ESO SpamFilter Addon

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
  • Necroe
    there's a bunch of goldsellers now using á to get past this :<
  • pjt15253
    Here's a list of alt codes so you can write patterns to block those pesky gold sellers!
  • Smaxx
    As an alternative, you can as well use "%a" to match any letter in that one position, which should work as well.
  • Necroe
    yea i tried but either i dont get it or doing it wrong, i tried /sfadd pvpbank WWW.PvPBáNK.CóM but it didn't seem to work :\
  • Necroe
    i should add for some reason when i do /sffilters none are listed under defaul
  • pjt15253
    Make it all lower case (so '/sfadd pvpbank www%.pvpb[áàâãäa]'). As of 1.4, all incoming chat messages are being converted to lowercase to remove the need for [aA] style character classes.
  • pjt15253
    Necroe wrote: »
    i should add for some reason when i do /sffilters none are listed under defaul

    Submit a bug report here, please. I'll take a look when I get off work.

  • Necroe
    pij: tried your version but it still doesn't work that damned.

    here's from my log;
    [qnnenrtr] zone: xx--WWW.PvPBáNK.CóM---xxx

    as well as:

    [gwrgreg zone: [playername]__Welcome to { } sell cheap gold etc.

    the filters i have set up are:
    name: gameip filter: welcome to
    name: pvpbank filter: www%.pvpb[áàâãäa]
  • pjt15253
    Just as a quick glance, I'm seeing the following errors.
    - There's an accent on the o in "CóM" in the pvpbank spam message. Change the o in your filter to [òóôõöo].
    - You're trying to match 'welcome to' to 'welcome to {'. Note the curly brace in the message. Probably better to change your filter to just the url "".
    - your gameip filter has the . and % reversed. change to
    Edited by pjt15253 on April 3, 2014 5:27PM
  • Smaxx
    Added the same two spammers this afternoon after seeing them on EU. The filters www%.pvpbánk%.cóm and seem to be sufficient for now.
  • Edward000
    Soul Shriven
    It's obvious gold selling in this game will be rampant and I had to turn off /zone to preserve my sanity...
    I'll try as soon as the game is back up.
  • DewiMorgan
    So it's seeming obvious now that this is going to become an arms race: every rule added to the official release will be immediately downloaded and subverted by the spammers.
    A crowdsourced list of UIDs to ignore might be a decent plan, but this requires a few things:
    - a way to reload the list of ignores on the fly. It might be enough to do this on zone load, so that reloadui wouldn't become a distraction?
    - a way to communicate our ignores to a central server (can you auto-message people using LUA? Or is this another "communicate with external program" problem?)
    - a way to whitelist ignorers. At some point, under this system, the gold-spammers will get the bright idea to install the app themselves, and to start ignoring people at random in order to taint the blocklist. At that point, the central server needs to switch over to serving ignores from trusted sources only.

    For the moment I'm stuck on finding ways for Lua to communicate (read/write) to external programs. Having a small window down in one corner of the client that changes color seems a decent way for Lua to communicate outward to a program monitoring that corner of the client screen, but sending messages *to* Lua from outside feels like a hard problem. Streaming keystrokes or mouseclicks to it would interfere with the user playing the game.
  • Valije
    I think in the medium term we should convert all letters with diacritical marks with "clean" ones to match that kind of letters in whatever position they put them. Something like the usual ToLower functions in may libraries.

    I'll try to re-learn lua and do something like that this weekend if they get artistic with the names.
  • MysticAura
  • pjt15253
    DewiMorgan wrote: »
    So it's seeming obvious now that this is going to become an arms race: every rule added to the official release will be immediately downloaded and subverted by the spammers.
    A crowdsourced list of UIDs to ignore might be a decent plan, but this requires a few things:
    - a way to reload the list of ignores on the fly. It might be enough to do this on zone load, so that reloadui wouldn't become a distraction?
    - a way to communicate our ignores to a central server (can you auto-message people using LUA? Or is this another "communicate with external program" problem?)
    - a way to whitelist ignorers. At some point, under this system, the gold-spammers will get the bright idea to install the app themselves, and to start ignoring people at random in order to taint the blocklist. At that point, the central server needs to switch over to serving ignores from trusted sources only.

    For the moment I'm stuck on finding ways for Lua to communicate (read/write) to external programs. Having a small window down in one corner of the client that changes color seems a decent way for Lua to communicate outward to a program monitoring that corner of the client screen, but sending messages *to* Lua from outside feels like a hard problem. Streaming keystrokes or mouseclicks to it would interfere with the user playing the game.

    At this point, I don't plan on supporting any communication with outside applications in this addon - primarily because unless it's supported by the api (which it isn't - believe me i wish we could at least make http/https requests), that opens a whole world of ways things can break/cause problems/etc. Not to mention including compiled code with addons is generally frowned upon.

    That being said, I plan on including some more filter types down the road. Possibly a max length filter, and a messages per second filter. Both configurable of course, but supplied with reasonable default settings.
  • Mog_Ur
    I love this addon, and recommend it to everyone. I have noticed one or two spammers that are getting past this using unusual characters in the URL's like using .Ç0M. but this is few and far between, and makes me go to my chat box to ignore way less often. Thanks man, keep up the good work.
    Mog Ur of Shi a Tan
  • Dragunzar
    mctaylor wrote: »

    I respectfully disagree. As it is a multi-player game which hopes and strives to cultivate a community for both social enjoyment and team play (groups and guilds); it is arguably critical to the success of the social component that communication channels are not universally ignored or flooded, as that would go towards making an unwelcoming environment for new players and reducing the willingness of players to engage in the social components.
    mctaylor wrote: »

    I respectfully disagree. As it is a multi-player game which hopes and strives to cultivate a community for both social enjoyment and team play (groups and guilds); it is arguably critical to the success of the social component that communication channels are not universally ignored or flooded, as that would go towards making an unwelcoming environment for new players and reducing the willingness of players to engage in the social components.

    As an avid player of runescape for many many years and knowing how persistent gold farmers are let me tell you that the only thing the reports will end up being used for is a heat/time map on the locations and times on when they are most active.
    The only way to destroy the gold farming/selling business is to kill it at it's source. It is not something any player or group of players can do. It's up to Zenimax to employ strategies to combat them. Reporting them doesn't solve anything. Infact the only thing we CAN do is not buy the gold and ignore them.

    If everyone who played ESO had this auto-blocker mod it would be great, it would shoot down their advertising capabilities. I would love to see Zenimax create an official in-game option for a auto-goldfarmer/spam blocker that we could turn on/off ourselves.
  • DewiMorgan
    That's fair enough.

    I'm working on getting a third-party interactivity library made for add-ons. No idea if that'll be successful.

    If I ever get it written (and there are other mods on my list before it) then I'll make a separate add-on, as a complementary and compatible add-on to yours, to automate the reporting of the ignored gold-spammers.
  • KiroElmarok
    Pjt this thing is great! Even mutes spammers when I have /z off :)
    Daggerfall Covenant - Dunmer - Dragon Knight

  • Sakiri
    Unfortunately I don't know how to edit the filters and the spammers are pissing me off.

  • pjt15253
    /sfadd <filtername> <filter definition>
  • Sakiri
    Dragunzar wrote: »

    As an avid player of runescape for many many years and knowing how persistent gold farmers are let me tell you that the only thing the reports will end up being used for is a heat/time map on the locations and times on when they are most active.
    The only way to destroy the gold farming/selling business is to kill it at it's source. It is not something any player or group of players can do. It's up to Zenimax to employ strategies to combat them. Reporting them doesn't solve anything. Infact the only thing we CAN do is not buy the gold and ignore them.

    If everyone who played ESO had this auto-blocker mod it would be great, it would shoot down their advertising capabilities. I would love to see Zenimax create an official in-game option for a auto-goldfarmer/spam blocker that we could turn on/off ourselves.

    They're actually working on a filter for it, and it's caught people complaining about gold farmers and banned them. ><

    Accident of course, but it's being worked on. Anything outside active monitoring I don't think will do anything.
  • Sakiri
    pjt15253 wrote: »
    /sfadd <filtername> <filter definition>


  • Auldjohn

    Thanks for SpamFilter. I've shared it wherever possible!

    IMO, it's the responsibility of each of us under the ToS to report Gold Spammers to ESO. Each report provides essential information to the ESO Support Team to help the effort to ban these intrusions. I see the Gold Farmers as the worst of Molag Bal's miserable minions.

    An almost essential feature to add to SpamFilter is a tool to ensure the Add-On is up to date.

    Your tool is one of my essential Add-Ons.
    @AuldjohnThe Elder Sages' GuildMaster Sage &
    "Old gamers never die; they just respawn and game on!" • Our Slogan: Have Fun!!

    Moot Envoy • Tamriel Foundry Adept • Steam ID Auldjohn
    YouTube auldjohnmastersage • Twitch AuldjohnPCGamer• Steam Group TESGs
  • CadetChik
    Does this work on the Mac version?
    A man chooses, a slave obeys.
    It's time to kick arse and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of gum.
  • Smaxx
    Yes, this should work with all versions of the game supporting addons (read: PC and Mac as well). Just make sure to place the files in the proper directory and the game should pick it up.
  • Anex
    Thanks for this addon, it has helped. However, I have also noticed a HUGE decrease in the gold spamming once the account verification charge took effect as well.

    Great to be able to play without report/blocking every 2 seconds.
    Edited by Anex on April 6, 2014 6:58PM
    Assassination/ Dual Wield Specced Stamina-based Nightblade, because I like Hardmode apparently
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  • bathynomusESO
    Is this how I would add a custom filter or can I not use spaces?
    /sfadd Block001 cheap gold
    /sffilters custom
    /sfactive on
    Edited by bathynomusESO on April 6, 2014 7:15PM
  • Smaxx
    You no longer have to use the slash commands. Just check the settings menu.
    I've added a text box where you can enter your own custom rules.

    In your case, you'd just add the line Block001: cheap gold and you'd be done.
    Edited by Smaxx on April 6, 2014 7:20PM
  • bathynomusESO
    I found the menu under game Settings > SpamFilter. Thank you for making this.
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