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Anecdotal event grind statistics thread

Just curious as to how many rolls and/or how much time it's taking people to get the unique style pages, for those keeping track. This is in no way meant to be scientific or reliable.

For me I got:

Ul’vor Staff: 33 Geysers
Staff of Worms: 68 Dolmens
Barbas' Helm: 72 World Bosses
Trueflame: ~100 Casts
Sunna'rah: 61 World Bosses, not including the 72 for Barbas' Helm

Edited by ssewallb14_ESO on April 8, 2024 3:30PM
  • BlackAxiom
    Ul’vor Staff: 300+ Geysers till drop
    Staff of Worms: 100+ Dolmens till drop
    Barbas' Helm: didnt count but around 9hours for helm+sunnarah
    Trueflame: around 30minutes of Fishing
  • Reginald_leBlem
    Ul'vor got in around 15 geysers
    Haven't tried the others yet, going to the other staff next
  • Smaxx
    - Trueflame: 5 or 6 fishing attempts (not holes, two buffs)

    - Sunna'rah: probably ~50 world boss kills

    - Nothing while running geysers for 4-5 hours and camping bosses while doing other errands and stuff for probably another 15+ hours (Geysers back to back; World bosses with 3-5 mins wait time due to partial switching).
    Edited by Smaxx on April 7, 2024 4:07PM
  • Cloudtrader
    1 hour fishing, 3 full circuits of Summerset, and 3+ hours of Dolmen grinding, and nothing has dropped so far. I did completely level an entire skill-line and max all the skills + morphs in it, though!
  • Hapexamendios
    Too many to bother counting
  • furiouslog
    Ul’vor Staff: Not yet (25 geysers)
    Staff of Worms: 140 Dolmens
    Barbas' Helm: Not yet (70 bosses)
    Trueflame: ~100 Casts
    Sunna'rah: ~30 Bosses
    Edited by furiouslog on April 8, 2024 8:14AM
  • heaven13
    • Trueflame: ~15 casts (on 3rd hole but there was someone at one of the other's so not a full cycle)'
    • Staff of Worms: ~50 dolmens, maybe a little less
    • Ul'vor Staff: probably around 100 geysers so far and counting ~130 geysers
    • Barbas/Sunna'rah: Around 100 bosses so far, still waiting for either ~124 bosses for Sunna’rah. Stopped there, not interested in the helm.
    Edited by heaven13 on April 8, 2024 5:37PM
    Mountain God | Leave No Bone Unbroken | Apex Predator | Pure Lunacy | Depths Defier | No Rest for the Wicked | In Defiance of Death
    Defanged the Devourer | Nature's Wrath | Relentless Raider | True Genius | Bane of Thorns | Subterranean Smasher | Ardent Bibliophile

    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vDSA | vMoL HM | vHoF HM | vAS+2 | vCR+2 | vBRP | vSS HM | vKA | vRG
    Meet my characters :
  • Major_Toughness
    Dolmens: ~140 - Around 4 hours
    Fishing: 13 catches - Like 2 minutes
    World Bosses: Around 5 hours, not sure on number of bosses
    Geysers: In progress, up to 10 hours, ~200
    PC EU > You
  • Mooncake
    EDIT: final tally.

    Worm Staff: 1st try on day 1.

    All the others: no drops for the first four days after hours upon hours of hard grind. Then suddenly last night (April 8th), right after "unrelated" hotfix patch, I got them ALL within 1.5 hours.

    Ul’vor: 3 geyzers.
    Sunna’rah and Barbas: maybe 10 wb kills.
    Trueflame: within 15 minutes of fishing.

    Things that make you go "Hmm" indeed.

    Edited by Mooncake on April 9, 2024 3:02PM
    Lyris Titanborn says: Sai! Your sword! It's working!
    Lyris Titanborn says: Sai! That's amazing!
  • kargen27
    The fishing one I got out of one hole and one other player wan also on that hole so not many casts at all.
    The dolman one was eleven.
    Sat on a boss in Vvardenfell last night for about two hours and didn't get the drop.
    Haven't tried for the others yet.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • CenturionExplorer
    75 geysers.
    237 casts (no buffs)
    14 wb barbas helmet
    Staff not dropped.

    Haven't started on dolmens yet.
    Edited by CenturionExplorer on April 7, 2024 9:22PM
  • chessalavakia_ESO
    Ul’vor Staff: 1
    Barbas' Helm: 10ish
    Trueflame: 40ish
    Staff of Worms: 70ish
    Sunna'rah: 200ish

    I think for future rare items with limited time to obtain them they should use fragments that way people can at least feel like they are making some progress.
  • Ilumia
    Barbas: 1 hour wb porting to cycle between 3 to maximize drops pr. minute. + maybe 1-2 hours standing at one while doing other stuff until it dropped. (dont know how many world bosses that is)
    Trueflame: 10-15 mins
    Ul'vor staff: Geysers for 10 mins or less
    Staff of Worms: Dolmens for about 40 mins +/- 10 mins.
    Sunna'rah: haven't started second round vvardenfell wb run

    Hoping they increase the droprate during tomorrow's maintenance so more people can get these without getting eso burnout - I like achieving difficult stuff, though I suck at it, but not during a time limited event especially, and farming for too long is boring - though I realize I got lucky on my 4 drops, it was still boring and I don't want to play anymore.
  • ShadowPaladin
    WBs in Vvardenfell: 5 WBs until I had *BOTH* Style Pages
    Fishing: ~150 casts (I completed 2 Zones fishing Achievements - Eastmarch & Rift - the style page droped right after the last blue fish in Rift)
    Geysers: 150+ (NO drop so far)
    Dolmens: 80+ (NO drop so far)
  • MafiaCat115
    • Trueflame: 5 fishing holes with friend, roughly 35 casts
    • Staff of Worms: 260 300 328 dolmens and counting (Finally got it)
    • Barbas and Sunna Rah: 56 136 WB and counting in Vvardenfell (Got Sunna'rah at kill 109)
    • Ulvor: 30 geysers and counting (still nothing)

    All that and only Trueflame has been gotten. My friend has similar numbers for geysers and world bosses, and still nothing for them with those sources.

    Edit: Now I just need to get Barbas and Ul'vor. Maybe. We'll see if I still want to keep going.
    Edited by MafiaCat115 on April 9, 2024 8:13PM
    Still waiting for answers about class set aura behavior, and also hoping that one day hair dyeing will be an option. We know it's canon thanks to a book in the Manor of Masques! (House of Reveries: The Troupe)
    Proud owner of a Morrowind Banner of the 6th House (back when it actually meant something)
  • katanagirl1
    Ul’vor Staff: Geysers - not yet
    Staff of Worms: Dolmens - not yet
    Barbas' Helm: World Bosses - not yet
    Trueflame: Casts - a bunch in Telvanni Peninsula but maybe 7-8 in Auridon
    Sunna'rah: first WB in Vvardenfell
    Khajiit Stamblade main
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP
    Dark Elf Magden
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Khajiit Stamina Arcanist

    PS5 NA
  • Carcamongus
    So far, here are my depressing stats:

    Staff of Worms: 34 dolmens.
    Trueflame: on second fishing node.
    Sunna'rah: second WB.
    Ul'Vor: 79 geysers.
    Barbas: around 75 WBs.
    List of nasty thoughts about RNGeesus: almost as many pages as Shakespeare's entire work.

    I find these stats depressing, but even more depressing is knowing many people are having it worse than me. To those still grinding, best of luck.

    Edit to update numbers.
    Edited by Carcamongus on April 9, 2024 6:54AM
    Imperial DK and Necro tank. PC/NA
    "Nothing is so bad that it can't get any worse." (Brazilian saying)
  • alpha_synuclein
    Trueflame: fifth fishing hole (alone)
    Sunna'rah: about 40 min on nereid WB
    Staff of worms: third dolmen

    Haven't attempted others yet
    Edited by alpha_synuclein on April 9, 2024 7:34AM
  • Blood_again
    Barbas' Helm: 21th world boss
    Sunna'rah: 24th world boss (3rd after the helm)
    Trueflame: ~80 casts, earlier than the 1st blue fish :)
    Staff of Worms: 16 dolmens

    In progress
    Ul’vor Staff: >80 geysers
    Fishing 2nd hole
    Dolmen 100+ ish
    Geyser 70ish
    World boss 6-7 hours
    Very boring especially the WB, though I did watch some good tv inbetween respawns.
    Also the zone chat kept me sane, some very funny conversations.
  • Parrot1986
    Ul’vor Staff: c. 30 geysers and no drop yet
    Staff of Worms: c.100 dolmens no drop yet
    Barbas' Helm: c.170 and it dropped
    Trueflame: ~30 casts
    Sunna'rah: Got it 5th Kill

    Horrible grind to add to this event.
    Edited by Parrot1986 on April 8, 2024 3:13PM
  • Tra_Lalan
    Ul’vor Staff: 3,5 hours (first day)
    Staff of Worms: 45 min (second day)
    Barbas' Helm: 17 WB (second day)
    Trueflame:1,5 hours (got all fishing achievements, used CP, food and companion) (third day)
    Sunna'rah: another 10 WB (third day)

    Got all of them on the third day of event, for me it was fun but I do agree that there should be some other option to obtain those pages for players that don't have time or will to do it.
    IMHO the best solution would be if they were unbound and tradable, people could earn some gold, and others could pay for not grinding.
    Also those pages shouldn't be too easy to earn, we already got that kind of event rewards. Those style pages were supposed to be something different and unique. If You got them accesible to all, with no endavour at all, they would be worthless, yet another style page for 1000 gold that trashes your inventory after the event.
    So ask yourself if that is what you really wish for?
  • FluffyBird
    Tra_Lalan wrote: »
    IMHO the best solution would be if they were unbound and tradable, people could earn some gold, and others could pay for not grinding.
    Also those pages shouldn't be too easy to earn, we already got that kind of event rewards. Those style pages were supposed to be something different and unique. If You got them accesible to all, with no endavour at all, they would be worthless, yet another style page for 1000 gold that trashes your inventory after the event.
    So ask yourself if that is what you really wish for?

    Yes. Loved older events where the pages would fall out of my ears, because there was no pressure to grind, grind, grind.
    Also, they are a flocking anniversary reward, they SHOULD be accessible for all, not only for a handful of no-lifers for whom value of an item drops ten times for every single other person having such item. Sincerely, gating others from obtaining something in order to preserve its "worth" is the point of view I will never respect.
  • Ezhh
    Trueflame: between 3 and 3.5 hours.
    Ul’vor Staff: 40mins
    Barbas' Helm / Sunna'rah: Literally a whole night of boss farming (was staying up for other reasons so figured I might as well.) Helm wasn't too bad, but the staff took forever.
    Staff of Worms: 4 hours and no sign of it yet.
  • Grega
    5 days. 2 of those days 12+ hours, 3 of them about 3 hours spent doing bosses, dolmens, geysers.

    No style pages yet.
  • Kleev
    Just under 1 hour on Dolmen's.
    1 hour on Geyser's.
    3 hours on Fishing.
    Staff dropped on my first WB in Vvardenfell lmao.

    Just have the helmet left. Basically farmed the four items in less than a day of casual playing.
  • Tinkerhorn
    Ul’vor Staff: 26 geysers
    Staff of Worms: took just slightly over 3 hours running in Auridon
    Trueflame: 8 casts

    About to start the vvardenfel grind. Have spent most of the event running around buying up typically expensive items I need/will use in the future while many are going for cheap.
    Edited by Tinkerhorn on April 8, 2024 2:43PM
  • Arizona_Steve
    Don't remember exactly:
    Trueflame: Third fishing hole, around 20 minutes.
    Barbas Helm/Sunna'rah: Camped a world boss for two hours, got Sunna'rah after an hour, Barbas after two hours.
    Staff of Worms: Probably 100 or so dolmens over two days, found that I got it somewhere in there.
    Ul'vor Staff: 6 9 10 hours on geysers, finally got it!

    Edited by Arizona_Steve on April 10, 2024 2:13PM
    Wannabe Thalmor - Altmer MagSorc
  • Ch3mical_92
    Ul’vor Staff: dropped after about 130 Geysers
    Staff of Worms: 2 hours so far without drop
    Barbas' Helm: 47 hours and counting, equals about 564 bosskills, so far without drop
    Trueflame: ~60 Casts
    Sunna'rah: dropped after 12 hours
  • Melivar
    Dolmen 1st One (knew I was in trouble with RNG for others)
    Fishing About 2.5 Hours with all the perks up
    Geysers Approx 6+ hours so far and nothing
    Varden WB's 3 Kills but no real time spent nothing yet
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