Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Server maintenance times

  • Z0MBiEjaw
    Faked wrote: »
    Z0MBiEjaw wrote: »


    apparently i'm likable, who knew?

    Luminous beings, are we; not this crude matter.
  • Faked
    Yeah Well, accidental account hacks or not it's still a major foible or social fopa to be down this long. Can't understand the mentality of someone that would take advantage of a stranger who's account they accidentally logged into anyway.

    Kids will be kids. I'm more worried about how long it's taking to fix a known problem.

    Seriously? Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong and dismissing bad behavior in the guise of age, color, religion or anything else is well, wrong.

    Kids will be kids also means that there are quite a few young people who are more adventurous than they should be and often push the envelope of morality and the law. It doesn't mean I'm dismissing their actions, just accepting their inevitability.

    not to mention some have yet to learn morality and law to be aware it is wrong

    Heeeeyyyyyyy Yoooouuuuuu Guys!!!!!!!
  • DeJo
    Moosey wrote: »
    Just in case anyone hasn't seen it yet. Plausible explanation for what's going on.

    I see it as nothing more than a fail at attempted humor. Not the least bit funny or entertaining even when I have nothing else to do.

  • Slyphoon
    I think this thread is gonna send the site down for maintenance if the game isnt back on soon.
  • Mortelus
    LukBehindU wrote: »
    Mortelus wrote: »
    Rock, paper, scissors anyone?

    I will go first...

    3... Rock.

    Paper. I WIN! HAH

    ahh pwnd :(
    Who has time? But if we never take time how can we ever have time?
  • Luthien_Elfmaid
    Sarenia wrote: »
    DeJo wrote: »
    k9mouse wrote: »
    Skjlvald wrote: »
    I work 3rd shift and blah blah blah I get to leave work early. Excited to come home and play. This is nightmarish :(

    Sorry to hear that, ESO is a new born baby and it will need extra nursing for little extra weeks. It will get better, just give it time.

    ESO was a coddled baby by many loyal beta testers and the advice to the baby's parents that baby was 'sick' and needed more time to 'rest' before exerting itself seemed to go unheeded.
    Some of us have been here on this thread since the server went down...O.o

    We are the few, the proud, the... desperate.

    There should be an achievement for this.

    Tinúviel! Tinúviel!
    He called her by her elvish name;
    And there she halted listening.
    One moment stood she, and a spell
    His voice laid on her: Beren came,
    And doom fell on Tinúviel
  • Medgirlpts_ESO
    Z0MBiEjaw wrote: »
    Z0MBiEjaw wrote: »


    Ceridai <3 Healing Mage <3
    --The Downtime Defenders --
    - Aldmeri Dominion -
  • davymanners_ESO
    Turns out ESO was a really elaborate April Fools prank. April Fool's day is now over and they're tearing it all down.
  • robroeb14_ESO
  • trinta
    I'm still trying to figure out this "social fopa" that was referenced a page or two back. Firearm Owners Protection Act?

    Anyway, they're obviously re-recording all the voiceovers that are in German for the US client. This kind of thing takes time.
    Every time someone swears, it gets replaced with three asterisks. There's only one three-letter swear word that I know of. I read that in the place of every set of three asterisks. It makes for some amusing sentences.
  • Zaggolf
    Z0MBiEjaw wrote: »
    In case any of you were wondering, Waffle Tacos are second only to AM Crunchwraps, this *** is the BOMB
    Sheesh how many did you get? Or did you burp? lol
    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
  • SienneYviete
  • Nordak
    Is it back up yet, I went to sleep when it went down.
  • dcarpent72
    sheesh, I need a cigarette... and I don't even smoke
  • Decimatia
    I'm just gonna dust this off and leave it right here.....

    WoB: Welcome to World of BurgerCraft. Would you like a PVE value meal, a PVP value meal, or an RP value meal?

    Car 1: What is the difference between the PVE and PVP meals?

    WoB: The PVP burger has onions. The PVE burger does not. Except sometimes. You can add onions if you want. And we sneak some onions in toward the end of the PVE burger but you don't have to eat them. You can skip that part of the burger.

    Car 1: What about the RP burger?

    WoB: Vegetarian.

    Car 1: What do I get besides a burger?

    WoB: Fries and your choice of beverage.

    Car 1: I'll have a PVE meal with a diet coke.

    WoB: WoB does not support diet coke but recognizes that some of our eaters prefer it. Under our end eater license agreement, you are permitted to consume diet coke as part of you meal but you must download your own diet coke from a third party source. In the future, WoB plans to make available its own low calorie, caffeinated, cola beverage that will be integrated into the WoB eating experience and help bolster WoB's reputation as the premier provider of immersive dining solutions.

    Car 1: Huh?

    WoB: We got no diet coke.

    Car 1: What do you have?

    WoB: We have coke.

    Car 1: You said I had a choice of beverage.

    WoB: You can choose coke or get your own diet coke.

    Car 1: Do you have anything else? What about sprite?

    WoB: Sprite does not conform with WoB's vision of immersive dining. Your use of sprite would be unfair to other diners as it would deprive them of the same experience you are having. Therefore, the use of sprite in conjunction with this meal is strictly prohibited by the EELA.

    Car 1: THAT IS INSANE!

    WoB: Shouting angers the fillet o' fish.

    Car 1: Fine. I'll have coke.

    WoB: Please pull up to the service window

    Sign: We are aware that some of you are experiencing difficulty accessing our service window. We believe we have identified the problem as a stress failure of a service window retraction rubberband. We are currently testing a new rubberband and hope to have it in place soon. Thank you for your patience.

    Car 2: OMG! WoB suxx0rz teh b1g one!111!!

    Car 3: Shut up, troll. WoB meals are the best! This isn't their fault.

    Car 2: Shut up, fanboi. I'm canceling my order and going to Der EQ2chnitzel.

    Cars 3-99: Then leave. Shorter line for the rest of us.

    Car 3: Der EQ2chnitzel meals suck. WoB meals are so much better.

    Car 2: Yeah but at least you can actually eat a Der EQ2cnitzel meal. Here you just sit hungry. OMG

    Cars 3-99: Are you still here?

    WoB: Thank you for your patience. The replacement rubberband did not meet our expectations so we have reverted to the old rubberband which has been patched. Here is your order.

    Car 1; Thanks....uh, you forgot my french fries.

    WoB: There are no french fries.

    Car 1: You said it came with french fries.

    WoB: No, we said it came with fries.

    Car 1: The difference being?

    WoB: French fries are made with potatoes. Fries can be made with any starchy tuber and hot oil. At WoB we are constantly developing new and exciting fries. If you refer to the EELA, you will see that potatoes are never mentioned in connection with our fries. After our fries have been thoroughly tested and meet our standards, we will release our fries to you. You're gonna love 'em.

    Car 1: So when do I get my fries?

    WoB: We are not prepared to commit to a time when your fries will be ready. If we were to do so and fail to deliver as promised, you might be disappointed.

    Car 1: Um, I'm pretty disappointed now. Can't you just please ask the fry guys? I promise I won't get mad.

    WoB: The fry guys and the fryer array are located off-site. As I said, we are not prepared to commit to a firm fry delivery time window.

    Car 1: Fine, I will eat my burger and wait for my fries....

    Car 1: You forgot the pickles on my burger.

    WoB: No, we didn't.

    Car 1: There are no pickles on my burger. Look for yourself.

    WoB: We are aware that some customers are reporting missing condiments during periods of service window rollback cause by the recent rubberband elasticity failure. We are unable to verify the presence or absence of condiments on burgers and cannot provide replacement condiments to our users. Doing so might result in an unscrupulous customer receiving extra pickles and ruining the eating experience for everyone. Thank you for your patience.

    Car 1: There is no mustard either.

    Car 2: d00d!11! You just started your meal. What makes you think you have EARNED mustard? Mustard is for the 1337 eaters who have every meal here.

    Cars 3-99: Are you still here? Why do you care if he gets mustard? How does it affect your meal?

    Car 1: OMG. There is a $!$%roach in my burger!

    WoB: We are aware that some customers are reporting disagreeable insects in their meals. It is our experience that these insects accompany our diners to WoB in their cars and are in no way the fault of WoB. We recommend that you take the following steps, in order, if you encounter one of these insects. Check for the continued presence of the insect after each step.

    1. Roll up all car windows.
    2. Open and close are doors firmly.
    3. Wash your car thoroughly inside and out.
    4. Turn off your stereo, headlights, and windshield wipers.
    5. Change the oil.
    6. Check the tire tread.
    7. Rotate the tires.
    8. Get new tires.
    9. Get new brakes.
    10. Get an alignment.
    11. Replace the starter solenoid.
    12. Replace the transmission.
    13. Replace the engine.
    14. Renew your driver's license.
    15. Renew your registration.
    16. Renew your insurance.
    17. Replace the car.

    If none of these steps fixes the problem, the insect never existed and you are making it all up to get attention.

    Car 1: I did everything you said. I bought a new car. The $!$%roach is still there.

    WoB: We are aware of incidents in which customers insert insects into their meals in order to gain an unfair eating advantage. We do not tolerate this behavior and will confiscate any meal found to have customer inserted insects. Further, we will cite the offending eater for trespassing and ban them from future meals at WoB.

    Car 1: I didn't put the $!$%roach in the burger.

    WoB: Maybe you did and maybe you didn't. But a smart person would know when to shut his gob, wouldn't he?

    Car 1: Can I have my fries now?

    WoB: No.

    Do you mind? I'm busy doing the fishstick. It's a VERY delicate state of mind...
  • Rosebloome
    ahonma_ESO wrote: »
    Rosebloome wrote: »
    Hnrrgghh.. mail us all temporary EXP jewelry!

    Ugh, no. Leveling is entirely too fast as it is! :(

    Not if you spent all of your time turning over every rock for every little discovery and skyshard you can get per zone before moving on.

    Exploring takes alooooot of time.

  • BrandynPublic
    Yeah Well, accidental account hacks or not it's still a major foible or social fopa to be down this long. Can't understand the mentality of someone that would take advantage of a stranger who's account they accidentally logged into anyway.

    Kids will be kids. I'm more worried about how long it's taking to fix a known problem.

    Seriously? Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong and dismissing bad behavior in the guise of age, color, religion or anything else is well, wrong.

    Kids will be kids also means that there are quite a few young people who are more adventurous than they should be and often push the envelope of morality and the law. It doesn't mean I'm dismissing their actions, just accepting their inevitability.

    True... however, I'm remembering something about "Evil prospers when good men do nothing". Words are the means by which man integrates knowledge and when one reads "Kids will be Kids" that's almost given them a license to be bad. You can accept the inevitability of it (that is reality). However, given a license to it is again well, bad.

  • cjmarsh725b14_ESO

    I was about to scoff until I realized I have nothing better to do
  • Zaeros
    "Yes, one step after the next. Come what may, that is what it means to live" - The Seneschal.

    This is why we keep going. What else are you going to do with your life?
  • DarkInvictus
    Z0MBiEjaw wrote: »
    congrats! first place :smiley:

  • kallistiGAD
    I can see it now.

    The servers are going to come back on. Everyone is going to get online at the same time. And In Game Chat will be full of comments like "Were you in The Thread?" It will be hilarious to see people who finally got into the game and all they can talk about is the thread they were all in when they couldn't get into the game.
    Argonian Maids Gone Wild
    The Flash Mob guild. Bringing the absurd to ESO
  • kijima
    Been here since Feb 2014 - You'd think I'd be half reasonable at this game by now...

    A'marta - AD Sorc Tank
    Kijima - AD DK Derps
    Annure - AD NB Derps
    Boom Crash Opera - AD Sorc DPS

  • Mortelus
    Z0MBiEjaw wrote: »
    Just so everyone's in the know, there was an issue posted on reddit where someone accidentally sign into another person's account - randomly, without their information. Apparently it resulted in some people doing stupid things as people are prone to do i.e. taking their stuff. Servers went down at almost the exact same time that happened. So - as far as we know, since Zeni literally has not said anything useful since Early Access started - the maintenance is proper a shadow-ploy to return the lost items to the affected characters without them having to come out and verify that "yo we messed up, people got into your account, stuff is probably missing."

    If this is true, that's a pretty big balls-up, Bet it was my account, can't win the lottery, but something like this could happen easily to me, everyday!
    Who has time? But if we never take time how can we ever have time?
  • Breetai_SDF1
    dcarpent72 wrote: »
    I think this thread should make a Guild...... (insert your name idea Here)
    aaaannnnddd..... GO

    Forum Warriors of Epic Downtime.
    - Downtime Defender -
    “Conquering end-game content without really trying”
  • Vaultese
    Well, if this download finishes soon, I can at least distract myself on the European server lol
    I used the "Attach Image" option for a sig and it said images aren't allowed in sigs. This is lol-worthy.
  • BrandynPublic
    Faked wrote: »
    Yeah Well, accidental account hacks or not it's still a major foible or social fopa to be down this long. Can't understand the mentality of someone that would take advantage of a stranger who's account they accidentally logged into anyway.

    Kids will be kids. I'm more worried about how long it's taking to fix a known problem.

    Seriously? Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong and dismissing bad behavior in the guise of age, color, religion or anything else is well, wrong.

    Kids will be kids also means that there are quite a few young people who are more adventurous than they should be and often push the envelope of morality and the law. It doesn't mean I'm dismissing their actions, just accepting their inevitability.

    not to mention some have yet to learn morality and law to be aware it is wrong

    Exactly how does one LEARN morality? Some acts of bad are self-evident what they haven't yet Learned is to "say no" to bad. They know it's bad.
  • Zyhlaari
    Soul Shriven
    Vaultese wrote: »
    Well, if this download finishes soon, I can at least distract myself on the European server lol

    Wonder how hammered their EU download servers are getting atm
  • Thelrok
    Ceila wrote: »
    Thelrok wrote: »
    7am; Taco Bell Time

    Have not been to a taco bell in like 20 years. And I like that kind of food, just don't want to drive the 22 miles to get there.
    Much taco. So amaze. Very wow. Much worth.
  • DeJo
    Decimatia wrote: »
    I'm just gonna dust this off and leave it right here.....

    WoB: Welcome to World of BurgerCraft.

    Ok, now THIS one was funny and entertaining and definitely worth the read.

  • Faked
    a cannibal doesnt see murder and eating another human being as morally bad. it is taught.
    Heeeeyyyyyyy Yoooouuuuuu Guys!!!!!!!
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