Veteran may be a bit too harsh

  • lajnus86b16_ESO
    There is a bug that they have done i swear to god in vet zones.

    The reason for it is simple, when you started the game you almost never found greenies, at around lvl 30 you found blues and greens, and you could find epics but still rare.

    Around 40-50 epic and rare where alot more common, also gold per kill per mob was a lot higher.

    What they did in vet zones was some sort of algoritm, i noticed that blues and greens from mobs are very rare.

    At vet rank 1 and the gold also lower than before.

    So they reseted xp you got from mobs also, to 56 scaled it back just like eveyrthing else problem is.

    when you where around lvl 1-5 50 you didnt need that much xp as now, so now you are getting the wrong algoritm for xp per mob.

    So trust me this IS a bugg, it is NOT intentional.

    They must fix this asap, i repeat THE low amount of xp you get is a BUGG in the algoritm in vet zones. We should get around 1-1.2k xp per none elite mob.
  • patrikblb16_ESO
    There is a bug that they have done i swear to god in vet zones.

    The reason for it is simple, when you started the game you almost never found greenies, at around lvl 30 you found blues and greens, and you could find epics but still rare.

    Around 40-50 epic and rare where alot more common, also gold per kill per mob was a lot higher.

    What they did in vet zones was some sort of algoritm, i noticed that blues and greens from mobs are very rare.

    At vet rank 1 and the gold also lower than before.

    So they reseted xp you got from mobs also, to 56 scaled it back just like eveyrthing else problem is.

    when you where around lvl 1-5 50 you didnt need that much xp as now, so now you are getting the wrong algoritm for xp per mob.

    So trust me this IS a bugg, it is NOT intentional.

    They must fix this asap, i repeat THE low amount of xp you get is a BUGG in the algoritm in vet zones. We should get around 1-1.2k xp per none elite mob.

    If it was that simple it should have been adressed long ago.
    But you know what, this is intentional, and the reason to this is that the gold is still scaling as it should, they dont want us to farm mobs for xp, they want to force us to do *** quests in 2 *** alliances after we finished our current alliance...Sigh...
    But even if it was that and they did fix it I still wouldnt find it fun with the current difficulty.
  • patrikblb16_ESO
    Not a single word from ZOS on this, how can someone hate their job so much?
  • Borondir
    You want end game? PvP, the veteran zones of the other two factions and the veteran dungeons are end game. Raids maybe fun but they are not the only form of end game. When you must grind to vr10 and skip the endgame content stop whining that you missed some end game.
  • lajnus86b16_ESO
    There is a bug that they have done i swear to god in vet zones.

    The reason for it is simple, when you started the game you almost never found greenies, at around lvl 30 you found blues and greens, and you could find epics but still rare.

    Around 40-50 epic and rare where alot more common, also gold per kill per mob was a lot higher.

    What they did in vet zones was some sort of algoritm, i noticed that blues and greens from mobs are very rare.

    At vet rank 1 and the gold also lower than before.

    So they reseted xp you got from mobs also, to 56 scaled it back just like eveyrthing else problem is.

    when you where around lvl 1-5 50 you didnt need that much xp as now, so now you are getting the wrong algoritm for xp per mob.

    So trust me this IS a bugg, it is NOT intentional.

    They must fix this asap, i repeat THE low amount of xp you get is a BUGG in the algoritm in vet zones. We should get around 1-1.2k xp per none elite mob.

    If it was that simple it should have been adressed long ago.
    But you know what, this is intentional, and the reason to this is that the gold is still scaling as it should, they dont want us to farm mobs for xp, they want to force us to do *** quests in 2 *** alliances after we finished our current alliance...Sigh...
    But even if it was that and they did fix it I still wouldnt find it fun with the current difficulty.

    I would not be suprised that this is intentional, but the code of work is so obvious its hillarious they dont hide it even.

    its like they want to kill the game.
  • lajnus86b16_ESO
    Borondir wrote: »
    You want end game? PvP, the veteran zones of the other two factions and the veteran dungeons are end game. Raids maybe fun but they are not the only form of end game. When you must grind to vr10 and skip the endgame content stop whining that you missed some end game.

    You dont know what endgame is it seems, vr 10 is endgame not vr rank 1
  • EzikielStorm
    LonePirate wrote: »

    Why would you not be able to grind the dungeons in the Veteran ranked zones? You can do so in the 1-50 zones so why would the rules change for Veteran content?

    Someone at Zenimax decided to attune what you would assume were VR1/2/3 dungeons to VR5, all bosses and loot are VR5 in for example Spindle clutch, Fungal grotto and Banished cells... Whislt perhaps 1 or 2 of these may be completable at VR1 you barley get any xp and you just fill your already full bank with mostly "bind on pickup" VR5 loot.

    Just to put things in perspective for you, I will be VR5 at the end of the ENTIRE Ebonheart pact lvl 1 to 50 content, then VR10 after the ENTIRE Daggerfall covenant.

    Getting to VR10 is basically like questing lvl 1 to 150, only we dont even have the 3 dungeons per level tier anymore after VR1 to break the monotany... I must admit as someone who absolutley enjoyed my own factions quests from lvl 1 to 49, starting VR1 was rather depressing since i personally cant stand the "flavour" of the Ebonheart pact. I want to get done with it and move on to the Daggerfall covenant, but you cant just "get done with" veteran ranks, you are required to do every single quest. At my current rate of progression due to difficulty and dislike of the zones i may get to VR5 by christmas, if at all...

    Edited by EzikielStorm on April 21, 2014 7:22AM
  • LonePirate
    @EzikielStorm I understand that people may not like the VR content, particularly the huge questing focus and the low mob XP, but it is possible to grind your way through the levels. Yes, it may be an extremely long grind, but it is possible. Also, I thought it was common knowledge that each VR level corresponds to a major zone in the other factions. There are 10 VR levels and 10 major zones for the other factions. This is no coincidence.

    I do want to thank you for telling me about the VR5 leveling of the first set iof dungeons Banished/Fungal/Spindleclutch. I won't be tackling them anytime soon. Then again, I only completed the level 12 Fungal so maybe I should finish the regular dungeons for the skill points while I journey to VR 10.
  • Mie87
    Have any of you tried to level through pvp?
  • lajnus86b16_ESO
    Mie87 wrote: »
    Have any of you tried to level through pvp?

    Not me but im like 99.9% certain its slower than questing with a group of friends. and just steamroll quests.

    you can actually level really fast with a group.

  • Mie87
    Mie87 wrote: »
    Have any of you tried to level through pvp?

    Not me but im like 99.9% certain its slower than questing with a group of friends. and just steamroll quests.

    you can actually level really fast with a group.

    Yes but problem is, how would you always find players on the same quests as you?
    Seems like a fuss, and I like doing quest at leisure, actually reading them etc.

    If rank 10 can be achieved through pvp, I will surely try to. :-)

  • Lagoz
    You know what's worse than content-gating.

    Content-gating without actually admitting they are doing it.

    ZOS reply ASAP.
  • UnderKingRhun
    Mie87 wrote: »
    Mie87 wrote: »
    Have any of you tried to level through pvp?

    Not me but im like 99.9% certain its slower than questing with a group of friends. and just steamroll quests.

    you can actually level really fast with a group.

    Yes but problem is, how would you always find players on the same quests as you?
    Seems like a fuss, and I like doing quest at leisure, actually reading them etc.

    If rank 10 can be achieved through pvp, I will surely try to. :-)

    thing is , in Cyrodiil, if you are doing the quests there and are in a group, let one person pick them up and share, rinse , repeat, this ensures entire party are on the same quest at the same time, our guild users this method and usually, barring too many skirmishes with players, complete all daily quests within an hour or two.

  • LonePirate
    thing is , in Cyrodiil, if you are doing the quests there and are in a group, let one person pick them up and share, rinse , repeat, this ensures entire party are on the same quest at the same time, our guild users this method and usually, barring too many skirmishes with players, complete all daily quests within an hour or two.

    Are you an EP player and is your guild accepting new members? I would love to find a guild that works together to finish all of the Cyrodiil daily quests in an hour or two every day.

    Currently, I have been completing them solo which is a slow and dangerous process due to the guards and enemy players. Some of the quests are especially difficult for me to complete such as the one in Chorral which sends you to a tower where two trolls are guarding the objective. I have a very tough time killing one troll, let alone two at the same time. The Bruma quest that requires you to retrieve mushrooms from the cave is also tough as the mobs in there always take me down unless I use the logout trick to repeatedly spawn the mushrooms near the cave entrance before you encounter the packs of three mobs near the other instances. I can handle the Bruma quest with the elite boss in the house and the one with the Titan. The Cheydinhal and Cropsford quests are the easiest ones as a whole. I have only completed one Vlastrus quest so I cannot comment on them yet.
  • thilog
    I think most of you are missing the point.

    90% of quests are poorly balanced and are too easy.
    5% are broken.
    5% are insanely balanced and impossible to complete. Except by people willing to respec for just that one quest.

    Eso, isn't really about rushing to lv 50.. normally i'd agree with you that rushing the game means missing everything.. but really, you just do quest after quest.. and the levels fly past. There is no world to explore.. no area's you can just grind in. In Wow there's places people never ever go, there's no such places in eso. Everywhere is mobbed with botters or players.

    I plan to get 50 rank 1.. maybe mess about do some pvp, get rank 2.. then i'll be off to daggerfall.. to do their quests, then dominion to do theirs.. hopefully that'll take the 3 months i paid for.. after that.. maybe they'll have added some content or maybe even added some maps..
    Edited by thilog on April 22, 2014 2:52PM
  • EzikielStorm
    thilog wrote: »
    I think most of you are missing the point.

    90% of quests are poorly balanced and are too easy.
    5% are broken.
    5% are insanely balanced and impossible to complete. Except by people willing to respec for just that one quest.

    Eso, isn't really about rushing to lv 50.. normally i'd agree with you that rushing the game means missing everything.. but really, you just do quest after quest.. and the levels fly past. There is no world to explore.. no area's you can just grind in. In Wow there's places people never ever go, there's no such places in eso. Everywhere is mobbed with botters or players.

    I plan to get 50 rank 1.. maybe mess about do some pvp, get rank 2.. then i'll be off to daggerfall.. to do their quests, then dominion to do theirs.. hopefully that'll take the 3 months i paid for.. after that.. maybe they'll have added some content or maybe even added some maps..

    So i dont mean to be rude, but youre commenting in a thread about how tough veteran levels are and you arent even 49 yet?

    You will understand this thread when you get there, as for it taking you 3 months, it will probably more likley take you 6, if you dont quit first because its very very hard to quests solo.

    The whole point is, that people are finding it difficult to quest solo and casual through veteran levels. Not only that but there is now a large xp defecit, after they nerfed everything else and yet didnt add anything to bridge up the divide.
  • Mie87
    Maybe the OP can change 'to' in the title to 'too'.
    Bugs me every time.
  • patrikblb16_ESO
    I dont want ZOS to reply, I want Zenimax themselves to reply.
    11 days left to fix this ***.
  • UnderKingRhun
    LonePirate wrote: »
    thing is , in Cyrodiil, if you are doing the quests there and are in a group, let one person pick them up and share, rinse , repeat, this ensures entire party are on the same quest at the same time, our guild users this method and usually, barring too many skirmishes with players, complete all daily quests within an hour or two.

    Are you an EP player and is your guild accepting new members? I would love to find a guild that works together to finish all of the Cyrodiil daily quests in an hour or two every day.


    Naturally we are PACT!! feel free to look us up Stercus Accidit, a motley mix of pvp'ers, pve and even a few lore and rp junkies who more often than not get along splendidly. We mostly group for Cyrodiil and vet dungeons currently, have plenty of crafters, use TS, and are all a lil stir crazy. look forward to hearing from you in game :D feel free to sign up o/
  • LunaRae
    Yea I've heard a lot of people say they're unhappy with Vet content. Mobs not having updated loot tables / exp for your level, just seems bizarre. I'm definitely all for exploring every nook and cranny but some things feel like they've been completely forgotten or are just ignored. Hope to see some fixes down the road soon! :smile:
    Stands-Strong-As-Snow ~ Argonian Templar DC NA V14
    Ytheri ~ Argonian Nightblade EP Thornblade NA V14
    Heals-All-Colours ~ Argonian Templar EP Thornblade NA V14
    Stands-In-Still-Waters~ Argonian Sorcerer EP Thornblade NA V2
  • Mordenkaiser

    As promised earlier I have returned to this thread, as I am now Veteran 2 I can't really say that Veteran is too hard, time consuming yes however I can understand peoples issues with it.

    Some advice.

    - Complete locations, the lions share of my Veteran XP game from this. I'm a hair from Veteran 3 and haven't even started Stormhaven yet. Exploration is when a location on your map changes from Black to white. This included doing the Dark Anchors and public dungeons!
    - Get some +Exploration XP gear, this makes Vet leveling a LOT faster.
    - Cyrodil - change up your day and bring some friends to Cyrodil and do the daily hubs, mindless PVE question will get boring, doing it in Cyrodil will help, trust me, the Cyrodil quests will scale with your level, at Vet 2, They give approx 3k vet points per quest (1500 at Vet 1)

    Given that Vet 1-2 was about a day of solid play, it seems properly scaled, Vet ranks will open up "better" gear but that is about it.

    Again, just some advice.

    OH and for those looking to grind vet levels, just google it, theres some really good posts for those looking to grind Vet levels, I'm not a fan but to each his own.
    "Serve me in death, and let Sithis be your shepherd"
  • Iselin
    Some people seem to miss the obvious: in 1-50 leveling, you gain 49 levels in 6 and a half (including coldharbour) zones--that's roughly a 7.5 level per zone rate. VR leveling has ~ 11 zones to progress 9 VR levels--or about 0.8 VR rank per zone...roughly 9 times slower.

    Of course it will be a slower progression. Why would anyone with a basic grasp of division think otherwise?

    If you live for those "dings" other MMOs have conditioned you to accept as your Pavlovian reward for playing, yeah, you might find it unrewarding. But I would have thought that anyone who has already played this game 1-50 would have realized by now that skill points and advancement through guild and world lines is even more important here than those level dings.

    I'm VR3 just starting the 3rd EB zone... I'd say I'm ahead of the leveling curve if anything. Yesterday I took a break from leveling and went back to all my previous zones to get all the lore books I'd missed - took me from Mage's Guild rank 6 to 9... which opened up several new active and passive skills.

    Later on that day, I was questing near someone who was using the morphed version of Fire Rune (Mage's guild line) called Volcanic Rune. It's an AOE damage + stun ability that flings all the affected mobs (or players :) ) up in the air and stuns them for 3 seconds. I thought it looked like a lot of fun and handy for CC on groups... so I picked it up and used it enough to morph it.

    That was my day I'll do something else.
  • Innox
    Just hit 45 on my templar. He is my alt. I already have a VR 10 sorc. The game is still fun. The atmosphere and scenery is still amazing. Making new builds and trying new abilities and thinking about "out of the box" ways to use them is still fun.

    The word grind in the gaming culture doesnt mean what most of you people thinks it means. Same thing with the word impossible. Someone comes and complains about something being impossible yet in the game, he watched 15 people do it.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • Furian
    GrimSolace wrote: »
    Im glad the game is a challenge. 2nd comment i perfect, i could not have said it any better +1!

    I you think boring and no fun is considered challenging, then yes ,it is extremely challenging to level through vet ranks.
  • Kriptt
    the point is that if you have to work 8 hours a day, and you don't skip your diner, it allow you in any best case 4 hours of plays/day. Grinding veterank rank with 4 hours a day will take months ! and this is not fun, quest are bugged, and it is the same progression that you just did in your respectiv alliance. The story just restart so you don't give a dam about narrative anymore. You just have to throw you entire live in order to do pvp and this is not fun. Yes I can still manage to kill a vet 10 while being vet, but this is not truc if you encounter a DK et a god dam broken sorcerer with is infinite teleportation/equilibrum stuff. The game is great, but I wan't to do PVP with the best gear possible and because I have a life I can't :) No rage here, the game is really awesome, but vet rank are really too long, specially while not supported with narrative in a 100% reuse enviroment (diablo3 is not a great exemple to follow here ;) they just released adventurer mod for a reason, because doing the same progression over and over sucks)
  • patrikblb16_ESO
    Innox wrote: »
    Just hit 45 on my templar. He is my alt. I already have a VR 10 sorc. The game is still fun. The atmosphere and scenery is still amazing. Making new builds and trying new abilities and thinking about "out of the box" ways to use them is still fun.

    The word grind in the gaming culture doesnt mean what most of you people thinks it means. Same thing with the word impossible. Someone comes and complains about something being impossible yet in the game, he watched 15 people do it.

    Just my 2 cents.

    There is only one build that is useful for templar though, the rest is crap so there is nothing to think about really. :)
  • Elirienne
    I like how this game is not a wow clone and I wish more people realised that "endgame" as such here does not exist, and playing means leveling and living the story, not skipping the story, then gearing. I hope they never change this, we do not need another wow clone. This is an elder scrolls game with mmo elements and it's really nice! I am currently grinding through my v2 and enjoying going slow- at the end of the day you sit down at your laptop for a few hours, and what matters is just one thing - did I get entertainment and fun in the last few hours? If yes, great, if not, time to switch game...
  • Veakoth
    There is only one build that is useful for templar though, the rest is crap so there is nothing to think about really. :)

    I'd like to know what kind of build you think is the only good templar build. Templars make the fantastic healers and tanks, they also have significant dps and pvp capability with CC effects using a bow
  • frwinters_ESO
    Toy wrote: »
    Oh and fyi, not everybody has tons of friends to group up with / enjoys doing group content.

    Sounds like you need some friends!

  • frwinters_ESO
    Veakoth wrote: »
    This is an update to my opening post
    and before you read understand this is entirely my opinion and experience so don't flame me for it simply ignore it or don't read it. Some of you may not like what you read though even though it may be very informative, fair warning.

    Just reached rank 10 vet with my friend and i'm pretty god damn sick of Eso quests at this stage so i don't even feel like i want to make another character due to having all of what i just did to look forward to again, even just to experience the games lore. If Eso wanted lvl rushers to experience the quest line they should have implemented another way to lvl, shouldn't cater for only the questers.

    While my friend and i were at rank 9 and 1/2 vet we looked back on the entire map to notice we had completed every single point of interest, dungeon delve world boss, dark anchor in every single map thus forcing us to level via the mages guild and Cyrodiil dalies because the quests in veteran mode have 3-5 stages before reward of 27k xp where as starter zone quests have 1 stage and 9k xp rewards. I believe this to be poor design but whatever i did it and i'm not doing it again, at least not until they raise the cap higher than vet 10 for adventure zones which i hear they may be doing soon.

    Finished Cadwells little almanac for DC and AD only to receive a lvl 50(wtf) blue ring that adds 14 hp regen and some lvl equivelant stamina and an average xp reward(dont even bother doing it imo unless your an achievement fan).
    Everything can be pretty easily crafted and we have done that now since profession farming is so easy its a joke, bought every upgrade for bank horse and backpack so gold is now useless and abundant.

    All that's left is to farm is veteran dungeons for the epic triple bonus sets that give 5piece bonus's like +25% group stamina regen and other crazy group bonus's etc
    Cyrodiil for the 650k each, alliance point pvp pieces for rank 10 vet

    The vet dungeon sets that drop off boss's seem to drop maybe a couple times in an entire run and are instantly bound on pick up so gl equipping the right ppl with the right set. all the sets in the lower tier vet dungeons like spindle clutch will always be vet 5.

    on a side note, my dk friend is 1hit KO'ing cyrodil players while i heal him, gg
    Also the two world boss's that cannot be completed are Lesser circle and a summoner with a watcher i forget the locations name but its in the last DC zone

    It sounds like your not having fun. Why are you here? If your not having fun don't waste your time and money and go play another game. Its just that simple.
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