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Racial Envy.

I made a thread about Dunmer v Altmer in relation to the Sorcerer class on a different forum and while I’m enjoying my Dunmer and plan on sticking with him the little voice in the back of my head is going crazy.

Why are the racials so different?

Altmer are the ‘purer’ elves, Dunmer were cursed and had their appearance changed and the Breton are half elves.. Surely the Breton should get the more hybrid end of the stick. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not asking for nerfs, but I think a buff may be in order.

Currently everyone and their mums are rolling Altmer when it comes to Sorcerer.. I’ve seen a few people like myself who went a different route for personal enjoyment but are still bothered due to these bloody racials. The fact the majority are flocking to a particular race due to their racials alone is sort of evidence within itself (yes I know some people went due to lore etc etc)

I don’t know what I’m asking for, the 9% v 10% magicka bonus is fine, the high fire damage increase v the moderate shock/fire/frost increase is also fine, being a fire specialist is rad EDIT: I found out that the high fire damage is only for spells and not a general damage increase, so in this sense we're extremely inferior given how our racial doesn't have an impact on non magicka based damage… My issue is this, Altmer get the 9% bonuses to regeneration while in combat, Breton get reduced costs and Dunmer get… some extra stamina? That’s awesome for some and I guess it goes with the battlemage feel but eh. That 9% regeneration eats away at me.. even if it’s only like an extra 30 magicka or something.

EDIT: my suggestions were as followed, make it so the fire % is flat as opposed to being limited to only spells (seems the most logical) and potentially buff the overall fire damage by 1-3%. Furthermore an idea is to fuse the flame talent and flame resistance ability together and re-name it flame affinity (the ability now gives both the + fire resist / + now changed fire damage %) and create a new racial with the + 1/2/3% magicka and another battlemage-y ability. Of course this will never happen… but a Sorcerer can dream.

Like I said, I don’t know what I’m trying to say here, just a little bit frustrated and it seemed sort of relevant.
Edited by The_Sadist on April 2, 2014 10:33PM
"Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
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  • ThatHappyCat
    Well in past ES games, Altmer and Breton have always been the two "magicka-attuned" races. Dunmer never had any magicka-related racial abilities.

    To be honest the bonuses are small and really don't matter in the long run. I'm playing an Argonian Templar, useless racials be damned. In fact I feel a bit "freer" than I did as a Breton in beta, without decent racials to confound me as to where my skill points should go.
    Edited by ThatHappyCat on April 2, 2014 8:27AM
  • The_Sadist
    I know, but given the direction they were thrown in I think a little bit could have been done. Altmer and Dunmer ARE the same people, granted one was cursed and went all primal. House Telvanni is evidence of the Dunmer's magical prowess, so I don't understand why the racials are so different. I can understand the specificity with fire, but that aside I'm a little bit lost.

    I know they're really small, I just want my character to be the best he can possibly be. I would have gone Altmer if I didn't have my heart set on a particular name which belongs to a particular 4000 year old Dunmer Sorcerer...

    They should have just made a pool of abilities with limitations for each race. E.g. the Nord have their current racials plus a few extras such as Frost Affinity, gives % magicka and % frost damage. Cold combat % frost damage % stamina increase. You select the ones you want from said pool and bam! Suddenly every race has the potential to be every class.

    I know none of this will actually happen but eh.. bloody racials.
    Edited by The_Sadist on April 2, 2014 8:51AM
    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
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  • Karkashan
    I play as a Bosmer Sorceror, so racials aren't really a factor for me so far. Although once I hit 15 that one that's automatically opened up (the improve faster with this skill line one) may make me use bows as my off hand weapon.
  • jhaak714_ESO
    Um =/

    So they're the same but one elf goes all primal.... and thus is less magically inclined... which has been the main portrayal of the dunmer as I've seen in past games.

    Also, most of the Telvani mages are power gaming and breaking all kinds of rules (necromancy to extend their lives and all sorts of broken crap). Those guys just don't play by the rules.
  • The_Sadist
    Karkashan wrote: »
    I play as a Bosmer Sorceror, so racials aren't really a factor for me so far. Although once I hit 15 that one that's automatically opened up (the improve faster with this skill line one) may make me use bows as my off hand weapon.

    I like the idea of a Bosmer Sorcerer, being one with the elements and very druid-like, however I wouldn't consider making one my self.. the elitist in me is already cringing at making a Dunmer.
    Um =/

    So they're the same but one elf goes all primal.... and thus is less magically inclined... which has been the main portrayal of the dunmer as I've seen in past games.

    Also, most of the Telvani mages are power gaming and breaking all kinds of rules (necromancy to extend their lives and all sorts of broken crap). Those guys just don't play by the rules.

    Don't um me mister!

    Yes and no, the wise women of the tribal clans were very magically inclined, so while I can understand the logic.. their blood line wasn't diluted or anything and magic was still part of their society (Not all of the Dunmer went crazy tribal either!), so why can't we have some a buff or two?

    That's what I want, to be a power gaming crazy mage :P. I do feel the Dunmer got the shortish end of the stick and need a little buff. I just found out that our flame talent ability might actually be pretty gimped compared to the Altmer elemental talent ability.. I was happy with both abilities doing the same thing but the Dunmer being a fire specialist.. but it turns out it only increases spell power and not weapon damage, I'm still trying to find out if this means that it doesn't impact on weapon skills.. such as impulse.
    Edited by The_Sadist on April 2, 2014 1:15PM
    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
    Casually stalking the forums
  • jhaak714_ESO
    TBH i'd suggest rerolling to a dunmer dragon knight and focus on the fire based spells...

    rather than argue for changing racials to conform to your idea of a super power wizard. Especially since Sorc is almost entirely untyped magic or lightning damage based with it's spells.
  • One-Winged
    Soul Shriven
    Dunmer sorcerer kicks ass, man. I don't understand why you feel frustrated. Anyway, racials play such a minimal impact that you would rather play the race you feel more identified to instead of the one you think will be stronger.

    Stick to what you like and not to what think should be best.

    EDIT: I'm an Altmer DK. Pretty opposite of you, lol.
    Edited by One-Winged on April 2, 2014 1:33PM
  • The_Sadist
    TBH i'd suggest rerolling to a dunmer dragon knight and focus on the fire based spells...

    rather than argue for changing racials to conform to your idea of a super power wizard. Especially since Sorc is almost entirely untyped magic or lightning damage based with it's spells.

    I have a Dunmer DK as an alt I plan on levelling, I'm just incredibly annoyed at this recent turn of events.

    The notion that my ideas will ever be considering is absurd, I'm just here to express my frustration. My idea of a super powered wizard would involve a mix of racials, I just want the Dunmer to be on par with the Breton and Altmer races in terms of magicka prowess, it's not a complicated thing really.. The idea is simple, make it so the fire % is flat as opposed to being limited to only spells (seems the most logical) and potentially poke around with a racial to add some other magicka based ability in (an idea is to fuse the flame talent and flame resistance ability together and re-name it flame affinity giving both the + fire resist / + now changed fire damage % and create a new racial with the + 1/2/3% magicka and another magicka based ability).
    Edited by The_Sadist on April 2, 2014 1:34PM
    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
    Casually stalking the forums
  • Stardust
    Soul Shriven
    To the OP:
    I too have that little voice in the back of my head, but I chose to ignore it and I suggest you do too. Play what makes you happy, I've got a Bosmer Templar Healer running around. Make your own choice you don't have to be inside the box :)
  • The_Sadist
    Stardust wrote: »
    To the OP:
    I too have that little voice in the back of my head, but I chose to ignore it and I suggest you do too. Play what makes you happy, I've got a Bosmer Templar Healer running around. Make your own choice you don't have to be inside the box :)

    I can ignore it for the most part, it's just seeing the hordes of Altmer Sorcerers with their superior racials makes me sad, if I had Bretons racials I'd be incredibly happy but alas that's not the case!
    I'll soldier on for sure, I'm just hoping someone from the company sees my suggestions / frustrations and perhaps takes an idea on board, wishful thinking I know.
    Edited by The_Sadist on April 2, 2014 2:04PM
    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
    Casually stalking the forums
  • One-Winged
    Soul Shriven
    The_Sadist wrote: »
    Stardust wrote: »
    To the OP:
    I too have that little voice in the back of my head, but I chose to ignore it and I suggest you do too. Play what makes you happy, I've got a Bosmer Templar Healer running around. Make your own choice you don't have to be inside the box :)

    I can ignore it for the most part, it's just seeing the hordes of Altmer Sorcerers with their superior racials makes me sad, if I had Bretons racials I'd be incredibly happy but alas that's not the case!
    I'll soldier on for sure, I'm just hoping someone from the company sees my suggestions / frustrations and perhaps takes an idea on board, wishful thinking I know.

    Man, you complain about people who choose Altmer Sorcerers, because of their "superior racial" (for mages only that is) and yet you want the race you picked to be on par with them... Let me tell you, you can't have the "best suited" race for your gameplay be the same as the "more-appealing-to-you" race, in this case. Every race has it's own situational advantages. There are even other lots of passives to take in account such as class lines, armor and guilds.... and yet you think Altmer Sorcerers are "superior" for their racials...

    If this troubles you so much and you truly want to be the overpowered-imba mage, then I suggest you roll the race you feel more adequate to your playstyle. But coming here and asking to get the race you want have the same advantages as another race is preposterous.
    Edited by One-Winged on April 2, 2014 2:22PM
  • The_Sadist
    One-Winged wrote: »
    Man, you complain about people who choose Altmer Sorcerers, because of their "superior racial" (for mages only that is) and yet you want the race you picked to be on par with them... Let me tell you, you can't have the "best suited" race for your gameplay be the same as the "more-appealing-to-you" race, in this case. Every race has it's own situational advantages. There are even other lots of passives to take in account such as class lines, armor and guilds.... and yet you think Altmer sorcerers are "superior" for their racials...

    If this troubles you so much and you truly want to be the overpowered-imba mage, then I suggest you roll the race you fell more adequate to your playstyle. But coming here and asking to get the race you want have the same advantages as another race is preposterous.

    Man, I'm not complaining about individuals who are choosing to go Altmer due to their tantalising racials, I was just using them as an example and a comparative point.
    Every race has their own situational advantages? Yes I'm sure the Bosmer and Argonian users will agree with you. For the most part each race is indeed relatively unique in terms of racials.. The issue is some races obviously outshine others in this department. Let me tell you, I know quite a few people who love Bretons / Altmer and are laughing because they wanted to play a Sorcerer, so yes, you can have your cake and eat it as well.
    Sure there are a lot of passives, class lines, armour and guilds.. which are available to everyone, unlike racials (strictly if you select a class, you're limited to their racials)

    I could do that and I might but for the time being I'm happy to sit back and complain about it.. because who knows? Things might change.
    I can come here and say what I please as long as it's not offensive. I have people agreeing with me and some disagreeing, claiming in prior games the Dunmer were a balanced medium in terms of melee / mage combat and that both Breton and Altmer should have these superior mage passives if only for lore sake.
    Edited by The_Sadist on April 2, 2014 2:34PM
    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
    Casually stalking the forums
  • Kyubi_3002b16_ESO
    Khajiit spellcaster... so take a guess DERP o_O

    Well im a nightblade spellcaster but still do i look like i care about my racials XD
    One bow to darken the sun
    One bow to unite the clans
    One bow to conquer the world and in darkness drown it...

    - Prophecy of the tyranny of the sun
  • The_Sadist
    Khajiit spellcaster... so take a guess DERP o_O

    Well im a nightblade spellcaster but still do i look like i care about my racials XD

    More power to you for sure!

    If only I was the same, it would spare me from this ranting. I met an Argonian Sorcerer once who was quite happy with his tanky mage user, each to their own!
    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
    Casually stalking the forums
  • darkangelraivyn
    You all do realize that Dunmer were cursed Chimer not Altmer...Altmer were not the ones cursed. So technically your arguments are a tiny bit invalid. Make sure your facts are straight before you start blasting racials. It's true that Dunmer were not purely magicka-based. I always saw them as hybridized battlemages with a minor basis in magicka. It's how I always played them anyway.
  • darkangelraivyn
    Besides...racials are meant to help you specialize more if you choose to, not force you to do one thing very good. It adds flavor but you can ignore it to make things challenging. And if I could have clarification on something I saw that makes me worry about my choice, not that I would change it...If I make a Dunmer Dragonknight, does that mean I do not get bonus to the fire abilities from Ardent Flame from racials?
  • One-Winged
    Soul Shriven
    The_Sadist wrote: »
    For the most part each race is indeed relatively unique in terms of racials.. The issue is some races obviously outshine others in this department.

    And why's that an issue? We do both agree that races have situational advantages, such as Bretons and Altmer being more caster-oriented. But did you see any Altmer or Breton melee complaining that they lack the Stamina regen of Redguards or the Robust of the Orcs?

    We both agree that some races are superior in a certain department as others. The difference is that you think this plays a major role to the point that a race "outshines" another race, because of it and I just think that it's a slight improvement and makes no overall impact.
    The_Sadist wrote: »
    Sure there are a lot of passives, class lines, armour and guilds.. which are available to everyone, unlike racials (strictly if you select a class, you're limited to their racials)

    I meant that, because in order to receive the benefits of a racial, you need to invest skill points in it. In order to be able to invest skill points in it, you need to level that skill line. This also applies to the racial skill line, where until level 20, for example, you will only be able to invest around 3 skill points in it. This is because you gain experience towards the racial skill along with your character's level. Therefore, racial skills won't even play a major role until late in the game and you will find useful (if not the only available option at the moment) to invest skill points in other skill lines.
    The_Sadist wrote: »
    I could do that and I might but for the time being I'm happy to sit back and complain about it.. because who knows? Things might change.
    I can come here and say what I please as long as it's not offensive. I have people agreeing with me and some disagreeing, claiming in prior games the Dunmer were a balanced medium in terms of melee / mage combat and that both Breton and Altmer should have these superior mage passives if only for lore sake.

    Of course. Noone's taking your privilege of voicing your opinion. And you will for sure find people who think the same as you, as you will find people like me disagreeing with you.

    As a side note, in my opinion Dunmer is balanced to be either melee/mage in this game, likely like in previous ES titles.
    Edited by One-Winged on April 2, 2014 3:18PM
  • The_Sadist
    You all do realize that Dunmer were cursed Chimer not Altmer...Altmer were not the ones cursed. So technically your arguments are a tiny bit invalid. Make sure your facts are straight before you start blasting racials. It's true that Dunmer were not purely magicka-based. I always saw them as hybridized battlemages with a minor basis in magicka. It's how I always played them anyway.

    I do indeed know this! But thanks for pointing it out. They have an extremely close history with the Altmer though (living together and whatnot) and I typically interrelate them. I do apologise if you feel it takes away from my arguments. I agree, they are quite battlemage-y just look at Vivec! Sotha Sil is, however, a powerful mage... But Almalexia is the embodiment of battlemage.
    Besides...racials are meant to help you specialize more if you choose to, not force you to do one thing very good. It adds flavor but you can ignore it to make things challenging. And if I could have clarification on something I saw that makes me worry about my choice, not that I would change it...If I make a Dunmer Dragonknight, does that mean I do not get bonus to the fire abilities from Ardent Flame from racials?

    I'm unsure about the flame talent racial, the word specifies 'spell power' which I think means the class spells.. I don't know if staff skills are considered spells which means 1-2 of a Dunmer (both Dragonknight and Sorcerer) spell pool is potentially gimped.. and I do feel if nothing else changes they should change this racial.
    I agree, racials are there for flexibility and support.. I just delved too deep into house Telvanni and the powerful wizardry they possess.. Hell, my main character is named Dívayth Fyr if that's any indication!
    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
    Casually stalking the forums
  • circilion
    The_Sadist wrote: »
    I made a thread about Dunmer v Altmer in relation to the Sorcerer class on a different forum and while I’m enjoying my Dunmer and plan on sticking with him the little voice in the back of my head is going crazy.

    Why are the racials so different?

    Altmer are the ‘purer’ elves, Dunmer were cursed and had their appearance changed and the Breton are half elves.. Surely the Breton should get the more hybrid end of the stick. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not asking for nerfs, but I think a buff may be in order.

    Currently everyone and their mums are rolling Altmer when it comes to Sorcerer.. I’ve seen a few people like myself who went a different route for personal enjoyment but are still bothered due to these bloody racials. The fact the majority are flocking to a particular race due to their racials alone is sort of evidence within itself (yes I know some people went due to lore etc etc)

    I don’t know what I’m asking for, the 9% v 10% magicka bonus is fine, the high fire damage increase v the moderate shock/fire/frost increase is also fine, being a fire specialist is rad EDIT: I found out that the high fire damage is only for spells and not a general damage increase, so in this sense we're extremely inferior given how our racial doesn't have an impact on staff spells… My issue is this, Altmer get the 9% bonuses to regeneration while in combat, Breton get reduced costs and Dunmer get… some extra stamina? That’s awesome for some but for the most case irrelevant. That 9% regeneration eats away at me.. even if it’s only like an extra 30 magicka or something.

    Like I said, I don’t know what I’m trying to say here, just a little bit frustrated and it seemed sort of relevant.

    Haha, yea I rolled a Dunmer Sorc as well. To tell you the truth I disagree with a buff. I knew what I was rolling when I created the character. and now I have a Deadric sorcerer in medium armour with duel wield skill points. Its encouraged me to rethink the way I played the typical mage characters in WoW ect. and I am super excited about the way my character is turning out.

    That being said, in 30 levels I may discover that I have made the most broken character ever haha, but I am enjoying it for now.
  • jhaak714_ESO
    spell power refers to any spell (i.e. scales with magicka)

    in teh dunmer case it is limited to fire damage though.

    Also... how is your spell pool gimped when it's sporitng the same theoretical max as the altmer. So far as I'm aware, the racial % bonuses do NOT increase your maximum cap and only allow you to push farther towards it with less equipment and that even a khajiit in heavy armor can reach the magicka cap.
  • The_Sadist
    One-Winged wrote: »
    And why's that an issue? We do both agree that races have situational advantages, such as Bretons and Altmer being more caster-oriented. But did you see any Altmer or Breton melee complaining that they lack the Stamina regen of Redguards or the Robust of the Orcs?

    Why is that an issue indeed, it isn't in all honesty, it's very much just personal bias and I suppose frustration. I agree, I don't see Altmer or Breton complaining, typically because those two classes are caster-oriented so people don't select them when going for a more melee based class.
    One-Winged wrote: »
    We both agree that some races are superior in a certain department as others. The difference is that you think this plays a major role to the point that a race "outshines" another race, because of it and I just think that it's a slight improvement and makes no overall impact.

    Yes and no, there are a select few races which are good for a caster class, a more melee type class and for ranged DPS, the remaining lot are overlooked or ignored because they aren't really on par racial wise. Why go an Argonian anything when there's something better? But ultimately the racials are minimal.. I'm just a little bit of a perfectionist.
    One-Winged wrote: »
    I meant that, because in order to receive the benefits of a racial, you need to invest skill points in it. In order to be able to invest skill points in it, you need to level that skill line. This also applies to the racial skill line, where until level 20, for example, you will only be able to invest around 3 skill points in it. This is because you gain experience towards the racial skill along with your character's level. Therefore, racial skills won't even play a major role until late in the game and you will find useful (if not the only available option at the moment) to invest skill points in other skill lines.

    Given the amount of skill points available and how there are meta builds appearing left right and centre it's safe to assume a lot of Sorcerers will have a similar setup with the only real difference being equipment and racials.. but I do understand your point and agree.

    One-Winged wrote: »
    Of course. Noone's taking your privilege of voicing your opinion. And you will for sure find people who think the same as you, as you will find people like me disagreeing with you.

    As a side note, in my opinion Dunmer is balanced to be either melee/mage in this game, likely like in previous ES titles.

    The way you worded it wasn't exactly pleasant, I had to restrain myself from posting facetious.
    I'm all for debate, that's why I'm here!

    They are indeed quite balanced, they could use an adjustment (looking at you flame talent) but they do seem 'okay'. Like I said, just a Sorcerer who spent too much time getting into house Telvanni lore back in the day.
    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
    Casually stalking the forums
  • One-Winged
    Soul Shriven
    The_Sadist wrote: »
    Why is that an issue indeed, it isn't in all honesty, it's very much just personal bias and I suppose frustration. I agree, I don't see Altmer or Breton complaining, typically because those two classes are caster-oriented so people don't select them when going for a more melee based class.

    Yes and no, there are a select few races which are good for a caster class, a more melee type class and for ranged DPS, the remaining lot are overlooked or ignored because they aren't really on par racial wise. Why go an Argonian anything when there's something better? But ultimately the racials are minimal.. I'm just a little bit of a perfectionist.

    As I previously said, I'm an Altmer tank DK, but that's just an example. You see, people select races for many reasons. Some do it, because they want the race to match their class more adequately, while others do it for lore reasons. In this sense, "better" or "worse" are just comparative terms depending from which perspective you look at it.

    I think you look at it, in order to get the most benefits out of every resource you might have. Indeed a perfectionist, as you say. Having said that, you might have chosen the wrong race then :neutral_face:. Unless you can balance your feelings towards the lore behind the class to equal the inner voice saying that your race is not competent enough against others (which is not true, anyway), that is.

    The_Sadist wrote: »
    The way you worded it wasn't exactly pleasant, I had to restrain myself from posting facetious.
    I'm all for debate, that's why I'm here!

    They are indeed quite balanced, they could use an adjustment (looking at you flame talent) but they do seem 'okay'. Like I said, just a Sorcerer who spent too much time getting into house Telvanni lore back in the day.

    Although I'm a bit of a clown myself, I didn't mean to sound offensive in any way, lol. Language barriers, my friend, language barriers.

    I'm not quite sure what the Flame talent ignores, but I agree that the Flame talent should apply to anything fire related, such as weapon enchantments and skills, and spells, etc. It would be much more appealing. If it does ignore anything, then I give you all the rights to complaint about it and I will support your cause.
    Edited by One-Winged on April 2, 2014 4:00PM
  • LadyChaos
    I rolled a Dunmer Sorcy for beta, but in the end I just went Altmer because I couldn't get past the "free" racial being dual wield on the Dunmer, and Destruction Staff for Altmer, and I just love me a nice big path of fire... not so much the close up lovins the dual wield presented.

    It was about the one racial point that comes with the race for me, not as much the others, as I don't have to spend in them if they don't appeal to me. If I decide someday to pick up a pair of stabby tools I'm prolly going to regret not staying ***. TBH Altmer sooo tall it makes me feel like a giant target in pvp where as Dunmer lets you go way smaller profile on the height scale.
    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
  • illmryn
    Orc Sorcerer, checking in.
  • One-Winged
    Soul Shriven
    I was looking meanwhile to know how Spell Power works, in general (since we were discussing how the Flame Talent worked) and it turns out that the attribute points spent in Magicka play a role on the Spell Power output.

    For more info, look this.
    Edited by One-Winged on April 2, 2014 4:25PM
  • Corpsecall
    Nord is best. Best is Nord.
  • The_Sadist
    circilion wrote: »
    Haha, yea I rolled a Dunmer Sorc as well. To tell you the truth I disagree with a buff. I knew what I was rolling when I created the character. and now I have a Deadric sorcerer in medium armour with duel wield skill points. Its encouraged me to rethink the way I played the typical mage characters in WoW ect. and I am super excited about the way my character is turning out.

    That being said, in 30 levels I may discover that I have made the most broken character ever haha, but I am enjoying it for now.

    I half agree, I do think the flame talent racial should be changed and I suggested an interesting change which may be indeed OP in terms of racials though. I'm glad you're enjoying the class, I'm also enjoying it (granted I want to change his cosmetics eventually). I half planned on making a tanky build but decided to go the cliche mage.

    If all else fails you can respec, and if that fails re-rolling is an option this early in the game. Half the reason I can't be bothered re-rolling is I fully completed a zone.. and it took 24 hours xD.
    illmryn wrote: »
    Orc Sorcerer, checking in.

    Cool bananas! They are are and few between.
    Corpsecall wrote: »
    Nord is best. Best is Nord.

    I think Nords should have a least one magicka racial.. given how they are with frost and whatnot.
    One-Winged wrote: »
    I was looking meanwhile to know how Spell Power works, in general (since we were discussing how the Flame Talent worked) and it turns out that the attribute points spent in Magicka play a role on the Spell Power output.

    For more info, look this.

    Thanks a bunch! So it works for class spells and certain weapon skills but not for a fire enchanted weapon? That's what I'm getting from it.. also other weapon skills which have a burning debuff miss out.. It's already niche, don't gimp it!
    One-Winged wrote: »
    As I previously said, I'm an Altmer tank DK, but that's just an example. You see, people select races for many reasons. Some do it, because they want the race to match their class more adequately, while others do it for lore reasons. In this sense, "better" or "worse" are just comparative terms depending from which perspective you look at it.

    I think you look at it, in order to get the most benefits out of every resource you might have. Indeed a perfectionist, as you say. Having said that, you might have chosen the wrong race then :neutral_face:. Unless you can balance your feelings towards the lore behind the class to equal the inner voice saying that your race is not competent enough against others (which is not true, anyway), that is.

    I plan on making Dunmer DK due to racials and having a name for him, likewise my templar will be a Breton due to a mix of both a name and racials. If it hasn't became obvious I'm a bit of a lore nut... My main is named Divayth Fyr, my DK is going to be named Neloth and I have the name Eleidon reserved for my eventual templar. I'm starting to see the 9% magicka regen,1% total magicka and 4% shock/frost damage as soso.. if they fix flame talent I won't mind as much.

    But... Divayth Fyr is one of the most powerful Sorcerers of all time! I suppose that's where I'm getting my mentality from.. in Morrowind I only saw powerful Telvanni mages and the odd melee Dunmer clan leader.. so I have a bit of expectations coming into ESO. I agree, I have to shut the voice up or re-roll.. at this point in time I'm happy to nut it out.
    One-Winged wrote: »
    Although I'm a bit of a clown myself, I didn't mean to sound offensive in any way, lol. Language barriers, my friend, language barriers.

    I'm not quite sure what the Flame talent ignores, but I agree that the Flame talent should apply to anything fire related, such as weapon enchantments and skills, and spells, etc. It would be much more appealing. If it does ignore anything, then I give you all the rights to complaint about it and I will support your cause.

    I'm an English speaker xD, it was just 2:30am when I posted my last response, sorry if it was a bit incoherent.

    Cool bananas. Like I said I'd love for them to fix that and potentially up the damage by 1-2% (so like 8-9% instead of 6% but that may be a bit much). Creating a new racial by mixing flame talent and fire resistance (+ fire damage / resistance) and renaming it fire affinity makes sense to me.. and it leaves room to mix the +1/2/3 magicka % with another bonus, which could be more battlemage orientated (% to gain mana with melee attacks, slight bonuses from drinking potions, the sky's the limit).
    Edited by The_Sadist on April 2, 2014 10:09PM
    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
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  • Clarebear
    The_Sadist wrote: »
    I made a thread about Dunmer v Altmer in relation to the Sorcerer class on a different forum and while I’m enjoying my Dunmer and plan on sticking with him the little voice in the back of my head is going crazy.

    Why are the racials so different?

    Altmer are the ‘purer’ elves, Dunmer were cursed and had their appearance changed and the Breton are half elves.. Surely the Breton should get the more hybrid end of the stick. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not asking for nerfs, but I think a buff may be in order.

    Currently everyone and their mums are rolling Altmer when it comes to Sorcerer.. I’ve seen a few people like myself who went a different route for personal enjoyment but are still bothered due to these bloody racials. The fact the majority are flocking to a particular race due to their racials alone is sort of evidence within itself (yes I know some people went due to lore etc etc)

    I don’t know what I’m asking for, the 9% v 10% magicka bonus is fine, the high fire damage increase v the moderate shock/fire/frost increase is also fine, being a fire specialist is rad EDIT: I found out that the high fire damage is only for spells and not a general damage increase, so in this sense we're extremely inferior given how our racial doesn't have an impact on staff spells… My issue is this, Altmer get the 9% bonuses to regeneration while in combat, Breton get reduced costs and Dunmer get… some extra stamina? That’s awesome for some but for the most case irrelevant. That 9% regeneration eats away at me.. even if it’s only like an extra 30 magicka or something.

    Like I said, I don’t know what I’m trying to say here, just a little bit frustrated and it seemed sort of relevant.

    The Dunmer are really good for making a Dragonknight because of the fire bonus damage and getting buffs to both magic and stamina.
  • The_Sadist
    Clarebear wrote: »
    The Dunmer are really good for making a Dragonknight because of the fire bonus damage and getting buffs to both magic and stamina.

    I'm inclined to agree, assuming they change the flame talent passive, they're one of the best races for a pyromancer / tanky Dragonknight hybrid.
    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
    Casually stalking the forums
  • Custos91
    Playing Altmer Templar Healer, constantly annoyed by my brain trying to play Breton Templar Healer, till now it has not won...
    Made a bank char today, clicked on randomize...
    And now I have a Bosmer DK, because she looked so *** badass!
    And the voice in my head can't argue with that!
    I found out for myself, that it is better for your feeling while playing, to play whatever you like! Make the best out of the racials! they are a very little % increase or decrease, keep in mind a bad internet connection will hit your performance much harder! trust me...
    Actually I'm planning on rearanging my chars, because I ended up with many Altmer, because of playing a healer, and I don't like Bretons (OK, that a development of the beta, can't stand the names! really!!! Never ever will play Daggerfall again!)

    You guys are talking about a maximum of 5% dmg that would be the difference!
    We don't even know how the classes will be balanced!
    Racials are much easier to compare, and easier to fix, because the racials are not that damn complicatet! that are easy things to add to a formula, but the formula itself is delivered via the classes and weapons...

    Play what you wan't to...otherwise you will end like I was... Templar? Breton! Sorc? Altmer! Can't stand them anymore...
    Warden Main apparently... 7 Wardens currently, otherwise a healer of every class.
    Mostly active in No CP PVP on EU, blaming the buffbot meta in pve.
    I want to feel like I am saving somebodies life, not like I am carrying amunition for them...
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