  • S1D3FX
    I just dont understand why there is so many people hating on this game so much.

    Anytime you have a game, movie, TV show...ANYTHING that creates a following, there is going to be opposition to change. People came into ESO with assumptions and expectations that there would be a myriad of similarities to the games of past, and when those don't line up, you get unhappy people.

    Just gotta give it time IMO. The game really is great. Just have to be a little open minded. It's not Morrowind, it's not Oblivion, it's not Skyrim. It's ESO.

    EDIT: "not" Skyrim.
    Edited by S1D3FX on April 9, 2014 12:43AM
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