Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »I have not tested it yet but ZOS mentioned that you will be able to "tweak" the skill and for example alter the cost so that it would cost magicka or stamina. Is thst correct ?
Galeriano2 wrote: »Ok that actually seems a bit broken. Ability seems like an 8-10 meters AoE that applies to all allies inside the radius and screen was taken in Cyrodill so it's actually a final value in PvP. It's also cheap as hell, lasts longer than other shields due to mages guild passives and applies combined 13% dmg reduction to all allies indise.
Funnily enough due to how this mages guild ability works You can combine it with this ability below and both will apply effects at the same time resulting with almost 18k shield on allies every 2 seconds plus 13% dmg reduction, negative effect cleanse and minor courage. If You don't like that cleanse because it can proc plaguebreak You can switch it to ulti gen or HoT healing
Is the oblivion damage dodgeable?
Is the oblivion damage dodgeable?
Is the oblivion damage dodgeable?
It should be if the skill is dodge as it is a projectile. But if it is possible to make the skill aoe, then nothing will save youI do ot know if it is possible to be made AoE.
Still 28m range and this extended in Cyro where multiple ppl will have that skill, I can see the nerf topics from now.
Oh, I didn't even think of that when I read it. With no damage cap, 8% max health is a 13 attacks of this skill, but 100% more damage under 50 means it will be closer to 9 attacks. So 9 soul gems and you are destroying a boss. With a 3 second cooldown, it would be a 27-30 second boss kill. Really even less time if you decide to drop dots down or run procs.
A raid group could kill a trial boss in the opening attack if everyone ran this skill with no cap.
Im fine with elemental explosion 19k-20k tooltip. Most classes in the game have their big dmg buttons for ex. NB with merciless tooltip up to 31k (saw that on live) or crystal frag etc. Thanks to that, every class have access to big burst (which classes like arcanist are missing). You have to remember that 2s cast time is big downside for that skill. Its ez to just run away
Im fine with elemental explosion 19k-20k tooltip. Most classes in the game have their big dmg buttons for ex. NB with merciless tooltip up to 31k (saw that on live) or crystal frag etc. Thanks to that, every class have access to big burst (which classes like arcanist are missing). You have to remember that 2s cast time is big downside for that skill. Its ez to just run away
Im fine with elemental explosion 19k-20k tooltip. Most classes in the game have their big dmg buttons for ex. NB with merciless tooltip up to 31k (saw that on live) or crystal frag etc. Thanks to that, every class have access to big burst (which classes like arcanist are missing). You have to remember that 2s cast time is big downside for that skill. Its ez to just run away
2 second cast, is not useful at all in PvP, maybe if they made it, instant cast and 3 seconds build up similar to necro fear?
Im fine with elemental explosion 19k-20k tooltip. Most classes in the game have their big dmg buttons for ex. NB with merciless tooltip up to 31k (saw that on live) or crystal frag etc. Thanks to that, every class have access to big burst (which classes like arcanist are missing). You have to remember that 2s cast time is big downside for that skill. Its ez to just run away
2 second cast, is not useful at all in PvP, maybe if they made it, instant cast and 3 seconds build up similar to necro fear?
This ability used on walls or above Flags in keeps is going to be extremely strong. Even open field Group versus Group fights. This is 2 second cast time Dawnbreaker ++. That can be used every two seconds...
CrazyKitty wrote: »This feels like pay to win. Buy the new chapter or you won't be competitive in PvP. All the while the PvP pop cap keeps getting stealth slashed as balance spirals out of control all at the same time.
And we aren't even allowed to discuss PvP or Cyrodiil during live streams.
Here is an example of the Destruction Staff ability.
The damage multiplier is 5% less than Dawnbreaker of Smiting while also applying 3 different damage proc status effects making it stronger than the burst of dawnbreaker.
Of course they're strong. They're behind a paywall, they can't be bad.
tsaescishoeshiner wrote: »Here is an example of the Destruction Staff ability.
The damage multiplier is 5% less than Dawnbreaker of Smiting while also applying 3 different damage proc status effects making it stronger than the burst of dawnbreaker.
Certainly looks like a big number--but it also takes away a global cooldown and a light attack, and enemies have 2 seconds to move out of it, right? (Correct me if that's not how it works) Plus, you can be interrupted.
If it's too much at once, maybe it could be changed to deal 30% of the damage after 1 second and 70% after 2 seconds (with the effects only applying on the second hit). Could be cool? boom-BOOM
Otherwise, this could be some new group bombing strat where multiple people aim an attack and a tank pulls people in to the location lol. Outside of situations with that much coordination, I'm not yet sure how OP it will be. Dawnbreaker doesn't have a 2-second ground-aimed cast time.