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Yet another Templar nerf.

  • Thumbless_Bot
    Sluggy wrote: »
    Estin wrote: »
    Maybe this nerf would help fix the lag because it was secretly putting too much strain on the servers

    We need to stop parroting this idealogy from ZOS, it's just an excuse to delete anything and everything interesting from the game. They used that excuse for years and nothing changed the countless times they tried, only for the 1 big change in performance to come from something we requested the entire time, new servers.

    Oh it ticks too many times, add a cooldown, change it to a % multiplier, or make it completely unusable. Borrrrrrrrrring.

    Not to mention that they've also used that excuse to remove percentage modifiers from time-to-time.

    And... I just started leveling my first plar... and cannot, for the life of me, figure out why major brutality is tied to jabs. This actually hurts my brain to think about so much so that I can't even remember the skill that savagery is tied to which also make my brain hurt.

    I might just skip my plan and move onto necro... can't least there will be zombies and scythe which sounds really fun
    Edited by Thumbless_Bot on October 7, 2024 9:45PM
  • Dagoth_Rac
    I'm confused as to how this is a nerf?

    Live version increasing your damage done with direct damage attacks by 93, up to a maximum of 560. This effect scales off the higher of your Weapon and Spell Damage.
    Max reached at 6021 w/s dmg.

    New version: increasing your damage done with direct damage attacks by up to 12%. This effect scales off the higher of your Weapon and Spell Damage.
    Max reached at 6666 w/s dmg.

    12% of 6666 is 800?

    It is not when your Jabs does 6,666 damage. It is that your Jabs now do 12% more damage when your character sheet stat called "weapon/spell damage" is at 6,666. Weapon/spell damage number is just a scaling factor that is part of the convoluted formula that eventually determines your actual damage done. The same weapon/spell damage number might make a tanky taunt skill hit for 1,000 but make a class ultimate hit for 100,000.

    The flat 560 damage was nice because it buffed the basic damage of a skill before all those other formulas and calculations came into play. So you would get that extra 560, then get your 15% from Deadly Strikes, 5% from Minor Slayer, 5% from Minor Berserk, your 6% from Biting Aura, your 6% from Master-at-Arms, your 5% from Solar Barrage, your 12% from Ancient Knowledge (maybe, destro staff builds only), etc., etc. And those are the easy to get ones solo. In a good group with raid buffs going, you can add even more. Now that 12% will just be added to end of all that stuff. So it is not even a "real" 12%. You very well might just go from 1.65x damage buff multiplier to 1.77x damage buff multiplier, which is like 7% more final damage.

    Since each individual hit of Jabs was not all that powerful, especially the AoE component that hits other enemies around the closest enemy (who takes extra damage), that flat 560 was a nice increase in the underlying basic damage of the skill.

    Essentially, adding 560 base level damage to something that hits like a wet noodle can give you a reasonable spammable. But multiplying a wet noodle by 1.12 pretty much still leaves you with a wet noodle.

    Imagine each hit of Jabs has a base damage of 2,000. That might be lowballing a bit, but this is to show how significant the difference can be.

    (2,000 + 560) * 1.65 = 4224
    1,000 * (1.65 + 0.12) = 3540

    (4224- 3540) / 3540= ~1.19

    So a 2,000 damage skill would hit about 19% harder on live versus what was just added to PTS.
  • Marto
    Dagoth_Rac wrote: »
    The flat 560 damage was nice because it buffed the basic damage of a skill before all those other formulas and calculations came into play. So you would get that extra 560, then get your 15% from Deadly Strikes, 5% from Minor Slayer, 5% from Minor Berserk, your 6% from Biting Aura, your 6% from Master-at-Arms, your 5% from Solar Barrage, your 12% from Ancient Knowledge (maybe, destro staff builds only), etc., etc. And those are the easy to get ones solo. In a good group with raid buffs going, you can add even more. Now that 12% will just be added to end of all that stuff. So it is not even a "real" 12%. You very well might just go from 1.65x damage buff multiplier to 1.77x damage buff multiplier, which is like 7% more final damage.

    Since each individual hit of Jabs was not all that powerful, especially the AoE component that hits other enemies around the closest enemy (who takes extra damage), that flat 560 was a nice increase in the underlying basic damage of the skill.

    Essentially, adding 560 base level damage to something that hits like a wet noodle can give you a reasonable spammable. But multiplying a wet noodle by 1.12 pretty much still leaves you with a wet noodle.

    Imagine each hit of Jabs has a base damage of 2,000. That might be lowballing a bit, but this is to show how significant the difference can be.

    (2,000 + 560) * 1.65 = 4224
    1,000 * (1.65 + 0.12) = 3540

    (4224- 3540) / 3540= ~1.19

    So a 2,000 damage skill would hit about 19% harder on live versus what was just added to PTS.

    Very insightful and well explained, but you're missing a crucial part of the comparison. What it looks like for someone not using the set. You need to have a baseline to look at the whole picture.

    Let's do 3000 damage instead, since 2000 is definitely lowballing it. And let's multiply it by 3 since Jabs hits 3 times.

    No set: (3000 + 0) * 1.65 * 3 = 14,850
    Live set: (3000 + 560) * 1.65 * 3 = 17,622
    PTS set: (3000 + 0) * 1.77 * 3 = 15,930

    In this hypothetical, the live set represents a 18.7% increase over the base. And the PTS set represents a 7.3% increase.

    Now let's compare it to Uppercut. And for the sake of simplicity let's assume it deals 9000 damage.

    No set: (9000 + 0) * 1.65 = 14,850
    Live set: (9000 + 560) * 1.65 = 15,774, a 6.2% increase
    PTS set: (9000 + 0) * 1.77 = 15,930, a 7.3% increase

    You see now the inconsistency that ZOS is referencing in the dev commentary, and how their change fixes it?

    Jabs is an inherently a problematic ability to balance because it benefits from Direct Damage boosts while behaving like a DoT. That means it disproportionately benefits from sets like Merciless Charge. And at the end of the day, that ~7% damage boost is the intended behavior of the set.
    Edited by Marto on October 8, 2024 12:09AM
    "According to the calculations of the sages of the Cult of the Ancestor Moth, the batam guar is the cutest creature in all Tamriel"
  • Theist_VII
    Marto wrote: »
    Jabs is an inherently a problematic ability to balance because it benefits from Direct Damage boosts while behaving like a DoT. That means it disproportionately benefits from sets like Merciless Charge. And at the end of the day, that ~7% damage boost is the intended behavior of the set.

    Yet they have failed to make it less so for the entirety of the decade the game is out.
  • Theist_VII
    Me over here running 8.4k spell damage and merciless charge back bar on my stamplar to desperately try to still make jabs work in pvp
    As you'd expect the damage was still lower than old jabs by a significant margin. Guess I'll just have to use wrecking blow?

    Just switch to ranged, that’s what everyone’s been doing, it has never been more clear that melee Templar is a dead concept.
  • The_Meathead
    Theist_VII wrote: »
    Me over here running 8.4k spell damage and merciless charge back bar on my stamplar to desperately try to still make jabs work in pvp
    As you'd expect the damage was still lower than old jabs by a significant margin. Guess I'll just have to use wrecking blow?

    Just switch to ranged, that’s what everyone’s been doing, it has never been more clear that melee Templar is a dead concept.

    I did, for a while.

    It feels... meh.

    It's effective enough, but it's just not a great feel.

    Most of us that play Templar in any real amount chose the class years ago for Jabs, if we're being honest. In a game where some people call the combat "floaty", Jabs always felt kinda... meaty?

    Throw on all your Templar buffs and backbar goodies, then go to town with Jabs, PotL, and Burning Light. Remember that good stuff? For years, that was the meat and potatoes, and it was great.

    Still holding out hope it comes around again, some day. This nerf is absolutely ridiculous, particularly with the call out on Jabs.

    EDIT: in the meantime, I'm using Torc with close to 10K Spell Damage in Cyrodiil, just to make Jabs do *something.* It's not bad, having fun, but it's absolutely working overtime to get mid-tier results just because I enjoy the ability.
    Edited by The_Meathead on October 8, 2024 3:46AM
  • Renato90085
    ok... i test flurry in PTS
    live sever my best parse only 134k stam sorc(250ping)
    PTS i do 10 time parse and all 128~129k
    but same time other spam all parse better.. like Silver or Crystal Weapon
    for me when i cant use flurry spam it a buff ,like dsrhm Taleria
    but if i can use flurry like vkahm it a nerf :|

  • Sleep724
    Templar mains: please throw us a bone, Zos. Buff to jabs, potl, burning light, blazing shield, passives reworked. Anything!

    Zos: Best we can do is taunt on charge and minor maim on shield. Anything else we’ll share it with the combat team. Thank you for your feedback!
  • JonesFPS
    I might be wrong but didnt they change a lot of skills/passives/sets etc. to have flat bonuses from % based bonuses because of server performance ?
  • Iuppiterr
    JonesFPS wrote: »
    I might be wrong but didnt they change a lot of skills/passives/sets etc. to have flat bonuses from % based bonuses because of server performance ?

    Yes, its easier to just increase the modifyer on the end of your damage skill than adding another damge instance on that damage skill (especally when all the other modifyers have to be calculated again for the extra damage instance)
  • the1andonlyskwex
    Most of us that play Templar in any real amount chose the class years ago for Jabs, if we're being honest. In a game where some people call the combat "floaty", Jabs always felt kinda... meaty?

    You and I have very different definitions of "floaty". Jabs has always been one of the floatiest feeling skills in the whole game. It's an AOE so aiming it is imprecise, and it's a channel so the timing feels imprecise too. On top of that, there's no feedback when you hit a target, so it just feels disconnected from everything. If that's not "floaty", I don't know what is.
  • VinnyGambini
    Do you know what is actually hilarious? Lets compare draugrkin with maelstrom 2h builds.

    1. I create templar maelstrom 2h build. I invest 2 piece and skill slot. I spam puncturing strikes. So 3 hits + LA + burning light every 2s. 4,5 hits average × 560 = 2520 - this is OP, we have to nerf this.
    2. I make DK draugrkin build. I invest 5 piece, but no skill slot. I have 3 status effects, 4 dots, LA and I spam whip. 9 hits total. 9× 333= 2997 - this is perfectly fine, balanced.

    Seriously ZOS hates jabplars.
  • The_Meathead
    Most of us that play Templar in any real amount chose the class years ago for Jabs, if we're being honest. In a game where some people call the combat "floaty", Jabs always felt kinda... meaty?

    You and I have very different definitions of "floaty". Jabs has always been one of the floatiest feeling skills in the whole game. It's an AOE so aiming it is imprecise, and it's a channel so the timing feels imprecise too. On top of that, there's no feedback when you hit a target, so it just feels disconnected from everything. If that's not "floaty", I don't know what is.

    I see every bit of what you're saying and absolutely understand your point. That could definitely be construed as "floaty."

    Meanwhile, I suppose because it's so broadcast with animation and sound it feels more definitive and substantial to *me* than a lot of other abilities that seldom get much screen representation as they go off. I loved Jabs the first time I saw them, and -don't tell anyone!- even with the far less attractive Vampire Staff animation, still enjoy the ability largely because of its feel/engagement.

    To each their own, right? Point taken, but I still love my Jabs.

    Now if they'd just bring them/Burning Light back up to snuff...
  • robpr
    Somewhat buffs single hitters and nerfs multi-hit channels. Bit pity, I liked using Rapids on my DK combined with Travelling knife martial damage increase. DK doesn't have many options in PvE for a comfortable spammable (poopfist is not) that would deal martial damage.
  • reazea
    Literally pew pew snipe does equal to or more damage - especially with vateshran bow.

    I just don't *** understand the hatred ZoS have with jabs.

    It's ok tho, arcanist can have a 100% cleave aoe 22m range beam that also procs azureblight and can hit enemies behind you because why the hell not?

    Not surprise me if in the future we see a patch note saying: "Deadly strikes no longer boosts damage if it's direct damage". ZoS truly is on a crusade to make the skill unusable.

    ...not to mention the flailing spastic animation since U35. Never forget!
  • YandereGirlfriend
    reazea wrote: »
    Literally pew pew snipe does equal to or more damage - especially with vateshran bow.

    I just don't *** understand the hatred ZoS have with jabs.

    It's ok tho, arcanist can have a 100% cleave aoe 22m range beam that also procs azureblight and can hit enemies behind you because why the hell not?

    Not surprise me if in the future we see a patch note saying: "Deadly strikes no longer boosts damage if it's direct damage". ZoS truly is on a crusade to make the skill unusable.

    ...not to mention the flailing spastic animation since U35. Never forget!

    Indeed! Flurry animation looks like you're trying to do that liquid thing from like an early 2000s rave.
  • Theist_VII
    reazea wrote: »
    Literally pew pew snipe does equal to or more damage - especially with vateshran bow.

    I just don't *** understand the hatred ZoS have with jabs.

    It's ok tho, arcanist can have a 100% cleave aoe 22m range beam that also procs azureblight and can hit enemies behind you because why the hell not?

    Not surprise me if in the future we see a patch note saying: "Deadly strikes no longer boosts damage if it's direct damage". ZoS truly is on a crusade to make the skill unusable.

    ...not to mention the flailing spastic animation since U35. Never forget!

    Indeed! Flurry animation looks like you're trying to do that liquid thing from like an early 2000s rave.

    It’s horrible, I have no idea what they were doing with Flurry, it’s like they were afraid to use the Flurry animation NPCs have that actually look natural.
    Edited by Theist_VII on October 8, 2024 5:47PM
  • MashmalloMan
    Do you know what is actually hilarious? Lets compare draugrkin with maelstrom 2h builds.

    1. I create templar maelstrom 2h build. I invest 2 piece and skill slot. I spam puncturing strikes. So 3 hits + LA + burning light every 2s. 4,5 hits average × 560 = 2520 - this is OP, we have to nerf this.
    2. I make DK draugrkin build. I invest 5 piece, but no skill slot. I have 3 status effects, 4 dots, LA and I spam whip. 9 hits total. 9× 333= 2997 - this is perfectly fine, balanced.

    Seriously ZOS hates jabplars.

    Didn't you just disprove your own point? Draug takes 5 pieces and gives a healing done nerf. It's jusitfyably stronger because it appies to everything, has a kiss/curse, that is the definition of balanced. MA 2H was not, especially under the right circumstances like Sorc/Templar.

    Honestly, I'm kinda happy I'm not forced to use it for PVE, it's still strong in comparison to the other 2p sets, but it's not a requirement that forces me into Flurry spam which always bugged me as 100% ST and as a channel. Now I can use other skills without feeling punished.. At least from a sorc pve perspective which saw just as much if not more use than Templar pve dps.
    Edited by MashmalloMan on October 8, 2024 6:23PM
    PC Beta - 2200+ CP

    Stam Sorc Khajiit PvE/PVP Main || Stam Sorc Dark Elf PvP ||
    Stam Templar Dark Elf || Stam Warden Wood Elf || Stam DK Nord || Stam Necro Orc || Stam Blade Khajiit

    Mag Sorc High Elf || Mag Templar High Elf || Mag Warden Breton || Mag Necro Khajiit || Mag Blade Khajiit
  • Renato90085
    Do you know what is actually hilarious? Lets compare draugrkin with maelstrom 2h builds.

    1. I create templar maelstrom 2h build. I invest 2 piece and skill slot. I spam puncturing strikes. So 3 hits + LA + burning light every 2s. 4,5 hits average × 560 = 2520 - this is OP, we have to nerf this.
    2. I make DK draugrkin build. I invest 5 piece, but no skill slot. I have 3 status effects, 4 dots, LA and I spam whip. 9 hits total. 9× 333= 2997 - this is perfectly fine, balanced.

    Seriously ZOS hates jabplars.

    Didn't you just disprove your own point? Draug takes 5 pieces and gives a healing done nerf. It's jusitfyably stronger because it appies to everything, has a kiss/curse, that is the definition of balanced. MA 2H was not, especially under the right circumstances like Sorc/Templar.

    Honestly, I'm kinda happy I'm not forced to use it for PVE, it's still strong in comparison to the other 2p sets, but it's not a requirement that forces me into Flurry spam which always bugged me as 100% ST and as a channel. Now I can use other skills without feeling punished.. At least from a sorc pve perspective which saw just as much if not more use than Templar pve dps.

    Same here,I alway want use class spam like CW or SA..
    But it bis,all class can run vma greatsword and spam flurry do 130k
    so I only can spam flurry if group need my Sorc do st dmg
  • Theist_VII
    Do you know what is actually hilarious? Lets compare draugrkin with maelstrom 2h builds.

    1. I create templar maelstrom 2h build. I invest 2 piece and skill slot. I spam puncturing strikes. So 3 hits + LA + burning light every 2s. 4,5 hits average × 560 = 2520 - this is OP, we have to nerf this.
    2. I make DK draugrkin build. I invest 5 piece, but no skill slot. I have 3 status effects, 4 dots, LA and I spam whip. 9 hits total. 9× 333= 2997 - this is perfectly fine, balanced.

    Seriously ZOS hates jabplars.

    Didn't you just disprove your own point? Draug takes 5 pieces and gives a healing done nerf. It's jusitfyably stronger because it appies to everything, has a kiss/curse, that is the definition of balanced. MA 2H was not, especially under the right circumstances like Sorc/Templar.

    Honestly, I'm kinda happy I'm not forced to use it for PVE, it's still strong in comparison to the other 2p sets, but it's not a requirement that forces me into Flurry spam which always bugged me as 100% ST and as a channel. Now I can use other skills without feeling punished.. At least from a sorc pve perspective which saw just as much if not more use than Templar pve dps.

    Same here,I alway want use class spam like CW or SA..
    But it bis,all class can run vma greatsword and spam flurry do 130k
    so I only can spam flurry if group need my Sorc do st dmg

    If that’s your concern, they could have found a work around to exclude Flurry, they didn’t need to bury it for Jabs.

    Now I’ve got about 4-5 different gold Maelstrom Greatswords that are useless.

    Honestly at this point I would rather the arena weapon go back to the original idea of a bleed.
  • Renato90085
    Theist_VII wrote: »
    Do you know what is actually hilarious? Lets compare draugrkin with maelstrom 2h builds.

    1. I create templar maelstrom 2h build. I invest 2 piece and skill slot. I spam puncturing strikes. So 3 hits + LA + burning light every 2s. 4,5 hits average × 560 = 2520 - this is OP, we have to nerf this.
    2. I make DK draugrkin build. I invest 5 piece, but no skill slot. I have 3 status effects, 4 dots, LA and I spam whip. 9 hits total. 9× 333= 2997 - this is perfectly fine, balanced.

    Seriously ZOS hates jabplars.

    Didn't you just disprove your own point? Draug takes 5 pieces and gives a healing done nerf. It's jusitfyably stronger because it appies to everything, has a kiss/curse, that is the definition of balanced. MA 2H was not, especially under the right circumstances like Sorc/Templar.

    Honestly, I'm kinda happy I'm not forced to use it for PVE, it's still strong in comparison to the other 2p sets, but it's not a requirement that forces me into Flurry spam which always bugged me as 100% ST and as a channel. Now I can use other skills without feeling punished.. At least from a sorc pve perspective which saw just as much if not more use than Templar pve dps.

    Same here,I alway want use class spam like CW or SA..
    But it bis,all class can run vma greatsword and spam flurry do 130k
    so I only can spam flurry if group need my Sorc do st dmg

    If that’s your concern, they could have found a work around to exclude Flurry, they didn’t need to bury it for Jabs.

    Now I’ve got about 4-5 different gold Maelstrom Greatswords that are useless.

    Honestly at this point I would rather the arena weapon go back to the original idea of a bleed.

    yes ,I have 13 gold greatsword, and I still sad jab got nerf too because I spam this for my stamtemp ..
    I alway want them buff other spam or nerf flurry, not this
  • Treeshka
    This also nerfs Warden since Chilled is direct damage as far as i know.
  • Theist_VII
    Treeshka wrote: »
    This also nerfs Warden since Chilled is direct damage as far as i know.

    Not quite sure about that interaction, but it goes without a doubt that every class was negatively impacted by this change, except for Arcanist and maybe Dragonknight.

    Reason I put so much focus on Templar in the title of the thread is because @ZOS_GinaBruno handed @ZOS_Kevin a satire piece about Puncturing Strikes overperforming, to publish, which I found hilarious.

    Talk about getting set up. 😂
    Edited by Theist_VII on October 9, 2024 6:48AM
  • mmtaniac
    Jabs overperform only in pve. In pvp it's different skill it's like comparing eagle pve to sparrow in pvp.
  • JonesFPS
    mmtaniac wrote: »
    Jabs overperform only in pve. In pvp it's different skill it's like comparing eagle pve to sparrow in pvp.

    Do they overperform in PVE ? Hits like a wet noodle in my opinion.
  • mmtaniac
    Still hit better than pvp version.
  • VinnyGambini
    Do you know what is actually hilarious? Lets compare draugrkin with maelstrom 2h builds.

    1. I create templar maelstrom 2h build. I invest 2 piece and skill slot. I spam puncturing strikes. So 3 hits + LA + burning light every 2s. 4,5 hits average × 560 = 2520 - this is OP, we have to nerf this.
    2. I make DK draugrkin build. I invest 5 piece, but no skill slot. I have 3 status effects, 4 dots, LA and I spam whip. 9 hits total. 9× 333= 2997 - this is perfectly fine, balanced.

    Seriously ZOS hates jabplars.

    Didn't you just disprove your own point? Draug takes 5 pieces and gives a healing done nerf. It's jusitfyably stronger because it appies to everything, has a kiss/curse, that is the definition of balanced. MA 2H was not, especially under the right circumstances like Sorc/Templar.

    Honestly, I'm kinda happy I'm not forced to use it for PVE, it's still strong in comparison to the other 2p sets, but it's not a requirement that forces me into Flurry spam which always bugged me as 100% ST and as a channel. Now I can use other skills without feeling punished.. At least from a sorc pve perspective which saw just as much if not more use than Templar pve dps.

    I will never get you pve players. Like seriously, you can do like any pve content with any class. I really dont get it why you want some class buffed or nerfed for pve. I dont get it why 5k dps increase or decrease is so important, when you will kill boss anyway.

    From my perspective balancing PvP should be always priority, reasons are obvious.
  • Renato90085
    Do you know what is actually hilarious? Lets compare draugrkin with maelstrom 2h builds.

    1. I create templar maelstrom 2h build. I invest 2 piece and skill slot. I spam puncturing strikes. So 3 hits + LA + burning light every 2s. 4,5 hits average × 560 = 2520 - this is OP, we have to nerf this.
    2. I make DK draugrkin build. I invest 5 piece, but no skill slot. I have 3 status effects, 4 dots, LA and I spam whip. 9 hits total. 9× 333= 2997 - this is perfectly fine, balanced.

    Seriously ZOS hates jabplars.

    Didn't you just disprove your own point? Draug takes 5 pieces and gives a healing done nerf. It's jusitfyably stronger because it appies to everything, has a kiss/curse, that is the definition of balanced. MA 2H was not, especially under the right circumstances like Sorc/Templar.

    Honestly, I'm kinda happy I'm not forced to use it for PVE, it's still strong in comparison to the other 2p sets, but it's not a requirement that forces me into Flurry spam which always bugged me as 100% ST and as a channel. Now I can use other skills without feeling punished.. At least from a sorc pve perspective which saw just as much if not more use than Templar pve dps.

    I will never get you pve players. Like seriously, you can do like any pve content with any class. I really dont get it why you want some class buffed or nerfed for pve. I dont get it why 5k dps increase or decrease is so important, when you will kill boss anyway.

    From my perspective balancing PvP should be always priority, reasons are obvious.

    um...It's hard if they're not balanced separately , i play pvp and pve
    if zos want buff pve F tier mean maybe nb and sorc or warden broke pvp again...
    if nerf pve S tier arc>dk>temp PVP dead again
    like nb alway is s+ pvp class ,when zos nerf 10% nb dps buff and that go pve F tier
    alway have someone be Injuried :neutral:
    Edited by Renato90085 on October 9, 2024 10:04AM
  • JonesFPS
    Do you know what is actually hilarious? Lets compare draugrkin with maelstrom 2h builds.

    1. I create templar maelstrom 2h build. I invest 2 piece and skill slot. I spam puncturing strikes. So 3 hits + LA + burning light every 2s. 4,5 hits average × 560 = 2520 - this is OP, we have to nerf this.
    2. I make DK draugrkin build. I invest 5 piece, but no skill slot. I have 3 status effects, 4 dots, LA and I spam whip. 9 hits total. 9× 333= 2997 - this is perfectly fine, balanced.

    Seriously ZOS hates jabplars.

    Didn't you just disprove your own point? Draug takes 5 pieces and gives a healing done nerf. It's jusitfyably stronger because it appies to everything, has a kiss/curse, that is the definition of balanced. MA 2H was not, especially under the right circumstances like Sorc/Templar.

    Honestly, I'm kinda happy I'm not forced to use it for PVE, it's still strong in comparison to the other 2p sets, but it's not a requirement that forces me into Flurry spam which always bugged me as 100% ST and as a channel. Now I can use other skills without feeling punished.. At least from a sorc pve perspective which saw just as much if not more use than Templar pve dps.

    I will never get you pve players. Like seriously, you can do like any pve content with any class. I really dont get it why you want some class buffed or nerfed for pve. I dont get it why 5k dps increase or decrease is so important, when you will kill boss anyway.

    From my perspective balancing PvP should be always priority, reasons are obvious.

    I pretty simple. Like you optimise your build in PVP we tend to do the same in PVE, and since both are not the same "balancing" in either of those can result in a drastic change on the other end. Prioritizing is in my opinion and as we see in the flaming discussions almost every patch totally wrong. The only correct way to do balancing in a game where you have both is to seperate it.

    So a nerf that is needed for pvp can have a detremential impact on pve.
  • Renato90085
    Theist_VII wrote: »
    Treeshka wrote: »
    This also nerfs Warden since Chilled is direct damage as far as i know.

    Not quite sure about that interaction, but it goes without a doubt that every class was negatively impacted by this change, except for Arcanist and maybe Dragonknight.

    Reason I put so much focus on Templar in the title of the thread is because @ZOS_GinaBruno handed @ZOS_Kevin a satire piece about Puncturing Strikes overperforming, to publish, which I found hilarious.

    Talk about getting set up. 😂

    dk nerf too, runecarver’s blaze need vma greatsword buff do good dmg
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