Way of fire change looks great. We definitely should not be encouraging free "fire and forget" damage that repetitively procs with little to no input whatsoever from the user. With the long duration dots we have now as well as the buffed status effects, sets that proc in this manner can be very oppressive, and far too rewarding for how little input they require.
With the developer comment in mind, I would ask that you consider applying the same exact change to similar sets. Tarnished nightmare comes to mind as a big one, but I'm sure there are many others.
Yes they made the set completely useless what a great change.
Way of Fire was already in no way op, now its completely unusable on literally any build.
Yes they made the set completely useless what a great change.
Way of Fire was already in no way op, now its completely unusable on literally any build.
Please consider reducing the critical resist on Rallying Cry.
I like stat sets but this one causes too many stalemates.
IncultaWolf wrote: »Grave Lord's Sacrifice needs to buff class heals as well to make it worth using over blighted blastbones
silky_soft wrote: »Would of liked to see consuming darkness (nb shadow ulti) get something useful. I haven't used that ulti since the relaunch.
Could be awesome if it had 9k healing absorption debuff for 4s with the synergy activation.
Yes they made the set completely useless what a great change.
Way of Fire was already in no way op, now its completely unusable on literally any build.
xylena_lazarow wrote: »Then you gotta delete hots too.
Hey if you wanna also eliminate all the free heals, free shields, free defensive buffs... then we'll have an ESO that plays more like Smash than an ARPG, but maybe that would be cool? It would be a much different game, that's for sure. Procs and passive effects have been baked into the game since its inception.Everyone complains about the "tank/heal" meta, which in general is valid. But I would argue that the prevalence of "free" proc style damage only exacerbates the issue
(way of fire) it's a great pressure set even after this change.
xylena_lazarow wrote: »Then you gotta delete hots too.
YandereGirlfriend wrote: »
DOTs should definitely be reverted back to 10-seconds base. It remains a mystery as to why they were randomly doubled.
If you simply approach a keep that is defended you instantly get about 1000 seconds worth of single-target sticky DOTs appended to you. Each one with its own % chance to proc a status effect, Scribing debuff that must be tracked, etc. SO many AFK ticks multiplied by basically every player in Cyrodiil.
MincMincMinc wrote: »
Agreed, and they should not be stackable. So many unnecessary calcs linger in combat now adays because of goofy pve changes from half a decade ago.
Hots, dots, damage and healing procs should not be stackable. No reason I should be hit by 5 tarnished nightmares in a row. Many proc metas were ended by zos caving and finally adding a cooldown on the target. If a player wants to run a proc to bypass the gcd system and get free damage, the risk should be that someone else may have already run that proc. The same is already in the game for buffs and debuffs..... why should proc sets be treated differently?