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Anyone else worried about the Micro transactions that are looming?

I'm a bit concerned after seeing that we can "Purchase" a palomino horse, I've always hated it when companies do this.. We already pay 15 dollars a month. Horses should be in the game content already. I just find it gross that while we pay our 15 dollars a month (or in my case 45 dollars a month as I pay for 3 accounts for myself my wife and my son) that content will be released that only people who give them even more money will be able to have. Just curious what the general consensus is about this. I mean do the math for a moment Lets say ESO only generates 1 million subscribers which on a global scale is not really a big task considering some of the big mmos have seen numbers as high as 10 and more millions .. Now lets assume 1 million subs at 15 a piece ... 15,000,000 dollars a month.. Do they really need to sell ponies? or do Micro transactions? I understand this in F2P games but will never understand it in P2P games seems greedy and unnecessary. Thoughts?

Please keep it civil guys people have varied opinions and while you may disagree with others I'm only asking how you guys feel about it not for you to trash others for their feelings.
Edited by korwinthale on April 3, 2014 9:08PM
"Still, we have to keep trying and hoping. That's what's important--the trying and the hoping. Maybe that's most important of all."
  • Thybrinena
    If it's vanity stuff no. If it's game changing stuff like consumables that are more powerful than ingame ones, or unique to store then ZoS will have a problem.
  • Inversus
    I was worried in Jan/Feb about that sort of thing, with the whole imperial edition thing.
    I would still be really annoyed if they do this sort of thing, but I don't think they're going to do it to a huge extent.

    I bet we'll see upgrade to pick any race any alliance, maybe a few services and things like the mount, visual stuff; but I don't think we'll see things that give huge advantages.
    VR14 EH Sorc
    VR1 AD NB Crafter
  • korwinthale
    Well a horse for a regular subscriber is 17000 gold or you can pay money. That isn't a vanity item its a game mechanic altering item honestly.
    "Still, we have to keep trying and hoping. That's what's important--the trying and the hoping. Maybe that's most important of all."
  • Xionar
    I'm a bit concerned after seeing that we can "Purchase" a palomino horse, I've always hated it when companies do this.. We already pay 15 dollars a month. Horses should be in the game content already. I just find it gross that while we pay our 15 dollars a month (or in my case 45 dollars a month as I pay for 3 accounts for myself my wife and my son) and content will be released that only people who give them even more money will be able to have. Just curious what the general consensus is about this. I mean do the math for a moment Lets say ESO only generates 1 million subscribers which on a global scale is not really a big task considering some of the big mmos have seen numbers as high as 10 and more millions .. Now lets assume 1 million subs at 15 a piece ... 15,000,000 dollars a month.. Do they really need to sell ponies? or do Micro transactions? I understand this in F2P games but will never understand it in P2P games seems greedy and unnecessary. Thoughts?

    Horses are already in the game content...I bought one for 1g just the other day!

    On a side note, I'm not really bothered by a cash shop to sell certain things, but if it ever gets to the point where they're selling advantages at any point....I won't be the happiest player anymore.
  • Lalai
    I don't really mind.. I mean technically you can pay an extra $20.00 and get the imperial horse, it's just under a different name. Horses are in the game so it's not requiring players pay additional money to access features or anything like that. I did pitch a little bit of a fit to a friend in rant form when the horse was announced for Imperial Edition, but I guess I've gotten use to it since. 17k becomes a lot easier to make later on in the game as quests start rewarding a lot more gold.. so it's more of an artificial level requirement.

    I don't like micro-transaction stores, but I understand they've become common place, even in sub games, now.. and as long as it's just vanity stuff in there I don't mind so much. If they didn't have a lot of vanity options in the game, and the only vanity stuff was through micro-transactions, I'd likely also have a problem.
    Edited by Lalai on April 3, 2014 8:32PM
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • korwinthale
    @Xionar yes I am aware they are in the game I purchased one for 1 g as well since I bought imperial edition. But selling mounts for real money bothers me.. Now Pets and such eehh ok I see that but .. yeah you know?
    "Still, we have to keep trying and hoping. That's what's important--the trying and the hoping. Maybe that's most important of all."
  • Grimas
    you can buy horses for gold in game. If I wasnt spending my gold on bank/bag space I would already have a awesome 20k+ horse.

    Also you cant be that hard up for cash if you own 3 accounts.
    Grimas - Imperial DK Tank - DC
  • Rotherhans
    @korwinthale‌ not really, it´s pretty much an industry standard now for monetizing vanity items.

    And when it comes down to it, horses are mainly vanity items too.
    Wayshrines and sprinting is much more useful for exploring the new world anyway.
    Edited by Rotherhans on April 3, 2014 8:31PM
    “I'm not going out of my way looking for devils;
    but I wouldn't step out of my path to let one go by.”― Robert E. Howard
  • korwinthale
    @Grimas Lol maybe not but I damn sure am not spending a penny more! :disagree:
    "Still, we have to keep trying and hoping. That's what's important--the trying and the hoping. Maybe that's most important of all."
  • Xionar
    @Xionar yes I am aware they are in the game I purchased one for 1 g as well since I bought imperial edition. But selling mounts for real money bothers me.. Now Pets and such eehh ok I see that but .. yeah you know?

    As long as the mounts they sell aren't really better than what I can get in game, I won't be too worried. If it is...well, then there might be a problem.

  • Gohlar
    Locking content behind paywalls while demanding a sub is pretty shady, especially for a brand new game. It's day 1 dlc lol.

    They are preparing for the inevitable F2P transition I think. Group play in ESO is not good.
  • JunkyardWolf
    must be nice, those of us who cant afford the imperial edition gotta pay 17k gold. I wouldn't mind so much but 17k seems a bit high, how about 10k?
  • necronite
    Soul Shriven
    Well a horse for a regular subscriber is 17000 gold or you can pay money. That isn't a vanity item its a game mechanic altering item honestly.

    Technically not the horse you purchase has a comparable run speed the same as a player. You have to feed it to get it faster and by the time you spend the days and money feeding it the cost is will be close to the gold investment. What you are paying for is the color and just having it early.
  • korwinthale
    @Gohlar yeah Group play seems a bit borked I think their whole Any class can do anything approach sorta messes it up I like more focused roles .. encourages grouping more I think But I digress .. Still love the game.
    "Still, we have to keep trying and hoping. That's what's important--the trying and the hoping. Maybe that's most important of all."
  • gimmethecreepsb14_ESO
    I don't mind it because they still allow you to get a horse without "paying" for it. As long as micro transactions never include combat items (super weapons, armor, potions that give buffs, etc.) I don't really mind what they put in their micro-transaction house.

    I also don't think how much revenue they generate is any of our business. I personally don't know how many million it cost them to develop this game, advertise it, pay the staff, distribution, etc. So I don't know how much actual profit comes from it. But you take a huge risk every time you release an MMO, so with huge risk should come huge reward. They pretty much gamble with millions to make these games. If you were to take your family's savings to Las Vegas, bet it on black on the roulette table, you'd actually statistically have a higher chance for success than a new MMO does in this market. So imagine if you had the balls (and the nerve) to do just that, and win at Vegas. should the pit-boss give you a portion of your money, and then distribute the rest to other people because "you don't need this much money anyway, you were fine without it before..." Or do you deserve the money you made for the gigantic risk you took?

    I see no problem in them finding any way possible to profit. That's the point of business. Being in business myself, I can appreciate that.
  • Gohlar
    Did you know monsters in 4 man dungeons only give 3 exp each? Yeah. In ESO, grouping up and killing monsters is considered an exploit and had to be removed.

    I wasn't even talking about the skill system.
  • korwinthale
    @necronite minus the 17000 gold initial investment lol :D might as well sell gold on their store .. see what I'm worried about?
    "Still, we have to keep trying and hoping. That's what's important--the trying and the hoping. Maybe that's most important of all."
  • Viiqupaen
    I'm concerned about the economy of the game if this store becomes more than for vanity's sake. It's no fun to think other people with more money to blow can shoot by all your efforts by logging into PayPal or typing a credit card number.
    Call me a RPer but that ruins the atmosphere of an MMO. Especially TES:O. I don't want Tamriel to become a rich boy's club - the game already costs a fortune.
  • nhisso
    @necronite minus the 17000 gold initial investment lol :D might as well sell gold on their store .. see what I'm worried about?

    Not sure even you know what you are worried about.
  • MyForumName
    No, it came with the imperial edition anyway and it's a waste of money to buy it since you are much better off saving up 42k for the better horse. In other words, nobody in there right mind would buy it and you know what they say about fools and their money. If only fools are effected by it I'm ok with that.
    Edited by MyForumName on April 3, 2014 8:39PM
  • korwinthale
    @nhisso Well I'm sorry you didn't read the post .. I pretty much laid it out .. Go troll elsewhere
    "Still, we have to keep trying and hoping. That's what's important--the trying and the hoping. Maybe that's most important of all."
  • GJVah
    Hirion wrote: »
    If it's vanity stuff no. If it's game changing stuff like consumables that are more powerful than ingame ones, or unique to store then ZoS will have a problem.

    That would be correct if the game was free to play. But, you're paying a full game price, plus sub each month, there should NOT be any kind of a cash shop, period. Since when did we blur the line between free to play and pay to win that this generation of gamers can't tell the difference. I'll break it down:

    Option 1 - Purchase Price, No monthly subs
    - cash shop with cosmetic and "vanity" items is ok
    - pay to win is not

    Option 2 - Free game, monthly subs
    - cash shop with cosmetic and "vanity" items is ok
    - pay to win is not

    Option 3 - (ESO) Purchase Price + Monthly sub
    - cash shop with cosmetic and "vanity" items is NOT ok
    - pay to win is not ok

    So, basically, pay to win is NOT ok under any circumstances, unless you're trying to steal money from little children on an App Store store (angry birds racing, star wars bs and so on).

    My guess is, they already got away with charging a full game price + subs + locking out an entire race and a P2W mount behind a paywall, they're just trying to see how far in they can keep pushing their "Greed lvl 9000 dagger" in our spines before people start falling out. They're just testing our patience, that is all. Obv, this is the publisher, not devs, so I feel bad for the devs, and of course clueless people like you who don't seem to understand what's going on.

  • chough_ESO
    All of a sudden I'm remembering TF2 and hats...
  • korwinthale
    I don't mind it because they still allow you to get a horse without "paying" for it. As long as micro transactions never include combat items (super weapons, armor, potions that give buffs, etc.) I don't really mind what they put in their micro-transaction house.

    I also don't think how much revenue they generate is any of our business. I personally don't know how many million it cost them to develop this game, advertise it, pay the staff, distribution, etc. So I don't know how much actual profit comes from it. But you take a huge risk every time you release an MMO, so with huge risk should come huge reward. They pretty much gamble with millions to make these games. If you were to take your family's savings to Las Vegas, bet it on black on the roulette table, you'd actually statistically have a higher chance for success than a new MMO does in this market. So imagine if you had the balls (and the nerve) to do just that, and win at Vegas. should the pit-boss give you a portion of your money, and then distribute the rest to other people because "you don't need this much money anyway, you were fine without it before..." Or do you deserve the money you made for the gigantic risk you took?

    I see no problem in them finding any way possible to profit. That's the point of business. Being in business myself, I can appreciate that.

    Um recouping costs? dude if they had 1 million subs that would be between 60 and 80 million dollars.. for the initial purchase price.. That more than recoups costs... Hell even 200,000 Players at an average of 70 bucks would be 14 million... So that point is rather moot since we all know Elder scrolls will at least recoup its production cost easily

    "Still, we have to keep trying and hoping. That's what's important--the trying and the hoping. Maybe that's most important of all."
  • Hexcaliber
    The instant Bethsoft announced details of the imperial edition, folks started whining about pay walls. Shortly there after they announced the ability to purchase items and/or upgrade to an imperial edition and right now, that is all that will be available.

    No matter what they do, some arsehole somewhere will find reason to *** and moan.
    Regards Hexcaliber.
  • GaBacon
    It's just fluff man. like adding extra pickles to your hamburger for 50 cents more.
  • dolmen
    Personal Opinion here:

    I don't think ZOS will make the mistake of offering any items that give an unfair advantage on their store. During beta (long term on PTS) they kicked off a huge and very ugly debate when they removed pieces of the API (used for player developed add ons) that they felt gave players an unfair advantage. I believe ZOS is very sensitive to the subject of "unfair advantage" because of this.

    In regards to the mount. In PVE it really is just a vanity item. The way shrines are located all over the map so you don't have to walk far to get to one and fast travel to other locations. Plus, walking does have its rewards, you find more to do and collect if you walk.

    That said, in PVP, it can get rather tedious to have to run from a res shrine back to the battle you died in. A mount helps to some degree, although they (if not feed the proper food) are not really that much faster than just running. It just feels like it is. The disadvantage of the 1g Imperial Mount is that it is White. You can see players using them from so far away. So while I have the Imperial Mount now, I don't plan to use it for my PVP characters. I will be saving up money for the darker colored mounts (and feeding them to make them faster).

    I'm hoping the ZOS store will offer other things like more character slots or vanity skins for armor and weapons, or even other types of mounts beside a horse. Or, dare I say it, out of game Bank expansion for out of game gold.

    The Sidekick Order
  • joanjett
    Nah i don't worry about the little things.....i got people
    who take care of those things...........
    When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, and he looks you crooked in the eye and he asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: "Have ya paid your dues, Jack?" "Yessir, the check is in the mail."
  • korwinthale
    @nhisso See there you go again insulting people because you don't understand how to have a discussion or express an opinion without doing so. Sad... That's twice you have made condescending unproductive remarks tailored to solicit a negative reaction. IE. Trolling. If you stated a clear opinion without insulting others I would say nothing of the sort.
    "Still, we have to keep trying and hoping. That's what's important--the trying and the hoping. Maybe that's most important of all."
  • spinedoc
    I always hated being able to buy vanity items. A huge part of the appeal of a MMO is to be able to sport your hard earned gear, mount, weapons, etc. I can never forget the first moment in EQ1 when I saw someone run by with a flaming sword, I knew that guy was hardcore. But when everyone can buy a flaming sword then no one cares about it.

    I don't think it's incorrect to think of it this way since TESO is a subscription based game and not a f2p game.
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