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Is this game going to be some flashy korean/chinese mmo?

  • Finedaible
    zaria wrote: »
    It has been an slow process over many years, I think it has become worse as more an more people get flashy mounts over time.

    The apex radiant mounts have become exceedingly obnoxious, especially the Ahz-m'Athra, Cursebound Senche-raht Darkfang, and Voidmother's Welwa. Those are absolutely over-the-top and out of place within the "grounded" fantasy of Elder Scrolls. Remember that the earliest form of gambling crates did not even have exclusive Radiant apex mounts, that was a later addition to this form of monetization. I'm not saying there isn't room for the fantastical in Elder Scrolls, but the fact these kinds of things come from a gambling reward with no satisfying, immersive and in-lore reason for existing is an insult to the Elder Scrolls name and legacy.
  • SeaGtGruff
    Elsonso wrote: »
    Base game Skyrim guards don't like it when the character Shouts. That is a relatively benign act from an otherwise "normal" looking person, assuming it wasn't an attack. They would positively freak out if a glowing spriggan rolled into town on a flaming horse with green orbs circling them. If the character started tossing green beams and stuff everywhere, it would be a Code Brown. :smile:

    In ESO, that is a "TuesdayTirdas".

    Fixed it for you. :)
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Major_Toughness
    I mean when you get into combat you get lots of flashy effects anyway.

    At the minute for AFK flashiness it is only weapons and mounts. Neither of which you can see at the same time, and I have no problem with it.

    As a NB when I actually play the game anyway I have the red glow from path, red glow from grim focus, maybe full red bubble of phantasmal.
    Having a red glowing mount just means I have that aesthetic all the time.

    I just hope they put a toggle on the Grim Focus glow as for some reason a lot of casuals hate it, but I REALLY don't want to lose it. One.of the most minimal but good looking skill effects going.
    PC EU > You
  • Major_Toughness
    I mean when you get into combat you get lots of flashy effects anyway.

    At the minute for AFK flashiness it is only weapons and mounts. Neither of which you can see at the same time, and I have no problem with it.

    As a NB when I actually play the game anyway I have the red glow from path, red glow from grim focus, maybe full red bubble of phantasmal.
    Having a red glowing mount just means I have that aesthetic all the time.

    I just hope they put a toggle on the Grim Focus glow as for some reason a lot of casuals hate it, but I REALLY don't want to lose it. One.of the most minimal but good looking skill effects going.
    PC EU > You
  • AstroST
    I just hope they put a toggle on the Grim Focus glow as for some reason a lot of casuals hate it, but I REALLY don't want to lose it. One.of the most minimal but good looking skill effects going.

    Casuals? Why people that hates the costant permaglow given by a skill should be casuals?
    I hate it, but I have 45k achievments, all the PvP achievments done and most of the HM in trials/DLC dungeon done, would you call me a casual?

  • mocap
    The problem is a bit overrated. Templar, for example, has many times more light effects:
    Puryfing light + Extended ritual + Blazing spear + Solar barrage = light hell.
    Add Solar Prison on top and your screen will be RGB 255, 255, 255

    As for mounts, don't use them. Problem solved?
  • AstroST
    mocap wrote: »
    The problem is a bit overrated. Templar, for example, has many times more light effects:
    Puryfing light + Extended ritual + Blazing spear + Solar barrage = light hell.
    Add Solar Prison on top and your screen will be RGB 255, 255, 255

    As for mounts, don't use them. Problem solved?

    There is a big difference between a skill that has a light effect and a skill that gives you a costan glow only to have it slotted.
    And for mounts it is not enought to not use them, every time some one flexes that horrid Voidmother's Welwa while in a city I have to look somewhere else.
  • emilyhyoyeon

    As a NB when I actually play the game anyway I have the red glow from path, red glow from grim focus, maybe full red bubble of phantasmal.
    Having a red glowing mount just means I have that aesthetic all the time.

    I just hope they put a toggle on the Grim Focus glow as for some reason a lot of casuals hate it, but I REALLY don't want to lose it. One.of the most minimal but good looking skill effects going.

    In terms of people being annoyed with the grim focus change, the issue isn't with the glow itself, it's the fact that it's always on, in combat or not, just for having it slotted because if the permanent activation change.

    The red glows from the other NB skills don't happen until you use them. They'd come off a lot different if they functioned like new grim focus.
    Edited by emilyhyoyeon on August 28, 2023 9:32AM
    IGN @ emilypumpkin, imperial pumpkin seller & ghost hunter
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • Sparxlost
    yes but sourced out of indonesia...

    jk i have no idea but i hope not
  • Lugaldu
    People's tastes are different and some just don't fit togther, but I still think some of the visual effects from the new chapter and from the arcanists haven't been considered well enough. All of these neon green glowing effects work great in the surreal ambience of Apocrypha, but I get the impression that the design team didn't give any thought to how these effects would work in other contexts.
    In most corners of Tamriel, this Borg green laser-like stuff just feels out of place for my taste.
  • Gray_howling_parrot
    Again, to preface, I am on the side of low fantasy in games like this - BUT in a game with as much magic, it makes sense for it to be in the universe.

    From a game perspective, there is absolutely no reason ZOS will stop creating these mounts. For every 5-10 people like us, who use nothing flashy on purpose, there’s one dude or one gal that spends more than all 10 of us combined on getting that mount out of the crates, so the argument is negligible unfortunately.

    Should there be a toggleable option maybe to tone down some effects in game? Sure. Belkarth on any given weeknight is likely an epileptic’s worst nightmare. BUT, it is what it is. If you don’t like it don’t use it, but it’s not like breaking my immersion or anything, it makes *enough* sense for it to be in the game, and I’ll I have to do is not use those mounts if I don’t want to. Simple as that.
    ESO YouTube Content Creator & Templar Tank/Healer Main
  • CGPsaint
    What colour is Magic?

    Or, rather, what colour isn't Magic?

    Magic is Lore. Conjuring a magical steed in a world of magic feels far more intuitive to me than whistling up an ordinary, living, flesh and bone sorrel horse out of nowhere.

    I think the lack of flashy, bright colours in earlier games may have been due to the old, low-powered tech they ran on. I remember that Skyrim had big graphics problems with anything but the plainest of textures when it was released.

    If you don't know, then I really must recommend The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett!

  • RaddlemanNumber7
    CGPsaint wrote: »
    What colour is Magic?

    Or, rather, what colour isn't Magic?

    Magic is Lore. Conjuring a magical steed in a world of magic feels far more intuitive to me than whistling up an ordinary, living, flesh and bone sorrel horse out of nowhere.

    I think the lack of flashy, bright colours in earlier games may have been due to the old, low-powered tech they ran on. I remember that Skyrim had big graphics problems with anything but the plainest of textures when it was released.

    If you don't know, then I really must recommend The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett!

    I do know :) I re-read it for the umpteenth time only a couple of weeks ago.

    From the look of it, I don't think some of the people here would enjoy octarine much ;)
    PC EU
  • Alpheu5
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    As far as I can tell (and, to be fair, I've never made a study of it), the flashy mounts, flashy pets, flashy outfits, flashy emotes, etc., are generally the most expensive items in the Crown Store, and often cost large amounts of Crown Gems or Seals of Endeavor rather than Crowns, so it could require a lot of Crown Crate purchases to get the specific items a player is interested in. Yet based on the number of flashy mounts and so on I see, it's obvious that a lot of players must really enjoy those flashy items if they're willing to spend so much time and/or money on acquiring them. And the players who want those types of items but who have little hope of acquiring them are always complaining about the cost.

    A lot of people are more interested in items due to rarity or things that grab attention in general, not necessarily because they're flashy or shiny. I'd bet my bottom dollar that if they added a static boulder that slid across the ground and played "Sway as We Kiss" on loop as a radiant mount you'd still have people riding it around just for the stupid factor.
    Dalek-Rok - Argonian Sorcerer || Dalek-Shād - Argonian Nightblade || Dalek-Shul - Argonian Templar || Dalek-Xal - Argonian Dragonknight || Mounts-the-Snout - Argonian Warden || Dalek-Xul - Argonian Necromancer || Two-Spires - Argonian Arcanist || Dalek-Nesh - Argonian Sorcerer || Dalek-Kör - Argonian Dragonknight
    Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
  • Major_Toughness
    AstroST wrote: »
    I just hope they put a toggle on the Grim Focus glow as for some reason a lot of casuals hate it, but I REALLY don't want to lose it. One.of the most minimal but good looking skill effects going.

    Casuals? Why people that hates the costant permaglow given by a skill should be casuals?
    I hate it, but I have 45k achievments, all the PvP achievments done and most of the HM in trials/DLC dungeon done, would you call me a casual?


    As a NB when I actually play the game anyway I have the red glow from path, red glow from grim focus, maybe full red bubble of phantasmal.
    Having a red glowing mount just means I have that aesthetic all the time.

    I just hope they put a toggle on the Grim Focus glow as for some reason a lot of casuals hate it, but I REALLY don't want to lose it. One.of the most minimal but good looking skill effects going.

    In terms of people being annoyed with the grim focus change, the issue isn't with the glow itself, it's the fact that it's always on, in combat or not, just for having it slotted because if the permanent activation change.

    The red glows from the other NB skills don't happen until you use them. They'd come off a lot different if they functioned like new grim focus.

    I always recast the abilities anyway if I'm not in combat.

    Same for on other classes I'll recast Hurricane, have Overload active, or Flames of Oblivion.

    Otherwise every class looks the same, and the effects look good.
    Edited by Major_Toughness on August 28, 2023 10:52PM
    PC EU > You
  • Remathilis
    Marcus684 wrote: »
    there's been RGB lightshow cosmetics for a long while now. they aren't going away.

    embrace it, ignore it, or move on.

    Or ask for toggles/sliders.

    Pretty please, ZOS?

    Maybe they could put in a toggle that returns everyone to the original racial motifs (undyed, of course) and purchasable horses? Or disables the outfit system and costumes and makes everyone appear wearing the actual armor they are wearing? I'm sure that would be popular.
  • Muizer
    Remathilis wrote: »
    Marcus684 wrote: »
    there's been RGB lightshow cosmetics for a long while now. they aren't going away.

    embrace it, ignore it, or move on.

    Or ask for toggles/sliders.

    Pretty please, ZOS?

    Maybe they could put in a toggle that returns everyone to the original racial motifs (undyed, of course) and purchasable horses? Or disables the outfit system and costumes and makes everyone appear wearing the actual armor they are wearing? I'm sure that would be popular.

    I think dyeing is ok, but otherwise this is something I'd probably use.
    Please stop making requests for game features. ZOS have enough bad ideas as it is!
  • Vaqual
    [Snip]. If the game loses its appeal to the general audience the whales won't stick around either. The best formula for long term success is a good and solid product and not short term squeezing.

    In that sense I think customizability is the way to go. You basically get to sell "hiding ugly [Snip] as feature. Should be an option for some skills, too. Like replacing skills animations with (sensible) generics. Same for weapon enchantments.

    [Edited for Minor bashing and profanity bypass]
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on August 30, 2023 12:52PM
  • edward_frigidhands
    I am here for whichever direction this thread goes.
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