Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)


  • Mulk
    minstrel on Landroval. I'm still in game on and off. It's kind of the security blanket I keep going back to.
  • Eldrenath
    We had a very large active guild with almost the same core of folks playing since at or near launch. A VERY large portion of the guild quite at the last expansion. Our guild leader sent out an email to all past members saying we were considering moving to ESO, and within a few days we had 30+ members that had pre-ordered and joined us in early access, all drawn from our previous LOTRO guild (the majority of whom had been active in LOTRO right up to the most recent expansion). So far nearly everyone is loving ESO and glad to have made the switch.

    I don't work for Turbine and certainly do not have access to hard data on their numbers, I can only speak from my experience. And we had a guild with MANY long-term LOTRO players with lifetime accounts that had played since at or near launch and the vast majority quit after Helms Deep. I think it unlikely that my experience is entirely unique...
    Edited by Eldrenath on April 1, 2014 5:54PM
  • Bragauk
    Lifer here from Landroval. Still login from time to time just no one I know plays anymore. Here for the long haul I hope.
  • Kangas
    @Kangas same name as on Meneldor LOTRO server.

    Lotro is dead. Went to RIFT ro great raiding. over1 year ago.

    I will continue Rift while I wait to see ESO endgame.
    Will happily quit ESO of raiding sucks.
  • Varko
    I was playing eso last night and it reminded me of my lotro days. Just the feel and immersion.
  • Caran
    LotRO life-time member since release. Burglar and Hunter on Belegaer.
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    Lifetime, kin leader, hunter, eldar server here. With no new raids, boring big battles and faceroll content most of my kin has stopped playing.

    Had some amazing times in LOTRO, very sad to see it decline year after year.

    But I'm glad to be in eso and leave all the frustration behind.

    There are 16 of us playing together on EU server, all lotto vets welcome @finmartigan
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • stevvvob16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Elvish Warden
    Loved Lotro until the mirkwood expansion came and destroyed the level of difficulty.
    I hope Tamriel is able to catch me as LotRO did.

    Good to see old companions! :)

  • Gedalya
    Fellow LOTRO veteran here; but TES has always been a favorite so I've been patiently waiting for TESO to arrive. I'm not anticipating playing any other MMOs for the foreseeable future other than TESO and WoT. Speaking of WoT; can we get a role-call? Duck crossing?!
    Baskin Robbins always finds out.

    Check out my ESO name generator:
  • Daraugh
    I still have my Lotro account, but log on less and less. I really liked raiding with kinnies, but that's been gone for a while now. I have two mains, a hunter (duo'd with my husband's guard) and an LM. Played on Landroval in Mormegil Legacy for 3+ years and looking forward to some good pvp with TESO now. I won't ever leave Lotro, but needed a break while Turbine does.... well I'm not sure what they're doing.. Hoping to find some other Landys or kinnies here :)
    Edited by Daraugh on April 2, 2014 3:48PM
    May all beings have happiness
    May they be free from suffering
    May they find the joy that has never known suffering
    May they be free from attachment and hatred
  • Surragard
    Used to be active in LOTRO as a Champion. Don't remember the server anymore. I was in the Riders of the Mearas guild and played under the same handle Surragard.
    I don't always drink Skooma, but when I do I go to the Southwall Corner Club. May you walk on warm sands my friends.
  • JoeBenet
    Hi all,

    I played on Landroval as a Loremaster... My id here is @JoeBenet
  • madterryk
    Lifetime Lotro player here from the Elendilmir server. After Faildormore in Rohan last year I was ready to walk away from lotro. Helm's Deep and big blunders finally pushed me to not caring about the game.

    Until ESO came out there was no other game that grabbed my interest. One taste Cyrodil and I knew where I wanted to be.

    Most of my lotro kin is in ESO now. Seems like the majority of us will be staying.
  • RubyTigress
    Active in Lotro, and a kinleader still.

    It is entirely possible to enjoy more than 1 game. Hope you have a great time.
  • phermitgb
    current Captain on Landroval, just checking out ESO to see if it can do some of the things I like in games that the LOTRO engine doesn't do.

    I'd love to meet up with fellow LOTRO players here, as the community of Landroval was by far and away the greatest attraction to the game for me - however, the surprising amount of hate for post LOTRO makes me wary - I'm still enjoying the game, again, mostly for the people, and while I'll admit that many of the recent changes were...unsettling, they're not terrible. Just...different.

    anyway, if people feel like finding me and can stomach the fact that I *still* enjoy LOTRO (although it'd be 10 times better for me if they'd actually head north and start making Erebor, Dale and and the Grey Mountains regions), I'll be happy to reconnect with the stellar community (for the most part) from that game, here in Elder Scrolls Online

    I should be @phermitgb
    "There is no correct resolution; It's a test of character."
    James T. Kirk
  • abuniffpreub18_ESO
    I played lotro for about a year. Then I started playing ESO. My lotro sub runs out the 11th of this month and I won't be renewing. I don't know why but lotro started getting boring so it's time to move on. Having fun in ESO.
  • Throklin
    Soul Shriven
    LOTRO Arkenstone exile here. My Guardian Throklin was my main,played real steady for the first 3 years or so with The Riders of Rohan Kinship. Any other refugees see me on feel free to say hi and catch up.
  • Castielle
    I really miss Middle Earth, but enjoying my stay in Tamriel so far. Really pissed at Turbine for messing up what just may be my favorite game of all time...

  • Palamah
    Soul Shriven
    Another LOTRO lifetimer here, from the Eldar server, now playing on the EU megaserver in ESO.

    After the kinship my main (a minstrel) was in slowly diminished as people left the game during the most recent expansions into Rohan, I've found my I interest in the game has waned a lot (unsurprisingly). (Though it was nice on a recent login to find I'd accumulated enough free points to buy the latest expansion in the store for free...)

    So far ESO is letting the explorer in me have fun looking around a new yet partly familiar world :smile:. I hope that I can experience moments in this game like I experienced in LOTRO, like leaving the darkness of Moria at level 60 and entering the beautiful Lothlorien landscape for the first time.

    If anyone wants to hit me up on the EU server my ID should be @y2fatboy
  • srh501
    LOTRO here too. I play on Landroval. I love playing LOTRO and will keep playing. But I am a S l o w leveler, havnt reached HD yet Have 2 lifetime accounts and way too many alts. Going to play here too,,,,,,I hope. Still downloading the game since yesterday. It's going so very slow but I'll get in game sometime this month I think..hope to see you all there.
  • Baratan
    My problem with LOTRO, as a lifetime subscriber playing since Beta, is everything is disgustingly faceroll easymode.
  • Northman
    Loremaster on Windfola.
  • Path
    Lifetime LotRo. To date, best value for my gaming dollars. Left all games for over 2 years. Playing catch up on LotRo. One quest shy of acquiring my War Steed. I only play my main, Grace of Landroval. I haven't had the desire to re-learn my Warden. (Although Warden was the most compelling and difficult skill set I have encountered in any game. Love, hate, challenge thing)

    It is still a beautiful game as is our new home in ESO.
    Fairy Tales Really Do Come True...Kinda.
  • lePoissonRouge
    I was a LotRO player for a few years on Vilya, but every time I got to Moria I felt compelled to make a new character. That place just depressed the heck out of me T_T I actually made it out of Moria for a bit on my minstrel (name was Dreamia... Yeah I know, really girly name. I was in middle school so hush), but that was also about the time I lost interest in the game so I didn't play much after that.
  • Toadlicker
    Landroval full time creep here =). Trying out something new here with ESO, but after 6+ years of LOTRO only, I'm terribly confused. A LOTRO guild here is a great idea!
  • robynheraty_ESO
    Northman wrote: »
    Loremaster on Windfola.
    Same here. Haven't played in a long time, though. I probably won't go back, but I was totally missing the dyes from LOTRO today. My fat little granny nord toon needs a black robe and I can't find one for her.

  • martinhpb16_ESO
    Palamah wrote: »
    Another LOTRO lifetimer here, from the Eldar server, now playing on the EU megaserver in ESO.

    After the kinship my main (a minstrel) was in slowly diminished as people left the game during the most recent expansions into Rohan, I've found my I interest in the game has waned a lot (unsurprisingly). (Though it was nice on a recent login to find I'd accumulated enough free points to buy the latest expansion in the store for free...)

    So far ESO is letting the explorer in me have fun looking around a new yet partly familiar world :smile:. I hope that I can experience moments in this game like I experienced in LOTRO, like leaving the darkness of Moria at level 60 and entering the beautiful Lothlorien landscape for the first time.

    If anyone wants to hit me up on the EU server my ID should be @y2fatboy

    Hi mate Finmartigan from eldar here. You are welcome to join our guild of ex-elder players.

    @martigan02, to on name is the same as lotto, finmartigan. I will pm you ingame.
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • steerpike1979
    Yep, I consider lotro my first serious attempt at mmos. Started playing around RoI. I have a level-capped LM, Hunter and Warden on Vilya. I have really enjoyed the game but I seriously dislike the Helm's Deep expansion. I think I will probably make a home here at ESO. Been having a lot of fun here the last few days (other than quest bugs). Feel free to mail or message me; I always enjoy group play, and its a bit of a learning curve moving from LOTRO to ESO. :-)
  • heatherharris37
    Lotro player as well. Loved the game in the beginning, then not so much. I am not sure why Helms Deep was a let down. It had so much potential. Happy to be here in ESO!
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