Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Veteran may be a bit too harsh

  • Custos91
    Thanks for your post, now I have a new sight of the game, was very easy after the first lvl 10 char (there is a lerning curve, even for experienced players) and now I am in the situation that my leveling partner rerolled 2 times, so I did 8 lvls in Cyrodill, because there will be a day I will need the skillpoints PVP offers, I did most of the Skyshards in Cyrodill and all of the other zones I was in, so my char is extremely strong atm, I am only lvl 20 but PVP seems still balanced, I think it is because Cyrodill offers that many skillpoints, even VR5 people are not that problem, I can't kill them, but I can run away often enough, because they don't two shot me or something^^
    I am exited to see how VR10 with 300 skillpoints will be, I think, my character will feel more epic than any other before (like SWTOR chars feel more epic than WOW chars, even in green gear!) after that long time, I will be able to play my char while sleeping, juggling 40 abbilitys on 2 action bars!
    and that long grind will assure one thing:
    If I like to have an alt, he will not end like many wow chars, untouched for months...
    Warden Main apparently... 7 Wardens currently, otherwise a healer of every class.
    Mostly active in No CP PVP on EU, blaming the buffbot meta in pve.
    I want to feel like I am saving somebodies life, not like I am carrying amunition for them...
  • SourceError
    Ziiko wrote: »
    You bought a toaster. It will not microwave your food. If you want to microwave your food, go buy a microwave, don't petition the toaster maker to add a microwave feature.

    Are there toaster forums? I, being a hardcore PvToasterer and knowing best how toasters should be designed have to inform all toaster users that they might not get what they are expecting when they purchase a toaster.

  • Sakiri
    In vanilla wow I level capped in 6 days /played or less. It wasnt slow if you knew where to grind. At 14+ hours a day, I was still 60 in less than 2 weeks realtime.
  • Veakoth
    This is an update to my opening post
    and before you read understand this is entirely my opinion and experience so don't flame me for it simply ignore it or don't read it. Some of you may not like what you read though even though it may be very informative, fair warning.

    Just reached rank 10 vet with my friend and i'm pretty god damn sick of Eso quests at this stage so i don't even feel like i want to make another character due to having all of what i just did to look forward to again, even just to experience the games lore. If Eso wanted lvl rushers to experience the quest line they should have implemented another way to lvl, shouldn't cater for only the questers.

    While my friend and i were at rank 9 and 1/2 vet we looked back on the entire map to notice we had completed every single point of interest, dungeon delve world boss, dark anchor in every single map thus forcing us to level via the mages guild and Cyrodiil dalies because the quests in veteran mode have 3-5 stages before reward of 27k xp where as starter zone quests have 1 stage and 9k xp rewards. I believe this to be poor design but whatever i did it and i'm not doing it again, at least not until they raise the cap higher than vet 10 for adventure zones which i hear they may be doing soon.

    Finished Cadwells little almanac for DC and AD only to receive a lvl 50(wtf) blue ring that adds 14 hp regen and some lvl equivelant stamina and an average xp reward(dont even bother doing it imo unless your an achievement fan).
    Everything can be pretty easily crafted and we have done that now since profession farming is so easy its a joke, bought every upgrade for bank horse and backpack so gold is now useless and abundant.

    All that's left is to farm is veteran dungeons for the epic triple bonus sets that give 5piece bonus's like +25% group stamina regen and other crazy group bonus's etc
    Cyrodiil for the 650k each, alliance point pvp pieces for rank 10 vet

    The vet dungeon sets that drop off boss's seem to drop maybe a couple times in an entire run and are instantly bound on pick up so gl equipping the right ppl with the right set. all the sets in the lower tier vet dungeons like spindle clutch will always be vet 5.

    on a side note, my dk friend is 1hit KO'ing cyrodil players while i heal him, gg
    Also the two world boss's that cannot be completed are Lesser circle and a summoner with a watcher i forget the locations name but its in the last DC zone
    Edited by Veakoth on April 11, 2014 12:35PM
  • Kilitar
    So shortly - this game is no WOW.
    And I thank for that.
  • Sandhya
    Veakoth wrote: »
    Opinion after opinion all stating i should play the game the way you believe it should be played. Once and for all for the record, I am not complaining, i stated i like the challenge. This post was made to let people know they need to prepare for it.

    FYI I rush content so i can enjoy the end game content which is what i enjoy most, then i make a character and enjoy the game, lore and story line which is what i like second most, i am a hardcore gamer people like me exist, get over it.

    Your patience is admirable, I'll say that :wink:

    But yes, I have a similar playstyle, and don't see much wrong with it as long as one can accept that there is an actual end to the amount of content available. I made the mistake of not doing that when I started GW2 - I rushed to cap, only to realize the game completely lacked end game which killed all my fun within days. I play the RPG for the feeling of character growth far more than I play it for story and narrative, so I'm also one of those guys that is quick to abandon a tedious, lengthy and seemingly unrewarding quest in favor of smacking down some mob camps. And once you start doing that, level 50 is like ten hours away really and I completely see how the adapted XP rate is a letdown in VR.
    Edited by Sandhya on April 11, 2014 3:05PM
  • Daggers
    Veakoth wrote: »
    This is an update to my opening post
    and before you read understand this is entirely my opinion and experience so don't flame me for it simply ignore it or don't read it. Some of you may not like what you read though even though it may be very informative, fair warning.

    Just reached rank 10 vet with my friend and i'm pretty god damn sick of Eso quests at this stage so i don't even feel like i want to make another character due to having all of what i just did to look forward to again, even just to experience the games lore. If Eso wanted lvl rushers to experience the quest line they should have implemented another way to lvl, shouldn't cater for only the questers.

    While my friend and i were at rank 9 and 1/2 vet we looked back on the entire map to notice we had completed every single point of interest, dungeon delve world boss, dark anchor in every single map thus forcing us to level via the mages guild and Cyrodiil dalies because the quests in veteran mode have 3-5 stages before reward of 27k xp where as starter zone quests have 1 stage and 9k xp rewards. I believe this to be poor design but whatever i did it and i'm not doing it again, at least not until they raise the cap higher than vet 10 for adventure zones which i hear they may be doing soon.

    Finished Cadwells little almanac for DC and AD only to receive a lvl 50(wtf) blue ring that adds 14 hp regen and some lvl equivelant stamina and an average xp reward(dont even bother doing it imo unless your an achievement fan).
    Everything can be pretty easily crafted and we have done that now since profession farming is so easy its a joke, bought every upgrade for bank horse and backpack so gold is now useless and abundant.

    All that's left is to farm is veteran dungeons for the epic triple bonus sets that give 5piece bonus's like +25% group stamina regen and other crazy group bonus's etc
    Cyrodiil for the 650k each, alliance point pvp pieces for rank 10 vet

    The vet dungeon sets that drop off boss's seem to drop maybe a couple times in an entire run and are instantly bound on pick up so gl equipping the right ppl with the right set. all the sets in the lower tier vet dungeons like spindle clutch will always be vet 5.

    on a side note, my dk friend is 1hit KO'ing cyrodil players while i heal him, gg
    Also the two world boss's that cannot be completed are Lesser circle and a summoner with a watcher i forget the locations name but its in the last DC zone

    Interesting post - hasn't actually put me off, I'm not a rush-in type anyway (though I don't like to do the same thing over and over).

    One question:

    "Bought every upgrade for bank horse and backpack"

    There haven't been enough days to buy all the horse upgrades. Am I missing something, or misinformed?
    The best things in life make you sweaty.
  • shinyspoonb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    You guys are missing the entire point of the OP.

    There is literally NO other way to level. You HAVE to do the quests in order to progress (or exploit in some form). PvP? Sure, It'll take you roughly 7.7 years to hit rank 10.

    Cool, so 300 hours of solo questing to get to the level cap...got it.
  • Innox
    I just hit vet5 and been taking my time and reading the quest and even the lore books and whatnot. I am EXCEEDINGLY glad I am ahead of the curve and get to experience the vet levels at the difficulty they are (which isn't bad, not even EQ bad) Even tho the content isn't as challenging as id like it, it is sooo far ahead of any MMO released since EQ it isn't even funny.

    I just soloed the Vile Manse killing every group in my way and completing the quests. I actually came out of there feeling a sense of accomplishment. I haven't gotten that from an MMO since EQ. I am just glad to be able to experience this now before the mass of people get to vet levels and the devs are forced to nerf the difficulty.

    on a side note, to the dev or devs who made the dungeon of ticks and the end boss is a fat deadra being eaten, you are disturbed in a good way. I sat there and watched the tick animations and script for 10 minutes. Well done.
  • dnotecmb16_ESO
    We all knew VR was a slow painful grind, though it is a little disappointing to hear that questing is the only way to do it.

    I think VR content is going to receive a big nerf at some point, not because I find it difficult, but because the vast majority of MMO gamers these days and especially in ESO with it's single player heritage, are solo gamers. They don't want to group unless it is by choice and for a short time. So ZOS will nerf VR to make it easier for that big solo crowd to keep them playing.
  • Socratic
    Damn, this saddens my future, and I'm not in my future yet :( I really dislike these grindy boring quests. Click NPC, run, click item, kill mobs, collect what NPC wants, run back to NPC, hand stuff over, get XP, wash rinse repeat. I just don't find it enjoyable. I love the lore, love the scenery, but this quest grinding is a bore.

    TSW at least had intricate quests that did not bore me, and I thought the stories were better, I find the dialogue in ESO very linear and robotic so to speak.
  • Threelibras
    Ughhhhh this grind is terribad.
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    I would have a look at the vet content but I can't due to the main quest being broke and blocking my progress.

    That said, I did watch one of my wifes friends having a dabble at that vet stuff and I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, I won't be doing that. Not really a fan of anything that feels "grindy" ... Korean MMO's broke me.
  • madame.kiraeb17_ESO
    A thing to mention, the veteran content quests are the exact same quests from the other factions, meaning if you have alts and want to do veteran content, you'd have to slog through every. single. quest. in every. single. zone. multiple times. That's enough to put even the most dedicated altoholics off the game.

    (This is assuming the information I've heard/read is correct. I have yet to veteran content myself, but I see multiple complaints about it daily.)
  • Mie87
    A thing to mention, the veteran content quests are the exact same quests from the other factions, meaning if you have alts and want to do veteran content, you'd have to slog through every. single. quest. in every. single. zone. multiple times. That's enough to put even the most dedicated altoholics off the game.

    (This is assuming the information I've heard/read is correct. I have yet to veteran content myself, but I see multiple complaints about it daily.)

    I also dislike the idea very much, therefor I hope for alternatives to level veteran rank. As I hear, pvp gives very little?

  • madame.kiraeb17_ESO
    I don't know anything about pvp veteran stuff, but I have heard it's *incredibly* slow to level it that way. Maybe someone else can pipe up and give their thoughts?
  • limeli8
    Also v10 here btw! lol so many fails even that v10 managed to fail horribly. People!!!!! Group dungeons!!! Ones that he is talking about with epic sets!!! They are ok exp at low vr but at high vr 8+ the t2 vr group dungeons can give you 300-400k per run easy!!! each boss kill gives 30-50k exp. Also was 2 lazy to read every post but i hope someone pointed out that during questing majority of exp comes not from random quests but from area objectives. Turn a map marker from dark to white = loads of exp ( no u dont get that exp for discovering teleports and areas of interest). Also vet exp is restricted by vr level so as a vr1 u will get less exp from doing a vr10 quest than a vr10 by alot but you can do things 1-2 ranks above your vr level to go a bit faster. This also affects kill exp like a vr6 in my group was getting something like 15k i think from boss kill when i was getting 55k at vr9
    I have to give a credit to AD pack of Vampires with VR10 Night Mistress leading them (seriously VR10 10 days after the official release?).

    Night Mistress - v12 Former Empress Sorcerer AD
    Night Mistress II - v12 Night Blade AD
  • Bayezid
    I just saw a veteran rank 10 one week ago. She told me that she just kept killing mobs around Tamriel that kept on respawning,

    Those mobs were on her level.

    Questing to level up? Sounds fun,why not?
    Edited by Bayezid on April 13, 2014 5:58PM
  • Neutronium_Dragon
    The biggest issue with the difficulty at veteran seems to be the way that certain fights or enemy groups - not always even quest targets - seem to involve random and not particularly logical difficulty spikes compared to everything else in the area/zone/questline. This feels pointlessly capricious and tilts heavily toward 'frustrating' over 'challenging'.
  • Iceborg
    i would honestly say alot of the content is broke hard not challenging hard.
  • Stravok
    From reading most of the posts in here most of you are not veteran yet and that is fine and for those that are very cool as well butt...I have seen a lot of false things being said about vet content.

    First off the exp is knocked down per kill on certain mobs and xp increases to reach level to level. You still do get exploration xp but nothing from lorebooks, skyshards and unlocking chests. I am now a V6 Nightblade (takes about 2.8 million xp to hit V7), and the content is really hard but overall pretty damn fun. The xp given for mobs can be about 47xp if lets say you go out killing easy ass mobs such as skeevers or trash wolves but if you actually take on harder mobs than from what I have seen you are gaining about 350-480 xp per kill and quest turn ins have been anywhere from about 450-12000 depending on the quest. (I am seeing these numbers from an addon I am using that scrolls xp for anything xp is gained from.)

    As for the difficulty? It is a lot harder that is for sure. The mobs hit harder and take more damage. So if you do not invest some time to figure out how to play your toon than you might as well return to other games that hand you a toon and than pretty much give you epics and eveything under the MMO sun.

    I have a friend that I have been doing vet stuff in so that has helped me in a huge way but you can solo most of it. Some of the boss fights in even the solo dungeons were are *** with two of us but than again I am still learning the full capability of my character but figuring it out is pretty rewarding as well.

    Do I think they need to scale the difficulty down a bit? Maybe just bit here or there but overall it has good feeling to it and makes you really appreciate when you hit the next level. I look at the veteran content as a way to really learn how to play this game to its full capability and when the adventure zone gets released we will all be ready for it.
  • Veakoth
    The pvp'ers have begun to complain about the veteran levels smashing them, it only gets worse from here as the mass's of PvE players flock to PvP to annihilate Zenimax's idea of what PvP should be simply because it's so easy to win, theres nothing else for them to do and the 3 vet 10 dungeons are to easy and their loot table is the same broken one from beta.

    They need to give xp to the PvP'ers
    Edited by Veakoth on April 15, 2014 12:35PM
  • 7788b14_ESO
    Menacer wrote: »
    If the OP's comments are true, then that is just terrible. 425k to VR2, and you are getting 42!?!?!?!?! exp per kill? And 1.5k exp per quest? That will totally ruin(like Stewie says) the experience for EVERYBODY. I don't care if you are a slow leveler or a fast one.

    Personally I wish that the VR could be grinded in PvP or through dungeons. That way I can enjoy the content of the other factions with an ALT. Now the only way to level VR is to grind every single quest.

    I am level 37 at the moment and I love everything about the game. I really hope that VR does not ruin it for me.


    I always play my way. If my way doesn't agree with the games way I move on. That's why with some MMO's I stop at a certain level and never reach cap. My goal is enjoyment, when that stops then so do I.
  • 7788b14_ESO
    Veakoth wrote: »
    This is an update to my opening post
    and before you read understand this is entirely my opinion and experience so don't flame me for it simply ignore it or don't read it. Some of you may not like what you read though even though it may be very informative, fair warning.

    Just reached rank 10 vet with my friend and i'm pretty god damn sick of Eso quests at this stage so i don't even feel like i want to make another character due to having all of what i just did to look forward to again, even just to experience the games lore. If Eso wanted lvl rushers to experience the quest line they should have implemented another way to lvl, shouldn't cater for only the questers.

    While my friend and i were at rank 9 and 1/2 vet we looked back on the entire map to notice we had completed every single point of interest, dungeon delve world boss, dark anchor in every single map thus forcing us to level via the mages guild and Cyrodiil dalies because the quests in veteran mode have 3-5 stages before reward of 27k xp where as starter zone quests have 1 stage and 9k xp rewards. I believe this to be poor design but whatever i did it and i'm not doing it again, at least not until they raise the cap higher than vet 10 for adventure zones which i hear they may be doing soon.

    Finished Cadwells little almanac for DC and AD only to receive a lvl 50(wtf) blue ring that adds 14 hp regen and some lvl equivelant stamina and an average xp reward(dont even bother doing it imo unless your an achievement fan).
    Everything can be pretty easily crafted and we have done that now since profession farming is so easy its a joke, bought every upgrade for bank horse and backpack so gold is now useless and abundant.

    All that's left is to farm is veteran dungeons for the epic triple bonus sets that give 5piece bonus's like +25% group stamina regen and other crazy group bonus's etc
    Cyrodiil for the 650k each, alliance point pvp pieces for rank 10 vet

    The vet dungeon sets that drop off boss's seem to drop maybe a couple times in an entire run and are instantly bound on pick up so gl equipping the right ppl with the right set. all the sets in the lower tier vet dungeons like spindle clutch will always be vet 5.

    on a side note, my dk friend is 1hit KO'ing cyrodil players while i heal him, gg
    Also the two world boss's that cannot be completed are Lesser circle and a summoner with a watcher i forget the locations name but its in the last DC zone

    Sounds like there's no real end game so your being slowed until they make some. If I got that far I probably wouldn't do the vr quests, just explore and collect. I was never into having the next latest armor collection as end game.
  • reggielee
    so now we can expect more whining 'theres nothing to do now!' from power levelers who whined that it actually took them a week to finish veteran ranks instead of two days. I also understand now why anchors are being closed in a min in starter areas and if i do actually get to one before its closed I get no credit for my contribution cuz all the vets out there ganking the mobs.

    i agree.. something has to be done ... for the normal players
    Edited by reggielee on April 15, 2014 12:53PM
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
  • Lagoz
    The veteran ranks are extremely broken. They just dropped the mob VP to 1/10th and didn't realize that you can't get that (15-20%) vp you are missing after completing the whole zone from any other source than grinding exploitish locations for hours and hours. Also because the mob VP is so low you are not gaining any skill levels (because the system counts VP as XP which is 350 per mob before hitting V1).

    Personally I stopped at V3 and will not come back unless they up the mob VP or quest rewards in the veteran zones. The fun vs rewards vs efforts are not there.

    Oh and anyone under V2 don't even bother on commenting.
    Edited by Lagoz on April 16, 2014 11:42AM
  • Veakoth
    also once you have achieved vet 10 and done all the quests there is no way to level your skills or even vampire tree as i found out. I've been mob farming for 2 days and i'm only at rank 3 vampirism, please fix this so i can use more skills than the ones i used to level with.
  • LonePirate
    @Veakoth Have you tried the daily PVE quests in Cyrodiil? Can they be used to level skills even though you are at VR10?
  • Veakoth
    PvE quests in Cyrodiil are the only way to level them you are correct, but you shouldn't have to do more quests to level them, you should level them via usage which is not viable.

    Also found out the last boss in Elden hollow is exactly the challenge i was looking for in this game and i'm extremely happy to see this (Read the scroll/Opus).
    Edited by Veakoth on April 18, 2014 12:08PM
  • LonePirate
    @Veakoth I completely agree with you that there should be additional methods besides questing in order to level up skills once you reach VR10. I'm just glad there is a mechanism (Cyrodiil quests) which is still better than no option at all. Luckily Craglorn will be released soon so everyone can push to VR12 which hopefully will please some people and give them another choice in this regard.

    This wouldn't be as much of a problem if VR content mobs actually rewarded XP that was proportional (or even close to) the XP granted for killing mobs during the journey to 50. I don't mind a time sink required for advancing in the VR levels, so long as it is within reason. Unfortunately, grinding mobs as a form of leveling in the Veteran ranks is an insult to players and does nothing but punish a solid segment of players and it severely hinders all players. The ridiculously tiny XP received for mob grinding in the VR levels is currently my number one complaint with this game apart from broken quests that prevent progression. More people should be raising a royal fuss over the VR mob XP situation.
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