I understand there's already a discussion regarding PC NA Greyhost, where the Ebonheart Pact (EP) seems to have a massive point advantage over the other two factions. This appears to be due to the timing of when larger groups and guilds from EP are active, which is unfortunately the same time when most players on Greyhost have logged off. Initially, I thought this was done intentionally, but after chatting with others it seems to be a result of time zone differences. Many of these EP zergs are from Japan, creating a huge imbalance in pop.
So, is there a way to fix this issue without negatively impacting those who play in the Japan time zone? One idea I considered was to make it so that both DC and AD automatically receive low pop during this time. However, if they don't have any keeps or scrolls, this probably will not fix the problem.
I'm not really mad at it, because every faction zergs and takes everything when they can. It's just unfortunate for us that when EP does it, the majority of AD and DC aren't on to put up much of a defense. This isn't an attack on EP either, most of the players there are actually really nice and they are only doing what they should do. AD and DC would do the same if in their position.
I personally don't care about winning because we don't really get any prizes from it, but it often makes people leave pvp because try as they might, there is no defense against that. Some people even end up leaving the faction for an easy win, which makes the numbers per faction even more imbalanced.
So I'm just curious if anyone has ideas on how to fix this without messing up for one side or all sides.
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »There is really a simple solution to make night-capping...
Make Potential Points to be depended from Cyrodiil population. How would that work:
1. Re-scale population bar from 3 bars+ Locked to 10 bars + Locked.
2. When you capture an enemy objective, the game would look at global Cyrodiil population and compare attackers vs defenders population. The bigger the difference - the less potential points bonus attackers would get. The game would "remember" that, till the objective is lost. If it gets re-taken, then the game again looks at population difference and applies a proper modifier. This would not affect your own faction's "home" objectives (Keeps, Resources, scrolls etc).
Learn Japanese, infiltrate in the group, create a drama so big it forces the zerg to split in 3 camps of equal size of which one will feel forced to move to AD and the other to DC. <- ROFL
I know the other way around we have the low pop and underdog bonus, but the other way around it also shouldn't really pay to zerg the map down with 3 bars against 1 bar.
<- Lol nooadirondack wrote: »Easiest solution is for everyone to swap factions to EP and keep the Red Pain Train going all day long.
adirondack wrote: »Seriously however, it’s up to the individual players to choose when they play and with which faction. A year ago it was DC with an over abundant player base. When the game first came out in 2014 it was AD. So I don’t have a good solution for you. It is unfortunate the current state but in doubt ZOS cares much about campaign scores.
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »Make Potential Points to be depended from Cyrodiil population. How would that work:
1. Re-scale population bar from 3 bars+ Locked to 10 bars + Locked.
2. When you capture an enemy objective, the game would look at global Cyrodiil population and compare attackers vs defenders population. The bigger the difference - the less potential points bonus attackers would get. The game would "remember" that, till the objective is lost. If it gets re-taken, then the game again looks at population difference and applies a proper modifier. This would not affect your own faction's "home" objectives (Keeps, Resources, scrolls etc).
I didn't see you posting about this when DC was doing the same thing for over a year, and it's only been this way with EP leading for 1.5 camps so far. With that said, I do agree with most of your points. (even if you are an AD player)
I think the core problem is so many years of performance issues in Cyro even though PvP is by far the best experience available in ESO, the population caps are just too low, so during prime time there is always too long of a wait time for new players to discover PvP now days. And lets face it, player turnover rate is off the charts in ESO after U35 and all those crazy restrictions that were implemented to test PvP performance a couple years ago with nothing to show for it. It makes it seem as though ZOS either can't fix the issues in PvP, or are simply unwilling to make the financial investments to make the needed fixes. i.e.- more server resources for Cyrodiil. If ZOS would just go back to giving PvP at least a tiny bit of attention to balance, performance and raising the pop caps these population imbalance issues would work themselves out I think, as they used to during the glory days of PvP when pop caps were more than 4x what they are today.
I don't think anything can be done about nightcapping without being unfair. The suggestions proffered here so far strike me as unfair. And I can tell that they're offered with good intentions but still... Why should someone who wakes up when you go to bed not count as much for their campaign? I suggest attacking the problem from a different angle. The problem isn't night-capping at all. The problem is population imbalance.
Twohothardware wrote: »When ESO launched the three Alliances were split up so that you could only group with other players on your Alliance for all PvE activities. That changed with One Tamriel.
End the Alliance war and make a new version of Cyrodiil PvP that’s like the rest of the game. When you join a campaign you’re enlisted on the side that needs numbers. No more need for faction lock. Much more balanced sides.
I don't think anything can be done about nightcapping without being unfair. The suggestions proffered here so far strike me as unfair. And I can tell that they're offered with good intentions but still... Why should someone who wakes up when you go to bed not count as much for their campaign?
I suggest attacking the problem from a different angle. The problem isn't night-capping at all. The problem is population imbalance.
Holycannoli wrote: »7 AM this morning eastern time, PC NA Grey Host.
There is no way for AD or DC to catch up in points when EP is constantly capturing the map night after night with no resistance.
Now if the points earned night after night are halved because of that population imbalance it would still be a balanced campaign points-wise. Their 7k-8k points lead would be almost halved and rightfully so. During prime time the campaign is pretty balanced. There are a lot of hard fought battles and a lot of back and forth. Shouldn't that be what determines the victor? Not which alliance happens to have the overnight players that month?
Not true. AD is continually moving up in the rankings over and over based upon the broken low population bonus. DC was doing this exact thing for over a year and I don't recall anyone complaining over that time.
Also, please turn off your HarvestMap add-on while in cyrodiil to reduce server load and lag. Even when posting this pic it makes it hard to see what is going on.
The populations are balanced during prime-time because there's a cap on it. Who knows what it'd really be, to be honest.
Holycannoli wrote: »You base nightcapping on the time zone the server is in. EU nightcapping is NA prime time. NA nightcapping is EU morning. When there's only one server for the entire globe then there is no nightcapping, and usually a more even distribution of population at all times of the day too since everyone is stuck on same server.
Basically, picture a NA guild playing on a EU server so they can nightcap. Oceania players have no choice because ZOS doesn't believe they deserve a server but it doesn't take away from the fact that it's nightcapping and tipping the scales unfairly.Not true. AD is continually moving up in the rankings over and over based upon the broken low population bonus. DC was doing this exact thing for over a year and I don't recall anyone complaining over that time.
AD will never catch up to EP. It's not possible unless they can control the entirety of the map for hours at a time during prime time. The overnight EP crew makes sure of that. I don't know what the score differential is right now but I can tell you it's probably around 7k.
Last I played Cyrodiil regularly was last winter and DC was dominating the score for the same reason. This nightcapping goes too far in determining who wins.
And I'm not sure how AD has the low pop bonus when it's DC that has the lowest pop. Last night for a while it was AD and EP locked and DC two bars. But I'm not on all the time, just at prime time so I don't know what's going on during the day.Also, please turn off your HarvestMap add-on while in cyrodiil to reduce server load and lag. Even when posting this pic it makes it hard to see what is going on.
Is there any proof that HarvestMap causes poor Cyrodiil server performance? I have zero client performance issues with my new 4090 build. Before this I couldn't even handle Cyrodiil on low settings when ball groups were around.
But AD has moved ahead of DC based upon low population bonus alone, not from players playing.
But AD has moved ahead of DC based upon low population bonus alone, not from players playing.
That's a crazy thing to say tbh. I've seen AD putting in work and I log in at random hours whenever I'm free. The photo below is from 7am in the morning. AD has been doing a decent job this camp, the reason DC is not doing that well is because most of their pop went to AD and EP this camp and the last camp. Every faction gets low pop and yeah, it is pretty messed up and should be adjusted. AD isn't in second because of it though, it rarely lasts long enough for eval.
AD has been moving to second from last on low pop bonus for over a year now. It's why DC in last and AD increasing their point gap.
Cap. AD has amazing players and dedicated guilds that help push the map even when EP is trying to take the whole map or DC and EP are grouping up to gate them. To say AD has only been moving up due to lowpop is wild. I was just online a few moments ago and we have no low pop and they are still taking the map. I'm not saying we never have low pop, but don't use that to excuse DC losing to AD.
Oblivion_Protocol wrote: »I’ve definitely seen AD fighting hard to push the map against both DC and EP. But I’ve also seen them collapse, lose multiple keeps, and get pushed down to like four keeps; yet they maintain their position thanks to low pop bonus.
Oblivion_Protocol wrote: »As to the main point of this thread, there’s really no way to resolve “night capping” because it’s not night for everyone all at once. What’s 2:00 in the morning for someone on the West Coast could be 8:00 for someone on the East Coast. Any solution I could think of would be subject to manipulation and exploit, which would lead to even more problems.
Oblivion_Protocol wrote: »I’ve definitely seen AD fighting hard to push the map against both DC and EP. But I’ve also seen them collapse, lose multiple keeps, and get pushed down to like four keeps; yet they maintain their position thanks to low pop bonus.
To get to where we are in points and stay we would need consecutive low pops, which is not the case. I agree, we do get low pop sometimes but so does DC because it usually comes in the morning when the map is all red. However, it is not reliable because it often leaves right before the eval. There are also times when DC gets it and AD does not and sometimes the other way. Low pop overall needs to be revamped, but that will likely never happen. I just think it's funny people are downplaying all the work AD has been putting in by saying they are only beating DC because of low pop. I like all the factions personally, and I think they are all doing great. DC just doesn't have the overwhelming numbers that they used to have unless a ball group gets on.Oblivion_Protocol wrote: »As to the main point of this thread, there’s really no way to resolve “night capping” because it’s not night for everyone all at once. What’s 2:00 in the morning for someone on the West Coast could be 8:00 for someone on the East Coast. Any solution I could think of would be subject to manipulation and exploit, which would lead to even more problems.
I agree, I can't see any way to fix what we call nightcapping and they call primetime. I did like the idea of an Asian server, but as someone mentioned not everyone would move over and it might not be enough people to sustain pvp. It's not a real problem though, I was just curious on what other people thought.