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Anyone else worried about the Micro transactions that are looming?

  • gryffon2
    Very good point Left_Hand. It almost appears they are considering F2P already. Not that I have a problem with F2P, but it does make one wonder...
  • Froobert
    In all honesty, I bought Imperial Edition and I am not disappointed; but I don't know where your coming from because I only have to pay for myself.

    My opinion on the matter is this: The Imperial Edition was highly worth it, obtaining ALL the maps, a 1g horse and vanity pets makes people happy. (Myself included). I do hope they go F2P, which they probably will because of the problems we've been having already. I do hope they figure out what will happen soon before people start to leave.

    Froobert the Tank
    When In doubt, Bash it out! :)

    "Member of Noore"

  • mips_winnt
    I'm a bit concerned after seeing that we can "Purchase" a palomino horse.

    I guess I don't understand why any player would be concerned, IMHO:

    1. Buying said mount (or whatever other vanity items they choose to sell for cash) is optional, you don't have to buy it if you don't want it.
    2. Other players having said items in game doesn't affect your in game experience at all.
    3. The additional cash that is raised through such sales allows the company to invest in additional content development, infrastructure, patches, etc..,

    Have a GREAT Day!

  • Gohlar
    Remember when subs paid for the continued development of new content and something like this would have been considered ridiculous?

    The good old days.
  • Left_Hand
    mips_winnt wrote: »
    I'm a bit concerned after seeing that we can "Purchase" a palomino horse.

    I guess I don't understand why any player would be concerned, IMHO:

    3. The additional cash that is raised through such sales allows the company to invest in additional content development, infrastructure, patches, etc..,

    What is the sub for then? how did mo's manage for years before the ingame store fad?

    Having the store doesn't equal more investment in the game, just means more money for Zenimax.
  • Thete
    Gohlar wrote: »
    Remember when subs paid for the continued development of new content and something like this would have been considered ridiculous?

    The good old days.

    The days when the subscription fee was effectively double what it is now? Those good old days?

    Why not just pretend you're paying twice as much and put half in a pot for microtransactions, then you can go back to those heady days of yore.
  • Sarenia
    Thete wrote: »
    Gohlar wrote: »
    Remember when subs paid for the continued development of new content and something like this would have been considered ridiculous?

    The good old days.

    The days when the subscription fee was effectively double what it is now? Those good old days?

    Why not just pretend you're paying twice as much and put half in a pot for microtransactions, then you can go back to those heady days of yore.

    Server machines back in the Everquest 1 days were also a tad behind current MMO server clusters like EVE Online or ESO use in terms of maintenance, development, and hardware sophistication.

    I do think subs+game purchases for a moderately popular MMO should keep it afloat just fine, but businesses are looking to the future at all times. They want to set aside a fat nest egg for the development of their next big project, too.
    Edited by Sarenia on April 4, 2014 1:00PM
  • Gohlar
    Thete wrote: »
    The days when the subscription fee was effectively double what it is now? Those good old days?

    Why not just pretend you're paying twice as much and put half in a pot for microtransactions, then you can go back to those heady days of yore.

    Don't hurt yourself bending over backwards to defend the game.

    Do tell us about these $30 a month mmos. I was only paying 15, you got ripped off! EQ was 15, wasn't UO 15? Everything has been 15. What exactly are you talking about?

    Unless you're claiming 100% inflation since then...white knights say the funniest things.

    ESO is a very greedy game.
    Edited by Gohlar on April 4, 2014 1:08PM
  • Left_Hand
    Thete wrote: »
    Gohlar wrote: »
    Remember when subs paid for the continued development of new content and something like this would have been considered ridiculous?

    The good old days.

    The days when the subscription fee was effectively double what it is now? Those good old days?

    Why not just pretend you're paying twice as much and put half in a pot for microtransactions, then you can go back to those heady days of yore.

    WoW didnt cost nowhere near double the ESO sub fee and din't have a cash shop for years. Same with every other mmo i played since AO.

  • Thete
    Gohlar wrote: »
    Do tell us about these $30 a month mmos. I was only paying 15, you got ripped off! EQ was 15, wasn't UO 15? Everything has been 15. What exactly are you talking about?

    Unless you're claiming 100% inflation since then...white knights say the funniest things.

    ESO is a very greedy game.

    Yes, the last ten years has seen 100% inflation. When you start paying your own way in the world you will understand. Things I buy today which I also bought ten years ago cost twice as much: fuel, energy, bread, milk, beer, internet, etc. In fact everything apart from MMO subscriptions.

    I'm glad you've heard of inflation though, saves me having to go right back to basics with an explanation.
  • Gohlar
    Thete wrote: »
    Yes, the last ten years has seen 100% inflation. When you start paying your own way in the world you will understand. Things I buy today which I also bought ten years ago cost twice as much: fuel, energy, bread, milk, beer, internet, etc. In fact everything apart from MMO subscriptions.

    I'm glad you've heard of inflation though, saves me having to go right back to basics with an explanation.

    Check your economics son. I do pay my own way and I was back in 2004 too. I suspect you weren't. The fuel comment really gives it away, if you were an adult you would remember the ridiculous gas prices at the time. If you are paying twice as much for everything now as you were then, you need to find new places to shop.

    But yeah, what you just typed is utter nonsense, why bother?

    ESO is a kind of a money grubbing game. I'm sorry if this offends you. You can buy a potion of get over it on the store if you like.
    Edited by Gohlar on April 4, 2014 1:56PM
  • illogicbh
    I plan to have 12 horses

  • mips_winnt
    Left_Hand wrote: »

    What is the sub for then? how did mo's manage for years before the ingame store fad?
    They managed just fine albeit with:

    a.) Less investment in infrastructure and development then they would have otherwise been able to make with additional revenues from sales of vanity items.

    b.) Higher subscription and/or game prices than they would have otherwise been able to offer with additional revenues from sales of vanity items.

    c.) A combination of A and B.

  • drkeys143
    illogicbh wrote: »
    I plan to have 12 horses

    B) nice one lol

  • Gedalya
    There is nothing wrong with premium content. If you bought the Imperial Edition (IE) then you have horses available across your characters for 1 gold. Honestly if you have a problem with paying $5, $10, $15, or $20 on a vanity item or a mount then you have a problem with the IE bonus content.
    Baskin Robbins always finds out.

    Check out my ESO name generator: eso.tamriel.org
  • Cowgomoo
    The earlier the community can establish a line, the better. Companies seek more money and travel down more avenues to obtain it. It's their goal after all and I can't personally fault them for it.

    However, if we make it clear that items that go beyond mere vanity are acceptable, we will see the line get pushed further with more cash shop experiments. A prime example is that the horse could have just been a reskin for the price of 17k. Instead, people condone it and it will open up the path to future gold-based items sold for cash. For some, this isn't a problem. For others, it is a major turn off.
  • RubyTigress
    Paying a full month's subscription for a single mount-that's not a MICRO transaction, in my book.
  • Eris
    I'm surprised that an in-game store wasn't built into the game to start with. Lets face it, micro-transactions are a norm in the industry now, not an exception.
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • LoneWalker
    (or in my case 45 dollars a month as I pay for 3 accounts for myself my wife and my son).

    I just wanted to point out how fortunate you are sir! Playing with your family haha the girls i get always hate my gaming ><

    My feelings about this: As long as it's visual stuff that's fine with me, they really want to recover the money invested as fast as possible. By buying these "useless" stuff you're helping they reach that goal.
    Now if they begin selling advantages or buy to win *** then *** will get serious!
  • Gedalya
    Eris wrote: »
    I'm surprised that an in-game store wasn't built into the game to start with. Lets face it, micro-transactions are a norm in the industry now, not an exception.

    I agree completely; I actually checked the store early on to see if there was anything available. I can't wait for micro-transaction content; I know some people feel it could be abused but I find this to be a specious suggestion.
    Baskin Robbins always finds out.

    Check out my ESO name generator: eso.tamriel.org
  • Pretext
    Microtransactions could break TESO, and they are not going to make the game. TESO is already a fine game, a cash shop just puts a question mark on its future.
  • Gedalya
    Pretext wrote: »
    Microtransactions could break TESO, and they are not going to make the game. TESO is already a fine game, a cash shop just puts a question mark on its future.

    Unless they allow me to buy an island or a hold and title of Jarl in Skyrim maybe with a small army; I really don't see micro-transactions breaking TESO. In fact are there any games that have died because of micro-transactions?
    Baskin Robbins always finds out.

    Check out my ESO name generator: eso.tamriel.org
  • Pang
    As long as it stays vanity stuff and account services its fine. This is the MMO market in 2014.
  • Gedalya
    BTW, I am a Nigerian prince, I can assist with problems like this. My family has strong ties globally and is very influential.
    Baskin Robbins always finds out.

    Check out my ESO name generator: eso.tamriel.org
  • gimmethecreepsb14_ESO
    I don't mind it because they still allow you to get a horse without "paying" for it. As long as micro transactions never include combat items (super weapons, armor, potions that give buffs, etc.) I don't really mind what they put in their micro-transaction house.

    I also don't think how much revenue they generate is any of our business. I personally don't know how many million it cost them to develop this game, advertise it, pay the staff, distribution, etc. So I don't know how much actual profit comes from it. But you take a huge risk every time you release an MMO, so with huge risk should come huge reward. They pretty much gamble with millions to make these games. If you were to take your family's savings to Las Vegas, bet it on black on the roulette table, you'd actually statistically have a higher chance for success than a new MMO does in this market. So imagine if you had the balls (and the nerve) to do just that, and win at Vegas. should the pit-boss give you a portion of your money, and then distribute the rest to other people because "you don't need this much money anyway, you were fine without it before..." Or do you deserve the money you made for the gigantic risk you took?

    I see no problem in them finding any way possible to profit. That's the point of business. Being in business myself, I can appreciate that.

    Um recouping costs? dude if they had 1 million subs that would be between 60 and 80 million dollars.. for the initial purchase price.. That more than recoups costs... Hell even 200,000 Players at an average of 70 bucks would be 14 million... So that point is rather moot since we all know Elder scrolls will at least recoup its production cost easily

    Since you don't know anything about MMO production, I'll now educate you. The cost to DEVELOP Star Wars: The Old Republic was over 200 million dollars. This is JUST DEVELOPMENT. This does not include MAINTAINING the product, R&D for future development, Advertising the product, distributing it, handling customer service, and finally, profiting from the product. So if ESO makes 80 million the first month, Before you figure the cost of maintenance of that first month (Arguably the MOST EXPENSIVE MONTH for maintenance) They're still in the hole for over 120 million from development costs alone. This doesnt even include distribution and advertising. Even IF you took away the cost of maintenance, R&D, advertising, distribution, PR (customer service), The people who make ESO won't see a profit until 3 months later.

    I expect the people who take a risk of several hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars to turn a profit. They aren't out here donating their time, this isn't the salvation army, they want to make millions, that's the dream. You go to a local department store and buy T-shirts everyday for 15 bucks that cost 25 cents to make and don't ask questions. You go to restaurants and buy 20 dollar steaks that cost 4 dollars at the super market, and even less for the bulk-purchasing restaurant. You go on vacation and pay 250 a night for a hotel room that's already been paid for 5 times over. You buy a 25,000 dollar car that probably costs 10,000 to produce. Hell, a can of soup you buy for a dollar probably cost more to can than it did to make (10 cents to make, 15 cents to can) but obviously TESO is the example of corporate greed, because they want to sell goofy hats, special colored horsies, holiday items, etc. for a couple bucks to players who will be willing to buy em. Kind of silly when you use a little perspective, huh?

  • spinedoc
    Even though I don't agree with selling appearance items for cash I realize it's going to happen no matter what. The only thing I BEG is to not have any out of character outfits like other MMO's have. Please I don't want to see some cheerleader outfit with a huge sword running around, please keep the outfits in character.
  • snowmanflvb14_ESO
    Well a horse for a regular subscriber is 17000 gold or you can pay money. That isn't a vanity item its a game mechanic altering item honestly.

    Considering a horse from the store cost 15 USD and the upgrade to imperial cost 20 USD it really is not a big deal that you can buy the horse in their shop.
    Magic is impressive but now Minsc leads SWORDS FOR EVERYONE!!
  • snowmanflvb14_ESO
    @Gohlar yeah Group play seems a bit borked I think their whole Any class can do anything approach sorta messes it up I like more focused roles .. encourages grouping more I think But I digress .. Still love the game.

    Well all you hear year in and year out is how MMO's should do away with the holy trinity. Here a company has done that an now people are asking for the trinity back.
    Magic is impressive but now Minsc leads SWORDS FOR EVERYONE!!
  • Brascus
    Maybe this is just me, but I don't really feel like it matters. Forget everything except the amount of fun and time you are planning on putting into the game, and compare that to the price your are paying for it. Is it still worth it? If they run micro transactions is it really going to reduce the fun you are going to have? I could understand being upset if they suddenly announced you could buy skill points, or veteran gear, but we're talking about a horse. This whole discussions started over a $15 horse. This is way to early to be freaking out about something like this. Relax, take a deep breath, and let's have some fun playing Elder Scrolls!
    Edited by Brascus on April 4, 2014 3:57PM
  • Phoebvs
    Back in the old times... Skyrim... tons of mods, deco type mainly :smile:

    I guess the ultimate way to shut up a lot of complainers is to implement SteamGreenlight-like system for community content. I bet only a little amount of people would complain about other players making money for their work :wink:
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