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How do you farm Script Scraps for Class Mastery Script? (Answered)

  • ghastley
    I’m grinding Master Writs to fill my Master crafting tables anyway, so I’ll have all the scraps before that’s done.
  • Nathrai
    cyclonus11 wrote: »
    I did this yesterday and didn't get any scraps. I got one earlier in the day from a master writ - is that why?
    No, I've tried doing the IA Daily before the master writ, still didn't drop a scrap. It's just simply buggy, it seems.
    Azura'm s'wit
  • EdjeSwift
    Nathrai wrote: »
    cyclonus11 wrote: »
    I did this yesterday and didn't get any scraps. I got one earlier in the day from a master writ - is that why?
    No, I've tried doing the IA Daily before the master writ, still didn't drop a scrap. It's just simply buggy, it seems.

    The only time I got a class script from IA was from a Tho'at chest. And even that's not guaranteed.
    Antiquities Addict
  • Necrotech_Master
    drops from trials are once per day per account, except for the weekly quests coffers, which can be once per character per week (so you can get multiple in a day)
    A bunch of us on console have been saving our coffers for a few weeks. Can we open multiple coffers in a row and get scraps, because the timer is on coffer DROPS, or do we have to hold off opening the coffers to once a week per character?
    ETA to clarify: I know how standard coffer drops work - once per character per trial per week. I'm asking if the timer for the scraps is ALSO once per character per trial per week.

    im not 100% sure if there is a cooldown per coffer, i think someone i run trials with did this tactic as well (mainly because they were capped on transmutes), and they opened a bunch and pretty sure got a scrap with each one

    they might not have included a cooldown per coffer since the coffers themselves already have a weekly cooldown per character
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • FlopsyPrince
    I do think I got something in this area from the daily Mages and Fighters Guild quests I am doing for companion rep today. That was not expected but would be nice if it is accurate.
  • TheValkyn
    sarahthes wrote: »
    CrashTest wrote: »
    Jerdeh wrote: »
    You will get 25 by becoming crowned as emperor in cyrodiil.

    This shows just how out of touch ZOS is with the playerbase.

    Why? Scribing is designed for PvP, after all.

    As well as for everyone else. Why shouldn't PvPers get good sources in the content they run?

    Getting emp is a serious grind. I’ve been doing PvP for years and never got it. Probably never will.

    I’ve had emp every month this year at least once but I usually stay at the top 5. I work full time, have a side gig (build video games), and enjoy going out to eat.

    It’s totally possible by just playing the game, earning the dTicks and by not talking yourself out of it.

    I never grind AP. I don’t even grab a delve buff. I never think about it. Consistency is key though.
  • Stridig
    I finally got to 50 today. Trial after trial on multiple characters.
    Enemy to many
    Friend to all
  • Jacozilla
    Bug, intended, or whatever weird zos logic but confirmed this week VMA has some bizarre rules re: class scraps

    1- Successfully completing VMA gives 3 scraps, locked to once per day (running multiple alts only rewarded first char)

    2- Making leaderboard does NOT reward every char that ranked top 100 (or even top 50). TLDR = max 2 chars earn the extra 5 scraps for leaderboard email.

    Details: I ranked (5) chars well under top 50 this week. Sorc, NB, Arc x2, Necro
    -Got my 5 leaderboard reward emails after reset today. All of them had usual VMA random gold gear and xmute coffer. However, only 2 received 5 class scraps each.

    -First two chars that ran VMA and ranked leaderboard last week got usual loot + 5 class scraps (sorc and arc)
    -Next 3 chars only got VMA loot and xmute coffer, no class scraps

    This is very odd because expected it would either be just 1 char, or every one that made leaderboard. So whatever reason, bug or intended design, the limit is 2 chars / acct per weekly leaderboard reset.

    Reasons that CAN’T be why this odd behavior:
    1- class based - if only 1 char per class type could get it, I should have gotten 4

    2- rank based - not only did every char make leaderboard reward cutoff of top 100, they were all ranked well within top 50 (from 19th to about 50). If class scrap cutoff is different from regular rewards, then either all or none of my chars should have gotten scraps.

    3- flawless based - 3 chars ran flawless, 2 did not. So if this mattered, I should have gotten 3 chars with scraps but got 2. I can’t see zos coding it as ‘must die in order to get leaderboard reward class scraps’.

    4- daily cooldown based - I did not run all 5 chars on same day. I ran 1 per day for 5 days, then waited for end of week reset. This was to avoid wasting effort as VMA completion +3 scraps only rewards 1 char/day. This also means if there is some daily coodown for qualifying leaderboard, it was moot issue since I ran 1x day for 5 days. So logically, should have gotten either 1 leaderboard +5 scraps - or on all 5 chars, not the actual result of just 2 chars

    TLDR - for whatever reason, my running (5) chars last week and achieving VMA leaderboard only had (2) chars receive the extra +5 class scraps in each reward email. Other 3 chars just got standard rewards.
  • amig186
    Jacozilla wrote: »
    Bug, intended, or whatever weird zos logic but confirmed this week VMA has some bizarre rules re: class scraps

    1- Successfully completing VMA gives 3 scraps, locked to once per day (running multiple alts only rewarded first char)

    2- Making leaderboard does NOT reward every char that ranked top 100 (or even top 50). TLDR = max 2 chars earn the extra 5 scraps for leaderboard email.

    Details: I ranked (5) chars well under top 50 this week. Sorc, NB, Arc x2, Necro
    -Got my 5 leaderboard reward emails after reset today. All of them had usual VMA random gold gear and xmute coffer. However, only 2 received 5 class scraps each.

    -First two chars that ran VMA and ranked leaderboard last week got usual loot + 5 class scraps (sorc and arc)
    -Next 3 chars only got VMA loot and xmute coffer, no class scraps

    This is very odd because expected it would either be just 1 char, or every one that made leaderboard. So whatever reason, bug or intended design, the limit is 2 chars / acct per weekly leaderboard reset.

    Reasons that CAN’T be why this odd behavior:
    1- class based - if only 1 char per class type could get it, I should have gotten 4

    2- rank based - not only did every char make leaderboard reward cutoff of top 100, they were all ranked well within top 50 (from 19th to about 50). If class scrap cutoff is different from regular rewards, then either all or none of my chars should have gotten scraps.

    3- flawless based - 3 chars ran flawless, 2 did not. So if this mattered, I should have gotten 3 chars with scraps but got 2. I can’t see zos coding it as ‘must die in order to get leaderboard reward class scraps’.

    4- daily cooldown based - I did not run all 5 chars on same day. I ran 1 per day for 5 days, then waited for end of week reset. This was to avoid wasting effort as VMA completion +3 scraps only rewards 1 char/day. This also means if there is some daily coodown for qualifying leaderboard, it was moot issue since I ran 1x day for 5 days. So logically, should have gotten either 1 leaderboard +5 scraps - or on all 5 chars, not the actual result of just 2 chars

    TLDR - for whatever reason, my running (5) chars last week and achieving VMA leaderboard only had (2) chars receive the extra +5 class scraps in each reward email. Other 3 chars just got standard rewards.

    But last week's leaderboard, for which we got mails yesterday, was for Vateshran, not VMA. Maybe that's the problem
    PC EU
  • Rowjoh
    I dont think anyone has mentioned a good source is from a scroll return in PVP - x4 scraps (once per day I believe) :)
  • Tyrion87
    From my experience, the most efficient way to farm Class Script Scraps is doing vTrials (HM if you can) - without HM you get 3 as a drop from final boss (I noticed it is once per day) and 2 from a weekly coffer, so 5 overall from one run. Repeat the process each day with a different trial (for another weekly coffer), and you can get to 50 quite fast.
  • Rowjoh
    Tyrion87 wrote: »
    From my experience, the most efficient way to farm Class Script Scraps is doing vTrials (HM if you can) - without HM you get 3 as a drop from final boss (I noticed it is once per day) and 2 from a weekly coffer, so 5 overall from one run. Repeat the process each day with a different trial (for another weekly coffer), and you can get to 50 quite fast.

    Fantastic. Except Vet HM trials are somewhat elitist and its harder to get into a group than complete the trial.

    Then factor in the high level of snobbery and toxicity, and this is a non-starter for most.

  • allochthons
    A bunch of us on console have been saving our coffers for a few weeks. Can we open multiple coffers in a row and get scraps, because the timer is on coffer DROPS, or do we have to hold off opening the coffers to once a week per character?
    ETA to clarify: I know how standard coffer drops work - once per character per trial per week. I'm asking if the timer for the scraps is ALSO once per character per trial per week.

    I can confirm that every saved (veteran) Trial Coffer, regardless of which trial it drops from, contains two class script scraps.
    I just opened two vDSR on one toon, saved from before the new chapter, and they both had 2 scraps. I opened three unique coffers (vMoL, vDSR, vSE), on another toon, and they each contained 2 scraps.
    All this was within 5 minutes.
    Edited by allochthons on June 18, 2024 4:46PM
  • tsaescishoeshiner
    Thanks everyone--I updated the list with the info provided. It seems that normal trials and daily master writs are the winners.
    in-game: @tsaescishoeshiner
  • Necrotech_Master
    instead of specifying "maelstrom" in your list, you should note as "any arena", so it counts maelstrom, vateshran, DSA, and BRP under the arena drop

    and you should note there is no cooldown on the weekly trial quest coffers themselves (say if someone was saving them up for a period of time, you could open 10 coffers and get 20 scraps all in one sitting from the same trial)
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • Jacozilla
    amig186 wrote: »
    Jacozilla wrote: »
    Bug, intended, or whatever weird zos logic but confirmed this week VMA has some bizarre rules re: class scraps

    1- Successfully completing VMA gives 3 scraps, locked to once per day (running multiple alts only rewarded first char)

    2- Making leaderboard does NOT reward every char that ranked top 100 (or even top 50). TLDR = max 2 chars earn the extra 5 scraps for leaderboard email.

    Details: I ranked (5) chars well under top 50 this week. Sorc, NB, Arc x2, Necro
    -Got my 5 leaderboard reward emails after reset today. All of them had usual VMA random gold gear and xmute coffer. However, only 2 received 5 class scraps each.

    -First two chars that ran VMA and ranked leaderboard last week got usual loot + 5 class scraps (sorc and arc)
    -Next 3 chars only got VMA loot and xmute coffer, no class scraps

    This is very odd because expected it would either be just 1 char, or every one that made leaderboard. So whatever reason, bug or intended design, the limit is 2 chars / acct per weekly leaderboard reset.

    Reasons that CAN’T be why this odd behavior:
    1- class based - if only 1 char per class type could get it, I should have gotten 4

    2- rank based - not only did every char make leaderboard reward cutoff of top 100, they were all ranked well within top 50 (from 19th to about 50). If class scrap cutoff is different from regular rewards, then either all or none of my chars should have gotten scraps.

    3- flawless based - 3 chars ran flawless, 2 did not. So if this mattered, I should have gotten 3 chars with scraps but got 2. I can’t see zos coding it as ‘must die in order to get leaderboard reward class scraps’.

    4- daily cooldown based - I did not run all 5 chars on same day. I ran 1 per day for 5 days, then waited for end of week reset. This was to avoid wasting effort as VMA completion +3 scraps only rewards 1 char/day. This also means if there is some daily coodown for qualifying leaderboard, it was moot issue since I ran 1x day for 5 days. So logically, should have gotten either 1 leaderboard +5 scraps - or on all 5 chars, not the actual result of just 2 chars

    TLDR - for whatever reason, my running (5) chars last week and achieving VMA leaderboard only had (2) chars receive the extra +5 class scraps in each reward email. Other 3 chars just got standard rewards.

    But last week's leaderboard, for which we got mails yesterday, was for Vateshran, not VMA. Maybe that's the problem

    Nope, last week was VMA (*wish I had screenshot it, but not only 100% positive as that was listed on my screen, you can see that THIS week’s weekly is Vateshran (after yesterday’s Monday reset).

    So - 1- Zos doesn’t repeat twice in a row, so if last week was theoretically Vateshran, it woldn’t be the weekly this week

    2- I positively received (5) leaderboard emails for VMA placement (*of which 2 also got class scraps +5), so another confirmation that last week the weekly leaderboard was for VMA.

    3- the sole issue of confusion is why only 2 of the 5 leaderboard reward emails had the +5 class scraps. I’m not complaining btw re: difficulty in scraps. Have mine done with all 50, just wondering fairly reasonably why attaining VMA leaderboard reward would be so odd behavior -> reward 2 chars, but not all, or not just one.

    Seems fairly logical that it ought to be either 1 char per account, or all. Having 2 as the limit appears more a bug, as in - should have only gotten 1, or gotten for all 5.

    P.s. this is for PC NA. Maybe you’re on EU and weekly is different on separate servers?
    Edited by Jacozilla on June 19, 2024 2:01AM
  • amig186
    Jacozilla wrote: »
    P.s. this is for PC NA. Maybe you’re on EU and weekly is different on separate servers?

    Right, hadn't thought about that, assumed it would be the same on both. For us it's vMA week this week. Good analysis, explains the drop limits clearly.
    PC EU
  • Rowjoh
    amig186 wrote: »
    Jacozilla wrote: »
    P.s. this is for PC NA. Maybe you’re on EU and weekly is different on separate servers?

    Right, hadn't thought about that, assumed it would be the same on both. For us it's vMA week this week. Good analysis, explains the drop limits clearly.

    So why didn't you hit the 'insightful' or 'awesome' button then ?

  • amig186
    Rowjoh wrote: »
    amig186 wrote: »
    Jacozilla wrote: »
    P.s. this is for PC NA. Maybe you’re on EU and weekly is different on separate servers?

    Right, hadn't thought about that, assumed it would be the same on both. For us it's vMA week this week. Good analysis, explains the drop limits clearly.

    So why didn't you hit the 'insightful' or 'awesome' button then ?

    Who are you then, the like police? This ain't sodding facebook. And I don't need nor appreciate such presumptuous 'suggestions' from random nobodies like you.
    PC EU
  • CGPsaint
    amig186 wrote: »
    Rowjoh wrote: »
    amig186 wrote: »
    Jacozilla wrote: »
    P.s. this is for PC NA. Maybe you’re on EU and weekly is different on separate servers?

    Right, hadn't thought about that, assumed it would be the same on both. For us it's vMA week this week. Good analysis, explains the drop limits clearly.

    So why didn't you hit the 'insightful' or 'awesome' button then ?

    Who are you then, the like police? This ain't sodding facebook. And I don't need nor appreciate such presumptuous 'suggestions' from random nobodies like you.

    Not that you need it, but I gave you an insightful. ;)

    "Some enjoy bringing grief to others. They remind M'aiq of mudcrabs—horrible creatures, with no redeeming qualities."
  • ellmarie
    Yay...another thing I will be angry doing. I hate trials. I hate dungeons, arenas, I've done the IA twice. So Master Writs it is.
    Xbox X- NA
  • TaSheen
    I'm not even sure why I would need the Class Mastery script? For warden, does it have something I can't live without on my mains?

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • tsaescishoeshiner
    TaSheen wrote: »
    I'm not even sure why I would need the Class Mastery script? For warden, does it have something I can't live without on my mains?

    The effect for warden:
    Create an 8 meter area for 2 seconds under your target once every 8 seconds that snares enemies by 70%, and charms them for 3 seconds when it expires. If no enemies are charmed, you restore 1000 Magicka and Stamina.

    For dungeons, this could maybe help tanks CC enemies, but on DPS it would mess up the mobs' CC immunity for the tanks.

    It could be used in PvP or for solo play--probably fun to have an AoE charm effect, and the recovery is a decent backup.

    (Once you unlock it, all your chars of all classes have access to their class script.)
    (It's also needed for an achievement for a blue dye, purple wall of elements skill style, and an achievement furnishing.)
    in-game: @tsaescishoeshiner
  • TaSheen
    TaSheen wrote: »
    I'm not even sure why I would need the Class Mastery script? For warden, does it have something I can't live without on my mains?

    The effect for warden:
    Create an 8 meter area for 2 seconds under your target once every 8 seconds that snares enemies by 70%, and charms them for 3 seconds when it expires. If no enemies are charmed, you restore 1000 Magicka and Stamina.

    For dungeons, this could maybe help tanks CC enemies, but on DPS it would mess up the mobs' CC immunity for the tanks.

    It could be used in PvP or for solo play--probably fun to have an AoE charm effect, and the recovery is a decent backup.

    (Once you unlock it, all your chars of all classes have access to their class script.)
    (It's also needed for an achievement for a blue dye, purple wall of elements skill style, and an achievement furnishing.)

    Thanks! May be worth getting with Master writs over time then.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • MidniteOwl1913
    Any more data on the IA daily drop? I don't really like IA but the daily is not hard to do, better than trials or BG for me at least.
  • Necrotech_Master
    Any more data on the IA daily drop? I don't really like IA but the daily is not hard to do, better than trials or BG for me at least.

    from what ive seen the class mastery scrap was a rarity from the archive, i never received one for the daily quest, and dont think i got one as a drop from any tho'at up through arc 3

    the most reliable/easy pve method is probably normal arenas, and master writs

    1 class scrap from your first master writ a day
    1 class scrap from your first arena clear per account on normal

    it would take a bit of time to accrue scraps only using those methods, but it would still be doable
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • Lylith
    Any more data on the IA daily drop? I don't really like IA but the daily is not hard to do, better than trials or BG for me at least.

    ia is capricious as hell, i'm 2 for 7 and not going back.

    ymmv, ofc.
  • Rowjoh
    amig186 wrote: »
    Rowjoh wrote: »
    amig186 wrote: »
    Jacozilla wrote: »
    P.s. this is for PC NA. Maybe you’re on EU and weekly is different on separate servers?

    Right, hadn't thought about that, assumed it would be the same on both. For us it's vMA week this week. Good analysis, explains the drop limits clearly.

    So why didn't you hit the 'insightful' or 'awesome' button then ?

    Who are you then, the like police? This ain't sodding facebook. And I don't need nor appreciate such presumptuous 'suggestions' from random nobodies like you.

    Actually yes.

    I'm an arbiter of politeness, good manners, and general decency. I'm also a Nightblade so I'm invisible - a 'nobody' as you eloquently put it.

  • Vynera
    Any more data on the IA daily drop? I don't really like IA but the daily is not hard to do, better than trials or BG for me at least.

    the most reliable/easy pve method is probably normal arenas, and master writs

    1 class scrap from your first master writ a day
    1 class scrap from your first arena clear per account on normal

    it would take a bit of time to accrue scraps only using those methods, but it would still be doable

    Easiest way is running random vet dungeons, gives 2 per character per day. If you get a base game dungeon its 10mins, a arena, even on normal, takes longer.

  • Araneae6537
    Thanks everyone--I updated the list with the info provided. It seems that normal trials and daily master writs are the winners.

    It looks like all the information is correct, but I am confused by the line in bold — the best way is doing random trials. Did you mean to say random dungeons? Otherwise I’m not sure what you mean by random trials — the best way via trials is to do an old, now quick and easy trial like AA on vet with different characters.
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