If you have the Treasure Hunter Champion Passive, both the above chances and quality of an item will be improved."
QoL things:
- being able to turn off fx effects on mounts and weapon packs. I like my Elder Elder Scrolls games low fantasy tyvm.
- being able to equip multible head/body markings,
- options for head/body marking to appear above skins, I've seen dead water Argonianr npc's with body markings but we as players can only equip one one or the other.
- re-order guild chat tabs
- house guests can do animations inside houses
- guild furnishings
- change class colors skills
- more personalitys that the community has been begging for ages for. Nervous/old/etc!
- /talk emote for roleplayers when we talk in /s
Fun ideas
- jumping puzzles in the world
- toys
- expansion of racial talents, nothing that impacts gameplay just things that increase individuality.
bigger things:
- ingame cinematics for epc questlines
- companion quest expansion for older and new companions
- for the love of god a rebalance of overland. it's so boring! mobs die when i so much as look at them.
Realistic but still a long shot : Removal of combat bug in cyro.
Have you tried tethering to your mobile phone? Satellite here is 999. Phone is 450.
We need to unplug that cable to NZ and plug it in directly to the West Island. They can then hop backwards from us and have all the fun that 4 networks hops provide. Sheep don't need unternit inyway, eh bro?
Have you tried tethering to your mobile phone? Satellite here is 999. Phone is 450.
We need to unplug that cable to NZ and plug it in directly to the West Island. They can then hop backwards from us and have all the fun that 4 networks hops provide. Sheep don't need unternit inyway, eh bro?
My mobile is on the very edge of Verizon's service - and in order to use it at all, I have to connect it through my dish WIFI. It's - not ideal.... and yes, I live in the lower 48, but it's a very tiny town in the back of beyond. No one is considering running fiber into here for less than 400 people (that's total people, not families) and that's only in the summer.... I can't even get Starlink in my SUV here.
Some reward for completing weapons collection or reaching an hight number of cp or akivement points. Some reward for investing so many vouchers in attunable crafting stations.
Less catering to casuals.
A house befitting my status