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How many of the "RARE" style motifs have you got during this event?

    All of them
    I have all 5, fastest one to get was Trueflame, most annoying one was the 2 in vvardenfell worldbosses because of the respawn time on bosses.

    Geysers and dolmen you get into a fast loop, fishing is just fish a node run to the next one repeat.
  • tomfant
    All of them
    Got all 5, but I didn't like the grind. At all.
    The dev who thought it's a good idea to hide these shinies behind such a tedious grind should be forced to run dolmen circles in Alikir 24/7 for 20 days straight.
  • polaris86
    1 Motif
    So far, one. I focused on geysers cause that's the one I really wanted, but didn't get that til Sunday night (didn't count how many it took). Spent a couple hours on Deshaan dolmens yesterday, and didn't get anything. I've also gone through a few fishing spots and about an hour of Vvard bosses, no luck there yet either.
  • Reverb
    1 Motif
    Trueflame was the only one I cared about. I do one Vvardenfell boss daily, one FG dolmen daily, and one geyser daily. If I get the pages with limited effort that’s great, and if I don’t that’s fine too.
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • marcbf
    3 Motifs
    At first I got nothing. Then two WBs in Vvardenfell right after each other granted me the Sunna-rah staff and the Barbas helmet. Then for a long while nothing. Then I got the Trueflame sword fishing when I had all but given up.

    However, I've been grinding dolmen and geysers for days now without luck. At this point I have practically given up on getting the last two style pages. The drop rates are truly abysmal.

    To be honest, ZOS are in kind of a pickle. People are outraged about the poor drop rates, yet if ZOS were to increase the rates people would most likely be outraged that it's now too easy to get the pages while they had to grind away. Still, shame on you, ZOS, for not anticipating this in advance. Or not caring enough.

    EDIT: It might be interesting to know how the drop rates scatter (looking for the right word here) per server. Are there more "completists" on NA or EU, on XBox, PS or PC?
    Edited by marcbf on April 17, 2024 7:45PM
    PC EU
  • ApoAlaia
    All of them
    Did another 54 geysers with my BB alt, no page.

    Did another 153 dolmens with my BB alt, got the achievement (for destroying 250 dolmens) and the page.

    So my BB alt is on 3/5

    I did another 59 WBs in Vvardenfell, no 2nd page so my alt is on 3/5 too.

    They have really turned up the grind for this one huh?

    Was hoping to end up 5/5 on all three accounts but I am starting to run out of patience and 'oomph'.

  • TheImperfect
    3 Motifs
    So far 3, just need Ul'Vor and Barbas.
    Edited by TheImperfect on April 17, 2024 9:26PM
  • Grizzbeorn
    So far I have three: Trueflame, Staff of Worms, and Ul'Vor.

    Trueflame I got on my third fishing node (I was in Apocrypha). The first was the Up From the Depths thing so that kinda didn't count, and it took me forever to find the other two nodes, so while it only took three nodes, a lot of time was devoted to finding any active nodes.

    Staff of Worms and Ul'Vor were each very painful long grinds, such that I'm not sure I have the desire to go after the Vvardenfell pages. I'm pretty much burnt-out on grinding, and all of the jumping around the map and waiting that is required to farm WBs might be a fridge too far for my patience.
    These things have been pushed a little too far into "Rare" territory; it is not fun.
      PC/NA Warden Main
    • verminjerky
      I've gotten everything but the Barbas helmet, which was my lowest priority and looks so much like Skinchanger I was only farming it to be a completionist. I had put a number of hours into it, though, so I am rubbed the wrong way a bit that I likely won't be able to get it.

      Thank god I got the ones I did because now I'm one of the victims of the lockout. I was dead ready to take a break from the game if I couldn't get Sunna'rah. (Very important to me for multiple reasons.) The very idea of seeing other people in the game with Sunna'rah while my character didn't have it was just designed to be unbearable for me.

      Anyway, I'm locked out due to the bug but I got what I needed early on and I'm just really glad I didn't leave any of that to the last minute and hopped on it right away.
    • Sprigg
      Soul Shriven
      1 Motif
      Only one. Got it on my third Vvardenfell world boss while killing time. I don’t farm for rare items in games, so it’s likely all I’ll get.
    • Serpari
      Just two, Trueflame and Ul'vor's, both gotten fairly early.

      I'm over 100 dolmens on the Staff of Worms and I give up. I'm nearly forty, I don't have time to grind video games like a high schooler any more.

      The bird of Hermes is my name
      Eating my wings to make me tame
    • Narvuntien
      none, I have gone rather hard at the gesyers, the others not so much
    • Araneae6537
      I’ve only done a few dolmens and half a dozen fishing holes yet, but I’ve done several rounds of geysers on different characters. Nada.

      Make that 1! I did another round or two of geysers on a character I’m leveling with a companion I’m still leveling and an XP scroll (I know geysers aren’t most efficient XP, but hey, doing anyway, make the most of it) and got the staff which I wanted for my maormer. :relaxed:

      I’m doing a bit of fishing and dolmens, but not going to stress about it. The other staff and helmet I don’t like at all so unless I get then my accident, I’ll have 1-3 of the 5 this event.

      Woot! I got the 3 I wanted — all set now! :relaxed:
      The geyser one was the biggest pain since it’s more difficult to get to and I found it impossible to get the boss loot so little reward for my efforts until I got the style drop. Dolmens was least painful as I did the Auridon circuit this evening, leveling up along the way, and got the boss loot almost every single one. :)
      Edited by Araneae6537 on April 18, 2024 4:14PM
    • daim
      Didn't feel like grinding. Actually I try to avoid grinding altogether these days.

      Edit: Just read what I wrote. I mean I didn't feel like grinding so I skipped the whole thing. I'm sure for those grinding the pages it surely feel the grind seeing how bad the drop rates are.
      Edited by daim on April 22, 2024 9:00AM
      ""I am that which grips the heart in fright, hearkens night and silences the light." It was written on my sword, long…long ago." ―Ajunta Pall
    • colossalvoids
      3 Motifs
      Wanted three of those, will return for other two when bored enough to afk dolmens and geysers for some hours.

      Plus two more after an hour of half-afk. Geysers were generous enough spouting the page at the second one.
    • Sarannah
      All of them
      Have 4/5 anniversary style pages. Farming the last one from geysers for over 9 hours now!! Did 6 whole CP's just from geysers alone(at 3k+ CP)! For comparison: Completing an entire zone for 100% does not even grant me a full CP!

      I am soooooo sick of geysers right now, I never want to see a geyser or summerset ever again(and I'm still not done farming this page). I want to play the damn game, complete zones, set an IA score, take advantage of the double exp, etc! Can't do any of that due to the friggin drop rate on these! Lost 5 whole days of playtime becuase of this.


      PS: Atleast with the world bosses you can kill them and relax for a minute, farming geysers means moving from one to the next. Not fun!

      Edit: Found the 5th style after another 2h 50 minutes of geysers! Yay!
      Edited by Sarannah on April 18, 2024 3:08PM
    • Kalimorah
      Soul Shriven
      1 Motif
      Only Trueflame
      I have been farming for at least 10 hours after Trueflame and still nothing.
    • liliub17_ESO
      1 Motif
      Two accounts - only the fishing one. To be fair, I'm not hard-core farming, either, not even soft-core farming ;). The drop rate is incredibly low, apparently.

      My time is a lot more important to me than ZOS seems to believe it is, and I'd much rather enjoy the maps and quests than fight a rigged arbitrary chance generator for cool looking cosmetics.
    • Grizzbeorn
      Sarannah wrote: »
      PS: Atleast with the world bosses you can kill them and relax for a minute, farming geysers means moving from one to the next. Not fun!

      That makes no sense.

      You can relax between geysers in the same exact way you can for WBs.

      OR, you can jump around to every one, with both geysers and WBs, except that method is more frustrating with WBs because you don't have any indication on the map as to which one is currently active.
        PC/NA Warden Main
      • Varana
        3 Motifs
        Sunnarah: a handful of world bosses. I usually like doing them (except for Wuyuvus), but there were so many people hanging out at the kwama queen that I found that annoying. Did probably one or two rounds of the bosses.

        Trueflame: Got through 3/5ths of the Necrom fishing achievement, so a few hundred caught fish.

        Staff of Worms: Deshaan dolmens for an hour now and then, i.e. only on some days. Probably 3 or 4 hours total, dropped it from a random dolmen in Greenshade when doing surveys.

        Not overly interested in the other ones, so I stopped doing Vvardenfell bosses except when I'm in the mood, and I haven't done a single geyser during this event.
      • Necrotech_Master
        All of them
        Grizzbeorn wrote: »
        Sarannah wrote: »
        PS: Atleast with the world bosses you can kill them and relax for a minute, farming geysers means moving from one to the next. Not fun!

        That makes no sense.

        You can relax between geysers in the same exact way you can for WBs.

        OR, you can jump around to every one, with both geysers and WBs, except that method is more frustrating with WBs because you don't have any indication on the map as to which one is currently active.

        waiting at a single geyser is not efficient due to how slow it is to finish them

        it would be like 20 min before it circled back around to the one your at because it rotates through like 5 of them, and each one is a minimum of like 4-5 min to finish even with all the people there

        not really comparable to a WB as your only waiting for a single entity to respawn, independent of the other WBs
        plays PC/NA
        handle @Necrotech_Master
        active player since april 2014

        i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

        feel free to stop by and use the facilities
      • SilverBride
        3 Motifs
        Today will be my 6th day trying for Sunna'rah. I'm not looking forward to another day of disappointment which is what I anticipate will happen.
      • averyfarmanb14_ESO
        All of them
        That's why I was so worried about a rollback - I'd finally gotten all five, with two on the same day, after over a week or so of grinding. I didn't want to lose all that work.
      • aslan06
        Got a couple of meridian ones, dunno if that counts?
      • Ayalockheart
        I have tried for hours but nothing really drops so gave up.
        PC-EU @ayalockheart Open House List
        • Hall of Lunar Champion - Crystal Palace
        • Moon Sugar Meadow - Nordic Cabin ( Hytta )
        • Sleek Creek - Ivory Oasis
        • Earthtear Cavern - Welkynd Ruins
        • Dawnshadow - Château Blanc
        • The Gorinir Estate - Homestead
        • Thieve's Oasis - (WIP - on hold)
        • Black Vine Villa - TSS Rumare
        • Pariah Pinnacle - Frostguard Fortress
        • Forgemaster Falls - Fogimasuta Ryokan
        • Alinor Crest House - Halloween Party House ~ Will be open on 31/10/23
        • Cyrodilic Jungle House - Golden Mug Caffe
        • Stay Moist Mansion - Emberfall
        • Hunter's Glade - Lost Cult
        • Coldharbour Surreal State - The Pridwen
        • Velothi Reverie - The Perl among corals
        • Exorcised Coven Cottage - The Ground's Keeper Hut
        • Ravenhurst - The Drowsy Stag
        • Captain Margaux- Hallix's Elixirs
        • Flaming Nix - Hare Pines Cottage
        • Stillwaters Retreat - Hogsmeade
        • Panterfang Chapel - Seacrest Fort
        • Domus Phrasticus - Mielikki
        • Hammerdeath Bungalow - The Cottage
        • Mornouth Keep - Ivybury Estate
        • Serenity Falls - [WIP ]
        Comissions done
        Housing Guilds: Ars Gratia
      • DagothCorvia
        All of them
        The Staff of Worms/Barbas' helmet ended up being one of the easiest for me, Sunna'rah... I grinded for like, 7 hours.
        And for Ul'vor staff I farmed day and a half.
      • SilverBride
        3 Motifs
        Day 7. Still no Sunna'rah.
        Edited by SilverBride on April 19, 2024 9:17PM
      • huntgod_ESO
        3 Motifs
        I got the last one on day 13.

        I killed over 350 VV WB's for the those two/
        Killed 450+ Geysers for that one.
        350+ Dolmens for that one.
        200 or so fish for that one.

        Total time over 13 days was almost 100 hours... so basically a second job, except of course on a job I would have gotten a couple of days off.

        I cannot clearly express how frustrated and angry I am with how they structured this. If they'd just made the things tradeable I would have been done and back to playing the game the way I wanted. I am a completionist and feel exploited by how this was handled.
        --- HuntGod ---
        Officer of the Unrepentant
      • WiseSky

        I gave up after a few hours, I value my time more then that
      • StarOfElyon
        I got the true flame motif while fishing recently. I don't have time to grind all those other things.
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