wolfie1.0. wrote: »It depends on if I will lose access to them if I cancel eso+
wolfie1.0. wrote: »It depends on if I will lose access to them if I cancel eso+
Necrotech_Master wrote: »
its been posted many many times now, but if you have claimed them, you will not lose access to them, the claim part with eso+ is basically buying them for free from the crown store
once you "bought" it, its yours permanently
SilverBride wrote: »The more I think about it the more I am leaning towards passing on both. Even though I am somewhat interested in seeing how a Necromancer Companion would work I just don't feel like going through the whole unlocking and leveling thing again. Getting the houseguest is tempting but I just don't want it bad enough to do it.
I recently made a thread asking when is it enough with getting new Companions, and I personally have reached that point. If we ever get a Verandis type I'll be all over it, but until then I'm satisfied with Azandar and Sharp.
(I wish we could edit our poll votes.)
There's a post from Kevin (back a few pages maybe) where he states you will keep them should your ESO + sub lapse at any point. I seriously doubt they will be available with an ESO + free trial though - they've been explicitly excluded from the free trial during Blackwood etc.
AvalonRanger wrote: »I want to make my sub characters as my companion.
They have unique appearance and good skills than companion characters.
Elvenheart wrote: »
I would love a do it yourself companion system going forward. It would certainly be cheaper for ZOS to implement because they could skip the voice actors and background quests.
On second thought, I would miss the uniqueness and stories of the ones they create.
I would also love it if we could summon up to three companions in four-man dungeons, and if they could help us get past 2+ person mechanics.
Elvenheart wrote: »I would love a do it yourself companion system going forward. It would certainly be cheaper for ZOS to implement because they could skip the voice actors and background quests.
On second thought, I would miss the uniqueness and stories of the ones they create.
Elvenheart wrote: »I would also love it if we could summon up to three companions in four-man dungeons, and if they could help us get past 2+ person mechanics.
All companions are destined to wear The Nordic Bather's Towel. Such is fate.
LanteanPegasus wrote: »With Tanlorin I'm sceptical. "A scrappy thief with a brash personality", combined with flashy purple hair and purple eyes... I love dashing, swashbuckly characters with witty quips and a "golden heart". But those are not that easy to write without crossing the line and making them just annoying wannabes that think themselves oh-so-cool.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
This is honestly one of my favorite tropes in media as well. I thought it was really done well in the Thieves Guild and with Zaji, so I'm willing to give ZOS the benefit of the doubt that I'll also enjoy Tanlorin.
However, the way Jakarn was written in High Isle was definitely a big step down from how he was introduced. And I'm a bit worried that with Tanlorin they'll jump the shark on this type of character. I honestly blame Marvel for kinda ruining this type of character. It seems like ever since the quippy Marvel dialogue did so well, other companies want to copy it. But they're doing a worse and worse job of it. Marvel characters are meant to be a bit cartoonish but it can a bit jarring in stuff that's a bit more grounded like ESO. And these sorts of sassy characters are especially likely to fall prey to that, I think.
I actually have had no use for Jakarn EVER. I really do not want sleazeball characters in a game - unless they're on the "other side"....
I don't have a clue about "quippy Marvel dialogue". Not something I ever pay any attention to. For reference - the last time I had anything to do with a "superhero" was comic books about Superman in the mid-50s, and that was because my dad thought they were great, so bought them for my brother (and I got them later by default instead of the real books I'd rather have had - and which I had to access through whatever library was available, if any).
spartaxoxo wrote: »I wouldn't have anything to do with someone like Jakarn IRL...
I'll be curious how the new characters are with personality and VOICE. As I said, Ember's voice and personality are the main reasons I don't use her... hopefully the new characters are better than her.
SilverBride wrote: »The description about these Companions says "Once acquired, you can find and recruit them within the zones of Auridon (Tanlorin), and Reaper’s March (Zerith-var).".
Does this mean we won't run into them unless we acquire them? Or will they be present in the world but just not interactable?
SilverBride wrote: »I hope they aren't visible at all unless we acquire them.