ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Ok, thanks everyone. We've passed along your comments and are actively investigating this issue. We'll let you know if we have any other questions for you!
Can't get into pvp still getting the endless loading screen and I've tried all suggestions this has been here since beta and still no fix. There skating on thin ice as I want to stay but this is taking the biscuit.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys - for anyone still getting long loading screens, can you let us know if you're using any add-ons?
AryaWythers wrote: »Did you try to group in Cyrodiil? That can cause your game to bug of for a while...I haven't been able to group for three weeks or else strange things happen to me....if I don't not as bad, but sucks for an MMO.
Of course Zeni will ask you fruit-loop questions while they try to hide true answer...been going on for eight months now!
Never ending loading screen...and non-functioning action bars are just to mention a few, still never a single straight answer. Just seemed like the escalated customer support tried to hide it...would love an official answer since you super secret team has been working on it for weeks!
P.S. was never mentioned in last e-mail and have proof!