I was curious to see whether or not I was missing the communication from ZOS and maybe it was just the few echo chambers that I've been frequenting the made me feel like ZOS had stopped interacting with their players on this forum. The Dev Tracker is a really helpful tool to gain insight into this, so I hit it up and sat through page after page to see if maybe I was at fault for not giving ZOS the benefit of the doubt.
However, it seems like that's not the case. Here's the results on the Dev Tracker for our current PTS cycle:

That seemed off. I know that ZOS used to interact much more on these forums, but the years kind of blend together sometimes and I couldn't remember when it was that I noticed a lot of great communication from ZOS. So I sat there clicking "next page" to see when the last time was the ZOS actually interacted with us on these forums to say anything other than make threads or give insight for missed tooltips or answering bug reports...

It's been 12 months exactly since any dev has interacted with the Combat and Classes threads for any patch. And it's not like nothing happened! In the past 12 months, we've seen numerous changes to game mechanics. In no particular order:
- "While slotted on any bar" was added to game
- Weapon passives were changed dramatically
- Melee range was adjusted from 5m to 7m
- Arctic Blast was (once again) reverted to a delayed stun
- DKs were given access to Major Bezerk
- NBs were buffed. All. 4. Patches
- Sorc shields were changed to scale off of max hp
This list is only focusing on combat and class skills, too. Many changes to sets have been seen in each of the last year's patches that have dramatically changed the way some of them were used and yet, no ZOS employee ever interacted with the players regarding them. The stark drop off in communication seems particularly odd, especially considering how much public talk there was coming from ZOS regarding their poor communication and their desire to improve it. And by stark I mean
stark. Look at how many threads were interacted with by Kevin back in Feb 2023:

There has been a few pop ins by ZOS since then, but the quality of interaction is nowhere near Feb '23 numbers.
Here, in May '23,
@ZOS_Kevin clarified some questions about perfect roe and the new filleting mechanic at provisioning stations:
Here, in July '23, Kevin thanks players for finding a missing note on azureblight and jabs:
In August '23,
@ZOS_JessicaFolsom responded to a bug thread in the PTS forum:
In September '23,
@ZOS_GinaBruno responded to some feedback about the Infinite Archive:
In October '23, Kevin also entered the IA feedback thread:
And finally, on January 30th, Gina entered threads to clarify about siege kits and discuss a bug concerning Cyrodiil:
And that's it for this year! Kevin interacted with more threads in February '23 than ZOS did in the entire 12 months after, leading up to today. These interactions pale in comparison to how this forum used to be treated in the past. It would appear that ZOS has shifted to ONLY interacting with players on the PTS forum via Dev Comments on the changes that they make. This approach, while "easier" in the same sense that texting is sometimes "easier" than speaking on the phone with someone, causes numerous communication issues, a primary one being that Dev Comments only come AFTER they've made a change. Interacting with the players testing these skills via weekly patch notes only serves to obscure and diminish the feedback being given. The literal murder of Stalking Blastbones is the perfect example of this right now. I don't know that many players who play necro, and the ones I've discussed this change with all think that the skill is a joke and a complete failure of a half-baked idea.
It's important to reiterate, sometimes acknowledgement is all that is needed during conflict. Take this comment from Kevin during
WEEK 1 of the infamous Update 35 PTS:

Is that not the most refreshing thing to read right now? We're into Week 4 of this PTS and there's some serious, legitimate concerns about some of the skills being forced through this patch. Siphoning Strikes is the most unbelievable buff I've ever seen to an already OP and highly populous class in Cyro. I'd be livid as a sorc main.
Actions speak louder than words and the actions of ZOS leads me to believe that the PTS forum is no longer of any concern of theirs. As a player who wants to see this game succeed, I'd appreciate just being told outright that ZOS no longer cares about my feedback. If that's not true, then I'd love to know why the drop off happened and what will be done to correct it as ESO crosses into its 10th year.
I love this game and I want to see it succeed. I don't expect a direct reply from ZOS every time I, or anyone posts, but it would be really great to be periodically reminded that someone at ZOS sees us, hears us, and is relaying info as it's shared. I'm really frustrated to see necro get crushed for yet another patch cycle and it brings me no joy to open a spoiler on a patch note and be left feeling like whoever wrote it clearly didn't read anything the players posted the week(s) prior to that note.
[Edited for Conspiracy Theories]