manukartofanu wrote: »I started getting an unexpected error right on the login screen. I also got booted with errors from the character selection menu and can't log back in because it keeps booting me out. This is something new.
I was getting Error 103 trying to log back in after taking a break yesterday. No problems all morning and early afternoon. Right around 6pm ET that hit me for about 10 minutes.
Make sure to write down which errors you get when you post about them.
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »To those complaining about being unable to enter campaigns. why are you trying to enter campaigns with a lock symbol? of course you're going to be put in a queue.
The_Meathead wrote: »Feels like DDOS to me, lately.
Cyrodiil performs pretty impressively most the time, where I go hours playing with very little sign of anything negative but then have periods where I get hit by a disconnect every time I log back in (and just stop trying, to come back later.)
I rarely have any problems with Cyro outside of when 2+ Ballgroups are present and doing their thing, and the disconnects are happening without any accompanying lag which -to my INCREDIBLY limited understanding- typically means DDOS?
Today's ccrash brought to you by 3 Ad ballgroups in one spot. We all enjoyed horrible lag for an hour with 2 of them, but then the 3rd arrived and our faction got sent to desktop.
I was getting Error 103 trying to log back in after taking a break yesterday. No problems all morning and early afternoon. Right around 6pm ET that hit me for about 10 minutes.
Make sure to write down which errors you get when you post about them.
manukartofanu wrote: »
I really don't understand what you're expecting from me. I'm repeatedly getting an 'unexpected error.' This error has been shown in numerous screenshots in this thread. I'm not a tester, obligated to document every single fault.
And here’s a little secret for you: in the Elder Scrolls Online/live game files, you'll find a folder labeled Errors next to the AddOns folder. This Errors folder is used to temporarily store issues that can't be immediately sent to the server. Eventually, these files are sent and then deleted as they become unnecessary. So, if anyone's interested in the StackTrace of my unexpected error, it will eventually make its way into the server logs where developers can examine it.
Rkindaleft wrote: »
I said this in another thread, but the issue I have with what has been happening the past few months (if it is in fact DDOS again) it means it’s happening basically weekly at this point. I don’t know if anyone is to blame for this, but for a company that has stated they’ve made US$2billion from the game, their DDOS protection/mitigation is lacklustre. I’ve played tons of other MMOs that are both more and less successful and don’t have this problem with DDOS/servers/downtime this regularly.
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »And woke up to do my dailies and it has already crashed twice within 10 minutes.