A synonym for fraudulent is dishonest or untrue. So fraudulent behavior is when someone is acting or doing something that is dishonest.
For video games fraudulent behavior is:
cheating, hacking, using bots, scamming, phishing, and getting away with breaking any other rules. More information about this can be found in the Code of Conduct, community rules, tos, etc.
I'll let someone else who knows more information, such as a moderator, to explain this further and to clarify.
CreamedPieYum wrote: »
Are they doing the gift blocking because of actual RMT morons half a world away like gold sellers/fraudulent chargeback organizations? Or is this because of people ripping each other off? As in, they gave you crowns but they didn't give you gold in return
I wonder if this has anything to do with the gold sellers that have been popping up since the epic games free to play
They should just eliminate purchasing on VPN's. Eliminate brand new accounts from buying any crowns. And should have never sold crowns at a cheaper price. Crowns should be the same price, no matter your location. Why on earth would you be catering to some 3rd world economy and selling them for a cheaper price? You should not cater to countries where the standard living is such that you need to sell crowns at a cheaper price. If they have a financial situation where they are that much lower than your main player base, they are only buying these crowns to try and make a profit. There is an easy termination to this ..........
And you should only be selling to verified purchasers. Take myself for example, ZOS can pretty much examine my purchase behavior and see I have been a consistent crown purchaser. If you are selling crowns to some F2P lvl 1, then what do you expect? This problem could be easily solved. Just put a gift price on an item. Let the crown seller just sell them outright. None of this shifty gift buying. AND, just sell bags of gold in the Crown Store. I hate to see rw trading for gold in a game. I have read repetitively, this money is often going to support nefarious activities. I feel you are opening the door for more rw gold selling.
The problem is the price of crowns is variable, when it would take only a few steps to change this. Let the players sell the actual item and put a price on these items. The item would not change hands unless the buyer handed over the set price.
Ridiculous that you are punishing players like myself and that I won't be using the Crown Store (unless you just sell gold outright).
I want someone in ZOS to review my account and see that amount of crowns I have purchased since 2016 (around $14,000 US). AND, I have NO buyer's remorse in my purchases. In fact, this is one of my husband's favorite gifts and he loves to surprise me with a little card "Honey go buy yourself 21,000 crowns". He even follows the game site to see when they are on sale (he never plays). The loss of such a revenue stream is beyond anything a smart marketing and financial business would even consider. I don't log on for months at a time, but keep my sub rolling in order to have a nice little supply of crowns, when I return (I have 55K crowns atm and have had more at times).
I think your late paragraph show how it was done, I thought stolen card but cargeback is so much simpler and mostly legal.CreamedPieYum wrote: »A synonym for fraudulent is dishonest or untrue. So fraudulent behavior is when someone is acting or doing something that is dishonest.
For video games fraudulent behavior is:
cheating, hacking, using bots, scamming, phishing, and getting away with breaking any other rules. More information about this can be found in the Code of Conduct, community rules, tos, etc.
I'll let someone else who knows more information, such as a moderator, to explain this further and to clarify.
Are they doing the gift blocking because of actual RMT morons half a world away like gold sellers/fraudulent chargeback organizations? Or is this because of people ripping each other off? As in, they gave you crowns but they didn't give you gold in return
I wonder if this has anything to do with the gold sellers that have been popping up since the epic games free to play. Make fake accounts, buy crowns, sell crowns for gold, chargeback crowns, proceeds to sell all that gold in the form of bot sellers
The speculation in our Discord was that it concerned the free accounts via the Epic Store.
People making new accounts, selling crowns (or laundering gold), then deleting accounts, most likely.
Keep in mind, “speculation”.
Grizzbeorn wrote: »The speculation in our Discord was that it concerned the free accounts via the Epic Store.
People making new accounts, selling crowns (or laundering gold), then deleting accounts, most likely.
Keep in mind, “speculation”.
How long has Epic been a thing in with regard to ESO, though?
Because you have to wait 30 days once you buy crowns on a new account before gifting is unlocked.
Unless they have changed that, recently.
Grizzbeorn wrote: »The speculation in our Discord was that it concerned the free accounts via the Epic Store.
People making new accounts, selling crowns (or laundering gold), then deleting accounts, most likely.
Keep in mind, “speculation”.
How long has Epic been a thing in with regard to ESO, though?
Because you have to wait 30 days once you buy crowns on a new account before gifting is unlocked.
Unless they have changed that, recently.
True, but the free give away of eso happened on the Epic store roughly a month ago.
So the “dirty deeds” may just start being felt now.
Grizzbeorn wrote: »The speculation in our Discord was that it concerned the free accounts via the Epic Store.
People making new accounts, selling crowns (or laundering gold), then deleting accounts, most likely.
Keep in mind, “speculation”.
How long has Epic been a thing in with regard to ESO, though?
Because you have to wait 30 days once you buy crowns on a new account before gifting is unlocked.
Unless they have changed that, recently.
True, but the free give away of eso happened on the Epic store roughly a month ago.
So the “dirty deeds” may just start being felt now.
Grizzbeorn wrote: »Grizzbeorn wrote: »The speculation in our Discord was that it concerned the free accounts via the Epic Store.
People making new accounts, selling crowns (or laundering gold), then deleting accounts, most likely.
Keep in mind, “speculation”.
How long has Epic been a thing in with regard to ESO, though?
Because you have to wait 30 days once you buy crowns on a new account before gifting is unlocked.
Unless they have changed that, recently.
True, but the free give away of eso happened on the Epic store roughly a month ago.
So the “dirty deeds” may just start being felt now.
I've seen it stated in one of the threads on the topic that the fraudulent behavior has been a thing on PC since April, and was noticed on consoles in early July. All of that pre-dates ESO via Epic.
Grizzbeorn wrote: »The speculation in our Discord was that it concerned the free accounts via the Epic Store.
People making new accounts, selling crowns (or laundering gold), then deleting accounts, most likely.
Keep in mind, “speculation”.
How long has Epic been a thing in with regard to ESO, though?
Because you have to wait 30 days once you buy crowns on a new account before gifting is unlocked.
Unless they have changed that, recently.
True, but the free give away of eso happened on the Epic store roughly a month ago.
So the “dirty deeds” may just start being felt now.
SeaGtGruff wrote: »The Epic Games Store giveaway was fine. There were gold sellers before that. Besides, if a criminal is making a ton of money through their activities, having to spend a little money to keep making a lot more money is no big deal to them, so there's no need for them to wait until whatever game they're targetting becomes temporarily available for free.
There are definitely some suspicious crown sellers on world crown exchange discord.
PrincessOfThieves wrote: »SeaGtGruff wrote: »The Epic Games Store giveaway was fine. There were gold sellers before that. Besides, if a criminal is making a ton of money through their activities, having to spend a little money to keep making a lot more money is no big deal to them, so there's no need for them to wait until whatever game they're targetting becomes temporarily available for free.
True, but now the barrier is lower than ever. Yes, there were always goldsellers, but I haven't seen this amount of shameless spam in zone chats for many years. That could only mean that they have enough throwaway accounts to not care about them getting blocked.
If ZOS would increase the requirements to sell large amounts of crowns (for example, make it so that only older, high cp accounts can sell unlimited crowns and the new accounts can only sell their ESO+ crowns, 1650 per month), it would not prevent all scams, but would make it more trouble than worth for the majority of scammers.
Seems ZoS repeated this word a lot, but never give an exact definition. So just what count as fraudulent behavior? What kind of behavior it is that ZoS intend to prevent specifically?