Maintenance for the week of December 16:
• [COMPLETE] NA megaservers for patch maintenance – December 17, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• [COMPLETE] EU megaservers for patch maintenance – December 17, 9:00 UTC (4:00AM EST) - 17:00 UTC (12:00PM EST)

Booted from server - PCNA

  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Insanyti wrote: »
    Thank you for letting us know this is being investigated! (I honestly thought there would have been some starting, but no one to post and let us know lol. Thank your dog for me also, @ZOS_GinaBruno !) <3

    What's funny is I'm chatting with Kevin on the side who is also awake due to his cat waking him up. The pets are in cahoots tonight, it seems.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Djennku
    Insanyti wrote: »
    Thank you for letting us know this is being investigated! (I honestly thought there would have been some starting, but no one to post and let us know lol. Thank your dog for me also, @ZOS_GinaBruno !) <3

    What's funny is I'm chatting with Kevin on the side who is also awake due to his cat waking him up. The pets are in cahoots tonight, it seems.

    Really, truly appreciate you guys looking into this. Just wanted to mention that I'm having issues with PCEU as well. Haven't tried PTS yet, so not sure if it's affecting that too.
    @Djennku, PCNA.

    Grand Master crafter, all styles and all furnishing plans known pre U41.
    Vamp and WW bites available for players.
    Shoot me an in-game mail if you need anything, happy to help!
  • syberfut
    While the @ZOS_GinaBruno and @ZOS_Kevin are asleep, their pets are secretly playing ESO. When they got booted and couldn't log back in, they went to the source! >^.^<
  • Exodus5656
    Hi everyone, just wanted to confirm the team is investigating these issues which appear to be affecting all NA servers. Thanks!

    Gina to the rescue!!!
  • Ella_Mental
    What's funny is I'm chatting with Kevin on the side who is also awake due to his cat waking him up. The pets are in cahoots tonight, it seems.

    Lmao! The Dev Pets; they sensed our distress! :p
    @Ella_Mental [PCNA-Steam] - Ella_Mental on Discord - _Ella_Mental_ on Twitter/X
  • Exodus5656
    alienmz wrote: »
    Hi everyone, just wanted to confirm the team is investigating these issues which appear to be affecting all NA servers. Thanks!

    Sorry - but i think it's affecting PC EU too. I can't login into the game, after entering the password it says "Login Error. Login failed. Your username or password may be incorrect or inactive..."

    Login into my account managment using the "F - View Account" button is possible with the same password.

    This is actually what started for me. Then I clicked the eye so I could see what I was typing and everything was good..
    Then came the dreaded Q
    Then the boots
    now its just error codes

  • Ravenson
    Insanyti wrote: »
    What's funny is I'm chatting with Kevin on the side who is also awake due to his cat waking him up. The pets are in cahoots tonight, it seems.

    Lmao! The Dev Pets; they sensed our distress! :p

    A disturbance in the force...
  • Exodus5656
    I was able to make it in!! Just long enough to open the door of a mine XD
  • WolfStar07
    Yeah, I did manage to make it into my main account for pretty much as long as I'd been on the others- just enough time to grab mail and login rewards and load history. That was the important bit (losing writs, endeavors, and game time sucks too, but less immediately impactful), so now it's time for sleep. Hopefully this isn't another 24 hour downtime. I'm not trying to have a life away from the game.
  • shadyjane62
    I guess I'm in the "in crowd" , my dog Minnie woke me to go out and she usually waits till morning. Thought I would check in while I waited for her. Got into PCNA just now after trying PCEU. Took a few tries this time. Earlier couldn't get in to PCNA at all.
  • RawBrightSilver
    I'm getting the same 307 error: Booted from server.

  • GothGamerGirl369
    My black tuxedo cat never sleep.
    Luckily for her, neither do I. :naughty:
    ESO Platform/Region: PC/NA. ESO ID: @GothGamerGirl369
    CP: 666. Main character: Queen of the Crows (EP MagNB)
  • Exodus5656
    I have been in for about 30m with a steady ping 40-60.
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Exodus5656 wrote: »
    I have been in for about 30m with a steady ping 40-60.

    We’re starting to see some things stabilize on our end. But we are continuing to monitor.
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Exodus5656
    @ZOS _Kevin

    Thank you very much !!
  • shadyjane62
    Was just booted from server after things were supposed to be resolved. Tried 4 times. I was in PCNA for about 20 minutes and experienced extreme lag when trying to pick things up. Restarted client and still was booted from server.
  • TheNeckerCube
    In the past 10 minutes, I've been kicked off twice; still not stable for me.
    Skjall of Skellige
  • Tariq9898
    Not stable for me either. Got booted 3 times the past few mins. Xbox na
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Thank you both for flagging. We’ll pass that on to our teams working on this right now.
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Joarik
    Also got kicked after seeing the announcement that the issue is resolved. Happened within a couple minutes of successfully logging in.
  • LINCARD1000
    Logging in (well, trying to) from Oceania... not having much luck. Seems to be a different error every time. Client restarted, computer restarted, same issue. Occasionally get into a queue for a few seconds then booted out again.

    Either everyone is overloading the servers trying to get in, or something is still unresolved it seems.

    Have a friend who lives locally (as well as one in the US), both having exactly the same issues.
  • Orbital78
    I was slightly better for like 15 mins or so, long enough for me to do my endeavors and then kicked halfway through a Mirrormoor incursion.
  • Gerwulf67
    3:40 AM EST
    Booted several times and there is a queue when I try and log back in to the server. I was in Alik'r Desert doing surveys. Ping was 490 which is very unusual for me (usually 100 or less).

    3:47 AM EST
    Now unable to log in to game at all
    Edited by Gerwulf67 on December 14, 2024 8:47AM
  • Exodus5656
    Was just booted from server after things were supposed to be resolved. Tried 4 times. I was in PCNA for about 20 minutes and experienced extreme lag when trying to pick things up. Restarted client and still was booted from server.

    I just got kicked for picking up corn flower....

    Uncle Sheo is the only thing on my mind rn XD
  • Grega
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Thank you both for flagging. We’ll pass that on to our teams working on this right now.

    Yep. I was also just booted repeatedly on XBOX NA. Error 307, then several errors directing to, another 307, back in for about 5min, now booted repeatedly again.

    I’m going to sleep. I think. See ya in the AM.🙂
  • KnightofGears
    Just got kicked three times in 30 minutes... managed to turn in crafting dailies but no more than that so far. Logging in on NA from europe.
  • bladenick
    It able to log in,,, but still ping spike...and unplayable
  • bladenick
    Kick out by error 318
  • runa_gate
    just now booted from PC/NA at 3:47 AM EST, and was able to log back in after a brief queue message
  • shadyjane62
    This time when I was booted I didn't get a message , just a blank background shot of Gold Road.
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