The Templar class charge now has a taunt, can’t really use that in a group if not tanking. So, I’ll switch to the maelstrom 2h, for the direct damage buff I guess … which is now nerfed. Ok.
Theist_VII wrote: »
Thanks for specifically referencing Puncturing Strikes, I would hate for there to be any confusion.
They are on a 'crusade' (get it, crusade... Templar; bleh) to casual annihilate as many sets as possible. Too many MMOs on the Horizon mixed w/ lackluster (and honestly crippling) PvP changes for them to be adding this to the mix imo.
All I see is more lost flavor.
Blackbird_V wrote: »
So it was nerfed because they wanted it to be more used for 2hr abilities saying "[...] rather than the more bursty nature that the Two-Handed line offers.".... So what do they do? Nerf it anyway and give nothing in return, especially to 2hr skills to make up for a loss of damage that just happened. Either I am misunderstanding ZoS' reasoning, or this change just makes no sense whatsoever.
I'm simply confused on what exactly was so problematic on this interaction that it needed unjustified, immediate attention on .3 of a PTS patch session to be handled...
I'm simply confused on what exactly was so problematic on this interaction that it needed unjustified, immediate attention on .3 of a PTS patch session to be handled...
Where was this being exploited? Why was this considered so incredibly problematic? Who asked for another boring, flat damage increase over thematic/unique damage interactions? This one doesn't even affect dots; I just don't understand..
PeacefulAnarchy wrote: »I'm confused as to how this is a nerf?
Live version increasing your damage done with direct damage attacks by 93, up to a maximum of 560. This effect scales off the higher of your Weapon and Spell Damage.
Max reached at 6021 w/s dmg.
New version: increasing your damage done with direct damage attacks by up to 12%. This effect scales off the higher of your Weapon and Spell Damage.
Max reached at 6666 w/s dmg.
12% of 6666 is 800?
I'm simply confused on what exactly was so problematic on this interaction that it needed unjustified, immediate attention on .3 of a PTS patch session to be handled...
Where was this being exploited? Why was this considered so incredibly problematic? Who asked for another boring, flat damage increase over thematic/unique damage interactions? This one doesn't even affect dots; I just don't understand..
Blackbird_V wrote: »Literally pew pew snipe does equal to or more damage - especially with vateshran bow.
I just don't *** understand the hatred ZoS have with jabs.
It's ok tho, arcanist can have a 100% cleave aoe 22m range beam that also procs azureblight and can hit enemies behind you because why the hell not?
Not surprise me if in the future we see a patch note saying: "Deadly strikes no longer boosts damage if it's direct damage". ZoS truly is on a crusade to make the skill unusable.
Necrotech_Master wrote: »
deadly already technically doesnt boost direct dmg lol
it only works on jabs because its a channeled skill
havent actually used deadly on my templar in awhile because i get better dmg from other things
I'm simply confused on what exactly was so problematic on this interaction that it needed unjustified, immediate attention on .3 of a PTS patch session to be handled...
Where was this being exploited? Why was this considered so incredibly problematic? Who asked for another boring, flat damage increase over thematic/unique damage interactions? This one doesn't even affect dots; I just don't understand..
Maybe this nerf would help fix the lag because it was secretly putting too much strain on the servers
Maybe this nerf would help fix the lag because it was secretly putting too much strain on the servers
MashmalloMan wrote: »
We need to stop parroting this idealogy from ZOS, it's just an excuse to delete anything and everything interesting from the game. They used that excuse for years and nothing changed the countless times they tried, only for the 1 big change in performance to come from something we requested the entire time, new servers.
Oh it ticks too many times, add a cooldown, change it to a % multiplier, or make it completely unusable. Borrrrrrrrrring.
MashmalloMan wrote: »
We need to stop parroting this idealogy from ZOS, it's just an excuse to delete anything and everything interesting from the game. They used that excuse for years and nothing changed the countless times they tried, only for the 1 big change in performance to come from something we requested the entire time, new servers.
Oh it ticks too many times, add a cooldown, change it to a % multiplier, or make it completely unusable. Borrrrrrrrrring.