Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

Why are people criticizing this game so much?

  • Nooblet
    There are a lot of bugs.... however

    The game starts a bit slow? Not sure the best way to describe it but around 10 it starts sinking in how much fun it is... and that feeling keeps going though 50 and even increases.

    It has far exceeded my expectations.

    There is a lot to fix and smooth out though, but I'll certainly stick around to let them fix it
  • Oruh
    Soul Shriven
    I'll say this this; do not think it's beyond any MMO company out there, with a lot of cash going out the door anytime a new MMO is released, to pay people minimum wage to troll new releases and purport and inflame any arisen problems to the benefit of retaining their own customers.

    Pro like Co - intel.
  • Leeta
    Osi wrote: »
    You can tell you have a WoW fanatic when they call their character a "toon."

    This isn't a cartoon, your character doesn't have giant floppy ears, and there is no Acme company.

    Lol not true, ive never played wow but eq2 for 9 years and call my char a toon :) i love this game, not sure why people hate on it. it feels like the old days when mmo's actually were hard to play and not have everything given to you.
  • Gohlar
    Leeta wrote: »
    Osi wrote: »
    You can tell you have a WoW fanatic when they call their character a "toon."

    This isn't a cartoon, your character doesn't have giant floppy ears, and there is no Acme company.

    Lol not true, ive never played wow but eq2 for 9 years and call my char a toon :) i love this game, not sure why people hate on it. it feels like the old days when mmo's actually were hard to play and not have everything given to you.

    Uh, it's a low difficulty game centered around solo questing. It does it well, but this is a beginner level mmo.
  • Oruh
    Soul Shriven
    Gohlar wrote: »
    Uh, it's a low difficulty game centered around solo questing. It does it well, but this is a beginner level mmo.

    So out of curiosity, what do you consider not a "beginner level" mmo?

  • Taaltos
    Oruh wrote: »
    Gohlar wrote: »
    Uh, it's a low difficulty game centered around solo questing. It does it well, but this is a beginner level mmo.

    So out of curiosity, what do you consider not a "beginner level" mmo?

    Everquest II.
  • drkeys143
    Ive played a few MMOs before (even tried WOW but didnt care for it), and for me this is a really superior game in all respects, it has issues, but there are far more positives to concentrate on, they dont bother me. The only thing that frustrates me is log in issues, and yes i have moaned about that on occasion, but only because it is borne out of disappointment at not being able to play this game for every single minute I can spare (which in the week isnt that much!), and I have never felt that strongly with any other game, not even in the "honeymoon period", so that says something for the attraction of ESO. I will certainly continue to give this game my support :D
  • Gohlar
    Oruh wrote: »
    Gohlar wrote: »
    Uh, it's a low difficulty game centered around solo questing. It does it well, but this is a beginner level mmo.

    So out of curiosity, what do you consider not a "beginner level" mmo?


    UO, EQ, Eve, few more older ones. Since WoW we just get games where the bar is set low. ESO is no different. In some ways it's even more beginner oriented than WoW due to it's heavy solo focus (ESO goes to far as to discourage grouping with the removal of exp from group content). There's no meaningful penalty for death, travel is easy, monster agro is very forgiving both in terms of distance and reset time. It's made for people who don't like challenge. I'm not insulting the game, this is how it''s done now as it brings in more players.

    I just think it's funny to see people pretend it's hard. I do question the staying power of such design, but it's working for WoW, no reason it can't work here too. The combat in ESO is better I think so that will help. I find myself getting bored steamrolling these easy quests though.
    Edited by Gohlar on April 8, 2014 6:36PM
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    Osi wrote: »
    You can tell you have a WoW fanatic when they call their character a "toon."

    This isn't a cartoon, your character doesn't have giant floppy ears, and there is no Acme company.

    Calling characters "toons" started way back in the 1980's .... LOOOOOOONG before WoW was even a twinkle in the eyes of UO and EQ.

    It started in an RPG , funnily enough called Toon, made in 1984.


    You can tell you have a WoW fanatic when they think all the phrases people use started there.
  • Elember
    I just dont understand why there is so many people hating on this game so much.

    I honestly think they could have done better. The game is fun but really there is nothing in it that is what you might call innovative or new to the MMO genre.

    One thing they did get right is that the game is/can be challenging and that is refreshing for MMO's now days as developers seem to be afraid of any sort of real challenge in their games because it might hurt sales. What they don't realize is that if there is no challenge then the fun wears off very quickly and you are left with what I call a "shelf game" you shelve it and move on to something that has more challenge.

    Thankfully ESO is fairly challenging especially boss quests when you try to do them solo.

  • WyeVxndzz
    Osi wrote: »
    You can tell you have a WoW fanatic when they call their character a "toon."

    This isn't a cartoon, your character doesn't have giant floppy ears, and there is no Acme company.

    No, you can tell someone who plays WoW also, like me, and finds "character" too long and pretentious to type out all the time. I hate the look of "char" as an abbreviation.
    «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥»
    When you're feeling under pressure, do something different. Roll up your sleeves, or eat an orange.
    Be on the look out for things that make you laugh. If you see nothing worth laughing at, pretend you see it, then laugh.
  • Taaltos
    WyeVxndzz wrote: »
    Osi wrote: »
    You can tell you have a WoW fanatic when they call their character a "toon."

    This isn't a cartoon, your character doesn't have giant floppy ears, and there is no Acme company.

    No, you can tell someone who plays WoW also, like me, and finds "character" too long and pretentious to type out all the time. I hate the look of "char" as an abbreviation.

    Char are in Guild Wars!

  • WyeVxndzz
    WhiteQueen wrote: »
    @Moyana wrote: »
    I'm not entirely sure. Anyone who has played MMO's in the last few years knows that very few (if any) launches are foolproof and work right off the bat. TESO is no different, sure they are patching during playtime, but what MMO hasn't, if it needs to be done, it needs to be done, and i'd rather the game go down for some time to fix the issues, than be stuck with them.

    I think a lot of it may come from (as people mentioned) trolls from other games, who have little better to do than slate the latest game to join the MMO community, pretty sad if you ask me.

    That being said, I also think quite a bit of it is coming from people who think that re-coding and patching can be done with a click of the fingers, and don't realise that changing a single line, hell, even a single digit or even placing a "," or "." can completely break another line of code and your game. Coding is difficult, laborious and takes a lot of time and effort, and I have nothing but respect for those coding patches and fixes into the game.

    To those working on the game - Keep it up, ignore the trolls and whiners and (for lack of a better word) children who demand blood at the slightest issue and mishap, know that there are some of us who know the pain you are going through and fully support you.
    @AlienSlof wrote: »
    Don't understand it either, but that is the human nature - always finding something to be negative about, rather than focus on the positives. Personally, I'm having a blast with this game, poking into every nook and cranny for treasure and materials, enjoying the lush, detailed landscapes and not rushing to level my guy up - I like to take my sweet time in games.

    Sure, there are things I don't care for so much, or things I would like to change a bit (like retexturing the horses!), but I don't whine about them. Each to their own, and the more choices and possibilities, the better.

    Well, here's the thing, see. Some of those people "whining" haven't been able to play the game at all. some of them manage to log in and are immediately booted. Some of them are appalled that the pre-authorisation on their credit cards are anything from 15$ to amounts in multiples of that. Some of those pre-authorisations have still not been refunded after several days. Some of them have broken launchers. Some of them haven't gotten their game codes yet, four days after official launch. Some of them had their games broken by hastily coded patches. Some of them have had their prime times wrecked (and will continue to be wrecked for the forseeable) by scheduled maintenance.

    And finally, some of them were in closed beta and some of them were in open beta and most of the bugs that they reported are still in the game.

    So just because your experiences were relatively acceptable doesn't mean other people's were. When you say focus on the positive please be sure that these people who you're complaining about have actually experienced the positives, because, newsflash, a lot of them haven't.

    Yes and but still also: that's if you believe those vociferous complainers.
    Some of them.. it's really easy to see how they create their own problems (here and IRL). Some of them are claiming no log in, no password, no account - and yet they're HERE. Some of them are just beyond belief.
    I'm just not convinced that all the complaints are authentic because they go from zero to "OMG THIS AFFECTS MY LIFE I'M CANCELING MY SUBSCRIPTION AND MILLIONS WILL BE INCONVENIENCED" in a millisecond.
    Edited by WyeVxndzz on April 8, 2014 6:59PM
    «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥»
    When you're feeling under pressure, do something different. Roll up your sleeves, or eat an orange.
    Be on the look out for things that make you laugh. If you see nothing worth laughing at, pretend you see it, then laugh.
  • Harakh
    For me i like it but i hate that

    Maintenance is in primtime EU and that it always a 3hour downtime
    It takes me 30 Min to enter Cyrodiil on Dawnbreaker EU after serveral tries
    No good communication from the CM.
    Eternal Loadingscreens
    Die Welt in einem Sandkorn sehen
    Und den Himmel in einer wilden Blume;
    Die Unendlichkeit in der Handfläche halten
    Und die Ewigkeit in einer Stunde.
  • mutharex
    Harakh wrote: »
    For me i like it but i hate that

    Maintenance is in primtime EU and that it always a 3hour downtime
    It takes me 30 Min to enter Cyrodiil on Dawnbreaker EU after serveral tries
    No good communication from the CM.
    Eternal Loadingscreens

    Would you quit over that, in a 4 days old MMO? Or make pages full of threats? I doubt it
  • Harakh
    No but it enrages me that even the support cannot help when i want to play my way in PvP and cannot enter the campaign. The same error they had in Beta so they had much time to fix it and nothing happend, this should not happen in a subscrition game. Will i quit? No but if they dont fix it after 30 days then i will not give more money to people that do not fix things. At the moment i have a 40 Min loadingscreen for cyrodiil that is no fun.
    Edited by Harakh on April 8, 2014 7:15PM
    Die Welt in einem Sandkorn sehen
    Und den Himmel in einer wilden Blume;
    Die Unendlichkeit in der Handfläche halten
    Und die Ewigkeit in einer Stunde.
  • MaxBat
    zaria wrote: »
    AlienSlof wrote: »
    ^ This ^

    After the first free month, the haters will be thinned out as they move onto another game.
    Still not understand why anybody would buy an game they don't like?
    Understand it during beta, lots of people would try and find they did not like it however why not try the game in the beta before you buy.

    The other type of people complaining is the ones who have an special issue they don't like in an else excellent game, magic in Skyrim is an good example.

    Finaly you have people complaining about bugs, from serious to petty ones.

    Agreed, but I've bought a couple of games that I thought would be spectacular based upon dev videos and promotions. Rome Total War II comes right to mind. Talk about a frustrating experience and what I believe, to this day, was a freakin waste of money.

    Some people didn't think through what they were getting into: some thought they thought TES solo would be ported to a multiplayer engine, without any change. Sure, it was naive, but it's not like there's a demo to test, is there?

    At the opposite end of the spectrum: why do people claim the game is perfect? If it was perfect, there wouldn't have been that long list of quest bug fixes in the last patch, eh? If the game wasn't broken - as it most surely was and why wasn't this caught in the three or four BETA tests? - why did they fix it?

    So, yeah, some people are annoying haters who leave in a few months (and I'll be thrilled to see them go); some have legitimate gripes. I'll be equally happy when the love-crazed teenage fanboys find something else to obsess over.

    "Funny that magic doesn't work when a mace caves in your skull."

    Playing on a PC, NA Server, since that very first day ...
  • mutharex
    I don't think anyone said the game is perfect or has no problem bugs. Haven't really seen "fanbois" comments either
  • MaxBat
    mutharex wrote: »
    I don't think anyone said the game is perfect or has no problem bugs. Haven't really seen "fanbois" comments either

    Look harder. :)

    "Funny that magic doesn't work when a mace caves in your skull."

    Playing on a PC, NA Server, since that very first day ...
  • nerevarine1138
    Harakh wrote: »
    No but it enrages me that even the support cannot help when i want to play my way in PvP and cannot enter the campaign. The same error they had in Beta so they had much time to fix it and nothing happend, this should not happen in a subscrition game. Will i quit? No but if they dont fix it after 30 days then i will not give more money to people that do not fix things. At the moment i have a 40 Min loadingscreen for cyrodiil that is no fun.

    Well, since that isn't occurring for most players, I'd probably start checking your connection.
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    I just dont understand why there is so many people hating on this game so much.
    People wanted wow clone #369 and it was actually an originally thought out mmo.
  • Gohlar
    MaxBat wrote: »
    mutharex wrote: »
    I don't think anyone said the game is perfect or has no problem bugs. Haven't really seen "fanbois" comments either

    Look harder. :)
    Harakh wrote: »
    No but it enrages me that even the support cannot help when i want to play my way in PvP and cannot enter the campaign. The same error they had in Beta so they had much time to fix it and nothing happend, this should not happen in a subscrition game. Will i quit? No but if they dont fix it after 30 days then i will not give more money to people that do not fix things. At the moment i have a 40 Min loadingscreen for cyrodiil that is no fun.

    Well, since that isn't occurring for most players, I'd probably start checking your connection.
    I just dont understand why there is so many people hating on this game so much.
    People wanted wow clone #369 and it was actually an originally thought out mmo.

    Well, that didn't take long.
  • Vikova
    People feel comfortable raging from anonymity and feeling entitled. Are there some valid complaints? Sure. But they are always lost in the sea of false righteous indignation and solipsism. And still others merely were waiting for things to complain about, the same way people will automatically hate any hyped or well-known book/film/music/etc. People value their cynicism and their pet favorites more than anything else.

    Edit: It is also easy to forget how brutal and sadistic MMO customers can be in general.
    Edited by Vikova on April 8, 2014 7:46PM
  • Kiwi
    KerinKor wrote: »
    I love how WOW-bashers take every opportunity to troll their hate.

    seems a lot of them dont even know wth theyre saying, just trying to be hipsters by spewing meta diatribe
    A large yellow rectangle
  • Harakh
    Harakh wrote: »
    No but it enrages me that even the support cannot help when i want to play my way in PvP and cannot enter the campaign. The same error they had in Beta so they had much time to fix it and nothing happend, this should not happen in a subscrition game. Will i quit? No but if they dont fix it after 30 days then i will not give more money to people that do not fix things. At the moment i have a 40 Min loadingscreen for cyrodiil that is no fun.

    Well, since that isn't occurring for most players, I'd probably start checking your connection.

    I think my connection is fine 50Mbit and the provider is the biggest in germany, and no problems in other games also MMO like GW2 or Planetside2.
    Edited by Harakh on April 8, 2014 7:56PM
    Die Welt in einem Sandkorn sehen
    Und den Himmel in einer wilden Blume;
    Die Unendlichkeit in der Handfläche halten
    Und die Ewigkeit in einer Stunde.
  • Gohlar
    Kiwi wrote: »
    KerinKor wrote: »
    I love how WOW-bashers take every opportunity to troll their hate.

    seems a lot of them dont even know wth theyre saying, just trying to be hipsters by spewing meta diatribe

    I've noticed this as well. I've been asking why 4 man dungeons don't give any exp, and multiple people have said "we don't want to be forced into grouping to level up like in WoW."

    Another good one was the guy asking to save his settings across multiple characters, he was told told to stop trying to turn the game into a WoW clone.

    This forum is hilarious.
    Edited by Gohlar on April 8, 2014 8:03PM
  • Distrobomb
    It's easier to ignore them when you are playing. Just saying.
    I survived the great ESO launch disaster 2014 B)
  • Alyrn_Grey
    mutharex wrote: »
    I don't think anyone said the game is perfect or has no problem bugs. Haven't really seen "fanbois" comments either

    Oh but if you refuse to join in the wailing chorus about how hideously horrible the game is [note it doesn't matter which game,] you are called an evil fanboy. ::rolls eyes::

    One doesn't have to think a game is perfect to find it enjoyable.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    This game got its fair share of problems , granted , not to everyone , but those who do get said problems or just dislike design calls will complain.

    I have my share of "problems" with this game , so yeah , i will complain when that is the subject.

    Still , i do like the game , but nothing really tells me i will be playing 2 months from now when my sub ends.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
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