Recently I've created an alt character that I'm leveling. In case you don't know the most efficient way to level the Undaunted skill line before hitting CP is to do the weekly trial quests since you can start joining trial groups at level 10 (not to mention you get a bunch of transmutes, slaughterstones, and possibly style pages). What I've found however is that for all the talk of the ESO community being this inclusive place that is more than willing to help new players, it sure isn't willing to let them participate in any harder content (if you can even call nAA hard).
Almost every single trial group I join the leader winds up kicking me. Keep in mind, these are normal trials I'm trying to do and I'm queuing as a DD. So not a very significant role. Even if I was only providing like 4K dps it wouldn't change anything as there are no dps checks in normal trials. Most of the time I have to explain myself and even after linking several hard mode clears I still get kicked. I honestly can't imagine how hard it must be for actual new players to start doing trials when this is what I have to deal with. Nevermind how often I have to try and defend myself from the "your dps is too low for this normal base game trial that has no dps checks" crowd. Something that a new player probably won't have the confidence to do.
Speaking of new platers how do these people who kick low levels think a new player that has just gathered the courage to apply for a trial will feel? Are they going to try again with a different group or will they just go "Well I tried, I got told to ef off. Clearly raiding isn't for me". It's no secret that ESO has a problem with player retention, which is especially felt in the end game community and this sort of behavior really isn't helping the matter. I sometimes wonder how much easier it would be to find support roles if low level trials were encouraged instead of how it is right now. The group finder for trials opens up at level 10 for God's sake!
This pedantic focus on level doesn't end once you hit CP, however. Oh no. Wanna do vAA? Better hope you're at least CP2000 with fully golded gear (including the jewelry and armor) otherwise you're not stepping foot in vet trials chief. I was recently in a vHRC pug and had to argue with the raid lead and 4 other people about a CP438 player that wanted to join. Wanna know what happened at the last boss? Most of the CP2000 people that were in the group died to Shehai Storm because they didn't know to split up. Meanwhile the CP438 didn't die once.
Bottom line is I just really wish ESO as a whole encouraged low level raiding more and that the community would be more accepting of low level raiders. Most of the best gear in the game is found in trials after all and I bet many people would stick around with ESO if Minor Slayer gear wasn't this mythical, unobtainable thing that only the top 0.01% of players have.
Way I look at it, my group, I can bring whomever I want. And I do not want a level 10 in my group. Give me one benefit to having a low level player in my trial group.
sleepy_worm wrote: »
Way I look at it, my group, I can bring whomever I want. And I do not want a level 10 in my group. Give me one benefit to having a low level player in my trial group.
Teaching that low level player some of the mechanics etc to hopefully prompt them into becoming a raid member in the future?
At least that would seem to make sense. Keep firmly in mind I haven't raided in this game, and won't - it wasn't really fun in WoW and RIFT, and I'm now not ever messing with it again.
Teaching that low level player some of the mechanics etc to hopefully prompt them into becoming a raid member in the future?
At least that would seem to make sense. Keep firmly in mind I haven't raided in this game, and won't - it wasn't really fun in WoW and RIFT, and I'm now not ever messing with it again.
I thought you couldn't even get *into* a trial until you were level 50?
To be frank, trials are not things you level up BY doing, they are things that you level up IN ORDER TO do.
Recently I've created an alt character that I'm leveling. In case you don't know the most efficient way to level the Undaunted skill line before hitting CP is to do the weekly trial quests since you can start joining trial groups at level 10 (not to mention you get a bunch of transmutes, slaughterstones, and possibly style pages). What I've found however is that for all the talk of the ESO community being this inclusive place that is more than willing to help new players, it sure isn't willing to let them participate in any harder content (if you can even call nAA hard).
Almost every single trial group I join the leader winds up kicking me. Keep in mind, these are normal trials I'm trying to do and I'm queuing as a DD. So not a very significant role. Even if I was only providing like 4K dps it wouldn't change anything as there are no dps checks in normal trials. Most of the time I have to explain myself and even after linking several hard mode clears I still get kicked. I honestly can't imagine how hard it must be for actual new players to start doing trials when this is what I have to deal with. Nevermind how often I have to try and defend myself from the "your dps is too low for this normal base game trial that has no dps checks" crowd. Something that a new player probably won't have the confidence to do.
Speaking of new platers how do these people who kick low levels think a new player that has just gathered the courage to apply for a trial will feel? Are they going to try again with a different group or will they just go "Well I tried, I got told to ef off. Clearly raiding isn't for me". It's no secret that ESO has a problem with player retention, which is especially felt in the end game community and this sort of behavior really isn't helping the matter. I sometimes wonder how much easier it would be to find support roles if low level trials were encouraged instead of how it is right now. The group finder for trials opens up at level 10 for God's sake!
This pedantic focus on level doesn't end once you hit CP, however. Oh no. Wanna do vAA? Better hope you're at least CP2000 with fully golded gear (including the jewelry and armor) otherwise you're not stepping foot in vet trials chief. I was recently in a vHRC pug and had to argue with the raid lead and 4 other people about a CP438 player that wanted to join. Wanna know what happened at the last boss? Most of the CP2000 people that were in the group died to Shehai Storm because they didn't know to split up. Meanwhile the CP438 didn't die once.
Bottom line is I just really wish ESO as a whole encouraged low level raiding more and that the community would be more accepting of low level raiders. Most of the best gear in the game is found in trials after all and I bet many people would stick around with ESO if Minor Slayer gear wasn't this mythical, unobtainable thing that only the top 0.01% of players have.
I thought you couldn't even get *into* a trial until you were level 50?
To be frank, trials are not things you level up BY doing, they are things that you level up IN ORDER TO do.
I thought you couldn't even get *into* a trial until you were level 50?
To be frank, trials are not things you level up BY doing, they are things that you level up IN ORDER TO do.
Normal Hel Ra is the same difficulty as normal FG1, and takes about the same length of time.
The gatekeeping in this thread is ridiculous LMAO.
I thought you couldn't even get *into* a trial until you were level 50?
To be frank, trials are not things you level up BY doing, they are things that you level up IN ORDER TO do.
Normal Hel Ra is the same difficulty as normal FG1, and takes about the same length of time.
The gatekeeping in this thread is ridiculous LMAO.
Then you take them. A lot of us don't want to.
Normal Hel Ra is the same difficulty as normal FG1, and takes about the same length of time.
spartaxoxo wrote: »I don't think most people would consider normal trials an endgame activity. Some people may not want a level 10 in a PUG but that's moreso because level 10 characters don't have skills, gear, bar swapping, etc. Not because it's endgame.
Way I look at it, my group, I can bring whomever I want. And I do not want a level 10 in my group. Give me one benefit to having a low level player in my trial group.
Yes, but if a level 10 char has 1600CP or more, then cleverly assigned CP points can make up some of the missing ground, as long as your few skill points are spent on the right abilities for the role. I'll bet that there's no check of HOW a player distributes CP points.
The original poster wasn't in the position of figuring out how the game works, though: they clearly mentioned in their original post that they were levelling an alt character.alpha_synuclein wrote: »I get that bashing on supposed gatekeepers is always in fashion and I'm not saying that gatekeeping does not exist, but is this really a thread about new players experience?
When I was level 10 and starting to play I was trying to figure out how my abilities work and where skillpoints come from. I didn't even know trials exist. Considering how solo oriented ESO is I would assume we are not having tons of players that get to level ten and say "time to go raidin".
Seems more like OP found an unusual way of powerleveling and got upset when others didn't comply...