Feedback From The Update 40 LiveStream- We want to hear from you!

Community Manager
Thanks to those who were able to watch our Update 40 Livestream! We hope you enjoyed the preview of the Endless Archive and some of the other features being added to ESO in November. If you couldn't make it, you can either check out the VOD here or read the highlights from our recap article. Also as a reminder for those of you on PC, you'll have a chance to play the Endless Archive for the first time during PTS next week!

Now we want to hear from you! What did you think of the Endless Archive, Grand Master Crafting Station, Rebalanced Jewelry Crafting, Group Finder, new house from the Secrets of the Telvanni event?
Edited by ZOS_Kevin on September 22, 2023 1:32PM
Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
Staff Post
  • SpiritKitten
    I am wondering about the value of platings versus grains in the conversion process. Are all grains value=to platings now? not 10:1 conversion? It was confusing about the grain to ancient to plating conversion rate. Please elaborate.
    Edited by SpiritKitten on September 14, 2023 8:43PM
  • Katheriah
    It looks pretty cool. But why did DK get a massively OP set? It's not really the class that needs the most help (Necro anyone?).

    Also, the silence about crown gifting was deafening.
  • DragonRacer
    My question here about how the grain change might affect some furnishings?
    Edited by DragonRacer on September 14, 2023 8:38PM
    PS5 NA. GM of The PTK's - a free trading guild (CP 500+). Also a werewolf, bites are free when they're available. PSN = DragonRacer13
  • Katzenzunge
    I honestly liked everything I've seen today. The changes with the crafting, the jewelry rebalancing, the archive and allll the new, shiny rewards you can earn.
    I am seriously looking forward to U40. Like, really.
    This stream was great to watch!
  • SpiritKitten
    Also, I am disappointed the Endless archive is only apocryphal graphics. I thought the endless dungeon was hyped as including elements from all over Tamriel. I wouldn't want to spend hours in the same environment as Bastian Nymic. I guess the only elements from all over Tamriel are the bosses.
  • Necrotech_Master
    is the jewelry change only removing unrefined tempers or is it also removing unrefined trait material too?
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • DragonRacer
    But, overall, I am excited about the Grand Master Crafting Stations (QoL we’ve been asking for years now) and the Endless Archive, as my best friend and I already specifically enjoy two-manning dungeons.

    Also glad blue jewelry writs are going bye-bye. They are worthless and it’s tiresome destroying them junking up the guild bank because people decided to use it as a garbage disposal for them.
    PS5 NA. GM of The PTK's - a free trading guild (CP 500+). Also a werewolf, bites are free when they're available. PSN = DragonRacer13
  • boi_anachronism_
    Im personally feeling happy with what they presented. It actually looks pretty solid. Definitely something for everyone and i love that they actually made endless achieve base game. Super good call. Will be nice to have something that could actually present a challange for vet players too. Im a fan. Im also anxious to see all the class sets and the mount obviously. Always happy to get a new house too. HOWEVER- as a vet endgamer im gonna hold my judgment until i see class balance on pts. That always scares me. Other then that im pretty well on board but y'all- pour one out for crag. Its the end of an era.
  • ApoAlaia
    The jewellery rebalance surely came out of the left field for me, however I wonder... will you be adjusting the voucher reward of jewellery master writs or leave them as they are - thus finally making them worth crafting rather than being fuel for the fireplace.

    The new Grandmaster Crafting Extensions is the thing that I was most looking forward to, but will they work with the API (so addons like Writworthy will function with them providing that the author wishes to update it).

    The endless archive.. colour me interested :) not sure about the class sets yet though given how much sets get shaken around on a patch-to-patch basis, or even from the beginning to the end of the PTS cycle... we will see.
    Only super good things on the live stream!

    New crafting stations, new jewelry system, new group finder and the Endless Archive looks awesome, looking forward to spend hours and hours in it.
  • LunaFlora
    The Endless Archive and update 40 looks awesome.

    i love that jewelry crafting will be easier now.
    and the grandmaster crafting stations look cool.

    the class sets seem cool though it is strange that the styles all seem to have loincloths like nearly every outfit style and we still do not have an option to turn them off like polymorph helmets.
    Edited by LunaFlora on September 14, 2023 8:51PM
    miaow! i'm Luna ( she/her ).

    🌸*throws cherry blossom on you*🌸
    "Eagles advance, traveler! And may the Green watch and keep you."
    PlayStation and PC EU.
    LunaLolaBlossom on psn.
    LunaFloraBlossom on pc.
  • laniakea_0
    I saw something that was only on screen for a moment. there was a lead drop. I think it said it's located in Apocrypha. can you confirm if Apocrypha is going to receive it's very own antiquities unrelated to the Telvanni Peninsula Antiquities?
    Edited by laniakea_0 on September 14, 2023 9:57PM
  • laniakea_0
    in the post show just now. Avatar visions were mentioned. I think it's awesome that there seems to be a werewolf Behemoth one.
  • Arthtur
    Grand Master Crafting Station - Good
    Rebalanced Jewelry Crafting - Rather Good.
    Group Finder - Amazing if we can set requirements like achi or something like that (nobody wants a player who just unlocked vet content to join for vet dlc trials...). If not then just "Good" as it will still be better than standing in Craglorn and spamming zone chat
    Endless Archive - hard to say right now but...:
    - in terms of rewards i saw only crafting/alchemy materials/furnishings that u can buy with new currency. But nothing about the most needed one: Transmute Stones. Ppl will still need to do random normal dungeons in order to reconstruct gear... or do some PvP.
    - nothing about rewards for achievements. We could see a horse in trailer tho so i guess thats it.
    - I dont feel rly good about the class sets. I mean idea isnt bad but... when i checked the new sets on some i was like "Thats too op" or "This is useless...". I guess some changes will maybe fix it but first opinion on them is rather negative.
    - Lack of difficulty. I get it why they did it like they did but for me and more experienced players first like 3 Arcs will be mostly boring. And it sad that we cant skip them. While its important to have good accessibility for all players, making the start of the activity boring for more experienced players isnt a good idea.
    - Big plus for this being free.
    I guess we have to wait for PTS to see how players enjoy it to get better opinion about it. For now i guess thats it.
    PC/EU @Arthtur

    Toxic Tank for the win :x
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Arthtur wrote: »
    Group Finder - Amazing if we can set requirements like achi or something like that (nobody wants a player who just unlocked vet content to join for vet dlc trials...). If not then just "Good" as it will still be better than standing in Craglorn and spamming zone chat

    You'll see all of the options on Monday for PTS, but you can set some requirements.

    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ESO_Nightingale
    My major point of concern for class sets is that if a skill line has 2 specific roles it fulfills, and it gets an item set, that one of the roles may be ignored. My main example of this will be winter's embrace for warden. It's primarily the tanking line for warden, but it also is a secondary dps skill line due to it's passives and several of it's morphs. I'm extremely worried that we'll get a set for it that is quite literally just "when you cast a winter's embrace skill you get armor" or something to that effect. While the item set we got was revealed for green balance which is strictly a healing line, i still have this worry.
    Edited by ESO_Nightingale on September 14, 2023 9:23PM
    PvE Frost Warden Main and teacher. Come Join the ESO Frost Discord to discuss everything frost!:
  • BergisMacBride
    Was hoping for abit more detail on the Grandmaster Crafting Stations, but guess I’ll have to wait until the PTS patch drops.

    They did say they would be sold at writ vendor for vouchers. I’m assuming existing attunable ones will still be sold as well and could continued to be used as they are now?

    What’s the mechanism for loading new sets when you don’t have the corresponding attuned sets? Again I’d assume you’d go out and attune the individual stations like now and feed them into the GM stations? Or will there be another method used!

    I’m also hoping that the Writ Worthy addon will work with the new GM stations. That’s kind of a must for me since by far the vast majority of my attunable crafting is done for Master Writs.
  • NoticeMeArkay
    - The Endless Archives looks like a promising new version of an arena setup. What I enjoy greatly is that we're allowed to chose wether or not we'd like to run solo through it and that you implemented two different leaderboards for encouragement.
    Personally, I'm not too excited about meeting olf foes from the dungeons of the previous years again. As a veteran PVE player, I can count down their abilities in my sleep and I was rather excited to fight something/somebody new as an increase in difficulty and to tickle my sense of exploration.

    - I like the changes that are going to be done for the jewelry system. A little nervous in regards of the automatic change from grains to ancient grains but considering similar changes in the early years of ESO (looking at you, Soul gems) I doubt that much if not anything could go wrong. I've never bothered to upgrade any of mine to gold as the slight increase in effectivity simply wasn't worth the waste of potential gold on my end. I'd be interested to know wether or not there'll be hirelings added for this specific part of the crafting system too now.

    - Unexpectedly I'm most excited for the upcoming group finder. I feared you'd turn it into another simple queue, cutting off a huge aspect of player interaction from the game. I know a lot of players have been asked specifically for something like that but I believe many underestimate the positives that come from player interaction. For all I can say, many other aspects of the game that require it are growing a bit odd as less and less players are interested into playing ESO as anything else but a Solo game. I like the idea of designing it like some sort of notice board. In regards of the trial section, I'd welcome the ability for people to set up conditions that interests have to meet before joining the player's specific group.
    This way trial groups can avoid being fed leeches, Achievement hunters may avoid trolls or people bluntly underestimating the difficulty increase.

    - Not excited for the additional decks for ToT. I'm not a ToT-Hater, i played it a lot when it got released and unlocked the trophies one by one. It just didn't do it for me in the long run as I originally had hoped it would be a game that would encourage players to meet ingame for matches and unlock a new potential event that could be setup by players. Such as breathing more life into taverns all across Tamriel.

    - I find the visual design of the class sets underwelming. To my untrained eyes, it looks like a bunch of meshes from DLC of the previous 3 years got subtle changes done to them and then combined into a new motif. The nighthollow 2.0 look for the necromancer is especially disappointing on my end. It looks pretty, but it doesn't look much of a necromancer.
    It begs the question if the motifs in their choice of texture and meshes are supposed to show some sort of connection to the other motifs released in Necrom (Looking especially at the Dragonknight Class Set). I think an independend design that purely focused on representing the class itself would have been more of my thing. The Necromancer looks like a overhaul of Nocturnals agents, only the skull emblem on those axes gave it away for me.

    Will there be 3 different sets for each role per class or will we only get the tank set for necromancers and the healer set for wardens? Will the effects of the 5-piece-bonus reflect the visual identity of each class? Because that's what I've been hoping for years now. A class set with matching visuals and a bonus that only the class benefits from to breath some new life into class identity. But only as a Necro Tank? Please no...
  • KlauthWarthog
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Now we want to hear from you! What did you think of the Endless Archive, Grand Master Crafting Station, Rebalanced Jewelry Crafting, Group Finder, new house from the Secrets of the Telvanni event?

    Endless Archive:
    The good:
    - Seems to be designed as solo-first, so I am expecting to spend a lot of otherwise potential downside in there;
    - Seems to have a lot of potential for expansion, regarding content, the buffs system and drops, so it might stay relevant in the long term

    The bad:
    - The class sets have a lot of potential to become a balancing nightmare and, in fact, there is already a discrepancy in power between classes from what got spoiled in the stream.

    Grand Master Crafting Station
    The good:
    - Massive quality of life update, both for people building "guild halls" and those using them.

    The bad:
    - Nothing, really.

    Rebalanced Jewelry Crafting
    The good:
    - Everything, potentially. This crafting skill is a massive outlier right now, and bringing it in line with the others will have large long-term benefits.

    The bad:
    - Everything, potentially. I am waiting for the actual patch notes to see if it will be a blast or a dud.

    Group Finder
    The good:
    - It is a central hub for grouping, so it removes the issues with interested people being in multiple zones, or multiple instances of a zone;
    - It can lead to an increase in casual grouping.

    The bad:
    - You know veteran trials will be a horrible mess.

    No opinion on the new house, it is not a thing I care about.
  • Silaf
    I wish to see some return for purchasing all the crafting stations. As tings stand now you can simply port to the house of someone that did collect them all and profit witout any effort.
    All activities in the game reward you why being a master crafter with all attunable doesn't?

    This said finally some improvements to crafting and the endless archive look fun! Some more diversity in enviroments to accompny the bosses would have been better tough.

    The trial group finder has the potential to revolutionate the game. Really looking forward to it.

    Great job to eveyone in Zeny !!!
  • Arthtur
    So new class sets if anyone is curious:

    Basalt-Blood Wariorr
    2p magicka reg
    3p max health
    4p WD/SD
    5p Casting an Earthern Heart ability grants you a Basalt-Blooded Warrior buff for 20s, 20s CD. While on your Front bar you gain Molten Stance, granting you Major Heroism and Minor Heroism, generating 4 ultimate every 1.5s. While you are on your Back Bar you gain Obsidian Stance, increasing your Healing Done and Damage Shields by 14%

    Gardener of Seasons
    2p 4% healing Done
    3p magicka regen
    4p WD/SD
    5p Casting a Green Balance ability gives you Herald of Spring, causing your Green Balance overheals to apply Minor Heroism for 3 second. Casting 2 non-Green Balance class abilities within 2 seconds consumes Herald of Spring and gives you Harbringer of Fall for 10s, causing your Green Balance overheals to create an 8m area for 5s, applying Major Maim to enemies and Minor Vitality to allies. You can create an area once every 5s.

    Monolith of Storms
    2p critical chance
    3p WD/SD
    4p WD/SD
    5p Dealing damage with a Storm Calling abilities' initial hit or every 5th tick, creates a Monolith near the enemy for 10s, up to 1 per s. You may have up to 3 Monoliths at the time. Monoliths link to your other Monoliths within 28m of each other, each link dealing 3817 Shock damage every 2s to enemies between and near them. An enemy can only take damage from this set once every 2s

    Reawakened Hierophant
    2p max magicka
    3p max magicka
    4p max magicka
    5p Casting a non-Ultimate Curative Runeform ability grants an effect for 6s to your affected allies based on how many crux you had.
    1 Crux - 3618 damage shield
    2 Crux - Minor Heroism
    3 Crux - Major Protection

    Nobility in Decay
    2p max health
    3p 4% healing taken
    4p max health
    5p Casting a Bone Tyrant ability while in combat grants you Beautiful Corpse, Minor Protection and Minor Resolve for 16s. 20s CD reduced by 2s for each Bone Tyrant ability slotted.
    Casting a Corpse Consuming ability consumes Beautiful Corpse treating you as a corpse

    2p WD/SD
    3p Max magicka
    4p WD/SD
    5p While in combat with at least 20 ultimate, strengthen your Siphoning abilities at the cost of Ultimate:
    Increase the Damage and Healing of Siphoning abilities by 17% of your current ultimate, up to 200, from the minimum of 3% to a maximum of 34%. Reduce the cost of Siphoning abilities by 15%. Casting a Siphoning ability drains you of 1% of your current ultimate, with a minimum of 1.

    2p WD/SD
    3p Critical chance
    4p WD/SD
    5p When you deal damage with Dawn's Wrath ability, you gain a stack of Sunlight for 10s, once per attack. You can have 50 stacks max and gain 12 magicka regen per stack. When at max stacks, your Dawn's Wrath abilities deal 25% bonus damage and a Wrathful Nova is cast on the enemy, but u cannot refresh Sunlight. When Sunlight expires at max stacks you lose 50% of your current magicka

    Edited by Arthtur on September 14, 2023 10:16PM
    PC/EU @Arthtur

    Toxic Tank for the win :x
  • Dack_Janiels

    Has the team designing the custom group finder put in any safety measures, so it doesn't get flooded with real money trade spammers like in world of warcraft?

    Edited by Dack_Janiels on September 14, 2023 9:52PM
  • LarsS
    Where are the changes to Cyrodiil? All servers are updated now!
    GM for The Daggerfall Authority EU PC
  • MafiaCat115
    Will run progress in the Endless Archive get lost if a two man group gets disbanded? I've noticed that after weekly server maintenance groups sometime disband, and I would hate to lose progress on a run because the group auto disbanded over the night.
    Still waiting for answers about class set aura behavior, and also hoping that one day hair dyeing will be an option. We know it's canon thanks to a book in the Manor of Masques! (House of Reveries: The Troupe)
    Proud owner of a Morrowind Banner of the 6th House (back when it actually meant something)
  • laniakea_0
    LarsS wrote: »
    Where are the changes to Cyrodiil? All servers are updated now!

    next year maybe. they are still in the current development cycle that was planned long before the upgrade.
  • laniakea_0
    If I start a run in Endless Archive and then go back to the hub area and quit the game, will I be able to pick up where I left off? e.g. I played for a while and could keep going but I want to go to bed. could I come back after I wake up and continue?
    Edited by laniakea_0 on September 14, 2023 10:06PM
  • Finedaible
    The changes to Jewelry sound great so far, but I am skeptical about the vague "rebalancing" part since historically there has been a catch to any QoL changes such as this. I was also hoping they would elaborate on the details and whether or not Jewelry crafting will have Hirelings now since Devs did say they were "bringing it in line" with the other crafting crafting schools.

    The Endless Dungeon was intriguing. The Class sets are interesting, but I do worry about them being 5-piece sets since locking yourself into a 5-piece with a drawback is fairly limiting if the stats on the 2-4 bonuses aren't what you really need to optimize. But I am kind of tired of sets being THE only way to build your character in general so I hope there are better options than what I saw. It is a base game update though, which is much better than I expected.
  • opaj
    So, here's kind of a... weird observation.

    In the UI that shows how far you've gone into Endless Archive, your stage number is displayed from smallest -> largest, which is a bit unusual.
    (For an example of this, look at the numbers at the top right of the screen, right under the header "[F5] Mora's Boons".)

    So, for example, if you're in Arc 1, Cycle 2, Stage 3, it will display as: 3 - 2 - 1.
    This is a bit backwards for how most stages (and chapters) are displayed in games and literature.
    For example, World 2 Level 1 in a Mario game is displayed as 2-1, not 1-2.
    The 5th verse of the 3rd chapter of a holy book might be described as 3:5, but not 5:3.

    I'm curious as to why this order was chosen, as I'm concerned it may feel a tad counterintuitive to some people.
    (Not insurmountable so, but it's an interesting direction!)
    Edited by opaj on September 14, 2023 10:15PM
  • Lady_Rosabella

    Grand Master Crafting Station

    I'm confused as to the "feeding" of the new station.
    If you have a few sets that you haven't been able to get the attunables for, does that mean we still have to purchase old attunables, then attune them to the sets, and then feed those to the Grand Master ones or how does that work? What about future sets coming out?
    Edited by Lady_Rosabella on September 14, 2023 10:32PM
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager

    Has the team designing the custom group finder put in any safety measures, so it doesn't get flooded with real money trade spammers like in world of warcraft?


    So we do have a report function within the group finder. So if you see something like spammers, you should be able to report them and we will handle accordingly.

    However, we will pass this on for the team to keep an eye on as well, incase additional measures need to be taken in the future.
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
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