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How many of the "RARE" style motifs have you got during this event?

  • gariondavey
    No way I was going to spend hours and hours farming mindless dolmens or geysers. Absolutely insane. Complete rubbish.
    The idea that these weren't unbound is just mind boggling. Happy anniversary, not.
    PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
  • ThreeXB
    4 Motifs
    4 so far...

    Took about 100-150 dolmens for 1st
    Took 2 fishing holes for 2nd ( companion, food and CP buffs activated )
    Took about 40-50 Morrowind bosses for 3rd and 4th
    Geysers Geysers Geysers OMG over last 8 days and total 27 hours JUST Geysers, probably 400+ ... no drop

    I like the the fact they are "rare" drops but Geysers drop rate seem too excessive for an anniversary event, just my opinion
  • Grizzbeorn
    Grizzbeorn wrote: »
    I'm not sure I have the desire to go after the Vvardenfell pages. I'm pretty much burnt-out on grinding, and all of the jumping around the map and waiting that is required to farm WBs might be a fridge too far for my patience.

    Ugh. I hate myself.
    I had forgotten that the Barbas Helmet was a wolf helm, which meant I "had" to have it.
    BUT, I got it on my second WB.
    And that gave me 4/5 of the style pages.

    I resisted the pull to complete the set for a day... but I've since caved.
    The Sunna'rah page isn't playing nice, though. No luck after several hours across two days so far.
      PC/NA Warden Main
    • SilverBride
      3 Motifs
      Grizzbeorn wrote: »
      The Sunna'rah page isn't playing nice, though. No luck after several hours across two days so far.

      Today will be day 8 of my grind for that.
    • Anifaas
      I'm more interested in the loot boxes than the cosmetics so I've been farming the dolmens. Several dozen per day since the event started and still nothing. Good thing I don't care about cosmetics in ESO. (Space Barbie in STO and transmogs in WoW are where its at.)
    • MasterSpatula
      Up to 3/5 now. I may stop. I've done so many Geysers without the drop that it's starting to affect my attitude in the real world.
      "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
    • PrincessOfThieves
      1 Motif
      Just one. This droprate is stupid.
    • BlueRaven
      Beta tester.
      Ten year consistent player.
      Zero pages.

      Fun event. Thanks zos.
    • kaushad
      2 Motifs
      I've been doing Vvardenfell world boss and Geyser dailies. I got the Barbas Helm and Staff of Worms or whatever they're called almost casually. After reading here, I've been surprised at how elusive Trueflame is. If any, I'd prefer the Summerset staff, but I'm not going out of my way to go to more than one geyser a day; there are lots of interesting looking staff motifs.

      Besides, Gold Road is on PTS now.
    • MotherOfMoss
      1 Motif
      I got the Ul'vor staff without particularly trying (3 geysirs!)... and now I have been on a desperate grindfest to get Sunna'rah as well. A couple of days remain and not much energy, or time on worknights :sweat_smile:

      With that in mind, a couple of wishes for special drops like these going forward:

      - Make them all drop from different sources. I have a sinking feeling that when I do finally get a drop from the Vvardenfell WBs... it will be the mask. I would feel better about the endless grind if I knew I at least cannot get "the wrong" item.
      - Make them tradeable. I would at this point be willing to pay quite a bit for this staff if anyone was willing, and able, to sell!
      - (Make them drop a bit more easily. But this is surely something that's come up a lot of times already so no real point in repeating it.)

      Thanks and good luck all!
      Edited by MotherOfMoss on April 21, 2024 12:50PM
      PC-EU | Long-time fan of TES Online: Furnishing and fashion simulator with massively multiplayer online chatting features.
    • Vynera
      1 Motif
      Have 1/2 from Vvardenfell so far, nothing else.

      Since I'm working from home, I can have eso open while working. My Templar is 8 hours a day at a boss since event start, pressing execute/beam every ~5 minutes to get loot, no second drop so far.
      Did a few hours of dolems/geysir (10-20h), no drop.

      Compared to other games/mmos, eso is one of the worst when it comes to "events", totally lackluster and boring stuff, but this one might be one of the worst things ever.
      On one side they trying to make everything super casual friendly and easy and then they introduce some event where you have to grind basically 10+ hours/day.
    • Rufusstan
      1 Motif
      Got, the fishing one in about an hour and after listening to the horror stories gave up on seriously going after the others, except a few dolmens before logging off. Even then, I must have done well over 100 dolmens (In batches or 20 or so) with no reward. I have not even tried the geysers or the Vvardenfell bosses.

      It seems strange to feel better for not having participated much.
    • Soraka
      2 Motifs
      Looks like I'll be ending the event with 3.
    • MotherOfMoss
      1 Motif
      ... I have just now got the Barbas helm as predicted (: So I have two drops and one of them is the one I had absolutely no desire to get :D yay RNG

      EDIT: the divines have seen fit to give me Sunna'rah now as well, so I have 3 and that's enough. But what I wrote above about not making it quite this painful to get the cool birthday stuff still stands. Good luck to everyone still grinding
      Edited by MotherOfMoss on April 21, 2024 2:43PM
      PC-EU | Long-time fan of TES Online: Furnishing and fashion simulator with massively multiplayer online chatting features.
    • Jylly
      I still don't have it, not 1 page.
      I work 100% in healthcare and have spent every free minute on it. I'm frustrated and I don't feel like it anymore.
      I've been playing for 10 years.
      Thanks for nothing - absolutely no appreciation
    • TKo_ROUSE
      All of them
      I got all in about 15 hours of total grinding. To me it wasn’t to bad overall. But I might have been on the above average side luck wise.

      However now that I’m banned for logging into pts. Which means I am getting the copies of them again. I guess I wish I would have spent that time doing something else like efficient purple box grinding. But hindsight is 20/20. Also the kick is I can’t even give them away to someone who needs them.
    • Narvuntien
      I have gotten to 1 now. But I also have no inventory, bank or mail space now. So I had to stop griding.
    • DoofusMax
      1 Motif
      One (twice). I picked up Trueflame on the first day of the event while waiting on Vvardenfell WB respawns. I'm currently playing on an alt account while waiting on main account restoration and picked it up again while waiting on a Glenumbra dolmen respawn. Aside from laughing at the dumb luck, the first coherent thought on it was that the low-level I'm running had better uses for the gold it would take to apply it.
      I'm fresh out of outrage, but I could muster up some amused annoyance if required.
    • Tommy_The_Gun
      All of them
      Fishing: around 6 or 7 fishing holes. Quite fast tbh.
      Dolmen: 3, yes.... 3rd Dolmen lol.
      Vvardenfell 1st motif: 7 bosses, yes only 7 attempts. Odd.

      And then my luck ended....

      Vvardenfell 2nd motif: around 150 bosses (70 one day, the rest another day).
      Geyser: Around 120 attempts (75 one day, the rest another day).

      Now here is something I would like to ask, if you have similar impression:

      Usually I only do my daily stuff. Get Endeavours, Daily Crafting on one character and Event tickets during events. So I am not doing "hard" grinding every day. I do not try to actively find/grind gold mythic leads and so on.

      If I don't try actively to "grind" for stuff, I get theimpression that I can initially find stuff quite fast, but then it gets harder & harder. Almost as if there was some hidden timer or cool-down that prevents me from having the rare stuff to drop.... Unless I take a 2 - 3 day break, then rare stuff drops faster. At least this is the impression I am getting.

      Did you experience similar & odd "regularity" when it comes to rare item drops (not only during events) ?
      Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on April 21, 2024 5:03PM
    • katanagirl1
      2 Motifs
      Fishing: around 6 or 7 fishing holes. Quite fast tbh.
      Dolmen: 3, yes.... 3rd Dolmen lol.
      Vvardenfell 1st motif: 7 bosses, yes only 7 attempts. Odd.

      And then my luck ended....

      Vvardenfell 2nd motif: around 150 bosses (70 one day, the rest another day).
      Geyser: Around 120 attempts (75 one day, the rest another day).

      Now here is something I would like to ask, if you have similar impression:

      Usually I only do my daily stuff. Get Endeavours, Daily Crafting on one character and Event tickets during events. So I am not doing "hard" grinding every day. I do not try to actively find/grind gold mythic leads and so on.

      If I don't try actively to "grind" for stuff, I get theimpression that I can initially find stuff quite fast, but then it gets harder & harder. Almost as if there was some hidden timer or cool-down that prevents me from having the rare stuff to drop.... Unless I take a 2 - 3 day break, then rare stuff drops faster. At least this is the impression I am getting.

      Did you experience similar & odd "regularity" when it comes to rare item drops (not only during events) ?

      Rare drops like monster trophies and furnishing plans seem to drop soon after logging in or not at all. I feel like the longer you are logged in the worse the drop rate gets. Switching toons helps sometimes but not always.
      Khajiit Stamblade main
      Dark Elf Magsorc
      Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
      Orc Stamplar PVP
      Breton Magsorc PVP
      Dark Elf Magden
      Khajiit Stamblade
      Khajiit Stamina Arcanist

      PS5 NA
    • Vaqual
      did 2-5 dolmens per day
    • liliub17_ESO
      1 Motif
      Just adding that I now have the sword motif (from fishing) on both accounts. None of the others, though I am playing the game rather than grinding specifically for the apparently ultra-rare possibility of the drop(s).

      Am getting quite a few style motifs from the anniversary boxes, though, as well as crafting bits I needed.
    • Qwarx
      All - NA, All -EU

      I lost count on how many days I spent grinding on geysers. I had no problem collecting the others, having them all in a couple days on each server. I think I'm going to have an aversion to the word "geyser" for a very long time. At least a week grinding on them on both servers.
    • Leighlaa
      3 Motifs
      I haven't been able to get the Vvard boss styles- though I've spent hours camping bosses. But I don't care for those styles so much anyways!
    • blktauna
      nada from fishing, dolmens or geysers
    • LukosCreyden
      Not for lack of luck. I just like my glowy weapons and have no desire to replace them with non-glowy weapons.
      Struggling to find a new class to call home.Please send help.
    • Vrienda
      All of them
      EU PC - All of them
      NA PC - Barbas' Mask and Trueflame
      Xbox, PlayStation and my second PC EU acc - Just Trueflame, except on my second Xbox account where I ran out of bait and couldn't be bothered.
      Desperate for Roleplaying servers to bring open world non-organised RP to Elder Scrolls Online. Please ZOS.
    • Bethgael
      1 Motif
      Just the fishing one, because I was doing a fishing achieve anyhow. It dropped well before the achieve was finished (still have 1 blue fish to go, in fact, for that achieve). I had to finish the geyser achieve, and figured if that one didn't drop in the 38 geysers i needed, it was unlikely to after that either. It didn't, so I stopped.

      The others I didn't even bother to try. ESO is not my job.
      Edited by Bethgael on April 22, 2024 10:11AM
      Ingame ID: Bethgael PC NA/EU but mostly NA
    • ApoAlaia
      All of them
      I have given this event all I had, I am done with it now (on the farming pages front). Even though there are 4 days left (well, 3 and change) I have no more WBs or Geysers left in me.

      Final tally:

      Main: 5/5
      Alt: 3/5
      BB Alt: 3/5

      All combined I have 'farmed' for around 50 'human' hours total to get those 11 pages in the space of two weeks (I was in Amsterdam for the 10th Anniversary celebration during the first days of the event where obviously no farming took place).

      From those the last 20 hours were spent doing Vvardenfell WBs on two accounts (by having each char on a different WB that had offset spawn times, thus doing a WB every 3 mins or so) and yielded no pages whatsoever. None.

      Being conservative that is 360 WBs with zero pages to show for it.

      All in all a great exercise in frustration. Bravo!

      Edited by ApoAlaia on April 22, 2024 12:34PM
    • Ulvich
      1 Motif
      I got one, then I quit after the grind got boring.
      - BETA Group: 85 b 9
      - Monster Slayer
      - Savior of Nirn
      - Adventurer Across a Decade
      - Hit hard. Hit Fast. Hit Often.
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