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2023 Change to Zeal of Zenithar Event (please consider)

  • valenwood_vegan
    Thanks for that Kevin, it is helpful to know that feedback is at least being seen.

    This was a very fun event last year. There must be some middle ground between "once per writ-type per day per account" and "unlimited writs".

    Maybe a gold box once a day and then unlimited purples, like many other events have... or a box limit per day, rather than a daily limit on each type of writ.

    (EDIT: Or better rewards in the boxes if they are going to be severely limited... part of the issue with limiting it to once per writ-type is that some types of writs simply aren't worth doing due to their cost - the reward boxes would need to be quite compelling to get me to do a jewelry writ).
    Edited by valenwood_vegan on May 2, 2023 4:22PM
  • KlauthWarthog
    The jubilee event had a reward hard cap on daily, well, dailies per character. 50 or so, if I recall correctly.
    Zeal of Zenithar could have something similar for the master writs - a hard cap on how many master writs award additional rewards each day, maybe by account, maybe by character.
  • Jaraal
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all, just wanted to follow up here to note the events team is watching this thread for feedback. So please provide your constructive feedback in the thread for their consideration. If if the events team any additional updates or questions, we'll let you know.
    Feowyn13 wrote: »
    Where has the Zeal of Zenithar event been announced for this year? I can't find it!

    The event has not been announced yet. This is preparation for the event later this year. Stay tuned on our social accounts and here on the forum for updates there.

    This is what my thieves still see every day. They are purpose built characters that only steal, do not group, and do not research traits. Ideally, I could launder these things and bank them so that my characters who DO group and research could use them. And, although I haven't died to a guard in years.... the possibility is always there, and these items will just disappear.


    Thankfully, you guys fixed it so the stolen Daedric vault keys could be laundered last year, and this inventory clogging list was three times as long before that happened. It would be awesome if you can do the same for these, and please don't add to our unfenceable collection with the next Zenithar event!

    Edited by Jaraal on May 2, 2023 6:27PM
  • redlink1979
    We all agree that this is a very disappointing change to MW, at the very least.
    Reminder to ZOS: there are players that might be able to do a ton of master writs but that ability is a direct consequence of the grind/time/gold invested/spent in crafting.
    The jubilee event had a reward hard cap on daily, well, dailies per character. 50 or so (...)
    50 daily quests per char it's the standard cap. Event period or not.
    The purposed change to ZoZ is simply too heavy.
    "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear"
    • Sons of the Night Mother | VforVendetta | Grownups Gaming EU | English Elders [PS][EU] 2360 CP
    • Daggerfall's Mightiest | Eternal Champions | Legacy | Tamriel Melting Pot [PS][NA] 2190 CP
    • SweetTrolls | Spring Rose | Daggerfall Royal Legion | Tinnitus Delux [PC][EU] 2345 CP
    • Bacon Rats | Silverlight Brotherhood | Canis Root Tea Party | Vincula Doloris [PC][NA] 2090 CP
  • mielyn
    ZOS_Kevin, I appreciate you chiming in. I hope the feedback given in this thread helps to make a modification to these proposed changes. Some of the suggestions here are great. You could still limit it, while giving a lot more leniency than "once per day per account". That is extremely restrictive verbiage. Loosen it up a lot, and make this event as fun as it was last year. I mean, your ultimate goal is to encourage people to participate in ESO, right? Well, giving unlimited rewards for doing certain pre-designed quest objectives is an excellent way to do this. Plus it encourages people to sell their master writs, and encourages others to buy them so they can do them... all in all, it's a great incentive to make people participate in some of the basic mechanics of the game....
  • EF321
    I understand why, but make it per character, so you actually have incentive to learn traits and motifs on alts.
    So no event boxes for doing multiple master writs like last year? Players loved this event because of it so I dont understand why they want to take it away.

    Another event i wont participate in then.

  • DragonRacer
    So, being able to get event loot boxes for every single master writ done with no cap was amazing. It put the event on par with Anniversary Jubilee for me, really the only other event where I grind as much as I can every day instead of just doing the bare minimum for tickets.

    If this change stays and the master writ event loot boxes are capped like that, this will turn into another bare minimum event.

    It's highly disappointing and I don't understand why ZOS would want to actively DISCOURAGE players from maximizing event gaming time. Like, at all. What did last year's event hurt/wreck/ruin due to its format?
    PS5 NA. GM of The PTK's - a free trading guild (CP 500+). Also a werewolf, bites are free when they're available. PSN = DragonRacer13
  • Hobobaggins272
    While we understand that the pTS process of event planning is in progress and changes might still be made, it is indeed very frustrating to have even the possibility of these limits on the table. For many, many of us who have been playing for years, the annual events like Jesters and New Life have become increasingly boring. I personally have stopped doing more than the bare minimum to get tickets.

    So imagine my joy when Zeal of Zenithar was announced! Finally an event that corresponded with my preferred activities (crafting and trading)! There are benefits, as the OP noted, to saving up master writs for the event. A nice bonus for all the hard work we put into building up our writ vouchers (usually for funding the purchase of usable attunable tables to use/sell or to pick up furnishing items to use/sell). And the response of the community was amazing! So many tell me it’s their favorite event! Or was…

    There are so many other events that provide incentive to do WBs or group dungeons or overland content. While we can, of course do more activities on other accounts to get extra boxes, for some, who may have one fully leveled crafter, this event gets pared down to 5 master writs. That’s 15min and 5 rewards a day. Whooooo! Not exactly what your events team anticipated as far as engagement. Please do not take away our ability to be rewarded for preferring and excelling at our chosen activity!

    Play it your way means just that! Most events involve some sort of repeatable activity like daily quests. Limiting how much we participate cuts down in enthusiasm, participation and the level of excitement, which you NEED. Every player, most of whom are actively and doggedly persistent in crafting and engaged in trading, will be disenfranchised in participating in yet another hum drum event. Respect the lore! Respect our passion and please do not change the Zeal of Zenithar event rewards or put such a restrictive limits on our ability to profit and enjoy this event. There is a vibrant community of us weirdos that excel and prefer the joys of hard work and commerce, in the form of crafting and trading. Hail Zenithar!
    Edited by Hobobaggins272 on May 3, 2023 8:38PM
  • ComboBreaker88
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all, just wanted to follow up here to note the events team is watching this thread for feedback. So please provide your constructive feedback in the thread for their consideration. If if the events team any additional updates or questions, we'll let you know.
    Feowyn13 wrote: »
    Where has the Zeal of Zenithar event been announced for this year? I can't find it!

    The event has not been announced yet. This is preparation for the event later this year. Stay tuned on our social accounts and here on the forum for updates there.

    Here is some feed back, change it back.

    Whoever came up with these changes knows or cares nothing about the fact that the God of work and commerce would only reward work and commerce. The changes to master writs alone is appalling. Let alone the fact that thieving, killing, and fighting are rewarded at ALL. This event has been absolutely RUINED if these changes go live. Please change it back the event was fine as it was and many guilds and players have been excited and waiting for this event to return. This as it is is a total let down.
    Edited by ComboBreaker88 on May 3, 2023 10:03PM
  • Elrond87
    wont be bothering with it then simple as that. that along with trying to obtain style mask pages to learn i played everyday and hour i could to get them when they come but i never loot one after many wasted hours before they expire, maw mask i must of done nearly 100 runs..
    20 characters
  • festegios
    If you really need to cap it, at least make it per character and not for account.

    What’s the harm though? Or why not reduce the drop chance to 50% or something for master writs.
    100% for gold ones etc
  • Arunei
    This really needs to be reverted. You'll have a small number of people who'll go in super hard and do 3k Master Writs, but that number is the exception, not the rule, and most people will NOT be doing that many. Don't punish the general populace because a small number of players are going ham.

    Also, I still don't see the point of requiring people to be grouped for a lot of these things, especially limiting it to guildmates. You really should be able to group with anyone, but it would be even better if people didn't have to group at all to get rewards.

    Also still don't think pickpocketing should give any sort of rewards. Zenithar wouldn't reward that sort of thing, he is VERY MUCH AGAINST profit via murder or stealing. So why are we potentially getting rewards for doing things the God of Honest Toil actively teaches AGAINST?
    Character List [RP and PvE]:
    Stands-Against-Death: Argonian Magplar Healer - Crafter
    Krisiel: Redguard Stamsorc DPS - Literally crazy Werewolf, no like legit insane. She nuts
    Kiju Veran: Khajiit Stamblade DPS - Ex-Fighters Guild Suthay who likes to punch things, nicknamed Tinykat
    Niralae Elsinal: Altmer Stamsorc DPS - Young Altmer with way too much Magicka
    Sarah Lacroix: Breton Magsorc DPS - Fledgling Vampire who drinks too much water
    Slondor: Nord Tankblade - TESified verson of Slenderman
    Marius Vastino: Imperial <insert role here> - Sarah's apathetic sire who likes to monologue
    Delthor Rellenar: Dunmer Magknight DPS - Sarah's ex who's a certified psychopath
    Lirawyn Calatare: Altmer Magplar Healer - Traveling performer and bard who's 101% vanilla bean
    Gondryn Beldeau: Breton Tankplar - Sarah's Mages Guild mentor and certified badass old person
    Gwendolyn Jenelle: Breton Magplar Healer - Friendly healer with a coffee addiction
    Soliril Larethian- Altmer Magblade DPS - Blind alchemist who uses animals to see and brews plagues in his spare time
    Tevril Rallenar: Dunmer Stamcro DPS - Delthor's "special" younger brother who raises small animals as friends
    Celeroth Calatare: Bosmer <insert role here> - Shapeshifting Bosmer with enough sass to fill Valenwood

    PC - NA - EP - CP1000+
    Avid RPer. Hit me up in-game @Ras_Lei if you're interested in getting together for some arr-pee shenanigans!
  • karthrag_inak
    Let's have an event, but have it very un-rewarding. Because, you know, inflation. -sigh-

    Well, this will certainly discourage khajiit from his usual daily 18. Why bother? Cannot imagine why this is being done, to be honest. Is not like anyone is actually paying for the reward boxes. Those of us who have sufficient characters, time in the game, patience and dedication to actually build a roster full of 7 prof master crafters deserve an event that rewards us for our favorite particular game style. Very disappointing, and to be honest, kind of troll-y on your part ZOS. Get folks excited for an event, and then change the fundamental flow of things.

    This one loves crafting, and thinks he deserves an abundance of reward boxes.

    Edited by karthrag_inak on May 4, 2023 3:05AM
    PC-NA : 19 Khajiit and 1 Fishy-cat with fluffy delusions. cp3600
    GM of Imperial Gold Reserve trading guild (started in 2017) since 2/2022
    Come visit Karth's Glitter Box, Khajiit's home. Fully stocked guild hall done in sleek Khajiit stylings, with Grand Master Stations, Transmute, Scribing, Trial Dummies, etc. Also has 2 full bowling alleys, nightclub, and floating maze over Wrothgar.
  • twev
    dosco wrote: »
    I think it's fine, the issue with the master writs was that it was unlimited. Like someone said, 3000 boxes last year, wow... Daily Crafting writs (regarding Jubilee) are limited to 7 per day per toon, which still generates a lot, all other farm methods are kinda limited by the time factor. Master writs are super fast, and, well, were pretty much unlimited.

    otoh, RealLoveBVB had to amass the materials to do all the master writs and rather than doing them during the year, they also had to have the storage to accomplish that.
    So it's not like they didn't incur any costs in restricted lvling, and saving/storing mats since the last event to do all those master writs during this event.

    Edited by twev on May 4, 2023 6:41AM
    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • twev
    remosito wrote: »
    Zenithar is supposed to be about hard work.

    a daily crafting writ qualifies as hard work????

    Many players don't prefer to farm mats in a combat game, and to them it's a tedious and time consuming drudge taking time away from the fun they would prefer.
    That's one definition of 'hard work'.

    A lot of players have limited time to play outside of IRL duties, and spending some of that limited game time doing things they don't like to do in a game, like farming mats and master writs, or the gold to buy mats and master writs, means they'll probably just stop participating in one more low-yield event.

    It just occurred to me that i wont be needing to spend the ESO+ monthly fee on an alt account at this point, because i wont be needing the extra storage space anymore.
    I'm pretty sure I wont be the only one realizing this economic bonus.

    Edited by twev on May 4, 2023 5:31AM
    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • Selena_Ainu
    Soul Shriven
    remosito wrote: »
    Zenithar is supposed to be about hard work.

    a daily crafting writ qualifies as hard work????

    Technically yes. Not when you do them, but HOW you get to be ABLE to do them. Farming for Motifs, a lot of Material, doing your daily writs on multiple characters every day for weeks or even months! I know a lot of people who have more then one Account with max character slots just for doing even more writs and getting more masterwrits and material! So in ALL, it is more work. People like me just like doing crafting and hunt for Motifs, recipes and blueprints.

    But if this stays, it will be the first time in 8 years playing, where I will consider to skip ESO+ more often and maybe even during that time and rather going back in using my alt characters as additional bank space.
    Why farm so much Material, if I dont need to?
  • OnnuK
    Zenithar event was rewarding event for hard core crafters. We enjoyed doing all collected sealed writs, crafting items for the people to complete their ticket quests.
    Now you changed the rules (or planning to change).

    I am not happy about it. This will create a dis-trust to all of your events. Stability matters.

    I am glad I did my sealed writs on the last anniversary event. May be next year you will change it also.

    Please revert back, or do this last time and change whatever you want next year with heads-up.
    PC/EU @onnuk, Guild: ANADOLU "|H1:guild:29269|hAnadolu|h"
  • karthrag_inak
    Has there been any comment on this yet? No reason given, just eviscerate one of only 2 crafter-oriented events?
    PC-NA : 19 Khajiit and 1 Fishy-cat with fluffy delusions. cp3600
    GM of Imperial Gold Reserve trading guild (started in 2017) since 2/2022
    Come visit Karth's Glitter Box, Khajiit's home. Fully stocked guild hall done in sleek Khajiit stylings, with Grand Master Stations, Transmute, Scribing, Trial Dummies, etc. Also has 2 full bowling alleys, nightclub, and floating maze over Wrothgar.
  • stadler_tamas
    Soul Shriven
    It is very disappointing to see that ZOS wants to change an event just shortly before it actually happens. Zenithar is the god of hard work, and I (and others in the player base) have worked really really hard all year long (crafted every single day with all of my characters) to save a huge amount of master writs and the needed resources for the event. It severely impacted our gameplay as I also had to store all of them in the bank/inventory. As other players also had done so, thanks to this change, the market will be flooded with those writs, which means that the prices will fall rapidly. We not only won't win anything in this event but will lose gold, time, and motivation.
    I don't really see why is it so positive in Zenithar's eyes, that more people will stand like a drunk baboon at the easiest World bosses minutes long just to massacre them in less than 5 seconds. With their "friends"... It is a ridiculous idea.
    I have played this game since Beta, and as a "happy" owner of the beta monkey pet and the striped senche, I have the right to say, that there are 2 things this game never really appreciated: loyalty, and dedicated hard work.
    I just registered to this forum after 9 years to say this. Very sad, that I had to do it.
    If you want these changes, fine. DO IT NEXT YEAR, and tell us now, that it will happen. I promise I won't participate in that event.
    If ZOS wants to stop the gold flood in this game, I have a better solution: just make it possible to spend our gold in the game in a meaningful way. It is so very simple. More houses, styles, mounts, pets... etc. that we can buy for GOLD. Or just make it possible to convert it for crown in-game.
  • Traxxar
    Has there been any comment on this yet? No reason given, just eviscerate one of only 2 crafter-oriented events?

    None at all yet. It is disappointing and the event also doesn't fit in the lore either. Just a double disappointment.
  • BergisMacBride

    Glad the Devs are following this thread. Here's my 2 cents to them:

    I can understand your desire for some type of daily limit on master writs for the reward boxes; however, limiting it to jjust 7 master writs each day per account flies in the face of the spirit of the Zenithar event, which focuses on trades, craft and economy.

    If you don't want it unlimited like last year, then I'd suggest limiting the total of master writs each day per account to somewhere between 25-50. This would still be less than anniversary event, where each char can do 50/day max so time is the only limitation, but still provides for a robust number of boxes for those who like to save up master writs for the event.

    Seems like a perfectly reasonable compromise to me...
  • RenderingDragon
    Stay in tune with Zenithar ways.

    1. You shouldn't limit the rewards for hard work. This is a limited time event, after all.

    2. Stealing goes against Zenithar ways. It is not trade/commerce. It is theft from those that earned what they have.

    Audremard Petit Event: Your are scolded by a priest if you steal the Prayer Beads of Zenithar.

    Juste Nin Event: If you stole the Prayer Beads of Zenithar from the Audremard event and you give them to Juste, he will offer them to the shrine of Zenithar. Zenithar will then smite him by setting him on fire and killing him.

    How does "Stealing them from hard-working civilians of Tamriel (a small chance from pickpocketing, looting safeboxes, and opening thieves troves)" align here?
  • Kelinmiriel

    Thank you for listening to us! (I hope you still are.)

    This should've been an official thread. There should always be an official thread for each event (or for "all events this patch"). I just found it now, because there wasn't one.

    1. Thank you for bringing back Zeal of Zenithar! I loved it last year, and was really hoping it would return!

    2. Philius lost all his achievement furnishings. He still had the spider pet part.
    * During the event, he was offering morph pieces for the Deadlands personality, but not the Unstable Morpholith.
    * Since the event is over, all he has is the spider pet part. Still no achievement furnishings.

    3. Zenithar is about hard work. Please give purple boxes for daily writs and master writs. Cap of 50/day like Anniversary seems fair, but 1 per account is not a "reward for hard work". It's a more like a disincentive for participating at all.

    So - what's up with Philius (the Impresario's assistant) and the Deadlands parts? And please get him selling "Hide Shoulders" again! Thanks!

    (edited to remove incorrect info that "Hide Shoulders" was missing from Philius' offerings - that was not showing because my main account already has it.)
    Edited by Kelinmiriel on May 16, 2023 7:40AM
    Event Tracker addon (PC NA/EU)
    Helps you keep track of your Event Tickets, so you don't miss any. Double XP on events is PASSIVE now!!
  • ApoAlaia
    Stay in tune with Zenithar ways.

    1. You shouldn't limit the rewards for hard work. This is a limited time event, after all.

    2. Stealing goes against Zenithar ways. It is not trade/commerce. It is theft from those that earned what they have.

    Audremard Petit Event: Your are scolded by a priest if you steal the Prayer Beads of Zenithar.

    Juste Nin Event: If you stole the Prayer Beads of Zenithar from the Audremard event and you give them to Juste, he will offer them to the shrine of Zenithar. Zenithar will then smite him by setting him on fire and killing him.

    How does "Stealing them from hard-working civilians of Tamriel (a small chance from pickpocketing, looting safeboxes, and opening thieves troves)" align here?

    In an immersion breaking kind of way Zenithar's (alleged) 'out of character' alignment to theft goes like this:

    Stealing is technically an unlimited source of event boxes, and as of this year's event the only source of event boxes that is not severely restricted, however is significantly less time-efficient than master writs.

    This adds a level of inconvenience that is an order of magnitude higher than before thus increasing the potential for 'player engagement': turning theft into the 'event activity' translates into players having to spend much longer engaging with the event for far fewer rewards.

    Regarding Zenithar's apparent conflict of interest, he was manifested into existence by BGS and they have him locked up in a damp, mouldy pit in the basement of their HQ; It [Zenithar] will rub the lotion on its skin (as ZOS commands) or it will get the hose... again

    Edited by ApoAlaia on May 16, 2023 9:34AM
  • SoraJP
    If these changes go through, we should all go on murderous rampages for the event boxes, since that is apparently how Zenithar wants us to get them. Filling the streets of Tamriel with corpses is hard work now! Is that what ZOS wants?
    PC/NA Khajiit Warden Main
  • Kelinmiriel
    Also, regarding events - it's still unfair that NA only has four hours to get our last tickets. My guildies are always having problems with that - it's really hard for us.

    Maybe the comments and complaints that are coming in to ZOS have been dying down, but it's not less of a problem. Please consider changing it!
    Event Tracker addon (PC NA/EU)
    Helps you keep track of your Event Tickets, so you don't miss any. Double XP on events is PASSIVE now!!
  • robertlabrie
    Been hoarding master writs for a year. Annoyed that I'm finding out now. Change makes sense - last year I did 800 writs in the first 20 hours and dumped the loot onto the market. That was fun for me. Maybe other grinding dolmen with guildies didn't think so. Just really wish ZOS had said something sooner I could have done the writs and converted the tickets to tables back during Jubilee.
  • antihero_kazuma
    I would agree with Mielyn as well. The changes should not be made. Crafting master writs technically considered hard work due to all the motifs that have needed to be learned as well as acquiring the appropriate style mats required.

    One suggestion I would like to see made is the price of items from Rolis Hlaalu using writ vouchers to be decreased as well. If items using alliance points is decreased, why not vouchers or telvar coffers?

    Just a thought.
  • BahometZ
    So what repeatable means are there of getting coffers for this event after this change? Does this mean there's no farming opportunity? Which is the linchpin of any event.

    Also, the whole thievery/criminal aspect seems to fly right in the face of the enterprising zenithar.
    Pact Magplar - Max CP (NA XB)
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