ESO SpamFilter Addon

Maintenance for the week of February 3:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 3
• NA megaservers for maintenance – February 5, 12:00AM EST (5:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (17:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – February 5, 5:00 UTC (12:00AM EST) - 17:00 UTC (12:00PM EST)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 5, 12:00AM EST (5:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (17:00 UTC)
  • Huggernaut
    Seerah wrote: »
    I second the "why?" question. Are you confusing ESOUI (part of the ZAM family of UI sites that has been around for YEARS for many many games) with ESOCore which is stealing addons?

    That is EXACTLY what I was doing.

    I apologize profusely. I have went through my posts and edited them. I answered those posts while I was terribly tired and simply read what I wanted to read, instead of actually reading what I was reading.

    Very sorry about that confusion.
  • evilmonkitar
    Awesome addon, using it already. Gold spammers are getting crafty and making their message big enough so you cant see their name, this works like a charm.
  • Darastix
    While a nice thought....this kind of thing isn't helping the situation at all. We as players have a responsibility to report this kind of thing, just like we're supposed to report someone using an exploit. Or someone with a name that violates the naming policy...or reporting any violation of the ToS. (That's terms of service, and if you haven't read so.)

    I completely disagree with it being a "responsibility", the only thing i'm required to do in game is have fun and don't break the rules myself. Reporting these gold sellers is only for making you feel good about your "attempt" to get rid of them, but in reality their not going anywhere, and with no AH there's an unlimited demand for gold. So i feel the best thing to do is just uncheck zone in chat to avoid the nuisance.
  • mctaylor
    Darastix wrote: »

    I completely disagree with it being a "responsibility", the only thing i'm required to do in game is have fun and don't break the rules myself. ...

    I respectfully disagree. As it is a multi-player game which hopes and strives to cultivate a community for both social enjoyment and team play (groups and guilds); it is arguably critical to the success of the social component that communication channels are not universally ignored or flooded, as that would go towards making an unwelcoming environment for new players and reducing the willingness of players to engage in the social components.
  • pjt15253
    All this said about reporting players for spamming... This filter notifies you who was blocked and by what rule, so you are in no way prevented from reporting the player who was spamming. I've found it's actually easier to report them because the chat window is cleaned up immensely - and it tells you the name of those spammers that overflow the chat window so you can't see the name.
  • Darastix
    mctaylor wrote: »

    I respectfully disagree. As it is a multi-player game which hopes and strives to cultivate a community for both social enjoyment and team play (groups and guilds); it is arguably critical to the success of the social component that communication channels are not universally ignored or flooded, as that would go towards making an unwelcoming environment for new players and reducing the willingness of players to engage in the social components.

    I happen to agree with you on the community issue, but the problem is game developers for decades have failed to deal with this epidemic, so until we see GM's or whatever representative doing something about them, perhaps even publicly announcing when a gold farmer is banned, i feel the players don't have a duty to fight the war solo.
  • DewiMorgan
    The GMs ARE banning them... as fast as they get notified and can get to them. They're also helping players, which is arguably more important, so they will yank accounts when they can. They won't do this on just a single report, though - that would be too easy to abuse. So they need multiple reports.
    As I posted elsewhere, I asked support if it was helpful to report them. They replied:
    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team.

    Yes, we do all we can to keep those people out of Tamriel and reporting them to us helps very much. The only other thing you can do is click on the name in your chat window and ignore the player so anything they try to put up on the chat window is not visible for you. Thank you for you support in keeping wrong doers out of Tamriel!
    Every freedom comes with attendant responsibilities. Everyone in a society has a social responsibility to keep that society from going to the dogs. What (if anything) you choose to do about your responsibilities is your call: you don't necessarily have to even acknowledge they exist. Hell, you could even buy the stuff they're selling, and encourage their spamming. But that doesn't change your responsibility.
    My personal approach to this responsibility is to encourage the author of this mod to add in an option to report, or write a mod for the add-on myself to make it do so.

    @pjt15253 - are you interested in such a thing? My current thinking on this is that, after ignoring someone, we could add saved variable with their username and other info (account name, what they spammed) and then restart the add-on in order to flush that to disk (is ReloadUI the only way to do this?). That would allow a third party external script to grab that and file a report.
    Never used LUA before, but the format of the variable files seems quite readable. I'll see if I can't write a patch for this.
  • Spectator
    This will definitely be helpful when ignoring the spammers, I had to make an entire new chat tab that didn't have Zone, Say, or Yell in it just to ignore them. Now I can delete that one and go back to be a normal player, thanks pjt15253
  • StopThi5
    Love the idea of this! Ignoring them is an account ignore so to reach you again they have to spend another $60 for a new game key to create a new account. Awesome ESO! Reporting is the best though, so make sure if you use this guys we are still reporting to get these accounts banned.

    On the same note, make sure you are securing your account PROPERLY!! Have a great password, and good security questions. Don't let your account get hacked and used for this nonsense!!
  • DewiMorgan
    @Smaxx: you mentioned that the support tool was an embedded browser: does this mean that it is available on a webpage somewhere, without needing to go via the client? If so, user reports could be automated so that they didn't even get in your way!
    I really don't like the idea of reports firing off automatically, though: that means if the script breaks and starts spamming the support team by reporting everyone who posts in chat, the users would never even know. So I'm thinking it should just make a glowing icon appear, like a notification. Clicking that should bring up a clickable list of names that allows you to select/unselect names, and a "report all" button that will report all of them. That way there is SOME user input and verification, but it's only two clicks (one, if you pin the window open) rather than zillions.
  • pjt15253
    DewiMorgan wrote: »
    @pjt15253 - are you interested in such a thing? My current thinking on this is that, after ignoring someone, we could add saved variable with their username and other info (account name, what they spammed) and then restart the add-on in order to flush that to disk (is ReloadUI the only way to do this?). That would allow a third party external script to grab that and file a report.
    Never used LUA before, but the format of the variable files seems quite readable. I'll see if I can't write a patch for this.

    Well what I'd like to do is build auto-reporting into it. However, the ESO api doesn't allow automation of user/support interaction. Next best thing is to add notes to the /ignore records in the user's ignore list. Haven't figured out how to get a specific ignore record from a character name yet (ignore records only have account name and a Note string) - and you can't add a note as part of the AddIgnore function. So that's one thing I've got in the works.
  • DewiMorgan
    pjt15253 wrote: »
    Well what I'd like to do is build auto-reporting into it. However, the ESO api doesn't allow automation of user/support interaction. Next best thing is to add notes to the /ignore records in the user's ignore list. Haven't figured out how to get a specific ignore record from a character name yet (ignore records only have account name and a Note string) - and you can't add a note as part of the AddIgnore function. So that's one thing I've got in the works.
    My plan is to use an external app to do the auto-reporting. Using AutoHotKey for that is somewhere between easy and trivial. But AutoHotKey can't grab the info from LUA. So if there's a way (like stored vars) to push that info to AHK, then auto-reporting becomes possible. If the push to the stored var file requires a whole ReloadUI, though, that's kind of ugly and painful :(
  • pjt15253
    DewiMorgan wrote: »
    My plan is to use an external app to do the auto-reporting. Using AutoHotKey for that is somewhere between easy and trivial. But AutoHotKey can't grab the info from LUA. So if there's a way (like stored vars) to push that info to AHK, then auto-reporting becomes possible. If the push to the stored var file requires a whole ReloadUI, though, that's kind of ugly and painful :(

    Yea, unfortunately the only way to get data out of the ESO client/LUA script is store to saved variable and ReloadUI. Once its out though - you can use whatever language you want to process the data. Would be curious about the ToS implications about automating reports though. Like someone mentioned earlier - a bug that caused report flooding could be a serious problem.
  • DewiMorgan
    pjt15253 wrote: »
    Would be curious about the ToS implications about automating reports though. Like someone mentioned earlier - a bug that caused report flooding could be a serious problem.

    That was me:
    DewiMorgan wrote:
    I really don't like the idea of reports firing off automatically, though: that means if the script breaks and starts spamming the support team by reporting everyone who posts in chat, the users would never even know. So I'm thinking it should just make a glowing icon appear, like a notification. Clicking that should bring up a clickable list of names that allows you to select/unselect names, and a "report all" button that will report all of them. That way there is SOME user input and verification, but it's only two clicks (one, if you pin the window open) rather than zillions.
    I'm willing to tackle that UI as my first LUA project if you're not interested in it :)
    Edited by DewiMorgan on April 2, 2014 2:16PM
  • pjt15253
    DewiMorgan wrote: »

    That was me: I'm willing to tackle that UI as my first LUA project if you're not interested in it :)

    By all means, go for it! Fork my repo here and send me a pull request once you've got it working! And that goes for anyone who would like to contribute. If you've got an idea and know how to implement it, do so and send me a pull request! Just please try to follow the conventions I'm using already. I'll be reviewing any pull requests before merging them.
    Edited by pjt15253 on April 2, 2014 2:25PM
  • DewiMorgan
    Sounds great! I'll have a bash at it, but no promises!
  • notsodiva_ESO
    pjt15253 wrote: »
    Hello everyone.

    Been noticing a lot of gold spammers in chat already, so figured I'd make an addon to automatically add them to my ignore list. If anyone is interested, it's available on at


    I suck at LUA coding/script. I just don't have the patience for it because I'm mildly dyslexic and transpose letters (and numbers) all the time when I'm typing. I don't want to have to spend hours trying to get the script right. Are there filters preset or so we need to do it all ourselves?
  • Smaxx
    There's a preset for the most common(?) sites. Also setting up filters is pretty easy. Let's assume the spamer advertises for "", then all you'd have to do is add a filter for "lots-of-eso-stuff" and you're done. You don't need coding knowledge.
  • pjt15253
    There are indeed! Thanks to SLATE, there are now 6 built in filters (that can be turned off as well if you don't like them).
  • Patarican
    Bit of a noob question here, I haven't been able to test if I have "installed" the addon correctly (due to server maintenance), but all I have to do is unzip the file into the addon folder in the eso directory right?
    Edited by Patarican on April 2, 2014 5:44PM
  • Smaxx
    The addon files have to sit in their own sub folder.

    Your folder structure should look like this:

    Edited by Smaxx on April 2, 2014 5:46PM
  • Patarican
    Smaxx wrote: »
    The addon files have to sit in their own sub folder.

    Your folder structure should look like this:


    Thank you
  • claudekennilol
    Some info on how it automatically ignores spammers would be much appreciated. The page the addon is posted on holds no such info.
  • pjt15253
    Some info on how it automatically ignores spammers would be much appreciated. The page the addon is posted on holds no such info.
    Thanks for the tip. I'll put in a blurb when I'm done with work.
  • claudekennilol
    pjt15253 wrote: »
    Thanks for the tip. I'll put in a blurb when I'm done with work.

    Awesome, without such info I'd be afraid of it accidentally ignoring someone unexpected.
  • Smaxx
    A short version till pjt posts more information: The addon looks for so called patterns and ignores people accordingly.

    It's similar to how antivirus programs work, just a lot more simple/minimalistic. Basically it's like "if someone mentions the domain name ignore them". That's it.

    It's a bit more complicated than just a simple search (the so called patterns). So it's a bit more dynamic, e.g. random spaces inside the URL won't keep it from recognizing it.

    Overall, it's very unlikely (almost impossible!) for you to accidently ignore anyone who's not a spammer. Unless someone tells you something like "hey, is spamming me once again" (or you add a custom filter that matches harmless stuff), nothing will happen.

    Also, people on your friends list are automatically whitelisted, so you won't ignore them, no matter what they say.
    Edited by Smaxx on April 2, 2014 7:05PM
  • Subana
    The best way I can think of in dealing with this problem is ZOS having employees sitting in the main towns/areas and banning them the second they cross the chat barriers.
    You'd be hard pressed to sell surf boards in Alaska.

    Although I understand where you're going with this, there is a thriving surfing community in Alaska. If you surf, Alaska should be on your bucket list. ;)
  • Asuna_Meow
    Newest Update hard crashes the game everytime I try to log in with it active :( so something got messed up with it :/
  • Cairenn
    Huggernaut wrote: »
    That is EXACTLY what I was doing.

    I apologize profusely. I have went through my posts and edited them. I answered those posts while I was terribly tired and simply read what I wanted to read, instead of actually reading what I was reading.

    Very sorry about that confusion.
    Oh good. I was really worried about the possibility that people were boycotting us, wanted to know what the problem was so we could try to fix it. Glad it was just a simple mistake. :)

    No apology necessary, we all do that from time to time. :)

    Edited by Cairenn on April 2, 2014 9:45PM
    Co-founder & Administrator
  • pjt15253
    Sorry about the 1.5 update. Fixed in 1.5.1. ESO was trying to pickup the license.txt and README.txt files as plugins, but only if you allowed out of date plugins. Changed the extensions of those files to .md, so shouldn't be a problem anymore.
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