Maintenance for the week of July 1:
• NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Server maintenance times

  • SuperJChat
    Man guys i'm exhausted, all this typing and reading with no sleep, the guild work, all the messages and such xD but its all been worth it!

    We are currently sitting on 40 Members in the Downtime Defenders!

    Thanks to everyone who helped out today, seriously you guys are awesome!
    Lets make it to page 100!
  • homardpolicierb16_ESO
    Downtime Defenders... How many pages can we get this time?
  • jaynielson
    She posted the update in the server forums... Take a pill guys. That's what done meant.
    Edited by jaynielson on April 2, 2014 5:51PM
  • ultimba
    Soul Shriven
    Glad to see it'll be back up by the time I get out of work. Now if I could just escape the office.
  • Robert.Graham18rwb17_ESO
    -Rob Aka
    Weldien Phoenix
    Guild Leader Warriors Blood.
  • MistryssNite
    MaxBat wrote: »
    dpgirl wrote: »
    time for lunch

    I ... think ... I love you.
    "But what am I so afraid of...."

    Complete the song lyrics...if you know it...

    Current main: Pe'tra
    Female Khajiit Templar of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Feel free to join her in questing ^.^
    It's just been a morning of death
  • dpgirl
    They are still trying to find the cable that got unplugged...
  • Melkie
    Z0MBiEjaw wrote: »
    Just remember that it can't be worse than the SW:Galaxies launch
    Dude, saying that is just asking for that to happen.

    Why in the Hell would you bring up SWG! Why? like .... Seriously


  • tw1jaysin
    Herbatio wrote: »
    tw1jaysin wrote: »
    You know the EU server is up and running if you really feel the need to play

    this maybe a stupid question but can i log into the EU servers and continue my game i started on the NA one ? LOL

    No. You have to make a new char, but you get 8 more slots and another community. I've been on it for a couple hours, and it helps curb that ESO fix. I rolled an Argonian Templer on AD just for fun. It's a pretty cool char so far.
  • TuterKing
    Lunch time!

    The King is Here!
  • Sarenia
    Laviothane wrote: »
    not trying to be rude but get over it, this guy is proclaiming his sexual affection for a girl, you have no right to muzzle that. RP in the game, keep it real here.

    He was sexually harassing a Zenimax Online Studios employment on a public message board. I'm not going to speak up for Jessica, because it's not my place, but I'm pretty sure it's NOT cool.
    It's not cool, but learn to pick your battles more wisely. You can't change opinions on the internet.

    The internet is a misogynistic place. I don't approve, but I don't have to. It is what it is. Sometimes you just have to ignore people. In some games you have to use a male name and mask your gender just to avoid harassment (EVE Online comes to mind).

    Getting outraged just fuels people to troll you.
    Edited by Sarenia on April 2, 2014 5:53PM
  • OverlordMaximus
    Z0MBiEjaw wrote: »
    Z0MBiEjaw wrote: »
    Just remember that it can't be worse than the SW:Galaxies launch
    Dude, saying that is just asking for that to happen.

    That experience has been locked in a Hebrew puzzle box and buried on Holy ground, there's no way.
    Yeah, well molag bal probably went and dug that crap up. So don't hold your breath.
  • Artmonger78
    This May actually hit 100 pages?! at the exact moment the server comes back online..... I might poop myself.
  • MercyKilling
    ..........ninety-seven pages. Wow.

    I'm not sure if I should be impressed or horrified. Most assuredly I am -not- reading through all that.

    Nine hours (so far) is pretty long for a "server maintenance" though, no two ways about it.
    I am not spending a single penny on the game until changes are made to the game that I want to see.
    1) Remove having to be in a guild to sell items to other players at a kiosk.
    2) Cosmetic modding for armor and clothing.
    3) Difficulty slider.
    4) Fully customizable player housing that isn't tied to anything in the game other than having the correct resources and enough gold to build. Don't tie it to PvP, guild membership, or anything at all. Oh, make it instanced so as not to take up world map space, too. Zeni screwed this one up already.
    Any /one/ of these things implemented would get me spending again, maybe even subbing.
  • Zaeros
    "Yes, one step after the next. Come what may, that is what it means to live" - The Seneschal.

    This is why we keep going. What else are you going to do with your life?
  • Cry_Wolfe
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    Shiva wrote: »
    As a LONG time gamer and vet of MANY MMO's I must say this is all MY fault...

    Every time I take a day off of work to be able to maximize my early access the damn servers go down... Seriously.

    As for NOT buying for Early Access - hogwash. Seriously. But for not expecting there to be down time... I must say that those who are surprised by it are really, really short sighted and completely inexperienced in gaming and software development in general.

    actually its all on the Beta Testers.. they didnt do their job right, and now us early adopters are being punished for it....

    I can't speak for the rest of the beta testers--- but I spent FOREVER during beta writing up bug tickets.
    Like, DAYS of reports.
    A friend was over and heard all the typing and said, "I thought you were gonna be doin beta this weekend and do the research paper later.."

    There was an in-beta rumor making its rounds saying that ZOS was holding back the polished version of the game from stress testers because they didn't need to see the final product to stress the servers-- that all of our bug reporting was essentially for naught because those fixes had already been implemented in the "final/launch" version.
    [At least] 3 of us wrote up reports for all that Balreth crap, the horse garbage, and so on; this patch [hopefully--- dear GOD hopefully] is the culmination of all their fixes for said reports and those since.

    :neutral_face: maybe you weren't clear enough?

    Maybe you weren't in beta and need to shut the *** up about things you know nothing about. The beta was buggy as hell and I reported on basically every problem being fixed right now. They prioritized what needed to be fixed. You are looking for a group to blame and *** off like a dumb ass troll.

    you've been itching to go me, now you have: happy?
    big fella tough guy?

    ;) i think you need to lay off the coffee of something, and try looking through some of the posts with a comedy filter. Troll?... who isn't a troll nowadays, what a pithy and worthless moniker it has become :expressionless:
  • Cry_Wolfe
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    Shiva wrote: »
    As a LONG time gamer and vet of MANY MMO's I must say this is all MY fault...

    Every time I take a day off of work to be able to maximize my early access the damn servers go down... Seriously.

    As for NOT buying for Early Access - hogwash. Seriously. But for not expecting there to be down time... I must say that those who are surprised by it are really, really short sighted and completely inexperienced in gaming and software development in general.

    actually its all on the Beta Testers.. they didnt do their job right, and now us early adopters are being punished for it....

    I can't speak for the rest of the beta testers--- but I spent FOREVER during beta writing up bug tickets.
    Like, DAYS of reports.
    A friend was over and heard all the typing and said, "I thought you were gonna be doin beta this weekend and do the research paper later.."

    There was an in-beta rumor making its rounds saying that ZOS was holding back the polished version of the game from stress testers because they didn't need to see the final product to stress the servers-- that all of our bug reporting was essentially for naught because those fixes had already been implemented in the "final/launch" version.
    [At least] 3 of us wrote up reports for all that Balreth crap, the horse garbage, and so on; this patch [hopefully--- dear GOD hopefully] is the culmination of all their fixes for said reports and those since.

    :neutral_face: maybe you weren't clear enough?

    Maybe you weren't in beta and need to shut the *** up about things you know nothing about. The beta was buggy as hell and I reported on basically every problem being fixed right now. They prioritized what needed to be fixed. You are looking for a group to blame and *** off like a dumb ass troll.

    you've been itching to go me, now you have: happy?
    big fella tough guy?

    ;) i think you need to lay off the coffee of something, and try looking through some of the posts with a comedy filter. Troll?... who isn't a troll nowadays, what a pithy and worthless moniker it has become :expressionless:
  • Wylerayb14_ESO
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    Shiva wrote: »
    As a LONG time gamer and vet of MANY MMO's I must say this is all MY fault...

    Every time I take a day off of work to be able to maximize my early access the damn servers go down... Seriously.

    As for NOT buying for Early Access - hogwash. Seriously. But for not expecting there to be down time... I must say that those who are surprised by it are really, really short sighted and completely inexperienced in gaming and software development in general.

    actually its all on the Beta Testers.. they didnt do their job right, and now us early adopters are being punished for it....



    That was as stupid as the first thing you said

    you don't do humour do you?

    yes my comments have become absurdist, i outed myself far to early in the whole baiting process, so now i am having fun helping to push the post count up to 100p, did i mention your ability at perceptive analysis sucks already?

    Do humour? On two separate posts you have blamed the beta testers for this maintenance... In no way did you imply humour. Perhaps sarcasm with your "wright" thing.
  • Rukur
    dpgirl wrote: »
    They are still trying to find the cable that got unplugged...

    rofl ... I hope the rack is bolted down well.
  • RandomusNamus
    MaxBat wrote: »
    dpgirl wrote: »
    time for lunch

    I ... think ... I love you.
    "But what am I so afraid of...."

    Complete the song lyrics...if you know it...

    Just give me a chance~

  • Morbias83
  • TheMightyGreycat
    More information and will we get an exp boost?
  • sean.prestonb14_ESO
    Let the QA Team know, for each bug missed, directly related to the patch - the following will happen:

    1 extra hour test case writing and review
    This will be done after normal work hours
    It will happen during a stand up meeting

    Oh yes... there will be pain

    (QA Lead - so I know the pressure points ;) )
  • Z0MBiEjaw
    So let's talk about what we should get as compensation for the downtime...

    Ability to play as Razum-dar? Razum-dar companion? Razum-dar?
    Luminous beings, are we; not this crude matter.
  • pad11
    ✭✭✭'s everyone doin'?
  • juic3
  • Zazzix
    I can't sleep and its just in time for maybe game time?
    Edited by Zazzix on April 2, 2014 5:54PM
  • dfwmikey74
    I just lost connection to the forum, had to bring it back up.
  • Cry_Wolfe
    did someone mention cheese?
  • Teroh
    downloading patch... nvm hit repair..
    Edited by Teroh on April 2, 2014 5:54PM
    The Fallen Legion is Recruiting, Help us Retake Cryodiil! Message me for more information.
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