Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

Teabagging update would be good before MYM

  • Jaraal
    I couldn't care less about teabagging in general, however...
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Additional update based on a question asking about users who are in offline mode or placed an impacted player on an ignore list: If a user is in offline mode or placed you on an ignore list, you should make an effort to post the request in a general channel. As long as the attempt of contact is made and seen in your video account, that will be factored in during the investigation.
    ...are you suggesting that a teabagging victim who is blocked by the teabagger should tell the entire zone that they are upset... in a faction locked chat where the "offender" has zero chance to read it? Because at least 95% of these instances occur in PvP zones.

    This seems unnecessarily humiliating for someone who has already been humiliated privately. Why should they tell everybody who's not even involved? There's enough drama in zone chat as it is... I certainly don't want to hear it. Plus this sets up a scenario where if somebody doesn't like somebody and just wants to troll them, they can shout in zone chat something like "PlayerX is teabagging me and they are offline/blocked me, so ZOS told me I have to let the zone know!" even though PlayerX doesn't teabag and is minding their own business at base.

    Surely there must be a better way?

    Edited by Jaraal on July 25, 2024 5:41PM
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Four_Fingers
    Well, the question was asked, the question was answered.
    Just give proof you attempted to ask them to stop on your side.
    ZOS isn't going to tell you the results in any event.
    Edited by Four_Fingers on July 25, 2024 5:23PM
  • Genfe
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all. We wanted to address the recent conversations around teabagging and proper etiquette around the action in-game. In the past, we have noted that context matters when teabagging in-game and when responding to that action. Teabagging in-game is generally not a direct violation of ToS. However, when an impacted player asks you to stop and you refuse, that is when we have crossed into targeted harassment territory. If this happens and the impacted player reports the incident with video proof, then an investigation will open for ToS violations for targeted harassment. This can lead to possible suspension or permanent ban. So please take requests to stop seriously.

    For those reporting a potential violation, please make sure you provide a video that makes it clear that you asked the user who teabagged you in-game to please stop the action and continued action after the ask.

    We hope this clears things up for everyone, especially as we are going into Whitestrake's Mayhem. Again, we understand why some players choose to engage in teabagging. As someone in this thread put it, we survived the 2000's Halo lobbies also. But we want to respect anyone's wishes who do not want to be subject to the in-game action of teabagging.

    Additional update based on a question asking about users who are in offline mode or placed an impacted player on an ignore list: If a user is in offline mode or placed you on an ignore list, you should make an effort to post the request in a general channel. As long as the attempt of contact is made and seen in your video account, that will be factored in during the investigation.

    So if I run the sentry set and get reported I’ll get permabanned?
  • TDVM
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all. We wanted to address the recent conversations around teabagging and proper etiquette around the action in-game. In the past, we have noted that context matters when teabagging in-game and when responding to that action. Teabagging in-game is generally not a direct violation of ToS. However, when an impacted player asks you to stop and you refuse, that is when we have crossed into targeted harassment territory. If this happens and the impacted player reports the incident with video proof, then an investigation will open for ToS violations for targeted harassment. This can lead to possible suspension or permanent ban. So please take requests to stop seriously.

    For those reporting a potential violation, please make sure you provide a video that makes it clear that you asked the user who teabagged you in-game to please stop the action and continued action after the ask.

    We hope this clears things up for everyone, especially as we are going into Whitestrake's Mayhem. Again, we understand why some players choose to engage in teabagging. As someone in this thread put it, we survived the 2000's Halo lobbies also. But we want to respect anyone's wishes who do not want to be subject to the in-game action of teabagging.

    Additional update based on a question asking about users who are in offline mode or placed an impacted player on an ignore list: If a user is in offline mode or placed you on an ignore list, you should make an effort to post the request in a general channel. As long as the attempt of contact is made and seen in your video account, that will be factored in during the investigation.

    Maybe just completely ban teabag and just ban everyone who does it, it will solve a lot of problems? Those to whom you write will get around it by trampling on a corpse, using emotions, or just standing on a corpse
  • Minnesinger
    CrazyKitty wrote: »
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Barto92 wrote: »
    How am I supposed to ask the user who teabagged me in-game when they're in offline mode or added me to ignore list?


    If someone is in offline mode or placed you on an ignore list, you should make an effort to post the request in a general channel. As long as the attempt of contact is made and seen in your video account, that will be factored in during the investigation.

    The opposing factions can't read what we type in zone chat. If someone is in offline mode or has a player on ignore there is no way to communicate with them.

    I think that you can send mail.
    Edited by Minnesinger on July 25, 2024 5:28PM
    The wind is cold where I live,
    The blizzard is my home,
    Snow and ice and loaded dice, the Wizard lives alone.
  • Desiato
    TDVM wrote: »
    Maybe just completely ban teabag and just ban everyone who does it, it will solve a lot of problems? Those to whom you write will get around it by trampling on a corpse, using emotions, or just standing on a corpse

    While we're at it, let's ban everyone who callously and maliciously ride their horses over me every day in cities.

    Also, can we please get some sanity about respecting one's personal spaces in banks and wayshrines? I don't like people rubbing up against me constantly. Ban hammer pls.

    And really, what's with all the staring constantly? I'm standing around minding my own business in a town and there's always someone staring at me. It's rude. Avert your eyes please.
    spending a year dead for tax reasons
  • runa_gate
    Jaraal wrote: »
    I couldn't care less about teabagging in general, however...
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Additional update based on a question asking about users who are in offline mode or placed an impacted player on an ignore list: If a user is in offline mode or placed you on an ignore list, you should make an effort to post the request in a general channel. As long as the attempt of contact is made and seen in your video account, that will be factored in during the investigation.
    ...are you suggesting that a teabagging victim who is blocked by the teabagger should tell the entire zone that they are upset... in a faction locked chat where the "offender" has zero chance to read it? Because at least 95% of these instances occur in PvP zones.

    This seems unnecessarily humiliating for someone who has already been humiliated privately. Why should they tell everybody who's not even involved? There's enough drama in zone chat as it is... I certainly don't want to hear it. Plus this sets up a scenario where if somebody doesn't like somebody and just wants to troll them, they can shout in zone chat something like "PlayerX is teabagging me and they are offline/blocked me, so ZOS told me I have to let the zone know!" even though PlayerX doesn't teabag and is minding their own business at base.

    Surely there must be a better way?

    Well, telling your OWN alliance zone chat would be invisible to the enemy player.
    I suppose you could log on another alliance character and say it in their zone chat
    You can easily imagine the result of that
  • BetweenMidgets
    I think that you can send mail.

    @ZOS_Kevin didn't address the issue of what if the @ name has special characters in it that you can't type, or is one of several (like the barcodes, a group named "|||||||||||" and variants on such) made specifically to obfuscate this very issue?
  • acastanza_ESO
    CrazyKitty wrote: »
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Barto92 wrote: »
    How am I supposed to ask the user who teabagged me in-game when they're in offline mode or added me to ignore list?


    If someone is in offline mode or placed you on an ignore list, you should make an effort to post the request in a general channel. As long as the attempt of contact is made and seen in your video account, that will be factored in during the investigation.

    The opposing factions can't read what we type in zone chat. If someone is in offline mode or has a player on ignore there is no way to communicate with them.

    I think that you can send mail.

    No you can not send mail to players that have blocked you.
  • JavaRen
    If mail could be sent to the bagger it is not reasonable to expect them to check it while in PVP.
  • Desiato
    Desiato wrote: »
    TDVM wrote: »
    Maybe just completely ban teabag and just ban everyone who does it, it will solve a lot of problems? Those to whom you write will get around it by trampling on a corpse, using emotions, or just standing on a corpse

    While we're at it, let's ban everyone who callously and maliciously ride their horses over me every day in cities.

    Also, can we please get some sanity about respecting one's personal spaces in banks and wayshrines? I don't like people rubbing up against me constantly. Ban hammer pls.

    And really, what's with all the staring constantly? I'm standing around minding my own business in a town and there's always someone staring at me. It's rude. Avert your eyes please.

    Before I'm accused of trolling by the mods, I want to point out that I didn't pick these items at random. Over the years, I've received tells from other players offended by these things!

    My response? Well, as surprised as I was someone could be offended, I started making as conscious effort to avoid doing those things when possible. It was no big deal either way. Yet it would be oppressive for this to actually be enforced.

    I was also surprised to learn many years ago players could be offended by tbagging. Since learning that, I've made an effort to avoid doing it to players I don't know, although sometimes I can't resist. If someone asks me not to do it, I will certainly comply, if I can remember their request indefinitely which isn't guaranteed.

    The ZOS policy is more or less reasonable. There has to be a balance between individual liberty and the feelings of an individual.

    People who make a big deal about tbagging should understand that the uproar is just going to make it more common. A reality in life is that there will always be someone we have to deal with who is trying to annoy us and the best response is always not to feed the troll.

    I always wonder what happened to sticks and stones. I have a clear memory from my childhood of literally crying to my grandmother because some other kids called me names. She had absolutely no sympathy, telling me "sticks and stones may break your bones, but names will never hurt you!" And thank god she did because it never bothered me again and I learned not to feed the trolls. This may not seem like the same thing, but consider they're not really even simulating a tea bag because that's not a mechanic in the game. They are merely crouching and uncrouching, something players are entitled to do. Ultimately, how one chooses to interpret that is up to them.
    spending a year dead for tax reasons
  • TDVM
    Desiato wrote: »
    TDVM wrote: »
    Maybe just completely ban teabag and just ban everyone who does it, it will solve a lot of problems? Those to whom you write will get around it by trampling on a corpse, using emotions, or just standing on a corpse

    While we're at it, let's ban everyone who callously and maliciously ride their horses over me every day in cities.

    Also, can we please get some sanity about respecting one's personal spaces in banks and wayshrines? I don't like people rubbing up against me constantly. Ban hammer pls.

    And really, what's with all the staring constantly? I'm standing around minding my own business in a town and there's always someone staring at me. It's rude. Avert your eyes please.

    your examples are very bad, very bad. It's like comparing the finger of your hand to the hand itself.
  • zaria
    How does people managed to get teabagged without ganking, bombing or being troll tanks.
    Yes by the above people who want you to try an fight them again. If so come back with an raid group or rater solo an trial.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Highwayman
    TDVM wrote: »
    your examples are very bad, very bad. It's like comparing the finger of your hand to the hand itself.

    I don't understand this analogy.

    Is it meant like "comparing apples and oranges" or maybe "not seeing the forest through the trees" or "it's not the whole story"? Or all of the above maybe? Or none? Would you mind elaborating a bit on how this is being applied? It's a totally new one for me.
    Edited by Highwayman on July 25, 2024 6:55PM
  • ToRelax
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Barto92 wrote: »
    How am I supposed to ask the user who teabagged me in-game when they're in offline mode or added me to ignore list?


    If someone is in offline mode or placed you on an ignore list, you should make an effort to post the request in a general channel. As long as the attempt of contact is made and seen in your video account, that will be factored in during the investigation.

    This is astonishingly worthless. Instead of opening themselves up to more harassment from a single player and maybe their group, people are supposed to tell the entire zone how to get under skin? This is getting way more insulting than just not having rules against harassment. Only difference would be it'd be honest.
    The Covenant is broken. The Enemy has won...

    Elo'dryel - Sorc - AR 50 - Hopesfire - EP EU
  • vsrs_au
    Saying that only reports with video evidence will be taken seriously basically makes it impossible for most of us to report such harassment. We can't all record our game constantly on video, it's just not practical.
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • Jaraal
    Desiato wrote: »
    TDVM wrote: »
    Maybe just completely ban teabag and just ban everyone who does it, it will solve a lot of problems? Those to whom you write will get around it by trampling on a corpse, using emotions, or just standing on a corpse

    While we're at it, let's ban everyone who callously and maliciously ride their horses over me every day in cities.

    Also, can we please get some sanity about respecting one's personal spaces in banks and wayshrines? I don't like people rubbing up against me constantly. Ban hammer pls.

    And really, what's with all the staring constantly? I'm standing around minding my own business in a town and there's always someone staring at me. It's rude. Avert your eyes please.
    TDVM wrote: »
    your examples are very bad, very bad. It's like comparing the finger of your hand to the hand itself.

    I assumed that the person who made this post was being sarcastic/facetious, although they aren't wrong.... people actually do complain about trivial things like this. In fact, I remember years ago, after I unmaliciously just happened to ride through the space occupied by a random player... they sent me a /whisper along the lines of "How dare you just ride through my face like that, show some respect, yada blah blah."

    At first I was incredulous. I mean, how bad of a day must someone be having to complain about non-collision mechanics ZOS themselves installed into the game to begin with? And then, upon further contemplation, I found it hilarious that such a minor thing like this could elicit such a strong response. So I started being careful about not violating people's virtual safe spaces, with one exception. When people are standing still right in the middle of a relatively narrow pathway, such as the dock in Vivec City that leads from the crafting area to the daily writ turn in area, or the arch with two guards between the town and the wayshrine, I will sometimes make it a point to run or ride directly through them. I mean, if you want to act like you own the road, then you get what you get, right? ;)
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Lags
    freespirit wrote: »
    Maybe I'm an old fuddy duddy but knowing exactly what the person is trying to simulate means I am totally opposed to it's use in any game, especially as the intention is to insult or belittle the receiving player!!

    It's offensive and shouldn't be allowed anywhere except behind closed door's with consenting adults!!

    thats crazy. its not insinuating anything. its quite literally your character crouching on another person a video gtame... like what are we even talking about.

    tbh this is, and always has been, people abusing the system to get someone in trouble because they cant do anything against them in game. I kill you, i tbag you, you know you cant kill me, so you report.

    And the reason i believe this is 1000% true is simple. on xbox no one ever got banned for tbagging. On xbox, no one ever messaged me and said "dont tbag me anymore" or anything like that. On xbox no one cared. since 2016, it never happened. Even on PC before maybe 2019 no one cared. But then people realized you could whisper people, ask them not to tbag you, and then get them banned if they did it again.

    Tell me why I kill someone, they whisper me and say "dont tbag me" and then come back out of the keep, i kill them again, and they lay there. They could spawn in, but nope they just sit there. Waiting for me to do it or leave. Its so lame. They want to get you banned, and thats what its all about. Most reality based people dont care about someone's character crouching on their character in game, its all about getting back at someone you cant get back at in game.

    And just to put this into perspective for all of you, the same rules exist with emoting. If i sweep on your dead body, and you ask me not to, and i keep doing it, the same rules apply. Its not about tbagging and never was, its simply about petty vincictive players trying to get back at players that they cant kill in game. Because rest assured, nearly every person who has ever said "dont tbag me". has tbagged me back after they sent the message. Because normally i dont say it to them.

    So please, stop acting all high and mighty with this. If i stand over someones body after i kill them, they still get mad. They still hate whisper me. And thats why i just stand there now, because there is nothing you can do about it. And at the end of the day, you're just mad about dying. And instead of trying to improve, you go to the forums, or put in a ticket. Its so lame. And i dont mean you specifically, i just mean people in general.
  • React
    Lags wrote: »
    freespirit wrote: »
    Maybe I'm an old fuddy duddy but knowing exactly what the person is trying to simulate means I am totally opposed to it's use in any game, especially as the intention is to insult or belittle the receiving player!!

    It's offensive and shouldn't be allowed anywhere except behind closed door's with consenting adults!!

    thats crazy. its not insinuating anything. its quite literally your character crouching on another person a video gtame... like what are we even talking about.

    tbh this is, and always has been, people abusing the system to get someone in trouble because they cant do anything against them in game. I kill you, i tbag you, you know you cant kill me, so you report.

    And the reason i believe this is 1000% true is simple. on xbox no one ever got banned for tbagging. On xbox, no one ever messaged me and said "dont tbag me anymore" or anything like that. On xbox no one cared. since 2016, it never happened. Even on PC before maybe 2019 no one cared. But then people realized you could whisper people, ask them not to tbag you, and then get them banned if they did it again.

    Tell me why I kill someone, they whisper me and say "dont tbag me" and then come back out of the keep, i kill them again, and they lay there. They could spawn in, but nope they just sit there. Waiting for me to do it or leave. Its so lame. They want to get you banned, and thats what its all about. Most reality based people dont care about someone's character crouching on their character in game, its all about getting back at someone you cant get back at in game.

    And just to put this into perspective for all of you, the same rules exist with emoting. If i sweep on your dead body, and you ask me not to, and i keep doing it, the same rules apply. Its not about tbagging and never was, its simply about petty vincictive players trying to get back at players that they cant kill in game. Because rest assured, nearly every person who has ever said "dont tbag me". has tbagged me back after they sent the message. Because normally i dont say it to them.

    So please, stop acting all high and mighty with this. If i stand over someones body after i kill them, they still get mad. They still hate whisper me. And thats why i just stand there now, because there is nothing you can do about it. And at the end of the day, you're just mad about dying. And instead of trying to improve, you go to the forums, or put in a ticket. Its so lame. And i dont mean you specifically, i just mean people in general.

    Yeah, this is definitely accurate for many.
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • Lags
    TDVM wrote: »
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all. We wanted to address the recent conversations around teabagging and proper etiquette around the action in-game. In the past, we have noted that context matters when teabagging in-game and when responding to that action. Teabagging in-game is generally not a direct violation of ToS. However, when an impacted player asks you to stop and you refuse, that is when we have crossed into targeted harassment territory. If this happens and the impacted player reports the incident with video proof, then an investigation will open for ToS violations for targeted harassment. This can lead to possible suspension or permanent ban. So please take requests to stop seriously.

    For those reporting a potential violation, please make sure you provide a video that makes it clear that you asked the user who teabagged you in-game to please stop the action and continued action after the ask.

    We hope this clears things up for everyone, especially as we are going into Whitestrake's Mayhem. Again, we understand why some players choose to engage in teabagging. As someone in this thread put it, we survived the 2000's Halo lobbies also. But we want to respect anyone's wishes who do not want to be subject to the in-game action of teabagging.

    Additional update based on a question asking about users who are in offline mode or placed an impacted player on an ignore list: If a user is in offline mode or placed you on an ignore list, you should make an effort to post the request in a general channel. As long as the attempt of contact is made and seen in your video account, that will be factored in during the investigation.

    Maybe just completely ban teabag and just ban everyone who does it, it will solve a lot of problems? Those to whom you write will get around it by trampling on a corpse, using emotions, or just standing on a corpse

    the rule violation is the harassment policy. No rational person cares about this. Like this is such an extreme minority of the population. And imo their rule is overreaching. It is not harassment to do anything over anyones body when they are dead in a video game and can easily respawn. I think ganking someone at a gate 5 times in a row is waaaaay more harassing than this ridiculousness.

    But zos disagrees. With both of us thankfully. Banning it is ridiculous and just silly. ya since were on the eso forums we'll go with silly. plus it would just create more work for them and more drama. let me be clear, this is a non issue
  • Syldras
    Lags wrote: »
    thats crazy. its not insinuating anything. its quite literally your character crouching on another person character...

    So, how is the situation "funny" if it's insinuating nothing?
    Crouching over someone doesn't seem very amusing?
    Also, if it has no meaning, one could run circles around the corpse, or jump up and down instead, or use a trumpet emote?
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • Its_MySniff
    Adults in this thread should feel ashamed complaining abot teabagging. If you aren't being harassed, move on and teabag an enemy or two. If you have a case, report and hope for the best. Imagine being grown, complaining and trying to make it a sexual offense. I said it before, Respawn and you'll not see it. Try to remember those who are immersed, it's a game first. I promise you aren't a sorcerer, arcanist or a dk. And you aren't actually being bagged. How about lets focus on the lag and not the bag. Cheers.
  • Lags
    Desiato wrote: »
    Desiato wrote: »
    TDVM wrote: »
    Maybe just completely ban teabag and just ban everyone who does it, it will solve a lot of problems? Those to whom you write will get around it by trampling on a corpse, using emotions, or just standing on a corpse

    While we're at it, let's ban everyone who callously and maliciously ride their horses over me every day in cities.

    Also, can we please get some sanity about respecting one's personal spaces in banks and wayshrines? I don't like people rubbing up against me constantly. Ban hammer pls.

    And really, what's with all the staring constantly? I'm standing around minding my own business in a town and there's always someone staring at me. It's rude. Avert your eyes please.

    Before I'm accused of trolling by the mods, I want to point out that I didn't pick these items at random. Over the years, I've received tells from other players offended by these things!

    My response? Well, as surprised as I was someone could be offended, I started making as conscious effort to avoid doing those things when possible. It was no big deal either way. Yet it would be oppressive for this to actually be enforced.

    I was also surprised to learn many years ago players could be offended by tbagging. Since learning that, I've made an effort to avoid doing it to players I don't know, although sometimes I can't resist. If someone asks me not to do it, I will certainly comply, if I can remember their request indefinitely which isn't guaranteed.

    The ZOS policy is more or less reasonable. There has to be a balance between individual liberty and the feelings of an individual.

    People who make a big deal about tbagging should understand that the uproar is just going to make it more common. A reality in life is that there will always be someone we have to deal with who is trying to annoy us and the best response is always not to feed the troll.

    I always wonder what happened to sticks and stones. I have a clear memory from my childhood of literally crying to my grandmother because some other kids called me names. She had absolutely no sympathy, telling me "sticks and stones may break your bones, but names will never hurt you!" And thank god she did because it never bothered me again and I learned not to feed the trolls. This may not seem like the same thing, but consider they're not really even simulating a tea bag because that's not a mechanic in the game. They are merely crouching and uncrouching, something players are entitled to do. Ultimately, how one chooses to interpret that is up to them.

    ya i agree with most of this. back in the day when we would tbag each other ofc we would get mad. But it wasnt mad in the way of let me report this person. It was either someone hate whispering you, or you being like oh okay, thats how it is, im gonna go kill the person now. And its still like that.

    But where i disagree with you is with people getting offended by it. I mean im sure on rare occasion someone does, but regardless their offense is completely unjustified. Like if someone gets offended because they dont like pink shirts, and you're wearing a pink shirt, are you never going to wear a pink shirt again? Its ridiculous. Their harassment policy that encompasses this topic is much more on the side of the easily offended. Players like me dont care, we just remember the person that did it for a couple days and kill them and return the favor if we see them. Its just not that serious.

    But im glad kevin re-clarified what gina did years ago. Its honestly kind of crazy that people still make these threads.
  • JavaRen
    My observations and impressions of this discussion: no one is making an arguement that will sway the opinion of the other camp, ZOS has not changed their stated policy, more insults come from the pro-bagging side, but the discussion has made it to 4 pages without a derail or lockdown, so that is maybe progress.
  • Lags
    Syldras wrote: »
    Lags wrote: »
    thats crazy. its not insinuating anything. its quite literally your character crouching on another person character...

    So, how is the situation "funny" if it's insinuating nothing?
    Crouching over someone doesn't seem very amusing?
    Also, if it has no meaning, one could run circles around the corpse, or jump up and down instead, or use a trumpet emote?

    and people do all of those things. And people complain about all of those things as well. go kill people in cyrodii. 1v1 1vx or zerg them. Sweep every person you kill and see how many people get agitated. Its not about tbagging, its about the person dying and being able to report someone they cant get back at in game. 99% of the time.

    Sometimes i spam skills on someone. Sometimes i tbag or crouch (ya know, what it actually is). Sometimes i do the mistletoe thing. Sometimes i do pushups. More often than not i just stand there now, and they get mad at that too.

    like the person above said, grown adults making a big deal about this is crazy. if someone's harassing you, let zenimax sort it out. Otherwise maybe take a step back and try to understand that its really just not that serious.
  • Syldras
    Lags wrote: »
    and people do all of those things.

    That doesn't answer my question though. If it means nothing, why do some people do it? Where's the fun in crouching or doing pushups above a dead player?

    Personally, if I'm immersed/in character, I would salute, and if not immersed/ooc, I would just move on.
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • xylena_lazarow
    So I'm to understand that everyone gets at least one free bag on everyone, and as long as you do it in offline mode, you can do it until they publicly ask you to stop? This is ripe for abuse from all ends.
    PC/NA || CP/Cyro || RIP soft caps
  • Lags
    Syldras wrote: »
    Lags wrote: »
    and people do all of those things.

    That doesn't answer my question though. If it means nothing, why do some people do it? Where's the fun in crouching or doing pushups above a dead player?

    Personally, if I'm immersed/in character, I would salute, and if not immersed/ooc, I would just move on.

    this is going to be a pointless roundabout argument. Look, why would you salute someone? Because you're immersed? your having fun? Why would i tbag someone, or emote on them, or stand there? For the same reason i guess? Because i killed you, it was a tough fight, you were aggravating to fight, you were zerigng me, i know you, weve fought many times, as a simple haha you dided. who knows. Who cares. You have your way of doing things and having fun, and so does everyone else. You have your outlet to report people if you want, however ridiculous i find it. But again, id like to stress. its just not that serious.

    I think what you're not understanding is that for a lot of people tbagging, or crouching, is pretty much the same as emoting on someone's body, standing there, spamming skills, whatever. its all the same. whether i hit the crouch button or a skill on my hot bar or an emote on my emote wheel, it makes no difference to 99% of people.
    Edited by Lags on July 25, 2024 9:31PM
  • Celas_Dranacea
    It would be so funny if while you’re a corpse and someone crouches on you, you could activate a synergy that curses them with a debuff for an hour. That would be hilarious - people would probably still teabag when they felt it was critical to their life, but would offer some comical counterplay :smiley:
    A Bosmer Nightblade Werewolf
  • Necrotech_Master
    Syldras wrote: »
    Lags wrote: »
    and people do all of those things.

    That doesn't answer my question though. If it means nothing, why do some people do it? Where's the fun in crouching or doing pushups above a dead player?

    Personally, if I'm immersed/in character, I would salute, and if not immersed/ooc, I would just move on.

    my only guess is that its the "quickest" action one can do while actively playing

    crouching is hitting 1 button twice

    emotes require usually at a minimum typing out the slash command for the emote (on pc) unless you have some addon that allows you to make a keybind for an emote

    to me personally, it is nothing and i just ignore it if it happens to me, usually as soon as i die in pvp, i take a brief look at my death recap to see what hit me then im immediately looking at my map for a respawn point so i hardly ever see it anyway when it happens
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
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