Maintenance for the week of July 1:
• NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Server maintenance times

  • buttugly
    So GW2 or SW? Maybe dig out some old orc ***? These downtimes are a real pain!
  • Kybotica
    So, what is the name of the character you can't wait to play when the server goes back up?
    Mine is Genevieve Vallei- Breton Templar of the DC.

    M'iaq the Honest is concerned for the state of Tamriel. M'iaq thinks his estranged brother's immoral ways have finally caught up with him, and this is why M'iaq cannot continue saving the world. M'iaq thinks other must join him in reprimanding M'aiq the Liar.
    M'iaq the Honest- PC/NA
    EP Khajiit Nightblade
    Guild of Shadows
  • jmido8
    damn, almost 12 hours of downtime and counting. I saw it had been down for about 8 hours before I went to class, didn't expect it to still be down when I got done.
  • Sarenia
    jaynielson wrote: »
    Not telling you how to do your job, but maybe a better place to put this is in the server status forum for those that don't want to search 94 pages of bs for a simple answer. Plus the server forum has not been updated in 3 hours... Just sayin.

    Done, thanks!

    Minor correction: 96 pages.
  • Persecom
    dpgirl wrote: »
    time for lunch
    share.... :s
    One raised by Argonians
    @Persecom - Healer/Tank
    Member of the ShoddyCaste
  • TuterKing
    But i do not want this fun to end!
    The King is Here!
  • Kadigan
    So, what is the name of the character you can't wait to play when the server goes back up?
    Mine is Genevieve Vallei- Breton Templar of the DC.
    I just said I was leaving but this thread has a way of pulling you back in! I'm looking forward to completing some heist with Fork-Stealer, the friendly Argonian Dragonknight of the Daggerfall Covenant.
    Daggerfall Covenant: Fork-Stealer, Argonian Dragonknight
    Aldmeri Dominion: Kadigan, Bosmer Nightblade
    Let's be civil, shall we?
  • dfwmikey74
    Morbias83 wrote: »
    It's raining like pouring *** out of a boot here. What is ya'lls weather like?
    Cloudy and cool, with high humidity in Fort Worth.

  • evasive
    dpgirl wrote: »
    time for lunch

    ok I'm making something ~~"
  • frederickvanbenthemeb17_ESO
    they got 15 more minutes to get that server online.
    if not we should just spam them with mail
  • Elvent
    Is there still no eta?

  • Enodoc
    We're in the final stages of QA testing the new patch on the live server, then we'll re-open it to all of you. ETA is between 2:00 and 2:30 PM EDT. If that changes, we'll let you know.

    Question: is there a chance of this same issue happening on the EU servers and/or when can EU expect the patch v1.0.1, if NA are getting it upon the server reopening?

    Keep it up guys, we know you'll get it sorted.
    Thanks :)
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • Uochao
    Soul Shriven
    Who knows, we might get it during this maintenance.
    Edited by Uochao on April 2, 2014 5:45PM
  • ill_tactics42013b14_ESO
    those look good send me some
  • Enodoc
    Sorry, double post :/
    Edited by Enodoc on April 2, 2014 5:46PM
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • Sarenia
    dfwmikey74 wrote: »
    It's raining like pouring *** out of a boot here. What is ya'lls weather like?

    Had a massive dust storm recently.

    Take a guess. -_-
  • Cayce_of_Kata
    Laviothane wrote: »
    not trying to be rude but get over it, this guy is proclaiming his sexual affection for a girl, you have no right to muzzle that. RP in the game, keep it real here.

    He was sexually harassing a Zenimax Online Studios employee on a public message board. I'm not going to speak up for Jessica, because it's not my place, but I'm pretty sure it's NOT cool.
    Edited by Cayce_of_Kata on April 2, 2014 5:48PM
  • Sheonuff
    ok 3 more pages
  • MaxBat
    dpgirl wrote: »
    time for lunch

    I ... think ... I love you.
    "Funny that magic doesn't work when a mace caves in your skull."

    Playing on a PC, NA Server, since that very first day ...
  • OverlordMaximus
    Sunny and bright out today.
    Too bad the servers are about to come back up.
  • VaxtinTheWolf
    Two more images. The first is from beta, double sexy Raz. the second one; feel free to finish the drawing that Rah'Jiin has made.



    gona grab that lore book? dont look at me when its the only 1 for ur achievement an u cant find it!!!

    Do not worry my friend. Rah'Jiin picked up that book before leaving that place. But he thought it'd be even better to let it sit within the screenshot.
    || AD - Rah'Jiin Lv50 Khajiit Nightblade (Damage) || EP - Generic Argonian Lv50 Argonian Nightblade (Tank) || DC - Zinkotsu Lv50 Breton Nightblade (Healer) ||
    || DC - Ja'Kiro Feral-Heart Lv50 Khajiit Dragonknight (Damage) || EP - VaxtinTheWolf Lv50 Redguard Templar (Tank) || AD - Velik Iranis Lv50 Dark Elf Sorcerer (Tank ) ||
    || EP - Einvarg The Frozen Lv50 Nord Warden (Tank/Healer) || EP - Keem-Ja Lv4 Argonian Necromancer (Healer/Tank) ||
    PC - North American Server (Champion 1300+)
  • Z0MBiEjaw
    Just remember that it can't be worse than the SW:Galaxies launch
    Luminous beings, are we; not this crude matter.
  • Azsheyal
    Soul Shriven
    Okie, time to go make some lunch =)
  • ill_tactics42013b14_ESO
    Server is UP!!!
  • dst_3121ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    dpgirl wrote: »
    time for lunch
    dpgirl wrote: »
    time for lunch

    I want some :)
  • Lustrati
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    Shiva wrote: »
    As a LONG time gamer and vet of MANY MMO's I must say this is all MY fault...

    Every time I take a day off of work to be able to maximize my early access the damn servers go down... Seriously.

    As for NOT buying for Early Access - hogwash. Seriously. But for not expecting there to be down time... I must say that those who are surprised by it are really, really short sighted and completely inexperienced in gaming and software development in general.

    actually its all on the Beta Testers.. they didnt do their job right, and now us early adopters are being punished for it....

    I can't speak for the rest of the beta testers--- but I spent FOREVER during beta writing up bug tickets.
    Like, DAYS of reports.
    A friend was over and heard all the typing and said, "I thought you were gonna be doin beta this weekend and do the research paper later.."

    There was an in-beta rumor making its rounds saying that ZOS was holding back the polished version of the game from stress testers because they didn't need to see the final product to stress the servers-- that all of our bug reporting was essentially for naught because those fixes had already been implemented in the "final/launch" version.
    [At least] 3 of us wrote up reports for all that Balreth crap, the horse garbage, and so on; this patch [hopefully--- dear GOD hopefully] is the culmination of all their fixes for said reports and those since.

    :neutral_face: maybe you weren't clear enough?

    Maybe you weren't in beta and need to shut the *** up about things you know nothing about. The beta was buggy as hell and I reported on basically every problem being fixed right now. They prioritized what needed to be fixed. You are looking for a group to blame and *** off like a dumb ass troll.

    now now now, be nice no need to have the "Beater" attitude. At the end of the day, they fixed quite a few bugs for early access, some of these are new ones some are not. No one can expect a perfect game at launch no matter how much beta testing is done
  • juic3
    uh oh i'm getting some page lag you guys. maybe servers are coming up?
  • Rukur
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    actually its all on the Beta Testers.. they didnt do their job right, and now us early adopters are being punished for it....

    Not every bug can or will be found in beta. It's just not possible.
    No test is perfect. No launch is perfect. No game is perfect.
    Years later, this game will still have bugs.
    There is no such thing as perfection.
    Adjust your expectations accordingly.

    Not to mention the fact that many of the bugged quests were fine with multiple runthroughs of them in the beta. So, things change, HarryWolfe.

    Balreths been bugged for six months man.

    I guess what I meant to say was the experience changes, and just beta testing the game did not gaurantee a bug would even be seen by most people. I personally encountered no quest bugs in beta, only gameplay ones. But then at launch my progress was blocked completely in five different quest lines that I had not encountered before. And I played Ebonheart through multiple times in beta, testing the crafting and whatnot. So my point is that some of the bugs may have become much worse at launch or may have even been thought squashed. Who knows.

    I again, blame this on the whole "weekend event model" of beta testing we seen become popular after World of Warcraft. Consistant testing would have probably exposed these issues by the sheer volume in which they would occur, I know myself I didn't beta test the last weekend, I wanted to keep the game fresh, and since all your beta progress is for naught, and we were LOCKED into the Stone Falls/Bleakrock zones the server population was probably a lot lower then it was in the start of the 3 day access.

    I didn't understand the limited weekend beta's myself. It it comes down to ZOS fixing the actual reported bugs in the end. We cant fix them only report them.
  • neidzwiedzub17_ESO
    This is community...
    I walk alone,
    If our paths converge
    We may share the road
    When our paths diverge
    I walk alone.
  • pad11
    Well since this is such a hoot and i've pretty much met a bunch of new peeps who are frankly *** hilarious, if you see me in game, come up and punch me in the head and steal my sweet roll!

    I play a bosmer she-elf, red hair of course (sorry, can't help it...) Emma Leah D'Vaeh ... I'm in Fraghaus Guild (and soon Downtime Defenders hell yeah!)... seriously...say hi, flip me off..something...this has been a blast for something that could have really REALLY sucked...
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