Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Everything in my bank is gone/deleted while playing

  • manaek05rwb17_ESO
    Tweek wrote: »
    Well, Ive posted my ticket data (obviously, the ticket is marked as "solved"). Did anyone actually got his issues fixed after DT? Never heard of such thing.

    In the meantime, I have a proposition. Since now some of us have lots of monkeys (I have 3 for instance), lets send them to CS to replace the agents, they will clearly do a better job than whoever is there at this moment.

    No one has been fixed. Not one customer.

    They tell you, they cannot restore the items or gold and to make a new character. My friend lost 50K and all his crafting mats because of this garbage, and then he quit. I'm thinking of doing the same before it happens to me.

    Tell your friend to check all of his alts inventory. I thought my crafting stash was gone as well, was on the verge of ragequiting too, then went to check my alt's inventory and found items randomly spread over my alts. Was a pain in the ass to get it sorted properly, but in the end, all of the important stuff, like purple upgrade mats were there.

  • 7788b14_ESO
    Osi wrote: »
    I wonder if this is tied in with doing major group dungeons. I've never done one at all on this account and have zero problems with inventory.

    Definitely not. Too widespread. It -may- have to do with going between characters while the server is experiencing problems. It bugs out and recognizes your log in as the first, resends your CE items, and resets some things like inventory and bank space.

    I've done that. I have four characters I'm constantly bouncing between. I tried it right as the server went down for maintenance, I've been checking for vamp spawns so I have a character already at the spawn point. Dungeons are widespread and a lot of people do them but not everyone. Perhaps I should stop playing until this thing gets fixed.
    Edited by 7788b14_ESO on April 13, 2014 7:29PM
  • angelyn
    I lost everything in my bank at 10:55 this morning. By 15:55 I got my stuff back. I've just realised that the extra slots I bought for my bank are now lost. Ticket number 140413-049598. If I can't get the space back, I'd like the gold back that I spent on it.
  • Mophet
    Very annoyed customer here as well. I too just logged into my game after having a break for food and find I've lost almost 10,000g and all my trade materials. I spent most of the weekend grinding from level 6 to 18 and making that gold to have it and my materials taken from me like this is just unfair and GGGrrrr not words.
    I feel for the people that has lost even more than me and hope ZeniMax does something to try and redeem my trust as Im just not going to play a game where all my game time is rewarded with an empty bank.
  • Eldaresb16_ESO
    The Same happened to me to on the EU-Server... Bank back to 60; Gold missing, freshly bought ores gone, well thats fun...
  • quatzacoatlb16_ESO
    why is no one responding to this... i just logged back ingame and the only mail i have is from the same goldseller 3-4 times. Maybe we should let them sort things out they seem to wanna do everything for money and they dont seem to have any issues with all of this.

    Seriously the communication with their customers is so bad it's not even funny anymore. In this day and age there are so many platforms to communicate with. Have they learned nothing from the 150 or so MMo's out there.....
  • Liekos
    Their response in my support ticket:

    Helping you is our passion!

    We will assume your issue has been resolved if we do not hear from you within 168 hours.

    If your issue has not been resolved, you can respond directly to this email. We look forward to working with you again should you need us!
    I lost all items in my bank, and my bank changed from a 90 slot back to the defa...

    Response By Email (Nicole) (04/13/2014 04:21 PM)
    Greetings Traveler!

    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team. We are currently investigating a fix for the issue regarding bank space. We are confident at this time that no slots and no items have been lost, and that we will be able to return your belongings to you in a future patch.

    We recommend that players not purchase additional bank spaces, as they may be lost when this is fixed in an upcoming patch. If you are out of room and need to purchase more bank slots, please contact customer support once this issue is resolved, and we will be happy to assist you.

    We apologize for the inconvenience, and ask that you please bear with us as we work on a solution.
  • cheeser123
    - First & Last Name
    - Date of Birth
    - Both email addresses used on your account
    - The last 4 digits of transaction or PayPal ID

    This is ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS. Customer support should NEVER ask for this type of information, especially over an insecure channel like email.

    Set up a secure customer service website or find a way to do customer support without asking for Paypal login details over email.
    Edited by cheeser123 on April 13, 2014 9:02PM
  • VertigoTX
    cheeser123 wrote: »
    - First & Last Name
    - Date of Birth
    - Both email addresses used on your account
    - The last 4 digits of transaction or PayPal ID

    This is ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS. Customer support should NEVER ask for this type of information, especially over an insecure channel like email.

    Set up a secure customer service website or find a way to do customer support without asking for Paypal login details over email.

    I absolutely agree with you. I filled out the web support form and choose telephone based communication. I got an email asking for similar information. I'm not sending that via insecure email.

  • Brimmer
    I got the bug as well. Lost my stored cash items and bank slots. My I got a reply today saying:

    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team.

    I'm sorry you ran into this issue. We are currently investigating a fix for the issue regarding bank space.
    We are confident at this time that no slots and no items have been lost, and that we will be able to return your belongings to you in a future patch. We recommend that players not purchase additional bank spaces, as they may be lost when this is fixed in an upcoming patch. If you are out of room and need to purchase more bank slots, please contact us again once this issue is resolved, and we will be happy to assist you.
    We apologize for the inconvenience, and ask that you please bear with us as we work on a solution.
    If there's anything else that you might require assistance with, please don't refrain from summoning us, we'll be glad to help you out.

    May Nocturnal keep you safe
    Alexandre C.
    The Elder Scrolls Online Team

    Question Reference # 140413-097023
    Date Created: 04/13/2014 03:38 PM
    Date Last Updated: 04/13/2014 03:42 PM
    Status: Solved

    Even if they do return the lost gold, items and slots "soon" it doesn't resolve the huge issue of lost game time. You fill your inventory far too quickly to be able to play without the bank. And if you're crazy enough to do so, you'll out level the zone and now you can't return to the lower zones for cash/gear since ESO poor game design makes it so if you're 6 levels above an area you get zero loot from mobs, which also is a horrible design for social aspects. Why help peers when you could take potential gear damage and get nothing in return to repair damages?

    Side note: Game time earlier in the game's life is valued much higher than later. As the price of items will drop hugely within days due to supply and demand. So not only are those affected by this bug losing our game time, we're losing the overall value our items held.
  • phaneub17_ESO
    Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.

    I figured it wouldn't happen again seeing maybe the first time it did the reset because of the game's true launch date would interfere with the Early Access causing the first wipe. I just got my second time wiped and I had invested more upgrades this time.

    From what I'm seeing is when you're swapping between characters too quickly logging out then logging in with another character, the internal system sometimes thinks that the character coming in is not linked to an account and treats you as a new player. This in turn gives you a fresh new bank that initially looks empty with all your items gone, sets to the default 60 slots, and no gold. It also sends you whatever "new player" package from explorer's pack again; I'm on my third set with 3 Monkeys, 6 Mudcrabs, 3 Rings of Mara, 3 Scuttlers, and even more Map packs! On top of that because it thinks you're a new player it reset your ability to Skip the Tutorial for new characters created and whatever guilds you are in also get a slight reset on your part as well.
  • Saerydoth
    I have a theory. I'm wondering if it's a remote possibility that this bug is being caused by having alts who skipped the Coldharbor tutorial.

    I have 2 alts, but I did the tutorial on both of mine. It's a shot in the dark at least...if we know what everyone who has the problem has in common, it at least gives us a chance of avoiding it if it hasn't happened to us yet.
  • Furytheoriginal
    Same thing happened to me... dumped a bunch into the bank bringing it back to 100/100 logged out and logged in a crafter... everything was reset.. bank was at 0/60 and I got all the emails saying welcome to the game...

    Seeing that people have been waiting on this to be fixed since April 1 does not give me warm fuzzies that they even have a handle on how to fix it much less restore it properly considering the loss of crafting time and the loss of profits on crafting legendary items for people...
  • VertigoTX
    Saerydoth wrote: »
    I have a theory. I'm wondering if it's a remote possibility that this bug is being caused by having alts who skipped the Coldharbor tutorial.

    In my case, no. All characters have played Coldharbor. Now I didn't get the "new CE items, bank wiped" bug. I got hit with "no inv, no bank inv, no horse, no skills, no skill points". They may not be the same root cause.

  • Thepal
    Saerydoth wrote: »
    I have a theory. I'm wondering if it's a remote possibility that this bug is being caused by having alts who skipped the Coldharbor tutorial.

    Same as VertigoTX. I've played Coldharbor with all my characters.

    There isn't a specific "You did this" cause for it. It's simply the server is doing something it shouldn't, probably having a time-out error when requested for account details when a character logs in (at which point it decides the account doesn't exist and resets everything).
  • TurkeyBurgers
    I just experienced this on my main about 30 minutes ago. 90 bank slots full of epics and stacks of rare crafting materials, the vanity pets that come with the special edition, my maps, my gold. Everything is gone. I am wiped out. All of my alts banks are reduced to a 60 slots and all of my items are gone. I opened up a support ticket as fast as I could.

    I guess this will decide if I stay subscribed to ESO.

    What does my money get me?

    I am paying a subscription, certainly they will have people competent enough to resolve this by restoring my items, my gold, and my bank tabs.

    No way would Bethesda pull an EA games on us and simply ignore this problem and refuse to make it right. I don't want to believe they would. I will hold out hope because I still believe in them and I know in my heart they are not some EA game company who does not care about the consumers who are shelling out $160 a year subscription plus $60+ for the game. Certainly over 200 dollars gets some great customer service?

    PLEASE fix this and restore my banks and my items and my gold! I really want to be able to give you my money. Please don't make me move onto another game and reverse the charges for the sub I added after the first free 30 days!

    Patiently waiting for a response and resolution for this.

    Support ticket # 140413-120998
  • Tweek
    I just experienced this on my main about 30 minutes ago. 90 bank slots full of epics and stacks of rare crafting materials, the vanity pets that come with the special edition, my maps, my gold. Everything is gone. I am wiped out. All of my alts banks are reduced to a 60 slots and all of my items are gone. I opened up a support ticket as fast as I could.

    I guess this will decide if I stay subscribed to ESO.

    What does my money get me?

    I am paying a subscription, certainly they will have people competent enough to resolve this by restoring my items, my gold, and my bank tabs.

    No way would Bethesda pull an EA games on us and simply ignore this problem and refuse to make it right. I don't want to believe they would. I will hold out hope because I still believe in them and I know in my heart they are not some EA game company who does not care about the consumers who are shelling out $160 a year subscription plus $60+ for the game. Certainly over 200 dollars gets some great customer service?

    PLEASE fix this and restore my banks and my items and my gold! I really want to be able to give you my money. Please don't make me move onto another game and reverse the charges for the sub I added after the first free 30 days!

    Patiently waiting for a response and resolution for this.

    Support ticket # 140413-120998

    From what my buddy tells me you aren't going to get your stuff back....once you get hit with this bug all of your items and gold are gone and there is nothing they can really do about it. They will not give you your items or gold back from what I have read and seen.

    My friend lost over 50K gold and about 15 epics and a ton of temp alloys and kuta runes worth about 1K-5K each. It took customer support three days to answer my friend by changing his ticket to "escalated" then they sent him a jokey retort about mudcrabs getting at his items......he was nauseated and canceled his sub.

    Speaking of subs he has 100K+ followers on youtube and is making a video about this whole experience right now and encouraging his friend of 750K+ subs to do the same. Great for the game I would imagine.

    I really hope Zenimax publicly states they're giving everyone their lost items and gold back, otherwise this game is going to go downhill very fast.

    Gotta say this is all a shame...cause I really love this game.

    Edited by Tweek on April 13, 2014 10:59PM
  • Vehementi
    Soul Shriven
    Tweek wrote: »

    Speaking of subs he has 100K+ followers on youtube and is making a video about this whole experience right now and encouraging his friend of 750K+ subs to do the same. Great for the game I would imagine.

    Wow dude that's so hardcore and impressive! Zenimax better get their act together or suffer the wrath of some guys with youtube followers!
    I really hope Zenimax publicly states they're giving everyone their lost items and gold back, otherwise this game is going to go downhill very fast.

    In your haste to sound awesome, connected and important you missed that they already did that. Oops.
    Edited by Vehementi on April 13, 2014 11:09PM
  • Tweek
    Vehementi wrote: »
    Tweek wrote: »

    Speaking of subs he has 100K+ followers on youtube and is making a video about this whole experience right now and encouraging his friend of 750K+ subs to do the same. Great for the game I would imagine.

    Wow dude that's so hardcore and impressive! Zenimax better get their act together or suffer the wrath of some guys with youtube followers!
    I really hope Zenimax publicly states they're giving everyone their lost items and gold back, otherwise this game is going to go downhill very fast.

    In your haste to sound awesome, connected and important you missed that they already did that. Oops.


    lawl you keep bein awesome broski
  • Thepal
    Tweek wrote: »
    From what my buddy tells me you aren't going to get your stuff back....once you get hit with this bug all of your items and gold are gone and there is nothing they can really do about it. They will not give you your items or gold back from what I have read and seen.

    My friend lost over 50K gold and about 15 epics and a ton of temp alloys and kuta runes worth about 1K-5K each. It took customer support three days to answer my friend by changing his ticket to "escalated" then they sent him a jokey retort about mudcrabs getting at his items......he was nauseated and canceled his sub.

    Speaking of subs he has 100K+ followers on youtube and is making a video about this whole experience right now and encouraging his friend of 750K+ subs to do the same. Great for the game I would imagine.

    I really hope Zenimax publicly states they're giving everyone their lost items and gold back, otherwise this game is going to go downhill very fast.

    Gotta say this is all a shame...cause I really love this game.

    Zenimax has stated they are giving the items back. Most of the items should be back in after giving in a Customer Service request, and the rest (money/slots) will be restored once they fix the problem.
  • EvaXenoPhon
    This is somewhat of a reposted comment. Just wanted to pick a couple of the more popular threads about this issue to state my grievance and to keep public awareness that this bug is still happening.

    The same thing has just happened to me: bought the 90 slots today, bank was practically filled up, was playing "who gets what" between my crafting characters and--when I loaded with one of my characters--my bank was empty and lost all upgrades.

    I quickly logged out and back in--some of my stuff returned, but--since the bank caps out at 60 slots--I lost approximately 30 items and thousands of gold in upgrades. Thank goodness I didn't try to exchange any more money between characters.

    From what it sounds like from skimming over this thread--this issue hasn't been resolved yet nor has everyone been properly helped in their situation...

    Off to post a Support Ticket I guess...

    G'luck everyone!
  • eou72b16_ESO
    I just had the bank bug happen to me as well. Bank was reset from 80 slots to 60 slots. I also had 2000gp in bank which is now gone Can I get my 2 slot purchases back as well as my gold? I have 56 out of 60 items in bank now but I previously had around 7--80 items so who knows what items got randomly deleted as well. This bug is a game changer if not fixed.
  • Rotherhans
    From what I'm seeing is when you're swapping between characters too quickly logging out then logging in with another character, the internal system sometimes thinks that the character coming in is not linked to an account and treats you as a new player.
    OH MY GOD !
    I soooo hope it´s not that!!
    If they fix it with a "Character Swap meditation minute" a la LOTRO then I´m definitely not buying more subs!!! > :(

    Really hope ZMax starts showing some competence in their database debugging and coding.
    “I'm not going out of my way looking for devils;
    but I wouldn't step out of my path to let one go by.”― Robert E. Howard
  • hippy777b14a_ESO
    Here is a gif to demonstrate your place in line for getting help! (jokes)
  • Altairien
    Rotherhans wrote: »
    If they fix it with a "Character Swap meditation minute" a la LOTRO then I´m definitely not buying more subs!!! > :(
    That's actually caused by the amount of character data being loaded. Normal, leveling LOTRO characters are huge due to the number of deeds, quests, skills, etc. in the game. However, I can swap non-leveling mules in LOTRO all day extremely quickly, just a couple of seconds each, without any issue and I don't even have an SSD. I swapped character many hundreds of times simultaneously using 4 accounts during the last Yule Festival. My main character, however, with all his active and completed quests, open and completed deeds (completionist here), etc., takes half a minute to load.

    ESO's issue is data integrity. They simply don't have it nailed down. My guess is that things are now suddenly much worse (loss of character data now! stats, gear, etc.) because they tried to fix the bank slots bug and didn't properly regression test the fix.

  • TurkeyBurgers
    Rotherhans wrote: »
    From what I'm seeing is when you're swapping between characters too quickly logging out then logging in with another character, the internal system sometimes thinks that the character coming in is not linked to an account and treats you as a new player.
    OH MY GOD !
    I soooo hope it´s not that!!
    If they fix it with a "Character Swap meditation minute" a la LOTRO then I´m definitely not buying more subs!!! > :(

    Really hope ZMax starts showing some competence in their database debugging and coding.

    As of right now having multiple bank alts to hold all of your items is absolutely necessary and essential.

    I have one bank alt that holds herbs/water for my crafter alts potions.

    One bank alt that holds enchanting supplies for my alts enchanting.

    One bank alt that holds only blue items to save them and disenchant them latter once I get 3/3 in extracting.

    One bank alt that holds all of my wood/metal/gems/cloth/leather.

    Then in the main bank I keep my epics, rares, unique, maps, gold, vanity pets, trinkets.

    You can't even send mail between alts so they make it mandatory to log in and out with different alts.

    Gotta say this is one of the worst banking systems I have ever seen. Then to have such an incredibly game breaking progress halting bug like this being a direct result of a horrible banking/alt mechanic.

    Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable.

  • Saerydoth
    Rotherhans wrote: »
    From what I'm seeing is when you're swapping between characters too quickly logging out then logging in with another character, the internal system sometimes thinks that the character coming in is not linked to an account and treats you as a new player.
    OH MY GOD !
    I soooo hope it´s not that!!
    If they fix it with a "Character Swap meditation minute" a la LOTRO then I´m definitely not buying more subs!!! > :(

    Really hope ZMax starts showing some competence in their database debugging and coding.

    That is an *excellent* theory. I noticed that when you quit or log out, it states that if you log out immediately then your character will remain logged in on the server. If people get impatient, have a super fast computer, and do that and get back into the game on an alt before the first character logs off properly, that is a possible explanation. I HAVE noticed that quite a lot of reports of this started when the servers started having lag issues lag night.

    I've always waited the full 10 seconds to log out, I haven't ever forced the process, and it hasn't happened to me. Now, I believe fully in Murphy's Law, so I fully expect it to happen to me now and invalidate this theory. But it's a great idea. Keep the speculations coming. Everyone that this has happened to has *something* in common.
    Edited by Saerydoth on April 13, 2014 11:55PM
  • Furytheoriginal
    The best part is the ambiguous response of "it will be fixed in a future patch" and then to recommend not to try and expand your bank again or you will loose those items...

    Things like this are a game breaker to me... I can put up with a lot on a launch but when you are being penalized and not able to play the game like everyone else nor keep up with the crafting of legendary items because all your mats and cash are gone... it just leaves a bad taste in your mouth

    I am giving them until the day before my subscription comes up to rectify it... if there isn't a fix by then I will migrate to something that works.... it's a shame too because I really like the game. Considering however that this bug is already a confirmed 12 days old, I do not have much faith in the devs fixing it very soon...

    I hope I am wrong
  • SilentFox22
    My bank upgrades just reset on me today, lost my 90 slots of bank space - back to 60. Some items went into my inventory it seems. Lost the 2 gold in the bank plus all the gold spent upgrading to 90 bank spaces. >.<

    I can't believe how old this bug is! >.<

    How very discouraging. I think it's time for a break. D;
  • atwon23
    Just received my Collectors edition stuff for the 2nd time when logging on to an alt. Went to check my bank and everything was gone. So I logged out and logged back in on my main and found my bank was reset to 60 slots and any items over 60 are still missing. I didn't have any money in the bank luckily as I have been keeping it on alts just in case.
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