Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Teabagging update would be good before MYM

  • bruta
    I do not consent.
    there is no escape

  • Surak73
    Ardriel wrote: »
    I don't understand how you can get so upset about something that a computer-generated pixel figure does to your own computer-generated pixel figure... It's not really happening to you. You should ignore it. Getting upset only encourages these kiddies even more.

    The problem is that people today tend to be a bit thin-skinned...
  • ercknn
    Soul Shriven
    Tea bagging is fine, it’s griefing that’s not.

    Griefing in itself is subjective and is a case by case basis.
    If someone is offended by tea bagging and you do it over and over again after grief killing I feel like you need to grow thicker skin in an online PvP game.
    If the person not only tea bags you but also starts sending you whispers over and over again you can choose to block them.

    If they find a way to contact you after that then they should be permanently banned. There’s really no excuse to further the behavior.

    I don’t tea bag or ever whisper but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been killed, hate whispered and then immediately blocked by the person hate whispering.

    This game can be wild, and after a decade of playing I’ve come to the conclusion of someone is going to go out of their way to bag, whisper, etc it usually means you’re over performing in either BGs or Cyro and they either got their revenge on you or they’re frustrated because you’re too good.

    All in all it’s just a bunch of hot air and you shouldn’t care what others do unless it actually effects your account or they find a way to contact you after you blocked them.
  • Sepultura_13
    bruta wrote: »
    there is no escape



    I'm going to think of this image when the MYM bagging begins in earnest, LOL
  • ProudMary
    bruta wrote: »
    I do not consent.
    there is no escape


    Good job bringing some fun to the thread.
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Hi all. We wanted to address the recent conversations around teabagging and proper etiquette around the action in-game. In the past, we have noted that context matters when teabagging in-game and when responding to that action. Teabagging in-game is generally not a direct violation of ToS. However, when an impacted player asks you to stop and you refuse, that is when we have crossed into targeted harassment territory. If this happens and the impacted player reports the incident with video proof, then an investigation will open for ToS violations for targeted harassment. This can lead to possible suspension or permanent ban. So please take requests to stop seriously.

    For those reporting a potential violation, please make sure you provide a video that makes it clear that you asked the user who teabagged you in-game to please stop the action and continued action after the ask.

    We hope this clears things up for everyone, especially as we are going into Whitestrake's Mayhem. Again, we understand why some players choose to engage in teabagging. As someone in this thread put it, we survived the 2000's Halo lobbies also. But we want to respect anyone's wishes who do not want to be subject to the in-game action of teabagging.

    Additional update based on a question asking about users who are in offline mode or placed an impacted player on an ignore list: If a user is in offline mode or placed you on an ignore list, you should make an effort to post the request in a general channel. As long as the attempt of contact is made and seen in your video account, that will be factored in during the investigation.
    Edited by ZOS_Kevin on July 25, 2024 3:11PM
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • RomanRex
    you getting triggered over something that literally has zero effect on your game play is funny to them and why they do it.

    i don’t play pvp anymore, or pve really, but if you need enforced safe spaces… the internet isn’t the place to find it.
  • tesla_2
    bruta wrote: »
    I do not consent.
    there is no escape

    bruta wrote: »
    I do not consent.
    there is no escape

    bruta wrote: »
    I do not consent.
    there is no escape


    Tbagging is an awesome thing to do, especially with the sweaty people you kill in pvp using meta. It’s a skill issue if you die and get bagged🤷‍♀️ Must’ve never been in any cod/halo lobbies

  • Duke_Falcon
    I think tea bagging should totally be allowed with the option for the person on the ground to bite their *** off applying a 1 hour Major Maim buff to said offender. lolol :D
  • BetweenMidgets
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all. We wanted to address the recent conversations around teabagging and proper etiquette around the action in-game. In the past, we have noted that context matters when teabagging in-game and when responding to that action. Teabagging in-game is generally not a direct violation of ToS. However, when an impacted player asks you to stop and you refuse, that is when we have crossed into targeted harassment territory. If this happens and the impacted player reports the incident with video proof, then an investigation will open for ToS violations for targeted harassment. This can lead to possible suspension or permanent ban. So please take requests to stop seriously.

    For those reporting a potential violation, please make sure you provide a video that makes it clear that you asked the user who teabagged you in-game to please stop the action and continued action after the ask.

    We hope this clears things up for everyone, especially as we are going into Whitestrake's Mayhem. Again, we understand why some players choose to engage in teabagging. As someone in this thread put it, we survived the 2000's Halo lobbies also. But we want to respect anyone's wishes who do not want to be subject to the in-game action of teabagging.

    What if the person has special characters in their name that you can't type? The barcodes jump to mind (a group of folks that all have names that look akin to "||||||||||||").
    What if someone is teabagging you in offline mode?
    Also requiring video evidence limits WHO can even report. Those who do not have computer software (or the computer specs) are unable to receive "justice"?

    I personally don't care if people teabag me or not. If anything, it makes me laugh, because I know I got under their skin with whatever antics I was doing. That said, this brings up other questions.

    Honestly, this is ridiculous that Zos needs to define this, but since you all are stepping into the arena, there are questions.
    Edited by BetweenMidgets on July 25, 2024 2:10PM
  • Barto92
    How am I supposed to ask the user who teabagged me in-game when they're in offline mode or added me to ignore list?

  • TheMightyRevan
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all. We wanted to address the recent conversations around teabagging and proper etiquette around the action in-game. In the past, we have noted that context matters when teabagging in-game and when responding to that action. Teabagging in-game is generally not a direct violation of ToS. However, when an impacted player asks you to stop and you refuse, that is when we have crossed into targeted harassment territory. If this happens and the impacted player reports the incident with video proof, then an investigation will open for ToS violations for targeted harassment. This can lead to possible suspension or permanent ban. So please take requests to stop seriously.

    For those reporting a potential violation, please make sure you provide a video that makes it clear that you asked the user who teabagged you in-game to please stop the action and continued action after the ask.

    We hope this clears things up for everyone, especially as we are going into Whitestrake's Mayhem. Again, we understand why some players choose to engage in teabagging. As someone in this thread put it, we survived the 2000's Halo lobbies also. But we want to respect anyone's wishes who do not want to be subject to the in-game action of teabagging.

    How are you supposed to ask someone to stop, when they're in offline mode or ignored you, and you cant whisper them. Unreportable then gg
  • baashdi_hobstocking
    Soul Shriven
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all. We wanted to address the recent conversations around teabagging and proper etiquette around the action in-game. In the past, we have noted that context matters when teabagging in-game and when responding to that action. Teabagging in-game is generally not a direct violation of ToS. However, when an impacted player asks you to stop and you refuse, that is when we have crossed into targeted harassment territory. If this happens and the impacted player reports the incident with video proof, then an investigation will open for ToS violations for targeted harassment. This can lead to possible suspension or permanent ban. So please take requests to stop seriously.

    For those reporting a potential violation, please make sure you provide a video that makes it clear that you asked the user who teabagged you in-game to please stop the action and continued action after the ask.

    We hope this clears things up for everyone, especially as we are going into Whitestrake's Mayhem. Again, we understand why some players choose to engage in teabagging. As someone in this thread put it, we survived the 2000's Halo lobbies also. But we want to respect anyone's wishes who do not want to be subject to the in-game action of teabagging.


    i have a firm rule about leaning to, not reporting anything, ... (but i also keep pics, note cards and chat logs of any odd or suspect encounters.)

    ....why only video as evidence? would not a chat log and or pics be enough? pics and chat logs are not proof? would pics be rejected for a report, as evidence?

    ... ... ... for me, this question also relates to any or all in game crime documentation. can you please articulate?

    thank you.
  • agelonestar
    I'm OK with tea bagging as long as it's Yorkshire Tea. I might get onboard with PG Tips, but if it's Lipton we're gonna have a problem.

    This is what you mean right......right......?

    GM of Sunfire's Sect trading guild on PC/EU. All that is gold does not glitter; not all those who wander are lost...... some of us are just looking for trouble.
    GM of Sunfire's Sect (Open) & Dark Star Rising (Priv) | Retired GM of several trade guilds | Trader | Here since the beta
  • Photosniper89
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all. We wanted to address the recent conversations around teabagging and proper etiquette around the action in-game. In the past, we have noted that context matters when teabagging in-game and when responding to that action. Teabagging in-game is generally not a direct violation of ToS. However, when an impacted player asks you to stop and you refuse, that is when we have crossed into targeted harassment territory. If this happens and the impacted player reports the incident with video proof, then an investigation will open for ToS violations for targeted harassment. This can lead to possible suspension or permanent ban. So please take requests to stop seriously.

    For those reporting a potential violation, please make sure you provide a video that makes it clear that you asked the user who teabagged you in-game to please stop the action and continued action after the ask.

    We hope this clears things up for everyone, especially as we are going into Whitestrake's Mayhem. Again, we understand why some players choose to engage in teabagging. As someone in this thread put it, we survived the 2000's Halo lobbies also. But we want to respect anyone's wishes who do not want to be subject to the in-game action of teabagging.


    i have a firm rule about leaning to, not reporting anything, ... (but i also keep pics, note cards and chat logs of any odd or suspect encounters.)

    ....why only video as evidence? would not a chat log and or pics be enough? pics and chat logs are not proof? would pics be rejected for a report, as evidence?

    ... ... ... for me, this question also relates to any or all in game crime documentation. can you please articulate?

    thank you.

    As somone who stealth's a lot a "pic" could make it look like I was tea bagging someone when in fact I was just stealth walking.
  • Minnesinger
    In reality there are not many TEABAGGERS. There are many who are against it in general and ESO being a mature game players usually tend to behave. Of course, every now and then I get teabagged/ you get teabagged. Pvp can be pretty weird but it is beacause of zone chat.
    The wind is cold where I live,
    The blizzard is my home,
    Snow and ice and loaded dice, the Wizard lives alone.
  • LucyferLightbringer
    Some people really must have no real problems int heir lives.... /sigh
  • LordDraw
    Dear OP and readers,
    I have a very useful tip for you if you don't want to be teabagged: STOP killing PvE players (withouht having armor in Impenetrable trait) who just want to complete town quests and/or let them collect skyshards in your Alliance base instead of going invincible/hiding behind rocks/walls/trees and killing them with 2 shots multiple times if gates are opened. Seriously. You don't lose ANYTHING if PvE players will get them. Last Whitestrike I reported player who killed me 10 times for harassment before I finally collected skyshard. And he killed me eleventh time.

    Otherwise, they will finally call for help and find you. And it will be YOUR fault.
    Edited by LordDraw on July 25, 2024 3:10PM
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Barto92 wrote: »
    How am I supposed to ask the user who teabagged me in-game when they're in offline mode or added me to ignore list?


    If someone is in offline mode or placed you on an ignore list, you should make an effort to post the request in a general channel. As long as the attempt of contact is made and seen in your video account, that will be factored in during the investigation.
    Edited by ZOS_Kevin on July 25, 2024 3:09PM
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Bucky_13
    I'm pretty sure I've been teabagged a ton of times. But whenever I die I either check death recap or map to see where I can respawn, so I never pay any attention to if someone is teabagging me. And if they are I just do not care.

    Except for one time when I first ganked a templar, then he comes a minute later, I decide to give him a fair fight and kill him again. Then a few seconds later a DC zerg runs me over and kills me. They also ress the templar who proceeds to teabag me. I did laugh out loud to that teabag since it was so adorable and funny. It's also the only time I remember being teabagged, and since I'm a nightblade I'm pretty sure it's not the only time.
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    i have a firm rule about leaning to, not reporting anything, ... (but i also keep pics, note cards and chat logs of any odd or suspect encounters.)

    ....why only video as evidence? would not a chat log and or pics be enough? pics and chat logs are not proof? would pics be rejected for a report, as evidence?

    ... ... ... for me, this question also relates to any or all in game crime documentation. can you please articulate?

    thank you.

    You can submit other items as well. However, video helps to show a clearer and expansive understanding of the reported situation. A lot more than a chat log or photo can.
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Elyox
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    If someone is in offline mode or placed you on an ignore list, you should make an effort to post the request in a general channel. As long as the attempt of contact is made and seen in your video account, that will be factored in during the investigation.

    What do you mean by "general channel" ? Ain't no one having a general chat between alliances in PvP so I am just wondering if you could explain how/where we should ask people to stop if they are in offline mode or blocked us.
    Sometimes I do pvp, sometimes I do pve, sometimes I'm on break, sometimes I'm part of some players that can't login, that's kinda life
  • EdjeSwift
    Elyox wrote: »
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    If someone is in offline mode or placed you on an ignore list, you should make an effort to post the request in a general channel. As long as the attempt of contact is made and seen in your video account, that will be factored in during the investigation.

    What do you mean by "general channel" ? Ain't no one having a general chat between alliances in PvP so I am just wondering if you could explain how/where we should ask people to stop if they are in offline mode or blocked us.

    I read this as do your due diligence. If they're ignoring you and you ask in your general chat, "Hey I think @UlrichVonLichtenstein has me on ignore, can someone please message them to stop teabagging @CountAdhemar for me please?" is enough to cover your due diligence and a good faith attempt at asking them to stop. If they're on offline mode, similarly you can post in your general chat, if they're unable to read it because of their choices (ignore/offline mode) then they may reap what they sow based upon their choices.
    Edited by EdjeSwift on July 25, 2024 4:03PM
    Antiquities Addict
  • Sepultura_13
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all. We wanted to address the recent conversations around teabagging and proper etiquette around the action in-game. In the past, we have noted that context matters when teabagging in-game and when responding to that action. Teabagging in-game is generally not a direct violation of ToS. However, when an impacted player asks you to stop and you refuse, that is when we have crossed into targeted harassment territory. If this happens and the impacted player reports the incident with video proof, then an investigation will open for ToS violations for targeted harassment. This can lead to possible suspension or permanent ban. So please take requests to stop seriously.

    For those reporting a potential violation, please make sure you provide a video that makes it clear that you asked the user who teabagged you in-game to please stop the action and continued action after the ask.

    We hope this clears things up for everyone, especially as we are going into Whitestrake's Mayhem. Again, we understand why some players choose to engage in teabagging. As someone in this thread put it, we survived the 2000's Halo lobbies also. But we want to respect anyone's wishes who do not want to be subject to the in-game action of teabagging.

    Additional update based on a question asking about users who are in offline mode or placed an impacted player on an ignore list: If a user is in offline mode or placed you on an ignore list, you should make an effort to post the request in a general channel. As long as the attempt of contact is made and seen in your video account, that will be factored in during the investigation.
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Barto92 wrote: »
    How am I supposed to ask the user who teabagged me in-game when they're in offline mode or added me to ignore list?


    If someone is in offline mode or placed you on an ignore list, you should make an effort to post the request in a general channel. As long as the attempt of contact is made and seen in your video account, that will be factored in during the investigation.
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    i have a firm rule about leaning to, not reporting anything, ... (but i also keep pics, note cards and chat logs of any odd or suspect encounters.)

    ....why only video as evidence? would not a chat log and or pics be enough? pics and chat logs are not proof? would pics be rejected for a report, as evidence?

    ... ... ... for me, this question also relates to any or all in game crime documentation. can you please articulate?

    thank you.

    You can submit other items as well. However, video helps to show a clearer and expansive understanding of the reported situation. A lot more than a chat log or photo can.

    So teabagging is so grossly offensive that multiple posts are made about it, even though it isn't specifically against the T & C or CoC which we all read and "accepted" when we signed up to play this game. But racism, sexism, stalking and harassment (which are direct violations of the T & C / CoC) are allowed to go on unabated, reports of same are completely ignored, and any post about those violations go unanswered and fall into the forum abyss.

    People's priorities are seriously skewed. Go figure... :#
  • cyclonus11
    They should make it so you don't leave crouch position when you unhide, and you only leave the crouching position if you move after unhiding.
  • Bigmatt2
    Teabagging is boring. There are other emotes we have you can do. However, the real end game is getting bagged, a song written about you, and uploaded to YouTube. That's next level.
  • TheMajority
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all. We wanted to address the recent conversations around teabagging and proper etiquette around the action in-game. In the past, we have noted that context matters when teabagging in-game and when responding to that action. Teabagging in-game is generally not a direct violation of ToS. However, when an impacted player asks you to stop and you refuse, that is when we have crossed into targeted harassment territory. If this happens and the impacted player reports the incident with video proof, then an investigation will open for ToS violations for targeted harassment. This can lead to possible suspension or permanent ban. So please take requests to stop seriously.

    For those reporting a potential violation, please make sure you provide a video that makes it clear that you asked the user who teabagged you in-game to please stop the action and continued action after the ask.

    We hope this clears things up for everyone, especially as we are going into Whitestrake's Mayhem. Again, we understand why some players choose to engage in teabagging. As someone in this thread put it, we survived the 2000's Halo lobbies also. But we want to respect anyone's wishes who do not want to be subject to the in-game action of teabagging.

    Additional update based on a question asking about users who are in offline mode or placed an impacted player on an ignore list: If a user is in offline mode or placed you on an ignore list, you should make an effort to post the request in a general channel. As long as the attempt of contact is made and seen in your video account, that will be factored in during the investigation.


    If a user is blocking us, we can not post a request that harassment stop in a general channel because only your own PVP faction can see your general chat in the zone. The opposite faction which is the one teabagging you cannot see your chat at all. It is unfair to ask us to be the ones to stop harassment when we can not speak to these people if they have whispers blocked. Whispers is the only way to talk to the opposite faction in a PVP zone.

    It is also unfair to ask us to take video of the incident. Why isn't a screenshot enough? Not everyone is a streamer nor is the average player set up to take, make, or upload videos when harassment occurs. We should not have to have video softwear ready in case we are harassed.

    Please reconsider these policies. This is toxic behavior which simulates SA and should never have to be tolerated by anyone. Please protect your players instead of putting the onus on us to stop harassment. I do not feel my wishes are respected to not be harassed when I have to jump through hoops to provide proof I'm being harassed. Meanwhile...the person harassing me is provided with the means to do so in game by its devs. This is a major problem.
    Time flies like an arrow- but fruit flies like a banana.

    Sorry for my English, I do not always have a translation tool available. Thank you for your patience with our conversation and working towards our mutual understanding of the topic.
  • spartaxoxo

    While I understand that video is better evidence....

    1. Most users cannot provide video for a past action. They don't have the tools for it and probably aren't recording everything they do in PvP. For console, or at least PS not sure about MS, this is simple because it is setup to act this way by default. But just because PlayStation users can easily submit video, it doesn't mean anyone else can. This video thing also has an unfair bias against people who are older, and others who may be less tech savvy than others for a variety of reasons.

    2. The general chat channel advice is not feasible. You cannot use them while dead, which is when teabagging occurs. And when you do rez and can use those chats, the general chat does not display to the opposing faction. So, the enemy player would not even know that they have been "notified." That seems unfair to both the person being bagged and the user eating a ban because "they were told to stop." A more clear rule that you cannot bag at all if you're in offline mode or have blocked the user you're bagging would be more appropriate. There's no good reason to teabag someone you're feuding enough with to block. That's clearly not in good fun. And people who turn their replies off to teabag are not acting in good faith (or they forgot which is why first offense for that action should be a warning).
    Edited by spartaxoxo on July 25, 2024 5:00PM
  • CrazyKitty
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Barto92 wrote: »
    How am I supposed to ask the user who teabagged me in-game when they're in offline mode or added me to ignore list?


    If someone is in offline mode or placed you on an ignore list, you should make an effort to post the request in a general channel. As long as the attempt of contact is made and seen in your video account, that will be factored in during the investigation.

    The opposing factions can't read what we type in zone chat. If someone is in offline mode or has a player on ignore there is no way to communicate with them.
  • acastanza_ESO
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all. We wanted to address the recent conversations around teabagging and proper etiquette around the action in-game. In the past, we have noted that context matters when teabagging in-game and when responding to that action. Teabagging in-game is generally not a direct violation of ToS. However, when an impacted player asks you to stop and you refuse, that is when we have crossed into targeted harassment territory. If this happens and the impacted player reports the incident with video proof, then an investigation will open for ToS violations for targeted harassment. This can lead to possible suspension or permanent ban. So please take requests to stop seriously.

    For those reporting a potential violation, please make sure you provide a video that makes it clear that you asked the user who teabagged you in-game to please stop the action and continued action after the ask.

    We hope this clears things up for everyone, especially as we are going into Whitestrake's Mayhem. Again, we understand why some players choose to engage in teabagging. As someone in this thread put it, we survived the 2000's Halo lobbies also. But we want to respect anyone's wishes who do not want to be subject to the in-game action of teabagging.

    Additional update based on a question asking about users who are in offline mode or placed an impacted player on an ignore list: If a user is in offline mode or placed you on an ignore list, you should make an effort to post the request in a general channel. As long as the attempt of contact is made and seen in your video account, that will be factored in during the investigation.

    Kevin, with regard to players who have preemptively blocked you to attempt to evade TOS enforcement action, oreviously ZOS has accepted attempting to ask them to stop in in the video and showing the message failing to send. "asking them to stop in a general channel" is impossible and ridiculous as this almost exclusively occurs in PVP Zones where there simply is not a general channel to communicate with them in. I would note that the burden ZOS has placed on players being harassed in order to obtain relief is, frankly, absurd.

    Furthermore the teams that actually monitor these reports seem to not care at all anyway.
    I've reported people who harassed me for months and included multiple videos where I've asked them to stop in the video and they've repeatedly tebagged both before and after, and rarely if ever has there ever been enforcement action and these players continue to do so to this day, still teabagging and harassing. It is clear that the TOS enforcement team simply does not take these incidents seriously and is in need of significant retraining.
This discussion has been closed.