Maintenance for the week of December 16:
• [COMPLETE] NA megaservers for patch maintenance – December 17, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• [COMPLETE] EU megaservers for patch maintenance – December 17, 9:00 UTC (4:00AM EST) - 17:00 UTC (12:00PM EST)

Booted from server - PCNA

  • Joyousone
    Soul Shriven
    Yes. First had a 1.5 minute que. Got on, got booted. Then tried to log again and got a 4 HOUR wait que. *sigh* very busy server PC/NA
  • Exodus5656
    Error 103 seems to be the only error I have gotten to pop up.
  • bladenick
    it ture. get booted 3 time with in 5 mins..
  • ArgentAegis
    PC/NA Same issue.

    Log on.
    Get into queue for maybe a minute or two.
    Got to selection screen
    Get into the game.
    Able to play for maybe 5 to 8 minutes.
    Get booted back to login screen.

    Thankfully I am not stuck in the typical "Booted to Lobby" wait of 10 minutes, but able to repeat the above multiple times. Did it four and decided it may be a good night to go to bed early and see what the morning brings.
  • gamerguy757
    Genuinely curious.
    Do they seriously have devs or IT at the servers 24/7? I mean it’s 1am over here on the east coast.
  • bladenick
    Genuinely curious.
    Do they seriously have devs or IT at the servers 24/7? I mean it’s 1am over here on the east coast.

    i suppose NO, the weekend ruined...
  • VastoPenguin
    still happening for me, got high ping spike to 999+, then settled then got booted about 10 minutes later. now cannot reconnect
  • f047ys3v3n
    I give up
    I am currently worried for the future of ESO. Population seems like it is in free fall and the cancellation of the North America in-person gathering feels very much like pulling the plug. Kudos on fixing the in-game economy though. Clearly whatever gold shenanigans were happening the last couple years are fixed.
  • wolfie1.0.
    i have gotten in 6/12 times. but have gotten booted each time
  • Acladeus
    Soul Shriven
    down again? getting this for the past 10 min now, PC/NA

    Edited by Acladeus on December 14, 2024 6:17AM
  • DragonRacer
    Tried one last time. Logged in. Traveled to Vivec. Mounted up and ran to bank. Clicked on banker. Not interactable.

    If you’re on a NA server, no matter the platform, sounds like - don’t bother. This is a lost cause tonight.
    PS5 NA. GM of The PTK's - a free trading guild (CP 500+). Also a werewolf, bites are free when they're available. PSN = DragonRacer13
  • Chamillex
    Same but on Xbox NA. Repeated boots. Every time I try to go into or out of vivec thieves guild. Repeated login failed after boot
  • Theignson
    Same here PC/NA
    Logged on, was in IC, went to Cyrodil, all factions 1 bar on a Friday night-- hmmm. Gated to Alessia, crashed
    2 GOs, an overlord and bunches of prefects etc-- all classes...I've wasted a lot of time in PVP
  • Chamillex
    Like we are missing out on at least 3 EU endeavours this month and dailies 2 because of all the outage and server issues. Not to mention all the writs I’m unable to do on either NA or EU
    Edited by Chamillex on December 14, 2024 6:18AM
  • SalamanNZ
    Booted and can't get back in. Lag was also bad
  • Ella_Mental
    My game crashed while in the load screen after teleporting to a guild member location (not sure it's related, because it's the 2nd time I've experienced this). Filled out crash report and tried to start game again but got:

    LOGIN ERROR: "An unexpected internal error has occurred. Please contact customer service at "

    Upon 2nd try I am now in the Login Queue for the first time over 1 sec (for me), at 4m originally but it adjusted down much quicker.
    Stayed at 1 second for a LONG while before getting Error 334 "Lost Lobby Connection" again. 3:1:1160:0 this time.
    Edited by Ella_Mental on December 14, 2024 6:23AM
    @Ella_Mental [PCNA-Steam] - Ella_Mental on Discord - _Ella_Mental_ on Twitter/X
  • CMz
    4 Accounts with 2 on NA and 2 on EU - can't get any to stay logged in more than a minute or two. It's not going to happen tonight.

    So I am a little confused about one part of this - power issues in a data center yet the EU Megaserver which was in an EU country if i recall correctly and the NA Megaserver which was in the US and yet one power outage took them all down. Are we now all located in one data center? Anyone here knowledgeable enough about server architecture to know if there has been some change and we are now co-located?
  • Desiato
    CMz wrote: »
    4 Accounts with 2 on NA and 2 on EU - can't get any to stay logged in more than a minute or two. It's not going to happen tonight.

    So I am a little confused about one part of this - power issues in a data center yet the EU Megaserver which was in an EU country if i recall correctly and the NA Megaserver which was in the US and yet one power outage took them all down. Are we now all located in one data center? Anyone here knowledgeable enough about server architecture to know if there has been some change and we are now co-located?

    @CMz The login server is hosted in NA, so if the NA data center goes down, players can't login to EU ESO servers.
    spending a year dead for tax reasons
  • Ella_Mental
    CMz wrote: »
    So I am a little confused about one part of this - power issues in a data center...

    The power outage affected the Texas location which houses the LOGIN server. So if you were already logged in on EU you could stay logged in, but leave the game or try to enter and there would be no login.
    @Ella_Mental [PCNA-Steam] - Ella_Mental on Discord - _Ella_Mental_ on Twitter/X
  • Orbital78
    CMz wrote: »
    So I am a little confused about one part of this - power issues in a data center yet the EU Megaserver which was in an EU country if i recall correctly and the NA Megaserver which was in the US and yet one power outage took them all down. Are we now all located in one data center? Anyone here knowledgeable enough about server architecture to know if there has been some change and we are now co-located?

    From what I understand they both just use "login servers" which are in the US. I think EU was fine yesterday, but you couldn't access it without the login server.

  • Atama
    Look, guys. I got a filled soul gem, just let the servers accept the resurrection.
  • JustRoxxy
    Also lost connection / booted. 🤬
    I’m in a dungeon. Probably dead now. In Western Australia.
    Happened 3 times so far
  • JustRoxxy
    4 times. What is going on now ??????
  • Ella_Mental
    Error 334 (3:1:1160:3) this time. (Hope I'm not considered spamming - trying to only post if there is any NEW information for reporting, I promise!)
    @Ella_Mental [PCNA-Steam] - Ella_Mental on Discord - _Ella_Mental_ on Twitter/X
  • ClericPro
    Disconnected, 10 times tried to connect, then 307 error.
  • Akino
    I was sending someone a message because I just received a gift after adding may handle at the Exchange Gift thread but then I got booted as I pressed confirm with Error 307 Booted from server. I hope they at least got my message, since I do not want to appear ungrateful towards the generous individual. Now every time I try to log back in my attempts are always met with either Error 301 or An unexpected error has occurred.
    Rectitude carried to excess hardens into stiffness; benevolence indulged beyond measure sinks into weakness.
    ※Masamune Date※
  • DreamyLu
    PC / NA : Can't login :/
    I'm out of my mind, feel free to leave a message... PC/NA
  • Sinlar
    Is broke again.

    Why Mazza-Mirri why...?
  • Sekkerhund
    Might as well make this the main issue thread, so going to reply here: Having the same Login issues that are being reported in this thread.

    Also, the zones are pretty much empty of players. I did get in for a few, about 30 minutes ago, got worried because there was no one else in Mournhold, but I eventually did see a couple of players running around. Otherwise it seemed that changing zones was working, so maybe something with the login/lobby server bridging is misconfigured?
  • Galawe
    Several guildies and I as well, starting a few minutes after 12AM EST on PC/NA.
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