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Enchanting Runes , Rare as hell

  • Destabilizator
    Deconstruction of glyphs gives so low exp compared to other professions, jewelry glyphs are garbage, you cannot craft glyphs to exchange with someone because big chance is that both of you are missing same runes (squares) if you are from same Alliance. Nodes' count is certainly lower than eg. ore, yet you have 33% chance to find the type of rune you need, not to mention close to 0% chance fidning the exact rune you need for your armor glyph. All in all I love enchanting...
    Vertor et revertor.
  • Alyrn_Grey
    I actually have half my bank slots full of multiple runes I found in stonefalls. The key is looking behind things, etc, and I have the keen eye passive which does help. Surprisingly I spot most just by keeping my eyes open but probably 10 have been because of the glow around them showing around a corner or over a rock.
  • Delte
    I don't have keen eye but find loads just sitting around my bank is full of them. I also deconstruct the glyphs I find. Enchanting is at level 7 and that is without even trying to level it up.
  • bigscoothb14_ESO
    Watch you level xp if you make or deconstruct the same thing to many times it will drop it xp it gives you. Was a half level from KUTA unlock and bought 25 glyphs and got next to nothing for them! Worst 4200g I ever spent. I did buy some Veteran lvl 5 glyphs and they boosted me up quite a bit.
    Hells Bell___________________Highelf Sorc
    D-Argo______________________Orc DK
    Orici Adria__________________Breton Templar
    Primortial Erubus____________Woodelf NB
    Vortas______________________Darkelf Sorc
    Quickly-Kills-for-Skooma_____Khajiit NB
  • ManicDee
    My gripe right now is that I can't find any Potency runes of appropriate level for the gear I'm trying to enchant. All I have is Jode & Jora, when my gear is 28/29.

    For the EP folks, Bal Foyen will produce bucket loads of runes, Aspects of all levels (higher levels will, understandably, be rarer) but only the level 1 Potency runes.
  • mettatron
    first of all after playing a bit you can spot nodes a mile away no need to waste points in them its honestly just dumb to do so :/ if you go to settings and turn off "grass" it will reduce your overall lagg as well as assist .. secondly aspects (read round/temper stone that affects quality) tend to appear with the risk vs reward concept ie cyrodiil you can find loads in the "caves" particularly "pot hole cavern" mind you if your dc or ep yer pretty screwed getting ther but you can roll an ad toon to 10 and farm to hearts content the best waty to get runes is by deconstructing glyphs this is where you get the majority of your square runes from both additive as well as subtractive and i hate to bust you launchies bubble but "rare mats "rarely very rarely if ever drop out side of VR content .....case in point you decon 100 iron ore you will be lucky if you get a honing stone even with 3 points in extraction but you decon a stack of void stone you get 5-6 tempering alloys ......every time ......same goes for every other craft .. higher the level the "better items" you get out of it ..them's the dice ....ie you decon vr10 glyphs you will be swimming in the mats here is where the resolute failure sets in is the exploiters and /farmers who have "duplicated massive amounts of materials now scamming /selling them failing so "buying items" is not your best option due to supporting theses gold sellers/exploiters it is better to farm your own :/
  • KariTR
    Raist wrote: »
    AD seems to have a ton of ruins, but very few square and round. Managed to get 12 levels just from breaking down. But if you are trying to level up with another enchanter its tough if you don't have the right mats. Taking longer than expected. Must be doing something wrong.

    In Reaper's March it is nigh on impossible to get anything but Aspect runes. Still as a poster said in this thread 5 weeks ago (:p), extract the 100s of glyphs that you pick up from everything and you will have no lack of runes.
  • Drachenfier
    Veakoth wrote: »
    you guys need to understand you dont craft to level, you deconstruct glyphs.

    At 12 enchanting, deconstructing glyphs dropped by level 40 mobs doesn't even move your damn xp bar. This craft need some serious help. As for the OP, I have the same problem with potency runes, can't ever seem to find any. I have Essence out the ying yang.
    Edited by Drachenfier on May 10, 2014 6:39PM
  • SunfireKnight86
    I decon everything. I've been 50 in everything else for a while and I'm only 37 in enchanting. That's after dropping close to 100k in glyphs and potency runes.
  • mcarrozza_ESO
    Enchanting is clearly broken.

    It took me all of yesterday to level from 12.5 to 13 and that was with deconstructing every glyph I came across, bought from the store or guilds and exchanging glyphs with my wife.

    The problem is the loot drops being level restricted. We cant collect enough Potency items to craft what we have the knowledge to make. and we cant get the inspiration to use what we have in abundance without the slightly lower level components.

    We play at a casual pace, and didn't realize that if we wanted to do enchanting we needed to spend every waking moment focused on getting items to level it while in level appropriate areas. In other words, don't quest at all. Only kill mobs and deconstruct glyphs. Otherwise you will out level your skill in enchanting in a day, and be SOL.
  • Ourorboros
    Enchanting isn't 'broken', it just takes a little more learning to advance compared to other professions.
    • Rune nodes aren't scarce, but they are harvested heavily. People often ignore Ta and essence runes...this is a mistake. Harvest those runes and the node will repawn with a random rune for your next pass. Bank the Ta and essence runes and later create glyphs for sell...I sell more glyphs than anything else. Use HarvestMap addon so you can easily find the nodes. Starter islands seem to have highest concentration of rune nodes.
    • Inspiration from crafted runes is significantly higher than the dropped glyphs, but only using Jejota and higher aspect runes. Focus on trading greens and blues. You also get more ISP from making the same. Go ahead and decon the whites, every little bit helps, but your progress will be microscopic unless you decon someone else's higher level runes. TRADING PARTNER is most important component in advancing enchanting.
    • The higher level the glyph, the more ISP. Beg or buy Veteran runes.
    • Always work at the highest level your skills allow, and invest skill points as soon as you can.
    Happy Enchanting :)
    Breton Sorcerer Maester.White - BB meets GoT >Master Crafter< { 9 Traits completed 4/23/15 }
    TANSTAAFL--->There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.....Robert Heinlein
    Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea....Heinlein
    All those moments will be lost in time, like tears...in...rain. Time to die. "Blade Runner"
    ESO: the game you hate to love and love to hate....( >_<) May RNG be with you (*,_,*)
  • smacx250
    Make whatever glyphs you can, join a trading guild, and sell them. Use the money to buy glyphs constructed by others (in your guild or from public guild vendors). It is a good way to get higher level runes that give more inspiration - especially when you deconstruct one new to you. I found this table very useful for deciding what was a good deal to sell/buy at for leveling enchanting. A ballpark number that worked when I was leveling enchanting was to divide the inspiration by 7, and buy when at or below that (and hopefully sell at that):

  • timidobserver
    Don't worry OP. Thanks to complaints like yours they are going to make enchanting easier to level and runes easier to come by in the next patch. So once you max enchanting you'll be be able to make stuff that will be worth little to no profit since it will be so easy to come by.
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • Ourorboros
    Don't worry OP. Thanks to complaints like yours they are going to make enchanting easier to level and runes easier to come by in the next patch. So once you max enchanting you'll be be able to make stuff that will be worth little to no profit since it will be so easy to come by.

    I fear you have predicted the future of enchanting. Master Enchanters who did the necessary work will be b*tch-slapped, and a profitable profession will be trashed.
    Whiners-1, Master Enchanters-0
    Breton Sorcerer Maester.White - BB meets GoT >Master Crafter< { 9 Traits completed 4/23/15 }
    TANSTAAFL--->There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.....Robert Heinlein
    Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea....Heinlein
    All those moments will be lost in time, like tears...in...rain. Time to die. "Blade Runner"
    ESO: the game you hate to love and love to hate....( >_<) May RNG be with you (*,_,*)
  • poodlemasterb16_ESO
    Don't worry OP. Thanks to complaints like yours they are going to make enchanting easier to level and runes easier to come by in the next patch. So once you max enchanting you'll be be able to make stuff that will be worth little to no profit since it will be so easy to come by.

    LOL. The profiteers amuse me. It's a game folks.

    My Enchanter is now level 26 and he can make up to VR5 stuff. Just fine for my needs and he is perhaps the most powerful part of my little army.

    I can make 400+ armor jewelery, 1000 flame resist and many other very useful bits. I tune my chars with my enchantments, and it works just fine.
  • Gillysan
    You must explore more and HarvestMap+ZRMM works wonders. Chests drop, among other things, glyphs to decon. If you haven't clued in yet, you get the most inspiration (craft xp) from deconstruction. This is true for blacksmithing, woodworking, and clothing as well as enchanting.

    Plus decon your own made stuff since you get a pittance of inspiration unless you trade between alts or better still a friend. I send all my runes to a friend and have her make me glyphs to decon.

    I'm assuming you haven't simply dropped everything and just gone exploring. When I first saw your post title I felt a momentary panic attack - "oh no, bots are back? Hiding in some zones attempting to evade detection?" :P
    Edited by Gillysan on September 9, 2014 9:34PM
  • Ourorboros
    Don't worry OP. Thanks to complaints like yours they are going to make enchanting easier to level and runes easier to come by in the next patch. So once you max enchanting you'll be be able to make stuff that will be worth little to no profit since it will be so easy to come by.

    LOL. The profiteers amuse me. It's a game folks.

    My Enchanter is now level 26 and he can make up to VR5 stuff. Just fine for my needs and he is perhaps the most powerful part of my little army.

    I can make 400+ armor jewelery, 1000 flame resist and many other very useful bits. I tune my chars with my enchantments, and it works just fine.

    Profiteer, huh? I guess the title fits. But I should be able to afford a Nirnhoned motif when the are released, if I can't find one. With various achievements I chase, and my own inclination to grab everything, if I didn't sell stuff, I would trash it or give it away to keep my bags manageable.
    Breton Sorcerer Maester.White - BB meets GoT >Master Crafter< { 9 Traits completed 4/23/15 }
    TANSTAAFL--->There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.....Robert Heinlein
    Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea....Heinlein
    All those moments will be lost in time, like tears...in...rain. Time to die. "Blade Runner"
    ESO: the game you hate to love and love to hate....( >_<) May RNG be with you (*,_,*)
  • Gillysan
    There are plenty of rune nodes in the world (At least in the EP areas, haven't played AD/DC yet). The gripe I have with Enchanting is that you can find the Blue, Purple, and Gold quality runes at levels where you can't feasibly use them, slowing down the progression (admittedly, this could just be bad luck on my part)
    Quality runes have nothing to do with the glyphs level. The potency(square) runes are the level determiners.

    See link in my sig.
    Edited by Gillysan on September 9, 2014 9:36PM
  • Gillysan
    Don't worry OP. Thanks to complaints like yours they are going to make enchanting easier to level and runes easier to come by in the next patch. So once you max enchanting you'll be be able to make stuff that will be worth little to no profit since it will be so easy to come by.

    LOL. The profiteers amuse me. It's a game folks.

    My Enchanter is now level 26 and he can make up to VR5 stuff. Just fine for my needs and he is perhaps the most powerful part of my little army.

    I can make 400+ armor jewelery, 1000 flame resist and many other very useful bits. I tune my chars with my enchantments, and it works just fine.

    It's not profiteering! Some crafts in this game are ridiculously easy. I maxed provisioning in 6 hours in a level 20ish town. Same with Alchemy. A little more challenging was woodworking, blacksmithing and clothing. If not for the research aspect that would also be nearly ridiculously easy.

    Enchanting is the only craft that is at all rewarding in the process of leveling, but even that can be powerleveled. Just get a character to higher levels to feed your enchanter.

    Sadly, the only challenge in crafting is actually making a profit from it. It requires turning into an online in-game businessman. Perhaps some people find this easy, but I don't. It sits on the edge of the amount of dedication I'm willing to put into it in ESO vs plain old questing.
    Edited by Gillysan on September 9, 2014 9:48PM
  • poodlemasterb16_ESO
    Gillysan wrote: »
    Don't worry OP. Thanks to complaints like yours they are going to make enchanting easier to level and runes easier to come by in the next patch. So once you max enchanting you'll be be able to make stuff that will be worth little to no profit since it will be so easy to come by.

    LOL. The profiteers amuse me. It's a game folks.

    My Enchanter is now level 26 and he can make up to VR5 stuff. Just fine for my needs and he is perhaps the most powerful part of my little army.

    I can make 400+ armor jewelery, 1000 flame resist and many other very useful bits. I tune my chars with my enchantments, and it works just fine.

    It's not profiteering! Some crafts in this game are ridiculously easy. I maxed provisioning in 6 hours in a level 20ish town. Same with Alchemy. A little more challenging was woodworking, blacksmithing and clothing. If not for the research aspect that would also be nearly ridiculously easy.

    Enchanting is the only craft that is at all rewarding in the process of leveling, but even that can be powerleveled. Just get a character to higher levels to feed your enchanter.

    Sadly, the only challenge in crafting is actually making a profit from it. It requires turning into an online in-game businessman. Perhaps some people find this easy, but I don't. It sits on the edge of the amount of dedication I'm willing to put into it in ESO vs plain old questing.

    It's part of my war machine. I really don't care about selling anything. I make about 2000g an hour questing these days.

    As it's just part of my war machine, it's extremely useful. My Vampire Witch has about 15 bits of bling which she swaps around as she see's fit. I can hang 1000 armor or 1000 flame resist and regeneration for health and magic. Spell power, weapon power etc etc. Makes a big difference, to say nothing of the 800 hp I add to my armor sets.
  • mitchtheelder
    What determine which rune will you find when you are digging fot it? Your enchant lvl? Or pure luck? Exp lvl?
    AD Orc Nightblade - Manndingo, High Elf Templar - M Mike Adriano Nord Dragonknight - Ser-Gregor Clegane
    High elf Sorcerer - Grand Maester Mitch Dark elf Nightblade - Gilbert Arenas Redguard Dragonknight - Half Man Half Amazing Redguard Sorcerer - Uncle Drew High Elf Dragonknight - Devon Larrat Imperial Warden - Sandor Clegane M Nord Necromancer - Tormund Husband to Bears High Elf Necromancer - Ana Maria della Salute High Elf - Warden - Samuel F Jackson Argonian - Templar - Kraken Reptile DC Argonian Warden - Gustavo Giviria Rivero High elf Sorcerer - Jackie Kennedy Orc Necromancer - Lucifer Blackstar EP Redguard Templar - MItch Buchanon
    PC-EU since Feb2016 (+8k h in game)
  • JohnnyHandsome99
    I have about 2000 runes sitting in my bank I'm about to level it as soon as I get off work
  • failkiwib16_ESO
    Funny, I have tons of the triangle and circle ones and none of the square ones. Bad luck I guess.

    @krees28b14_ESO I used to have this problem in the beginning, but I noticed that while I levelled and moved out of one map, I gained access to more and blue square runes became more common ....

    Zombies, ghosts and undeads drop glyphs all over Tamriel, so in case anyone here can not afford to buy glyphs, know that you can always farm zombies, vampries etc. :p

  • bryanhaas
    dabbourism wrote: »
    Why the enchanting runes are so rare ? 3 types of runes on the world should've been made with much more nodes , you can search for lot of time to find like 6 essence runes which are useless without the other 2 types ..

    Run the random dungeon finder I usually get one Vr16 (not 15)glyph per run and every third decon usually drops the VR16 runestone. Besides guild traders have them for around 3k a piece which doesn't seem too bad. Kutas are more of an issue though.

    Edit, maybe you are just talking enchanting in general. I thought you were referring to end game enchanting. If low levels best to kills mobs and decon the drops.
    Edited by bryanhaas on April 19, 2016 4:13PM
    PS4 NA AD GM formerly known as GM of "The Children of the Void"

    9 trait crafter I do all the things (Yes I mean ALL the things ;0).

    Price list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FTV7ACtmEpQQwsEiHVcrBxC0zKaj6LKvc3An7dGG2t0/edit?usp=sharing
    Youtube: MaulochBaal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRav05_8nWGvlTrfBBefaEw/featured
  • Nestor
    What determine which rune will you find when you are digging fot it? Your enchant lvl? Or pure luck? Exp lvl?

    Other than Wrothgar, Hew's Bane and Cyrodiil, the Runes you find are leveled to the zone you are in. Those 3 Adventure zones are leveled to your Potency level in Enchanting.

    While leveling, even through VR Ranks, you will find the same essences and aspects in every zone, although there are a couple of Essences that only appear in the Imperial City. With the Potencies, you typically find 4 (two negatives, two positives in two levels each) in each zone. If your say finding the ones that are too low for you in the leveling zones, go where the mobs are closer to your level to find the appropriate potencies more readily. You will still find off level potencies, just more of the ones that are near the level of the mobs where the mobs are.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Nefier
    Soul Shriven
    The original post is from back in 2014 you guys. I'm sure things have changed since the original post was made as far as runes go and the amount that is in the game floating around now that it's BTP.
    Nefier of Sacred Haven
    My Tumblr Page
  • Nestor
    Nefier wrote: »
    The original post is from back in 2014 you guys. I'm sure things have changed since the original post was made as far as runes go and the amount that is in the game floating around now that it's BTP.

    Some things have changed, like how many Glyphs you need to make or decon to level, but the Farming of Glyphs and Runes is still the same. Enchanting is easier to level now, but it is still the hardest* craft, outside of trait research, to level.

    *as in time spent
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

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