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I feel like we LOTRO players should stick together. If you've played LOTRO (especially if you've played in Dwarrowdelf), go ahead and either comment here or mail me at @sophmira! I'd love to find as many LOTRO freeps as possible.
  • Fexelea
    Disenchanted with the end of raiding and the terribad expansion of table cleaning, excited to delve into ESO :smiley:
    Join the fan-powered community wiki for Elder Scrolls Online. All Eso Sets
    or check out the Dark Souls Wiki. We also have a Sekiro Wiki Bloodborne Wiki, Elden Ring Wiki and Dark Souls 3 Wiki

  • Castielle
    Former Captain here. Crickhollow server. Haven't played since Helm's Deep launched. The worst expansion ever released for an MMO to date.

  • dale0404
    Yep same here, lost all interest in LOTRO
  • Carraig
    LM and former kinship leader from WW here. After HD expansion boredom struck me and many kinnies. Once one of the largest kins decimated quick after HD. I hated PvMP in Lotro but PvP in ESO is very appealing.
    Knight-Captain of the Tamriel's Elite Sentinels ( EU server-PC)
    "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all."
  • Thybrinena
    Yes = Here.
    LOTRO = Awful.
  • Miraculous
    I was a Runekeeper, one of the higher ranked ones in Dwarrowdelf PvMP. I have quite the nostalgia for the game, but like you guys, I got bored after Lvl 65 was no longer the cap.

    For anyone interested: I'd love to accumulate LOTRO players in my guild, Welkynd. We're Ebonheart. Contact me however you wish.
  • Obinio
    Yup, former LOTRO player here. Though i'd never go back, far too dated.

    Add if you like (:
  • Reb
    Played lotro (snowbourn) from early beta :) and lifetime account afterwards

    i rarely log into it anymore, huge promise at the start then it kinda lost the plot :p

    Here for the foreseeable future
    Edited by Reb on April 1, 2014 11:38AM
  • Mie87
    Still have the lifetime account but it's just not as epic as it used to be any more :-)
  • Baratan
    < Lifetime account holder <
    Baratan from Vilya
  • Thete
    Played it now and then. Had a lot of really good features but lacked much content for level cap so I always ended up going back to other MMOs until the next expansion. Don't bother anymore as it stopped being worth it.
  • Coggage
    I play LotRO sometimes, but the game just doesn't hold my interest for long. It just seems so stolid and lacking in excitement. No idea why, as the game is decent enough.
  • Skinnerer
    I still play LOTRO with my wife, as it's the only game she will play. We're lifetimers, from release and just after.
    But, we spend a lot less time on it than we did.
    So, I'm here with my Planetside lot, and we'll see how that goes.
    Edited by Skinnerer on April 1, 2014 9:20AM
  • Runhent
    Hah, great topic! I'm still playing LOTRO from time to time - but far from US servers :smile: RU-Mirkwood, actually.
    Gilryne Telvanni, at your service.
    EU | Ebonheart Pact | ElderScrolls.Net & RuESO
  • Beryl
    LOTRO player and LoTR fan here.
    I still play LOTRO though even after all the class changes. Still have too many friends online to simply quit the game. Here I am just for a while, I do not feel that ESO can grab my attention for as many years as LOTRO did.
  • Daggers
    LOTRO vet here too, since day one. I played less after several characters to Rohan (played slow & social) and deciding that the latest generation of designers didn't have a clue what to do after they made everything God Mode with Helms Deep. Utter waste of a terrific license.
    The best things in life make you sweaty.
  • Aballister
    Lifetime snowbourn LM signing in
    Dark Elf Sorc(AD)
  • Celuwen
    Loved LOTRO, the community was one of the friendliest MMO's I've been in. Some of the later changes had me leaving though, sadly. Really loved the outfit customization. :smiley:

    I'm hoping the ESO community will be similar. :smile:
  • paul1606b16_ESO
    Long time from launch Lotro player. Stopped playing when Dunland was released, was way too much like Enedwaith for my tastes and from what I have read, I made a good choice. Sad in some ways as I love Tolkien.

    From there I went to Swtor for 12 months, then to GW2, then back to Swtor when pvp in GW2 was proven to be nothing more than mindless zerging.

    I lapsed my Swtor sub to come here, I think the pvp has the potential to be all that other MMOs were not. Sadly for me, I will not be subbing to this game however. The 3rd person camera view makes me awfully sick, and yes I know I can play 1st person, but I have never and will never enjoy that style of play. I can manage 20 mins then I have to stop, so no point pumping any coin into this now. The last game that did this to me, was 20 years ago, Escape from Castle Wolfenstien, so there is something fundamentally different here, than in all the other MMOs I have played all the way back to DAoC. Also, I did not have the issue in beta here, else I would not of bought the game.

    I doubt I will resub Swtor, the pvp is just a joke now compared to this, so perhaps some Rome Total War and sitting in the garden in the future while I wait to try Everquest Next!!

    Edited by paul1606b16_ESO on April 1, 2014 11:48AM
  • Nikolas
    Veteran Minstrel here :) loved LOTRO but hated nearly all the changes they made. Good to see you all
  • Fexelea
    That's quite a few lotro exiles! xD

    I'm unlikely to leave my little guild for other, but if anyone is interested in a small and quirky group let me know :)
    Join the fan-powered community wiki for Elder Scrolls Online. All Eso Sets
    or check out the Dark Souls Wiki. We also have a Sekiro Wiki Bloodborne Wiki, Elden Ring Wiki and Dark Souls 3 Wiki

  • Zyphix
    Lifetime account, played a Minstrel for several years (so certainly got my money's worth). Was fun at first but didn't enjoy it much after Moria.

    ESO is my home now. I have a character in each faction as I want to see all of the PVE content! I'm interested in the PVP too, but that can wait a bit.
    I always carry dice, because that's how I roll.
  • ConquerorDromtar
    Yup, Crickhollow Champion and Warden here. Message me at @ConquerorDromtar
  • Sutna
    All former LOTRO players right now in our guild. There is about 8 of us right now. We are all nimrods. If your looking for a guild hit me up in game @Sutna. We are into all forms of the game and have vent.
    Co-founder of First Age, a pvp/pve guild with many players coming from LOTRO.
  • MaGicBush
    I am from LOTRO as well, and played on Landrovel as a Minstrel and a Runekeeper. The game grows very boring though around the mid 40's, and I could never get over that hump to max out a toon and so I had a ton of alts lol. I wouldn't call the game bad, as I had a lot of fun playing and grouping, however the combat is slow and boring.
  • silent88b14_ESO
    Lifer here. HD seems like it might be an example of what happens when you get new management. They feel they need to implement major changes to validate their new position.
    Behold the great Oak. Just a little nut who stood his ground.
  • Myrdreth
    Played since the beginning. I have a lifetime account too :)

    I am still playing LOTRO sometimes. Not very often though.
    ~ ♥ ~
  • dmaker
    I have also played since the start. I still play ( along with many alts) the same character that I played in the 15 day pre-launch. I still enjoy it, but find very little to do at the cap other than decorate my house, cosmetic clothing or grind LI's.

    I do love the war-steeds though!
  • Mortuum
    Ex LOTRO Captain here also, 6 years of raiding and freeping. Left after seeing HD and class changes in beta, and devs ignoring everything what experienced players had to say/suggest.
    Game is pretty much dead now, which not surprising me with direction Tur-fail-bine took, mostly class changes which killed hybrid classes/builds.

    Was on Laurelin server, pleasure to see so many ex LOTRO players here. Playing templar whicg feels a lot like my captain before all those idiotic class changes they made, which makes me very happy.

    Have fun here guys, all we have from LOTRO is good memories, nothing else.

    PS. Only thing i miss is amazing community there, mostly in earlier days, great and helpful players all around. But i hope with little work we can have same here. :) Just looking at QA makes me feel good, people trying to help others, not many trolls, keep it up guys.
    Edited by Mortuum on April 1, 2014 5:39PM
  • Darrett
    Played Captain on Landroval for a while... from release until just after Mirkwood, then back for a year or so until just before Helm's Deep came out. Solid game, but a bit too grindy and raid focused for my taste.
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