Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)


  • HoAxZoR
    Former LOTRO player... left shortly after Helms Deep release. 6 months later and no new changes.

    Had five lvl 95 toons (Tunsall/Thondui/Thondune/Elcapitun/Klyed), played on Vilya. Any familiars find me in game @hoaxzor / DC
    Edited by HoAxZoR on April 2, 2014 11:27AM
    Server - NA
    Guild - Knights Valor

    v16 Redguard DK - Tunsall (DC)
    v16 Wood Elf NB - Mc Sneaks (DC)
    v16 High Elf Sorc - Elcapitun (DC)
    v16 Breton Temp - Thondui (DC)
  • Armitas
    Played Lotro for 5-6 years. Still a great game just no longer a great game for me personally.

    Meneldor - Armitas (captain) R11
    Crickhollow - NoobCrusher (reaver)

    Currently with Revenant in EbonHeart Pact.
    Edited by Armitas on April 2, 2014 5:05PM
    Nord mDK
  • Icekiro
    Soul Shriven
    Hey Everyone, I had a 3 level 85 toons, been playing for about 3 years, and I couldn't even bring myself to level to 95. I played a Warden (Eolmund) RK (Icekiro) and LM (Aeratheion). My friend @Sutna posted earlier, but we're a Lotro Kin (Wizards Fire) from Nimrodel, we're the oldest kin on the server and most of us lost interest after HD.

    If you're interested in joining First Age, We're more than happy to harbor some more Lotro Refugees. Either send me In-Game Mail @Icekiro or Hop on our vent server IP: Port: 8429 Password: pvpgeeks. We're interested in all aspects of the game from raiding to crafting and PvP, Feel free to hop on anytime betwee 6:00pm and 12:00pm and you're sure to find people!
    Edited by Icekiro on April 2, 2014 2:16PM
  • Perelik
    Soul Shriven
    Halarandir rank 15 champion from Meneldor here, im also with The Revenant in Ebonheart Pact.

    I really Hope Eso wont mess with their classes :expressionless:
    Edited by Perelik on April 2, 2014 2:05PM
  • Winnower
    LoTRO from Landroval; I've been in Aes Sidhe, Remnant, LMB, Concerning Hobbits.

    I'll never leave LoTRO completely; tried that with SW:TOR which was a huge (just HUGE) disappointment after the first 6 months due to the subversion of the game to the Cartel Market.

    Nonetheless I expect to be on hiatus from LoTRO for quite some time while I enjoy TESO.
    VR14 Templar, VR14 DK, VR8 DK, VR7 NB, VR1 Sorcerer;
    All 3 Alliances;
    2 Pre-order Imperial Accounts, yes that means 16 characters on NA alone
  • Nicolyne
    I played LOTRO on the Gladden server!
  • fredarbonab14_ESO
    Played on Landroval for 6 straight years, till Rohan and then just stopped once they went so deep into solo, casual and easy-mode. Great game, great run. IF the new developers bring back the original formula, I am sure many will be back. Good luck to all in this new land.
  • Darlgon
    Lotro vet here too. Most wadens and ardens know my handle from the forums. My kin had seven move from Meneldor to here with the early access. Some have lifetime, others of us are just waiting for our subs to run out.
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • Grimas
    Played LOTRO from Beta till about time it went F2P then lost interest like most of friends....

    switched to SWTOR but the end game didnt do it for me.

    Been waiting for this game for awhile and am really enjoying it. I love the exploration.

    Still using the same name in game as I did LOTRO so if you know me from LOTRO send me a pm.

    I was one of the first Hobbit tanks in Lotro. On my server any ways.

    Grimas - Imperial DK Tank - DC
  • Bloodsip
    LoTRO Player with 4 lifetime accounts here. Bloodsip on Silverload is my main and now playing as an AD in ESO. Will be back to LoTRO once they do something else after HD. Pretty much have raided the game out, nothing to do but move on.....
  • Mie87
    It's sad lotro has become so boring. It really pains me to see what the game has become.
    I absolutely loved it for many years!
  • drschplatt
    Bloodsip wrote: »
    LoTRO Player with 4 lifetime accounts here. Bloodsip on Silverload is my main and now playing as an AD in ESO. Will be back to LoTRO once they do something else after HD. Pretty much have raided the game out, nothing to do but move on.....

    Hey Bloodsip, Widoch here from SIlverlode - Order of the Silver Flame, send me a PM with your @ID, it would be nice to see some familiar faces in game. There are quite a few more of us that came over from Silverlode as well.

    I'm still playing LOTRO as my main game, and I'll see if this one grabs my attention at all.
    Foräois - Imperial Sorcerer of Ineptitude.
    Widoch - Nord Dragon Knight of Ignorance.
    Billy Bob - Dunmer Templar of Chicken and Noodles.
    Blades of Vengeance
  • chaosngn_ESO
    Chani, Pheywen, Phanatx, and Virginous are here from The Covenant. Yes, that Covenant... If you played at release, you might remember us. Hit us up for an invite. My main is Walsingham.
    Edited by chaosngn_ESO on April 2, 2014 3:39PM
  • Bloodsip
    drschplatt wrote: »
    Bloodsip wrote: »
    LoTRO Player with 4 lifetime accounts here. Bloodsip on Silverload is my main and now playing as an AD in ESO. Will be back to LoTRO once they do something else after HD. Pretty much have raided the game out, nothing to do but move on.....

    Hey Bloodsip, Widoch here from SIlverlode - Order of the Silver Flame, send me a PM with your @ID, it would be nice to see some familiar faces in game. There are quite a few more of us that came over from Silverlode as well.

    I'm still playing LOTRO as my main game, and I'll see if this one grabs my attention at all.

    Awesome and Done...

  • Castielle
    Seeing all these people from Lotro coming here and banding together is actually making me smile...even though the servers have been down nearly 12 hours... :smiley:

  • eirimuilb14_ESO
    Lifer. The dumbing down of cross-breed pipeweed started it for me; Isenguard finished it. Think I have finally found a new home here.
  • mrkaco_ESO
    Mrkaco - Rank 15 Hunter - Meneldor

    Here with several people from The Revenant and Elite Squad.
  • DameTitania
    Lifer here too...Landroval and Laurelin. I still play from time to time.
  • angel01
    Played Lotro almost since it started with my husband on Arkenstone and had 6 toons leveled to 65. It was when they started changing everything that we lost a lot of interest in the game. We switched to Rift and played that for over a year. I have now decided to give this a try and it seems promising. I will however miss my house and the AH in Lotro and Rift. It was such a wonderful game, I wish they wouldn't have made so many changes to it. It is nice to see that the Lotro people are sticking together!
  • Afor
    Lotro from Elendilmir. lvl 95 Warden and lvl 95 Hunter. lvl 65 Rk . In ESO im a Imperial in the EbonHeart Pact my character name is Senril. i will join you guys
  • scoupster
    I'm a lifer on Silverload. I only log in to update the guild hall which is almost out of members. wasn't aware of the level increase so high all of my alts are around 65
  • Miraculous
    I'm seeing a lot of different guilds being thrown around: I'm just going to leave this here: @sophmira.
  • Seanb0y16
    Lifetimer from Snowbourn. Played for 5-6 years. Then helm's deep came out with not much to do end-game wise and began to spend even more time sitting in the auction hall.

    But then TESO came out :)
  • GruntDoc

    Hey folks, Tobiee Harfoot, Hobbit Burglar, Lifetimer and infamous "Warlord of Angmar" here. Nice to see all the Middle Earth Alumni gathered for ESO.
    (Tobiee got his "Warlord" title way back in early 2008 but even after all these years, it still makes me chuckle to think that a wee Hobbit from the Shire could be a Warlord of ANYTHING!!!)

  • sinraven1642
    Soul Shriven
    cinderbloom from brandywine ^_^ don't really play much anymore tho.. been floating between lotro and rift, and I think ill be here for awhile
  • scratchnsniff
    Played a hunter in LOTRO. I am so bored, same old crap just released every update. I am the hero of Middle Earth, yet I have to wash dishes....really...

    PVP is so lame, if you are not in a raid, you get rolled. At least in ESO i can get kills and not be in the raid. Creeps have soo much health it is unreal. I am a VIP in Lotro, but will not renew.
    They call me the magic man.
    *** Now you see me***
    *** Now you don't ***
  • Elvent
    Yes I loved that game but couldn't make any friends, meet anybody or get any invites in a kinship so I felt bored always playing alone so I quit. I used to have a really good friend I used to play with years ago but she quit due to irl issues and I never heard from her again so that was it.

    Maybe the server I was on was dead or something? I think it was called silverlode or something, can't remember.

    It was a beautiful game though and had a really nice community back when I used to play it a lot before it went F2P.
  • Phinaeus
    Played from beta through now(LM on Elendilmir), but only barely maintaining a foot in the door in LotRO, at the moment. I just wanted to come over here to dip my toes in the water (potentially dangerous prospect in-game, I understand) to see how the MMO world is developing. Having enjoyed ES, I am curious to see how the fantastic ideas and interaction of the Bethesda world have been incorporated into ESO. I'm glad to see gamers from LotRO here; that can only make this atmosphere richer! Best wishes.
  • Aneira
    Old life timer on LOTRO here as well - Landroval server. I'm a pretty serious RPer, and my kinship is what drew me back most of the time. However, life would always get in the way eventually, and I wouldn't know the RP plot any more. Not to mention I would barely recognize my kinship any more. Sad. They were a great bunch.

    Wouldn't mind playing ESO with any of the Elentiri... :)
  • wjjosh_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I had a Champion, Saleem Snotnose, as my main on Firefoot and Syntch was my creep spider. Good times had with my creep Bad Guys buddies. I was more solo freep-side.

    Transitioned out of college and made priorities; left LotRo in the dust. Starting anew with this game.
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