Joy_Division wrote: »DrSlaughtr wrote: »Most of the people run 35k + health just because you are forced to if you are not a nightblade or sorc. People have been stacking health patch after patch since ZOS introduced undodgeable skills and free damage procsets so newbs dont get bored respawning.
PsEu is like 30% nbs too, a change is more than welcome.
So alter the undodgable skills (whatever you think those are) and kill the most used proc sets. And then significantly cut back on health and sheidl stacking. Everyone wins. Except what isn't what everyone wants. Everyone wants the health and shield stacking because they want to play that way. What they don't want is any sort of counter play to that.
Right. Change the whole game just so NBs can still spam cloak indefinitely. These posts act as if the devs removed the functionality of Cloak. They didn;t. It still does that same thing. It's just more expensive to use constantly. The horror. You want to know what it's like to be on the bad side of a ZOS nerf hammer? Roll a Necro.
DrSlaughtr wrote: »LittlePinkDot wrote: »DrSlaughtr wrote: »Not to mention this essentially kills Stamblade and now everyone will just be a Magblade, jumping around while light attacking everywhere until they are ready to cloak with 30k mag.
My sramblade uses heavy armour and dark cloak.
The full time on minr protection and the heal is good with 35k health.
I support your playstyle but this is a much bigger part of what slows down Cyrodiil than scary shadowy disguise.
DrSlaughtr wrote: »Hip hurray for the "never ending combat" mob who have gotten their way for 3 years. ZOS has continually buffed and buffed and buffed survivability with no downside, because all you have to do is put on one damage set on your weapons/jewelry and run with 10 buddies with the same build, and you are nigh unkillable.
But here we go. Here are the problems with the cloak changes.
1. Detection. So now I turn on Shadowy Disguise and I have no idea that the group cycling detect pots have detected me, but I still keep burning magicka trying to stay on the outskirts of their base stealth detection radius.
2. Guards. How do you think stealthblades get into keeps? Shadowy Disguise. Now I am going to burn 3500 magicka every 2 seconds (!!!) trying to maneuver into a keep before I can even find a place where I am comfortable sitting invisible without it running. Guards have insane stealth detection and the only way to get around this is to use shadowy.
3. You just want people to use invisible pots? So now they can't use detect pots to kill other nightblades? Bravo.
4. You allow people to run the map with insanely high health, insanely strong armor, AND SHIELDS. Yet you want to completely remove the most targeted damage dealing playstyle from the game with this ridiculously unwise change, and why? What is being "solved" by this? TTK is the highest it has ever been. People come on here and complain about nightblades because they got killed during their 10 minute lap around a rock when the first 10 people attacking them couldn't do enough damage.
This is an embarrassing change to the game. I can't say what I will do if this goes through as it would be against the rules, but my stream will certainly have to go through a shakeup. It's already a chore to deal with the meta ZOS HAS ENABLED and PAMPERED for 3 years now. PVP used to be about fighting. Now it's about shields and perma blocking until your 10 tank buddies arrive and you can focus your damage 10v1 because that's the only way you can kill anyone, even a measly little nightblade with 9k armor.
Veinblood1965 wrote: »For those that think playing a NB in PVP is easy it is not.
Theist_VII wrote: »
Major_Mangle wrote: »Theist_VII wrote: »
To be fair, that combo should be avoided 99/100 times. Yes sometimes the game is a bit unresponsive but that combo is a L2p issue to avoid tbh.
The problem with NB aint it's dmg it's the defensive nature of it.
A single EP NB sitting between Red Bleakers and Blue Glademist will devastate a siege by picking off people trying to make their way to the siege. They'll sit in perma-stealth on stam build with zero repercussions. Nevermind when entire groups do it.
A single EP tank will just be riden past by the zerg as they go siege down Bleaks. Tanks can't hurt you if you don't engage. But with the NB I can't choose to avoid engagement...meanwhile it gets to disengage into perma stealth at will.
Theist_VII wrote: »Major_Mangle wrote: »Theist_VII wrote: »
To be fair, that combo should be avoided 99/100 times. Yes sometimes the game is a bit unresponsive but that combo is a L2p issue to avoid tbh.
The problem with NB aint it's dmg it's the defensive nature of it.
How is that a L2P issue on my opponent? Playing my Nightblade it was extremely easy to drain my opponent of all of their resources by my offensive pressure, especially with them on a Stamplar, to ensure they couldn’t cc break, and then I caught them in a channeled attack.
Literally nothing they could have done to avoid that combo, and it required the bare minimum for me to set it up.
When someone tries to make the argument that a class that gives free Major Resolve, Major Evasion, free roll dodge resets, one of the best burst heals in the game, all of the movement speed, and the ability to quite obviously pressure and then two-tap other players is anything but god-tier easy-mode fighting max handicap Smash Bros, idk what to tell you.
Theist_VII wrote: »Major_Mangle wrote: »Theist_VII wrote: »
To be fair, that combo should be avoided 99/100 times. Yes sometimes the game is a bit unresponsive but that combo is a L2p issue to avoid tbh.
The problem with NB aint it's dmg it's the defensive nature of it.
How is that a L2P issue on my opponent? Playing my Nightblade it was extremely easy to drain my opponent of all of their resources by my offensive pressure, especially with them on a Stamplar, to ensure they couldn’t cc break, and then I caught them in a channeled attack.
Literally nothing they could have done to avoid that combo, and it required the bare minimum for me to set it up.
When someone tries to make the argument that a class that gives free Major Resolve, Major Evasion, free roll dodge resets, one of the best burst heals in the game, all of the movement speed, and the ability to quite obviously pressure and then two-tap other players is anything but god-tier easy-mode fighting max handicap Smash Bros, idk what to tell you.
What does this clip have to do with Cloak?
This clip is obviously a super sweaty Rallying Crutch brawler NB build with 25K+ resistances. max crit resist and tons of armor. That's not how the vast majority of Nightblades play the class. As I've said before, the sets and CP choices that sweaty NB's like the one in that clip are using can be used by other classes to do what he's doing there. He's not actually being a Nightblade. He's using the ONE build of Nightblade that can brawl and guess what? Not everyone wants to brawl, as a Nightblade or as another class.
Go play a Nightblade with 12K resistances and 9K armor total and come into Cyrodiil and tell us how "overpowered" they are.
Actual Nightblades use Cloak for far more than escaping when they melee gank someone. They use it to manage resources. They use it to sneak into keeps as they change hands. They use it to evade zergs. You name it.
The kids that use terms like "S-Tier" think there's only one way to play this game and that's to brawl. You have no concept how Nightblade is actually played by the vast majority of those playing it or why they play it. And evidently neither do any of the current Devs on the "combat team".
Theist_VII wrote: »Major_Mangle wrote: »Theist_VII wrote: »
To be fair, that combo should be avoided 99/100 times. Yes sometimes the game is a bit unresponsive but that combo is a L2p issue to avoid tbh.
The problem with NB aint it's dmg it's the defensive nature of it.
How is that a L2P issue on my opponent? Playing my Nightblade it was extremely easy to drain my opponent of all of their resources by my offensive pressure, especially with them on a Stamplar, to ensure they couldn’t cc break, and then I caught them in a channeled attack.
Literally nothing they could have done to avoid that combo, and it required the bare minimum for me to set it up.
When someone tries to make the argument that a class that gives free Major Resolve, Major Evasion, free roll dodge resets, one of the best burst heals in the game, all of the movement speed, and the ability to quite obviously pressure and then two-tap other players is anything but god-tier easy-mode fighting max handicap Smash Bros, idk what to tell you.
What does this clip have to do with Cloak?
This clip is obviously a super sweaty Rallying Crutch brawler NB build with 25K+ resistances. max crit resist and tons of armor. That's not how the vast majority of Nightblades play the class. As I've said before, the sets and CP choices that sweaty NB's like the one in that clip are using can be used by other classes to do what he's doing there. He's not actually being a Nightblade. He's using the ONE build of Nightblade that can brawl and guess what? Not everyone wants to brawl, as a Nightblade or as another class.
Go play a Nightblade with 12K resistances and 9K armor total and come into Cyrodiil and tell us how "overpowered" they are.
Actual Nightblades use Cloak for far more than escaping when they melee gank someone. They use it to manage resources. They use it to sneak into keeps as they change hands. They use it to evade zergs. You name it.
The kids that use terms like "S-Tier" think there's only one way to play this game and that's to brawl. You have no concept how Nightblade is actually played by the vast majority of those playing it or why they play it. And evidently neither do any of the current Devs on the "combat team".
StaticWave wrote: »Veinblood1965 wrote: »For those that think playing a NB in PVP is easy it is not.
Keep in mind, I hadn’t touched this class for 3-4 years since I made that 1vX clip.
Theist_VII wrote: »Major_Mangle wrote: »Theist_VII wrote: »
To be fair, that combo should be avoided 99/100 times. Yes sometimes the game is a bit unresponsive but that combo is a L2p issue to avoid tbh.
The problem with NB aint it's dmg it's the defensive nature of it.
How is that a L2P issue on my opponent? Playing my Nightblade it was extremely easy to drain my opponent of all of their resources by my offensive pressure, especially with them on a Stamplar, to ensure they couldn’t cc break, and then I caught them in a channeled attack.
Literally nothing they could have done to avoid that combo, and it required the bare minimum for me to set it up.
When someone tries to make the argument that a class that gives free Major Resolve, Major Evasion, free roll dodge resets, one of the best burst heals in the game, all of the movement speed, and the ability to quite obviously pressure and then two-tap other players is anything but god-tier easy-mode fighting max handicap Smash Bros, idk what to tell you.
Major_Mangle wrote: »Theist_VII wrote: »Major_Mangle wrote: »Theist_VII wrote: »
To be fair, that combo should be avoided 99/100 times. Yes sometimes the game is a bit unresponsive but that combo is a L2p issue to avoid tbh.
The problem with NB aint it's dmg it's the defensive nature of it.
How is that a L2P issue on my opponent? Playing my Nightblade it was extremely easy to drain my opponent of all of their resources by my offensive pressure, especially with them on a Stamplar, to ensure they couldn’t cc break, and then I caught them in a channeled attack.
Literally nothing they could have done to avoid that combo, and it required the bare minimum for me to set it up.
When someone tries to make the argument that a class that gives free Major Resolve, Major Evasion, free roll dodge resets, one of the best burst heals in the game, all of the movement speed, and the ability to quite obviously pressure and then two-tap other players is anything but god-tier easy-mode fighting max handicap Smash Bros, idk what to tell you.
I´ll set aside the fact that sometimes the game isn´t responsive and stuff doesn´t work (you never balance the game with that in mind anyway), and yes in those scenarios it is what it is. But the entire combo off incap --> bow proc requires 2 GCD´s + the travel time of the bow proc. It´s more than enough time to break free and block or dodge the follow up bow proc. Have I´ve been hit with the combo myself? Of course I´ve, but when I do I can´t blame anyone but myself since that specific combo has tons of counterplay (especially in a duel). Only time you´re ever guaranteed to land a bow proc is when it´s used after a medium weave on an off-balanced target (but that stun is countered by block so there is counterplay to that as well) or after a stun from soul tether (which can also be blocked). In terms of sustain, I personally don´t get how people run out of sustain in CP enabled PvP. especially in duels.
My point is that the entire offensive combo/toolkit from NB has good counterplay, which is why I don´t think the damage they can deal is a problem (and people need to stop posting overkill values as if they´re accurate to begin with). The problem is that NB is way too tanky (not as much of a problem in NOCP where pressure/dot builds is almost a hard counter to the class).
The issue isn't yeah...this is the way it should be. Stamina classes should not be able to rely on a magic based ability for most of their defense. Like a magic class shouldn't be able to rely on dodge rolling. This is called balance. You want to stay cloaked then run magblade
Turtle_Bot wrote: »Even more so when that same class is thriving despite dedicated "hard counters" because those same "hard counters" are unreliable at best or down right useless at worse because the class has the tools to easily deal with them.
DrSlaughtr wrote: »Urzigurumash wrote: »So on XboxNA like 1/2 of Cyros leaderboard is NB. Been consistently about 3x the number of NBs vs any other class this year.
Despite their immortality, typically only around 4 Necros - and they're probably all VD DC builds.
1. Leaderboard just means someone has the ability to play 10+ hours a day, or they leech ticks, or both.
2. In GH this is not true on any alliance.
3. What NBs are on the leaderboard in GH are almost all not relying on cloak as their main defense. They are running high health and shields like a vast majority of other players and are magblades. they only use cloak for very specific circumstances. If you want to nerf those builds, nerf their survivability. But of course we can't do that.
Stafford197 wrote: »The issue is kind of complex now but I think there are some major points to make here about super tanky PvP builds.
1. ZOS rebalanced Health, Magicka and Stamina in the past to where it became much less punishing on your damage output to lose points from your primary resource.
2. Hybridization leads to us using our off-resource more often, especially on Stam builds. This means we want more points in our off-resource, when we previously did not care. Naturally this causes Tri-Stat glyphs to become the go to glyphs since they grant additional stats.
3. Some classes… (NB)… have unbelievable single target burst damage. If you don’t stack high health you will simply get oneshot without even seeing it coming. Stack Health to not get oneshot from stealth.
4. Even recent changes are pushing players to stack Health. EX: Warden Arctic Blast is taking a nerf, meaning many players who used to run that ability will now switch to Polar Wind, which scales from Health, further incentivizing stacking extra Health when they otherwise might not have
DrSlaughtr wrote: »IncultaWolf wrote: »DrSlaughtr wrote: »It's always sunny in Cyrodiil if your "way to play" is never ending combat, surviving massively overwhelming odds, or spoiling the entire map because 30 people can't bring down 3 tanks burning all the siege.
3 tanks? Wait till they make this Cloak toggle silliness go live and you have 30 or more former Nightblades walking around in Cyrodiil on Immortal Wardens instead of their now useless Nightblades, burning all the siege and standing on keep flags making it impossible for the other factions to take a single keep.
It’s coming.
Enjoy the endless combat tank meta that the “nerf Cloak” crowd thinks they wanted. Former Nightblades will make sure no one ever dies in Cyrodiil or the new BGs. After all, ZOS ruined their game and playstyle.
You do realize nightblades will still be able to kill most players with 2 buttons right? Their damage is still insane, it's just the defense/survivability is getting adjusted to compensate for your toolkit.
First of all. No.
Most players are running too high health/shields to be killed in two shots. The only players getting killed in two shots are also running lower health DPS builds.
I am pro lowering damage IF you also lower survivability.
I don't understand how I am being penalized when I already have under 10k resistances and 27k health. I do this so I CAN deliver enough damage to fight someone with 10k more health and 20k more armor.
The problem isn't that it is a toggle. The problem is that it's stupid. Xynode, being xynode, claims this means it will require "skill" to use. Shadowy already requires skill to use. People acting like I can just go sit in a corner and hit shadowy infinitely. No, I can't. First off, why would I. Second off, I need magicka for other purposes. Such as healing. I can't blast away on Shadowy and expect to not to die quickly.
Shadowy Disguise has the most counters in game over any other skill. You have multiple skills that counter it. You have multiple sets that either directly counter it or have traits that make it harder to kill them from stealth. You have champion points that help counter it. And every time, every time they add some other counter, there is still nothing but non-stop complaints about nightblades because people want to treat PVP like PVE. They don't want to die. They want to have endless combat without their ability to survive being out overwhelmed by burst damage.
Players of all classes who actually like to do damage and don't sweat dying have been living in Tank Meta Land for 3 years since Wake Flame. That is how long it has been since we had a damage meta. All these players have gotten fat on buff after buff after buff to survivability and people who just want to have reasonable TTK have had to eat it or move on.
This is it for me. It can be a toggle without it being absolutely absurd. And I'm sure they will amend this and make it "more reasonable" like they always do. The problem is that "reasonable" backtrack will only seem reasonable giving the initial extreme approach.
Here's how you do it.
Make it a toggle if you must. Keep the cost but leave recovery on. I pay money to run Bear Haunch I shouldn't have it eaten away while 45k tanks have twice my base mag recovery while perma blocking.
The moment I get detected, the skill should END. And that 10% damage buff to monsters should apply to all enemies because if you're going to inconvenience me to have to enable and disable a skill when no other skill in this game requires that, then I should get something out of it.
Or they could just do this:
Lower battle spirit damage.
Nerf Tarnished harder.
Decrease damage by 2% for every heavy armor piece worn. If you want to be a tank, you shouldn't also be a damage dealer and your heals should not out pace an actual healer.
Make Bastion 15% increase to shield strength and 30% increase to shield damage so it's actually useful.
There you go. Less damage for everyone while also limiting the effectiveness of tanking brawling that has completely taken over PVP. You remove Tarnished from NBs (which let's admit, is one of the biggest complaints even though it's much more annoying with 8 tanks wearing it). NBs will go back to using either much less useful proc sets or, even better, damage/crit builds.
You don't need to completely kill off the defining skill of the class. That's what this does. Anyone who thinks otherwise simply are not familiar with running a stealth-based build, or they haven't thought of the numerous negative impacts this will have.
Seriously, I don't even know how I'll get into a keep anymore with a toggle rather than being able to surgically use shadowy from spot to spot. Guards are insane at pulling you out. I don't know how I'll evade players who are actively searching for me with detects because I'll have to spend all my magicka on the move rather than being able to pick and choose when to stealth. Both of those situations require more skill than simply "setting it and forgetting it."
What this does is it sets up a situation where I am completely removed from combat for long periods of time, cowering away somewhere while battle happens. Maybe that's what people want.
Sorry but, nightblades crying is making my day better, the reasons given are really bad. If people have a hard time playing nb, it is skill issue, nb is really broken in PvP. Go and play right now templar or necro and tell me how it feels chasing invisible-roll dodge nightblades running like a F1 car and engaging when they want. The same can be said about sorcs.
StaticWave wrote: »Turtle_Bot wrote: »Even more so when that same class is thriving despite dedicated "hard counters" because those same "hard counters" are unreliable at best or down right useless at worse because the class has the tools to easily deal with them.
Hard counters like Camo Hunter, Inner Light, Radiant Light, etc. just don't work because of location desync and easy access to stacking movement speed. The only reliable counter for Cloak is detect potions, which only lasts 15s and still requires you to have decent movement speed to catch up to a fleeing NB. If a NB survives that 15s window, he's basically reset the fight.
There is a reason why apart from magsorc, NB is the only other class that can build 100% damage with zero defense and still have high survivability in PvP content. Cloak just allows the player to completely ignore defensive stats and front load everything into damage.
People who have never played anything but gank NB or relied on Cloak too much will never understand what normal theory crafting is, hence the multiple statements about "Rallying Crutch" or "tanky meta brawler". If they had actually played a regular build without crutching on Cloak they would have understood that Rallying Cry and building tanky are a necessity in this meta.
System_Data wrote: »StaticWave wrote: »Turtle_Bot wrote: »Even more so when that same class is thriving despite dedicated "hard counters" because those same "hard counters" are unreliable at best or down right useless at worse because the class has the tools to easily deal with them.
Hard counters like Camo Hunter, Inner Light, Radiant Light, etc. just don't work because of location desync and easy access to stacking movement speed. The only reliable counter for Cloak is detect potions, which only lasts 15s and still requires you to have decent movement speed to catch up to a fleeing NB. If a NB survives that 15s window, he's basically reset the fight.
There is a reason why apart from magsorc, NB is the only other class that can build 100% damage with zero defense and still have high survivability in PvP content. Cloak just allows the player to completely ignore defensive stats and front load everything into damage.
People who have never played anything but gank NB or relied on Cloak too much will never understand what normal theory crafting is, hence the multiple statements about "Rallying Crutch" or "tanky meta brawler". If they had actually played a regular build without crutching on Cloak they would have understood that Rallying Cry and building tanky are a necessity in this meta.
I agree for the most part, but things like stacking movement speed and location desync aren't NBs fault. Anyone can stack movement speed and location desyncs are from ZOS bad servers. Could they have address those issues separately from cloak? Yes. Did they? Welp, this is what we get.
To be fair, stacking movement speed along with streak sounds just as fun. Currently, apart from Templars and Necromancers, i see most of the classes viable and pretty close in strength. They all got something going for them.
I don't it's fair to say everyone doesn't theorycraft just because they're playing gankers. Maybe they don't theorycraft as deep as some, but you have to admit there is truth in that it's been the tanky meta for at least half a decade. The reality is no one goes into cyrodiil wearing glass cannons. NB allowed that as a break from tanking up. I don't think the solution of removing that playstyle or making it harder to access that playstyle is healthy in the long term for this game. Like i said previously, if ZOS deleted NBs from the game, people would still build tanky. People need to die. I rather see people dropping likes flies then having everyone being near unkillable.
System_Data wrote: »
I agree for the most part, but things like stacking movement speed and location desync aren't NBs fault. Anyone can stack movement speed and location desyncs are from ZOS bad servers. Could they have address those issues separately from cloak? Yes. Did they? Welp, this is what we get.
To be fair, stacking movement speed along with streak sounds just as fun. Currently, apart from Templars and Necromancers, i see most of the classes viable and pretty close in strength. They all got something going for them.
I don't it's fair to say everyone doesn't theorycraft just because they're playing gankers. Maybe they don't theorycraft as deep as some, but you have to admit there is truth in that it's been the tanky meta for at least half a decade. The reality is no one goes into cyrodiil wearing glass cannons. NB allowed that as a break from tanking up. I don't think the solution of removing that playstyle or making it harder to access that playstyle is healthy in the long term for this game. Like i said previously, if ZOS deleted NBs from the game, people would still build tanky. People need to die. I rather see people dropping likes flies then having everyone being near unkillable.
StaticWave wrote: »System_Data wrote: »
I agree for the most part, but things like stacking movement speed and location desync aren't NBs fault. Anyone can stack movement speed and location desyncs are from ZOS bad servers. Could they have address those issues separately from cloak? Yes. Did they? Welp, this is what we get.
To be fair, stacking movement speed along with streak sounds just as fun. Currently, apart from Templars and Necromancers, i see most of the classes viable and pretty close in strength. They all got something going for them.
I don't it's fair to say everyone doesn't theorycraft just because they're playing gankers. Maybe they don't theorycraft as deep as some, but you have to admit there is truth in that it's been the tanky meta for at least half a decade. The reality is no one goes into cyrodiil wearing glass cannons. NB allowed that as a break from tanking up. I don't think the solution of removing that playstyle or making it harder to access that playstyle is healthy in the long term for this game. Like i said previously, if ZOS deleted NBs from the game, people would still build tanky. People need to die. I rather see people dropping likes flies then having everyone being near unkillable.
It's partly ZOS's fault for making movement speed so widely accessible. Magsorc and stamsorc are the most affected by this change as well because they can no longer leverage their superior movement speed and kiting abilities against their opponents. This change also affected NBs too, both negatively and positively. NBs can build more movement speed to traverse while in Cloak, but are also at risk of being caught up by people who also invested into movement speed.
I think gankers do as much theorycrafting as a 1vXer, but when they say "X set is a crutch" or "building tanky is a crutch", I think they're ignoring the glaring difference between theorycrafting as a ganker and theorycrafting as a 1vXer/normal player. Gankers don't need to invest into defense as much as a 1vXer, especially if that 1vXer doesn't use Cloak. When you can disappear from the screen at will, you don't really need to worry about taking multiple small instances of damage from 5-6 other people. Those small instances of damage will add up. In a normal full damage build, I take on average, 1.5-2.5k damage from a light attack. Now multiple that value by 5 to represent fighting 5 opponents, and suddenly I'm taking somewhere between 7.5k to 12.5k damage from a simple light attack. Now add 5-6 DoTs on top of negligible damage such as Ele Sus status effect procs, but from multiple opponents, and now you're taking somewhere between 13k to 15k damage instantly.
This is precisely the reason why sets like Rallying Cry and building tanky are needed. When you don't have the luxury of disappearing from the screen, you have to adapt to survive. I tried running a full damage build in Cyro for a month and I just could not survive when the number of enemies increase to 4+. A NB with good usage of Cloak and positioning can take on that fight no problem. The only way for me to survive that fight is to either engage in extreme kiting or build super tanky, which is currently what I'm doing.
MincMincMinc wrote: »Movement balance was destroyed after the summerset and murkmire changes. They added swift jewelry overtuned and instead of addressing the new dlc content, zos the good ole nerf everything else. Snares on everything, frost buffs, immov skills nerfed..... just to leave RATs(predator) as the best skill in the game. The speed cap isnt the issue, it is the issue of speed consistency. RATs is the worst embodiment of this. It allows players to go from crawling to max movement speed in one click. Snare immunity and Major expedition in one skill should not exist.