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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Where is the ink?

  • Orbital78
    Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know we've seen your feedback over the drop rate for ink. We've found that ink is not currently dropping from boss enemies, and we'll be fixing that in an upcoming incremental. Additionally, we did double check and confirm ink is dropping as intended from nodes, though it's worth reminding everyone that ink will only begin dropping from nodes after you've completed the Netch quest.

    Once the fix goes out for the boss enemies, we'll continue to monitor the drop rate and make further adjustments if necessary.

    What about the Endless Archive? None of the ink creatures drop loot except the scamp and marauders, any plans to change that or make EA more viable for getting ink. It seems like a missed opportunity, unless I am missing something.
  • Jaraal
    Re: ink from surveys -- I've yet to get one in that manner. Which seems counterintuitive to the status quo, as surveys can grant nirncrux in Craglorn, but apparently not ink.

    Additionally, we did double check and confirm ink is dropping as intended from nodes, though it's worth reminding everyone that ink will only begin dropping from nodes after you've completed the Netch quest.

    The patch notes state:
    After completing the Scribing questline, when using alt characters, you will only have to complete the Second Era of Scribing to take full advantage of the Scribing System.

    So you're saying alts actually can't take full advantage of the scribing system (which includes getting ink to make skills) until they complete the Wing of the Netch?
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • sarahthes
    I farmed for 30 minutes yesterday and got 4 more ink (each a double drop from a resource node).

    It's just rng.
  • Necrotech_Master
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Re: ink from surveys -- I've yet to get one in that manner. Which seems counterintuitive to the status quo, as surveys can grant nirncrux in Craglorn, but apparently not ink.

    Additionally, we did double check and confirm ink is dropping as intended from nodes, though it's worth reminding everyone that ink will only begin dropping from nodes after you've completed the Netch quest.

    The patch notes state:
    After completing the Scribing questline, when using alt characters, you will only have to complete the Second Era of Scribing to take full advantage of the Scribing System.

    So you're saying alts actually can't take full advantage of the scribing system (which includes getting ink to make skills) until they complete the Wing of the Netch?

    completing the wings gives you an acct upgrade, your other characters should be able to get ink/scripts even if they never did any scribing quests theoretically (i havent been on another character yet to test this though)
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • Jaraal
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Re: ink from surveys -- I've yet to get one in that manner. Which seems counterintuitive to the status quo, as surveys can grant nirncrux in Craglorn, but apparently not ink.

    Additionally, we did double check and confirm ink is dropping as intended from nodes, though it's worth reminding everyone that ink will only begin dropping from nodes after you've completed the Netch quest.

    The patch notes state:
    After completing the Scribing questline, when using alt characters, you will only have to complete the Second Era of Scribing to take full advantage of the Scribing System.

    So you're saying alts actually can't take full advantage of the scribing system (which includes getting ink to make skills) until they complete the Wing of the Netch?

    completing the wings gives you an acct upgrade, your other characters should be able to get ink/scripts even if they never did any scribing quests theoretically (i havent been on another character yet to test this though)

    I've definitely gotten scripts from daily reward coffers on alts that haven't even logged in since before Update 42 dropped. But I haven't tried farming ink on any of my characters except the one that has completed the entire quest line. However, I don't recall getting inks with any of my other characters to this point.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Necrotech_Master
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Re: ink from surveys -- I've yet to get one in that manner. Which seems counterintuitive to the status quo, as surveys can grant nirncrux in Craglorn, but apparently not ink.

    Additionally, we did double check and confirm ink is dropping as intended from nodes, though it's worth reminding everyone that ink will only begin dropping from nodes after you've completed the Netch quest.

    The patch notes state:
    After completing the Scribing questline, when using alt characters, you will only have to complete the Second Era of Scribing to take full advantage of the Scribing System.

    So you're saying alts actually can't take full advantage of the scribing system (which includes getting ink to make skills) until they complete the Wing of the Netch?

    completing the wings gives you an acct upgrade, your other characters should be able to get ink/scripts even if they never did any scribing quests theoretically (i havent been on another character yet to test this though)

    I've definitely gotten scripts from daily reward coffers on alts that haven't even logged in since before Update 42 dropped. But I haven't tried farming ink on any of my characters except the one that has completed the entire quest line. However, I don't recall getting inks with any of my other characters to this point.

    i think thats more attributed to just the extremely poor drop rate of ink, your other character could be experiencing the "dry spell" like ive been lol
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • reazea
    "Where's the beef?"

  • Rondur_Sidriel
    I would like some type of daily quest that rewards ink. 1 ink a day from a daily is better than what we have now 😂
  • dkblight
    I would like some type of daily quest that rewards ink. 1 ink a day from a daily is better than what we have now 😂

    Ink rewards in addition to certain weekly endeavor rewards
    Ink as Last week Daily login Reward
  • Imryll
    I think farming ink is a mistake. Farm resources and kill mobs and rejoice when you get ink. Already this week I've gotten at least 3 ink from plants and one from a deserter in Fort Colovia. I'm also getting scripts from unattuned alts doing things that they would normally do. If you could get everything you wanted the first week folks would be complaining about not having anything to do. We just need to be a little bit patient and we'll develop a supply of ink just as we have with other resources.
  • allochthons
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »

    The best "reliable option" I've seen anyone suggest so far is to create a throwaway alt, zip through the Luminaries' quests to get 12 ink, delete the alt, then do it again as often as desired. I don't know if they were being sarcastic, but it actually sounds like a winning idea-- if someone has an available character slot, that is.

    the idea of the alt is consistent, but i think it requires getting the character to at least lvl 30 to do scribing, and then all of the travel involved (lack of wayshrines) might make that take longer than expected but still guaranteed results over RNG drops that are rarer than nirncrux
    I'm not suggesting this is the way the game should be, but:
    I keep two toons between levels 10-30 at all times, to farm random daily dungeons fast. They're tanks, so I queue fast. Once they get to the longer dungeons, I run them through Wrothgar to get Orzorga's recipes to sell, delete the toons and recreate them.

    I guess I'll add "run them through Wrothgar, and the Scribing quests, then delete and recreate," if the ink remains this rare.

    I have managed to farm up all 50 for the black force pulse quest.

    1.set a timer and stick to it ( put in 2 hours for 3 days before completion)
    2. Us Harvest Map addon and its auto route feature
    3. Also starter zones are by far the best
    PC NA
  • Stridig
    Managed to get over 30 inks (not counting quest inks) farming nodes. Have probably spent 4 hours total farming. If that's the intended drop rate, I thinks it's pretty good.
    Enemy to many
    Friend to all
  • Aurielle
    Stridig wrote: »
    Managed to get over 30 inks (not counting quest inks) farming nodes. Have probably spent 4 hours total farming. If that's the intended drop rate, I thinks it's pretty good.

    Just good RNG. I’ve been harvesting nodes while doing zone story quests for the skin achievement for a couple of days now, and haven’t gotten a single ink drop.
  • StihlReign
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Stridig wrote: »
    Managed to get over 30 inks (not counting quest inks) farming nodes. Have probably spent 4 hours total farming. If that's the intended drop rate, I thinks it's pretty good.

    Just good RNG. I’ve been harvesting nodes while doing zone story quests for the skin achievement for a couple of days now, and haven’t gotten a single ink drop.

    Agree. Working on Class Mastery now...
    The ink drop rate is just absolutely dismal. Nice to have the Scripts, but playing around with the system and trying out new things? Absolutely out of the question.

    The only guarantee I've had - duplicate scripts. If I have a script, it's almost guaranteed I'll get duplicates before I get the next one I want. The waiting game is the game now lol (which wouldn't be so bad if farming nodes in between daily wait timers dropped inks, but they don't). :#B)
    "O divine art of subtlety and secrecy!

    Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible; and hence we can hold the enemy’s fate in our hands.” – Ch. VI, v. 8-9. — Master Sun Tzu

    "You haven't beaten me you've sacrificed sure footing for a killing stroke." — Ra's al Ghul

    He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious — Master Sun Tzu

  • Jaraal
    I have managed to farm up all 50 for the black force pulse quest.

    Same, I got this achievement last night. Harvested or looted all but the 12 granted for completing the quest. It's worthwhile to me, because I've made over 3 million gold selling less than half of them. So time well spent, in my mind.

    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • CrashTest
    Do alts have to do the Netch and Gryphon quests to get ink from nodes and mobs or is one character enough?
  • SergeiTheBarb
    Soul Shriven
    What's the point of buying a new Chapter which new system is only usable if you have luck with a specific resource drop?
    Why isn't "ink" a common resource like jewelry platings?
  • Yamenstein
    CrashTest wrote: »
    Do alts have to do the Netch and Gryphon quests to get ink from nodes and mobs or is one character enough?

    After you have done the quest it is unlocked in your upgrades section like the chapter motifs and other content. So no. You don’t need to do those quests again to unlock the ink drops from nodes/mobs.

    I believe without running the quests you won’t unlock the soul burst skill. It would be good if that was automatically unlocked along with the other soul skill at the end of the introductory quest.

    With that said - I don’t think I’ll be unlocking scribing for any other alts. Just not worth it at the moment. Maybe when I get bored with my current main - though higher chance I’ll just take another ESO break until some good changes come about.
    Crown Crates are a trap. Don't fall for the gamble! Balance? What Balance? Balance, smellance.
    Necro for them RP feels.
    Zos could add a guaranteed drop from a daily quest like Infinite Archive daily or/and Daily random dungeon. That way players are guaranteed 1 or 2 Inks per day per char.

    Personally i think Zos should wait to increase drop rate on Ink and maybe add it in a daily like i wrote above.
    Im pretty sure the game will be filling up on Ink soon.
  • Aurielle
    Update: still have not harvested any ink. Have gotten plenty of scripts and grimoires from RotW, but the ink eludes me. Beginning to think my account is cursed.
  • freespirit
    Update:- I have now found a total of THREE inks in the wild, got two from an Runestone last night.

    On the subject of accounts being cursed I decided to try farm some new furniture plans last night, over several characters for quite a few hours, I got one green and one blue new plan, everything else was old base game plans, even the purples. 😱
    When people say to me........
    "You're going to regret that in the morning"
    I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
  • Gaisma
    Stridig wrote: »
    Managed to get over 30 inks (not counting quest inks) farming nodes. Have probably spent 4 hours total farming. If that's the intended drop rate, I thinks it's pretty good.

    I did 4 hours yesterday and got 3. :/
  • sarahthes
    Gaisma wrote: »
    Stridig wrote: »
    Managed to get over 30 inks (not counting quest inks) farming nodes. Have probably spent 4 hours total farming. If that's the intended drop rate, I thinks it's pretty good.

    I did 4 hours yesterday and got 3. :/

    I am getting 5-10 a day on days when I have the time to farm.

    I just run around starter zones farming absolutely everything.
  • i11ionward
    Over the weekend I made about 20 normal randoms, I killed and checked the drop on every mob in the dungeons. NO ONE INK! For me personally, this situation is abnormal.
    Also during the weekend I did vMA 2 times and vVH once, I did 30+ daily quests, I participated in battlegrounds several times, also no one ink.
    I actively played for about 10 hours over the weekend and didn't get any ink. This is complete ***, to be honest.
  • virtus753
    i11ionward wrote: »
    Over the weekend I made about 20 normal randoms, I killed and checked the drop on every mob in the dungeons. NO ONE INK! For me personally, this situation is abnormal.
    Also during the weekend I did vMA 2 times and vVH once, I did 30+ daily quests, I participated in battlegrounds several times, also no one ink.
    I actively played for about 10 hours over the weekend and didn't get any ink. This is complete ***, to be honest.

    They have already said boss drops are broken.

    I will be curious to see how much you get in your 20 random normals and three trials once that’s fixed. They don’t tell us what the chance is, so it could help or it could leave things much the same.

    The drop rate from basepop is better than it used to be but still very, very low.

    There is nothing in BGs that can give you ink, so I would not try to get blood from that stone.
  • wolfie1.0.
    darvaria wrote: »
    I agree there should NOT be a crafting cost with Scribing Skills. We have never had crafting costs with skill and don't need them. Stop feeding the trade guilds. Stop feeding the bots.

    Actually there IS a cost for skills. It's skill points you need to farm them. Cp you need to grind those. To respec a character you need gold.

    Yes you can cheat the system with armory for a free reset but that is a recent addition.
  • logan68
    Meh if drop rates are that low then most people are going to lose interest in it very fast, from the one skill I've managed to scribe it's not very powerful anyway and in no way will replace class skills.

    again there is nothing that improves upon the game, I tired using some of the skills i scribed and the cast time on my best one meant I got maybe one off before all the mobs were dead. Essential this game has zero progression, one toon is the same as any other toon, this game is a warning to all other game companies about how homogeneous and balanced play can destroy the game. Essentially we have Pong with better graphics.
  • FafiQ_xP
    Must be crazy low, I was grinding nodes for 30 minutes and 0 Ink...
    For the Covenant!
  • virtus753
    FafiQ_xP wrote: »
    Must be crazy low, I was grinding nodes for 30 minutes and 0 Ink...

    The chance was not above 1% from resource nodes on PTS. I may have gotten lucky or unlucky with my 0.6% drop rate, but I won’t be able to test it on live properly until my summer starts next week.

    A lot of people post time they have spent farming, which is a very reasonable way for us to figure it as humans with time to manage. The game only rolls every time you harvest a node, though, and some people will harvest more and others less in the same 30 minutes. And since it is RNG with very low chance, there’s no actual guarantee as to when it will drop. I got 6 in 15 minutes one day after at least an hour of nothing. It can indeed feel very frustrating.
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