@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Kevin @ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_Wrobel
First off, I want to say that I appreciate what you are trying to do for sorc and no-pet sorc in particular with the changes this upcoming PTS/patch. The changes to Conjured Ward and morphs are definitely a step in the right direction and I still need to test it out, but the healing morph of encase looks somewhat promising.
However there are still many pain points that need urgently and directly addressing and I implore you to
please, listen to the sorc players on these issues. I know you want to put your own unique spin on things, but for these issues, that isn't going to work and will only lead to future balance implications (remember crystal weapons original design when sorcerers asked for a stamina spammable and the balance issues that had with sets and other stackable abilites?).
Most sorcerers have come to a consensus on what few small changes would be required that would work wonders for the class without completely risking it becoming super over powered, what is mostly disagreed on is where specifically to apply those changes. I will be posting those changes shortly either in a different thread which I will link in a reply or edit in this thread.
Now, with that out of the way, lets get into the topic.
There has been a clear and blatant bias against sorcerer and for NB for a long time now, but it has become overtly problematic over the past 18 months to 2 years. Now, NB definitely needed help before U35, especially in PvE, there is no denying that and it does still need help
in PvE specifically but the amount of
GENERIC buffs it has been given that are not limited to PvE only via battle spirit or the against monsters clause has become completely absurd, to the point where it is even constantly being given versions/combinations of multiple of sorcs best abilities.
Let's look at some examples:
I am bringing this up, because there is a clear and blatant bias (not just perceived but provable via past and proposed changes to the 2 classes, especially over the past 2 years) and this really needs to be addressed.
NOTE1: I don't say this to see NB just gutted, but to implore ZOS to think about the changes they put forward for the classes, communicate and discuss these changes with their players early on and make a concentrated effort to keep things more balanced overall (it doesn't have to be perfectly balanced, but within a few percent is required for a healthy game state).
NOTE2: Sorcerer doesn't need a huge overhaul with a completely new kit/abilities (I will go further into this in another thread that I will link in a reply or edit on this thread), but listening to what Sorcerer players are telling you in regards to what the class needs and openly discussing it with them and implementing something along the lines of what is concluded from those open discussions would go a long, long way to improving your image regarding communication, and also restoring one of the old favourite classes/playstyles that many people, not just myself have not been able to play at anything more than just casual/roleplay level for far too long now.
It has been far too long of trying to put ZOS own spin on sorcerer to address sorcerer pain points and it is just not working. Please, just talk with those who know the class, play the class and can provide insight into things that can be done to help the class, they all just want to help, but the communication needs to be open and go both ways for it to work and right now, it seems like the players are simply talking to a brick wall.
EDIT: to add a link to the thread discussing simple changes to fix Sorcerers issues and preliminary feedback on the proposed changes to Sorcerer for the upcoming patch.