I am just asking how AI will affect RP since some RP has dark themes. Topic and descriptions will come up that might offend people in normal real life conversations:
Themes like:
How Dunmer really treat their slaves
One race's view of another race
Vigilante religious fervor or anti-religious rhetoric
Political intrigue
Plotting murder
Conversation between lovers
The list can go on and on.
alternatelder wrote: »
You didn't answer the question. Where are you getting this info that AI monitors chat?
There are some unacceptable words and phrases that are not permitted under the TOS, and while I respect role-playing and role-players I would be very much against players being able to wriggle out of effective moderation by claiming "but I was just role-playing". It should be perfectly possible for role-players to address mature themes in role-play without breaching the TOS restrictions that everyone else has to follow.
tyran404_ESO wrote: »yes I've had guild members come out today with them getting warnings and suspensions on their accounts. The biggest suspect one was for said individual making a lewd joke to a consenting friend in pm whom didn't report it. The response they got from CS was to the effect "We monitor all chat channels for inappropriate language and toxicity at all times and if you want to keep using our service, please refrain from doing it again." I would post the CS screenshots but I think that's not allowed on the forums here? Correct me if i'm wrong there.
This has already begun hitting people engaging in Role-play. So i would appreciate any word on this to pass along to my guild that's currently panicking.
There are some unacceptable words and phrases that are not permitted under the TOS, and while I respect role-playing and role-players I would be very much against players being able to wriggle out of effective moderation by claiming "but I was just role-playing". It should be perfectly possible for role-players to address mature themes in role-play without breaching the TOS restrictions that everyone else has to follow.
Nitewalker314 wrote: »
While it is true that we should all follow the Code of Conduct (which also supports roleplayers, yay!), an automatic flagging system lacks the human element to discern context and validity of whatever was flagged.
Folks here are worried about being wrongly flagged, not legitimately. Nor are they supporting the use of "it was just roleplay" as a way to skirt breaking the rules.
There are some unacceptable words and phrases that are not permitted under the TOS, and while I respect role-playing and role-players I would be very much against players being able to wriggle out of effective moderation by claiming "but I was just role-playing". It should be perfectly possible for role-players to address mature themes in role-play without breaching the TOS restrictions that everyone else has to follow.
drip_fromtheinkwell wrote: »
"AI" doesn't necessarily mean chatGPT, or other generative AI platforms. What they probably mean is, there is now a bot monitoring all communication in the game, private or not, reported or not— and that should concern everyone, but particularly people who participate in RP. TES has a lot of dark themes, including lore around Molag Bal and vampires, and werewolves, to the Dark Brotherhood (crazy that they JUST released DB crates, as a side note). I don't personally participate in Dark RP or the like, but others should be able to. It IS a part of the lore, after all.
Monitoring keywords does not equal AI or bots... Setting up a monitor on all in-game coms to flag specific words used in chat literally requires zero AI. It's no different than a basic word sensor on forums or in character creation. A simple query against a database of flagged words that returns a simple result.
Inari Telvanni wrote: »TOS says,
" Content Moderation
To the extent that ZeniMax performs any content moderation of UGC to ensure its compatibility with these Terms of Service (including the Code of Conduct or any relevant EULA), such content moderation may be carried out via human review as well as through the use of AI-powered proactive and reactive moderation methods including without limitation, software that uses algorithmic decision making.
ZeniMax's proactive content moderation includes without limitation using tools to block and filter UGC that is illegal and/or incompatible with these Terms of Service.
Reactive content moderation methods include without limitation user reporting features which allow You to inform ZeniMax of the behavior or Content of other users that You have encountered which you believe is illegal and/or incompatible with these Terms of Service (including the Code of Conduct) and any such behaviour or Content can be reported to ZeniMax by contacting ZeniMax Customer Support at help.bethesda.net or help.elderscrollsonline.com. If You are in-Game, You can report an issue using an in-Game help feature where applicable. Where ZeniMax is required to do so by virtue of the Statutory Obligations (as defined in Section 1), ZeniMax shall advise You of remedial steps action taken against another user as a result of Your report including details of what steps ZeniMax has taken to investigate your report, if ZeniMax has removed Content that You have reported or if any other restrictions have been applied to the Content or the other user. "
This is an enormous red flag.
No it is not..
Zos, as a company that can be held liable for conversations that might happen through the use of their platform, have a responsibility to make sure that they can monitor illegal things being done in their game. Even if those things are done in private chats. If you are using their tools to do illegal things, they are legally put in a spot to intervene or face severe legal repurcussions if they do not.