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• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

This isn't TES! What's going on here?

  • KingRebz
    Stoob wrote: »
    I think what people don't understand is that they have only brought out the basic outline so far, and knowing the ESO team, They have MANY more things in mind to come, All lined up to bring entertainment to the "Elder Scrolls Fan".

    All I have to suggest is that people wait and see what they give us next. As with every MMO, There will be some Adds/Patches that the players will dislike, But some players will enjoy it. Though there will be some that will make the players more cheerful about the whole outcome of the game.

    So whether you're an MMO addict, or new to the world of MMO, Then let it be known, that I'm sure that the ESO team will do what they can to make your game experience more entertaining and the best they can make it.

    This is the basic outlne? What were the betas for then? they started making this game when they started making skyrim and this is it? yall accept anything nowadays as a good game lol..
    V14 Sorceror [Ebonheart]
  • SpireofSouls
    I really want to see ESO comes alive, but this isnt the right way to do it. So i doubt if i will sub the game after the 30 days expired. Its pretty, and the enchanting is cool, but there some many features are lefted out :(
  • nhisso
    This is the worst argument against the game I have ever seen.
  • loco
    loops73 wrote: »
    honestly,this game feels too much like WoW and not enough like the elder scrolls games.
    This feels nothing like WoW to me. Wow was all on rails...this game is wide open. WoW had strict character classes...this game is mostly skill based and flexible. WoW had the awful cartoony graphics I despise...this game has gorgeous realistic graphics.

    I don't see many parallels with WoW at all even at this stage.
    You gotta be joking, this game is completely on rails. This game makes EQ1 feel sand boxy.
  • Zorak
    Ravinsild wrote: »
    Inversus wrote: »
    The world is broken and looks bleak and terrible.
    Err, it looks quite nice if you turn your graphics up a little.

    Man, I can't tell you how beautiful the Aldmeri Dominion lands are. The jungles, forests and trees, green and lush and vibrant and wonderful. Wildlife sounds in the distance for realistic ambience (Weird bird sounds and wallops of monkey etc)

    I can't get enough of it. That's why I joined AD, I was worried the other areas of the game were ugly. Perhaps this has been confirmed by that statement.

    Are you serious ?

    Daggerfall Covenant and Ebonheart Pact areas...ugly ? Oo

    Not at all !!!
  • booliemantin
    Laura wrote: »
    there are certain things that need to be done to accommodate a large quantity of people.

    This is not an excuse for taking a standard MMO model off the shelf and tweaking it a bit. ESO is a classic case of forcing a IP into a predetermined gameplay model. Its not the best that could of been done by a county mile and its sad that they didn't have the same vision as Bethesda did back when they made Arena which was revolutionary, when the standard model was highly scripted RPG type games they dared to be different and created a game that spawned a genre of its own. What ever ESO may be it certainly isn't that and considering the money they had backing it and the talent and heritage it had its a crying shame and a great wasted opportunity.

    Sandbox MMOs never took off. The most commonly known Sandbox MMO SWG didnt last very long and the only people still singing its praises are those who cant move on.

    the only sandbox mmo that really took off is EvE online
  • Sue_D_Nim
    Ravinsild wrote: »
    Inversus wrote: »
    The world is broken and looks bleak and terrible.
    Err, it looks quite nice if you turn your graphics up a little.

    Man, I can't tell you how beautiful the Aldmeri Dominion lands are. The jungles, forests and trees, green and lush and vibrant and wonderful. Wildlife sounds in the distance for realistic ambience (Weird bird sounds and wallops of monkey etc)

    I can't get enough of it. That's why I joined AD, I was worried the other areas of the game were ugly. Perhaps this has been confirmed by that statement.

    Ravinsild, you just made me NEED to log back in and walk around Auridon some more. I have to quit every once in a while just to let the computer cool down, but I'm itching to get back in already.
    "If danger doesn't find her, she'll seek it out and invite it home to dinner." ~ Prince Naemon
    "Such despair! Richer than a cheese sorbet!" ~ Sheogorath
  • wiccanscreed
    I agree with you on the stealth but not much else. One of my favorite things in Skyrim is speccing as a stealth archer, doings 40-60% damage with first shot and having the NPC say "Is someone there?" lol.
  • byghostlightrwb17_ESO
    Viiqupaen wrote: »
    When I bought this game I was so looking forward to something that remotely matched the descriptions of it that the creators visualized in all of the hype-up videos.
    First, this combat system is whack. It's nothing unique at all. It would be unique if it followed how combat functioned in the other TES games, but it's not - same buttons can be pressed, but the combat is bland and no different than any other *** generic moneytank MMO out there.

    There's no crime. When a fan thinks of The Elder Scrolls, they recall in their minds all the choices they've made throughout their games that essentially make their characters interesting. There needs to be law and crime to really make this a good TES game. There is no morality or heroic / dastardly flavor to the game without a law force that players can either ignore and face the consequences or adhere to. Honestly, I felt like such a boss when I could slip poisons in the pockets of random NPCs. Why can't we have these basic TES character functions? I don't know about you, but I miss my hand-to-hand skill. I miss what sneaking once was. All of these little things are what gave the TES universe flavor. Now all we have is PvE mob grinding, questing, and PvP.

    I thought this was going to be something different. I thought TES:O would be the game that broke the records by bringing the Nirn to life with the lore of the TES cultures all to be explored by the player and their friends. But that's not what we got as all. This isn't anything like the TES series. This game is essentially any other MMO out there, but using TES skins and sprites and characters. The world is broken and looks bleak and terrible. The items and little things one could pick up or examine in houses and inns and around the universe in all previous TES games have been shoddily replaced with the occasional vase or glass bottle that can't even be picked up. There's no life in this game. It's a dry quest-to-quest experience that I have seen for the many years I've been gaming. This is nothing new, and I'm very let down.

    So what I want to know is if anything is changing on this front. Are there changes planned to make this game more like the TES universe we miss? I don't want to see TES:O turn into a clone of pretty much every other MMO out there, and I'm sure I'm not alone!

    Im sure you arent alone, so many people are too busy judging ESO for what it fails to be but never looks at what it does well.

    If you are looking for the next ES stand alone game, this isnt it, it never promised to be. If you are looking for the next WoW clone, thankfully this isnt it. This game is its own property. And like Skyrim it isnt perfect, does some things well, others things less well.

    You mention combat how is combat not better than Skyrim? lets take sword and board. In Skyrim you could do a power attack or normal attack, you could block with a shield or bash and THAT IS IT. Here you can roll and dodge, use various types of attacks. Instantly it is far more complex... then lets look at your its just like every other MMO. No, no its not. I have played heaps of them. This shares very little with any of them, in fact it goes out of its way NOT to be like any other MMO out there.

    This is not a stand alone ES game so stop looking at it in terms of "but I cant pick up every plate or item everywhere", it is its own thing.

    Dont like it, dont play, doesnt mean the rest of the world cant respect this game is the sum of its differences from other ES.
  • loco
    Viiqupaen wrote: »
    When I bought this game I was so looking forward to something that remotely matched the descriptions of it that the creators visualized in all of the hype-up videos.
    First, this combat system is whack. It's nothing unique at all. It would be unique if it followed how combat functioned in the other TES games, but it's not - same buttons can be pressed, but the combat is bland and no different than any other *** generic moneytank MMO out there.

    There's no crime. When a fan thinks of The Elder Scrolls, they recall in their minds all the choices they've made throughout their games that essentially make their characters interesting. There needs to be law and crime to really make this a good TES game. There is no morality or heroic / dastardly flavor to the game without a law force that players can either ignore and face the consequences or adhere to. Honestly, I felt like such a boss when I could slip poisons in the pockets of random NPCs. Why can't we have these basic TES character functions? I don't know about you, but I miss my hand-to-hand skill. I miss what sneaking once was. All of these little things are what gave the TES universe flavor. Now all we have is PvE mob grinding, questing, and PvP.

    I thought this was going to be something different. I thought TES:O would be the game that broke the records by bringing the Nirn to life with the lore of the TES cultures all to be explored by the player and their friends. But that's not what we got as all. This isn't anything like the TES series. This game is essentially any other MMO out there, but using TES skins and sprites and characters. The world is broken and looks bleak and terrible. The items and little things one could pick up or examine in houses and inns and around the universe in all previous TES games have been shoddily replaced with the occasional vase or glass bottle that can't even be picked up. There's no life in this game. It's a dry quest-to-quest experience that I have seen for the many years I've been gaming. This is nothing new, and I'm very let down.

    So what I want to know is if anything is changing on this front. Are there changes planned to make this game more like the TES universe we miss? I don't want to see TES:O turn into a clone of pretty much every other MMO out there, and I'm sure I'm not alone!

    Im sure you arent alone, so many people are too busy judging ESO for what it fails to be but never looks at what it does well.

    If you are looking for the next ES stand alone game, this isnt it, it never promised to be. If you are looking for the next WoW clone, thankfully this isnt it. This game is its own property. And like Skyrim it isnt perfect, does some things well, others things less well.

    You mention combat how is combat not better than Skyrim? lets take sword and board. In Skyrim you could do a power attack or normal attack, you could block with a shield or bash and THAT IS IT. Here you can roll and dodge, use various types of attacks. Instantly it is far more complex... then lets look at your its just like every other MMO. No, no its not. I have played heaps of them. This shares very little with any of them, in fact it goes out of its way NOT to be like any other MMO out there.

    This is not a stand alone ES game so stop looking at it in terms of "but I cant pick up every plate or item everywhere", it is its own thing.

    Dont like it, dont play, doesnt mean the rest of the world cant respect this game is the sum of its differences from other ES.

    This game is a wow clone, but a bad one.

    The on rails quest progression blows.

  • Seraseth
    The only things I found that felt not ES to me were the classes instead of totally free skills, but that's a minor thing to me, and gives me a reason to make an alt in all 3 factions, and the lack of a morality feel to the game.

    I know crime etc is coming, but would have been very cool to have the fame/infamy bars from oblivion.

    These are both very minor, and don't really affect my enjoyment of the game, more of a 'would have been nice'.
    Edited by Seraseth on April 5, 2014 11:38PM
  • Ohioastro
    loco: We get it, you hate the game. Find another hobby that doesn't involve repeating the same (inaccurate) things over and over again on message boards. You ground to high level, didn't read quests at all, and then come and complain that the game is "on rails" etc. Which may have something to do with short-circuiting the entire game design by your approach.
  • kemp.garretub17_ESO1
    I kinda like this game to be perfectly honest though I know there are those who disagree.
  • loco
    Ohioastro wrote: »
    loco: We get it, you hate the game. Find another hobby that doesn't involve repeating the same (inaccurate) things over and over again on message boards. You ground to high level, didn't read quests at all, and then come and complain that the game is "on rails" etc. Which may have something to do with short-circuiting the entire game design by your approach.
    I'm leaving accurate interpretations to counter the rabid fanboyism white knighting going on. When people post inaccurate information I feel the need to correct.

    The game has the same WoW linear themepark quest progression, with less of an open world to boot.
  • pysgod1978b14_ESO
    Most level based MMO's will have a linear or at least semi-linear progression. There's really no way around that one since you're going to have people of different levels in various areas unlike the single player TES games.
  • Caduryn
    loco, you never played ESO
  • loco
    Caduryn wrote: »
    loco, you never played ESO


  • Kiwi
    if you came here looking for an elder scrolls game like the ones youve been playing, youre going to be disappointed.
    it may have the elder scrolls label but its not a single player game.
    i can write the word 'orange' on a banana, it will not make it an orange.
    new game, new experience, take it or leave it.
    Edited by Kiwi on April 6, 2014 9:50AM
    A large yellow rectangle
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