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The ONE reason why ESO will get average reviews...

  • Cry_Wolfe
    Sockmunkey wrote: »
    Mortuum wrote: »
    Sockmunkey wrote: »
    Mortuum wrote: »
    Not everything from SPRPG can be applied in MMO and people seems to miss that point. You simply expecting, like many others, Skyrim/Oblivion with friends just please not too many. They had to make compromises, thats why we dont have arrows on corpses, no archery with 1shoot kill etc etc. Its called balance, and had to be done to allow game be an MMO.

    Thats not really a fair argument. I could get behind this line of thought if the quests were designed to be team oriented. But they arn't.

    YOU, are the vestige. YOU, are often sent into places to be the soul hero. YOU are the one that needs to gather the seals to open the door. The very nature of the quests are designed with a lone heroic feel to them.

    Had the quests, in both action and story, been designed to explain the extra help. Less people would, most likely, be upset with the lack of instances. As is it, it feels completely miss-mactched. Instead of being THE VESTIGE, or one of many stalwart heroes. You are reduced to one of many vestiges. And that is a real shame.

    Yes, fine, but every game puts you, player, and your character in a shoos of a hero. SWTOR makes you one and only agent, jedi or whatever, in LOTRO you are the one assisting Frodo and fellowship in their efforts, etc etc etc. That is the way how MMOs are designed.

    Would you agree to play smaller role in MMO, and let someone else on your server be a real hero? I doubt that. Thats how games are designed, and even if it is against logic(having 10000000 ''one and only totally unique'' agents/world savers etc etc), that is it, because everyone of us want to be that hero, that agent, that special someone.

    Im not trying to insult anyone, but i think most of those posts and complains comes from people who are new to MMO genre in general. What we all see and agree is fact that before ESO we had several very successful games on market, played by millions of people. Part of this crowd never played MMO before (nothing wrong with it of course) so it is natural that they somehow are expecting same or similar experience to what they had earlier.

    All i have tried to say was, that this is not possible, those compromises between SPRPG and MMO had to be made, to even start thinking about creating this game.

    Technical issues and how servers works are different story, but it plays it role as well. Also, you have to see other point of view:why punish long time MMO players with endless instancing etc etc. Im playing with my friend, as i always did, and it will be very annoying for us to disband/reinvite to group each time we enter cave/house or any location.

    Like with everything, there are 2 sides of coin, and i think balance Zeni found is fine, and should make both group of players happy.

    You seem to be missing the point. Its the game itself that is making it feel all disjointed. When I have to go through all these hoops to unlock a sealed tomb, only to find it filled with people and already looted. That is a problem. When the game tells me I'm entering a spooky place no one has been to before. My disappointment at finding it empty, looted, and ransacked. Is a creation of the game itself. When the game gives me disguises, encouraging me to slowly sneak around and use wit and stealth. Its hard not to feel like it was a complete wasted opportunity when there is no point in doing it, because its faster to just follow the parade of other players.

    Those are options the game is putting forth and then wasting. Its the game itself that is telling players they are the lone hero, then taking it away.

    Its needs to be one way or the other. Either allow people to be the solo hero that the very quests are indicating. Or change the quests to explain why the tomb is swarmed with adventurers.

    go check out GW2, it sounds like its more your deal, apart from the Personal Story missions you are just another adventurer!!.

    It does sound like you are being too purist though. Sure the Scripting is very Elder Scrolls in content, yet the game world is indeed MMO but that is what it says it is, "the Elder Scrolls Online". You can whine and mope about it, or you can embrace it or you can leave it. At the first, you might find constructive criticism conducive to change. At the second it will never matter what you play as long as you enjoy the play. At the third you might find what you are looking for.

    I heard a rumour that ZOS voiced enthusiasm towards making a dedicated RP phase, presumably an opt in phase for RPer's with the needed caveat that griefing RP'ers for RP'ing, in the RP phase, is actionable.

    On a personal note, after many years of MMO'ing, the quest scripting doesnt really bother me, heck even solo TES scripting has always been a mish mash of cliches and genre tropes. What really bothers me, is that when i play with a buddy, i cant share the quest, quest objectives or quest completion with team mates. We work around it and it isnt a major inconvenience, just a quibble for now.
  • Seraseth
    I like having others around and the stuff shouldn't be solo instanced, but I would like if some areas, like public dungeons etc, just had a lower cap of people in the same instance. If it's a very small public dungeon, cap it at 15 people per instance instead of 50. Just so it's not a massive locust crowd ripping through the place.
  • Mortuum
    All those who dont want to see others around will change their minds when they get to next map, like Stormhaven for Daggerfall. There are places (mines public dungeon, cant check name now, south from starting village) where you literally have ZERO chances alone. Huge dungeon filled with mobs in group of 4-8, with several minibosses required for quests inside. Group of 4 can wipe easy with 1 bad pull, solo player will die at doors.

    And it is not only place like that, they further you get, more areas/dungeons which require group or cooperation you will see. First maps after starting islands are really easy, to allow people to test mechanics and get used to them, Real fun starts later.

    Unless you want to miss half quests and places to explore, you will be happy seeing templar behind you with restoration staff equipped. ;p
  • Felarrond
    Poor instancing or lack-of-instancing has always been my biggest ESO-***-Killer so far. I like the game, but I don't always want to play it with EVERYONE at the same time.

    Instancing and small group content are standard fare for modern MMOs. Almost none of that here. It's a single player game that the rest of the world has invaded. That's how it feels.
  • Sarenia
    I'll be giving a positive review, and I am horrendously harsh on games.

    There's a different between critique and "being a hardass gets lulz, so I'll find something to nitpick for the +1's".

    You'll understand that when you graduate high school.
  • Gohlar
    Sarenia wrote: »
    I'll be giving a positive review, and I am horrendously harsh on games.

    There's a different between critique and "being a hardass gets lulz, so I'll find something to nitpick for the +1's".

    You'll understand that when you graduate high school.

    I liked when you said projectiles in this game felt "metagamey".

    An expert on mmos you are not, I'd lay off the insults.
  • Sarenia
    Gohlar wrote: »
    Sarenia wrote: »
    I'll be giving a positive review, and I am horrendously harsh on games.

    There's a different between critique and "being a hardass gets lulz, so I'll find something to nitpick for the +1's".

    You'll understand that when you graduate high school.

    I liked when you said projectiles in this game felt "metagamey".

    An expert on mmos you are not, I'd lay off the insults.

    Not sure if you're familiar with "metagame". That encompasses any game mechanic or interaction that operates outside the intrinsic "feel" of the game. it could be cheating by researaching an online FAQ, or it could be a mechanic that makes no in-game sense whatsoever, but keeps the code clean.

    For example, arrows that auto-magically reach their target, with no explanation whatsoever as to how that's happening.

    While you're amusingly mistaken, I do give you credit for stalking my posts down. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy, which goes very well with the E&J brandy im sipping.

    So I'm giving you a +1 awesome for the fuzzy feelings. <3

    I encourage you to stalk my future posts as well. I think we could have a great thing going here!
    Edited by Sarenia on April 7, 2014 3:36PM
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