emilyhyoyeon wrote: »I'm never understanding what the issue with using potions is. In terms of money, not sure what the difference is between refusing to spend money on potions vs refusing to spend money on improving gear vs refusing to spend currency on siege, etc. Like these are things that you need to invest in to be on equal footing with those that do.
I haven't had to spend money buying ingredients to make reveal potions myself in YEARS just from casually doing writs and harvesting mats.
Also (in the vanilla game at least) there's no indication on the stealther's side that they were revealed by a potion or that you have a potion reveal active. This might help you use them more effectively.
Jamie_Aubrey wrote: »SpacemanSpiff1 wrote: »someone doesnt know how to counter stealth
You can't, so many times I've used magelight when standing on top of NBs and they still vanish
ForzaRammer wrote: »Remove invis is a bit much, however I think detect pot should be buffed
I really don't think that the best way to deal with a fact that certain ability have a tendency to overperform is to throw some semi counters into the game.
Strong abilities should have drawbacks built into them same as streak or dodge has or old mist had. People claim there is plenty of counters to cloak but the thing is each of these counters can be countered by nb without any additional investments just by using things naturally present in their kit. On the other hand to use cloak counters player needs to sacrifice something. Detect pot means player wont use more desired potion for 45 seconds meaning loss of alteast one usefull buff which may be crucial to the fight. Detection abilities means loss of skill slot for some other abilities more usefull in other scenarios plus cost vs duration ratio is not the best.
Some time ago there was atleast natural drawback for nb that was being more squishy in more open fights due to lack of strong burst healing but right now that only drawback is gone. Nb base survival without cloak is as strong or even stronger than on other classes, his dmg is one of the best currently so there is really no excuse to keep cloak the way it is.
SpacemanSpiff1 wrote: »someone doesnt know how to counter stealth
Your class - Streak - is still one of the best counters to perma-cloaking nightblades, so I don't get it. Magelight / Hunter were buffed and made more consistent relatively recently. I agree that, if you're alone, detection potions + Streak are probably the better bet. As soon as you're in a duo, though, Magelight / Hunter used systematically is devastating against nightblades. I play a perma-cloaking nightblade, as you know. I also play in IC more than in Cyro, e.g. without lag. From my POV there is a marked difference between people who learn and choose to hunt nightblades and those who don't bother. Certainly on a sorc you have the mobility to do it.Turtle_Bot wrote: »Remove? No.
Nerf? Yes.
Give invisibility a ramping cost just like they did with streak and mist form so that NBs learn to not crutch on it or just spam it endlessly.
make magelight/hunter/flare have much larger AoE on the reveals and keep them revealed for much longer as well (I have yet to test those with the new servers, but with the old servers, those abilities were useless due to small radius and being buggy in general due to the horrendous positional desyncs that allowed NBs to instantly re-cloak while under its effect).
The main issue with NB currently is actually how strong its burst heal is. No class that can just disappear and completely reset the fight with on demand LoS should also have access to one of the strongest burst heals in the game alongside some of the best HoTs in the game, that's completely over the top.
Reduce the healing of offering or give it a cast time, like they did with sorcs heals (the other mobile class that can easily reset the fight) alongside 1 of the other fixes for invis above and NB will be in a good spot.
It's a learn to play issue, you could start by blocking as a first step.
I might be biased since I play nightblade, but one of my favourite activities is also to hunt other nightblades sneaking around keeps. It's like a homicidal version of hide and seek and is a nice change of pace from zergs, ball groups and tower defenders...
Heals_With_Orbs wrote: »This is PVP isn't it? or is it PVI? - Player vs Invisible? We aren't playing aliens vs predator are we?
Your class - Streak - is still one of the best counters to perma-cloaking nightblades, so I don't get it. Magelight / Hunter were buffed and made more consistent relatively recently. I agree that, if you're alone, detection potions + Streak are probably the better bet. As soon as you're in a duo, though, Magelight / Hunter used systematically is devastating against nightblades. I play a perma-cloaking nightblade, as you know. I also play in IC more than in Cyro, e.g. without lag. From my POV there is a marked difference between people who learn and choose to hunt nightblades and those who don't bother. Certainly on a sorc you have the mobility to do it.Turtle_Bot wrote: »Remove? No.
Nerf? Yes.
Give invisibility a ramping cost just like they did with streak and mist form so that NBs learn to not crutch on it or just spam it endlessly.
make magelight/hunter/flare have much larger AoE on the reveals and keep them revealed for much longer as well (I have yet to test those with the new servers, but with the old servers, those abilities were useless due to small radius and being buggy in general due to the horrendous positional desyncs that allowed NBs to instantly re-cloak while under its effect).
The main issue with NB currently is actually how strong its burst heal is. No class that can just disappear and completely reset the fight with on demand LoS should also have access to one of the strongest burst heals in the game alongside some of the best HoTs in the game, that's completely over the top.
Reduce the healing of offering or give it a cast time, like they did with sorcs heals (the other mobile class that can easily reset the fight) alongside 1 of the other fixes for invis above and NB will be in a good spot.
Magelight / Hunter are not searching skills. You must cast them while the nightblade is near or in your face. If you keep that up and you synchronise your movement with the nightblade, it's very difficult for the nightblade to escape. Yes, there is Shadow Image, but you were talking about Cloak. With the amount of speed in the game, I feel Shadow Image has lost much of it's relevance these days. It used to be a staple for every other nightblade. These days I don't think it is.
In regards to the burst heal, yes it's strong. Remember how for years magblade had nothing like it? This was a major weakness. Maybe it could be a touch weaker, I'm not sure. It DOES uncloak you. There is still the age old problem that only Rally heals you in Cloak, and these days DOTs are no longer suppressed and will melt you. Having to gamble on cloaking away without healing in the next GCD (because that would uncloak you) when someone is, in fact, detecting you is quite a weakness of healing with Offering.
ThisIt's a learn to play issue, you could start by blocking as a first step.
I might be biased since I play nightblade, but one of my favourite activities is also to hunt other nightblades sneaking around keeps. It's like a homicidal version of hide and seek and is a nice change of pace from zergs, ball groups and tower defenders...
Nightblades really are the best Anti-Nightblade class. It used to be so much better when Piercing Mark's reveal was longer.
That is certainly not my experience. You must be talking about the effects of lag.3 Broken Skills are working heavily to NBs advantage:
1. Revealing Flare does NOT prevent NBs from immediately recloaking, as the skill tooltip states
2. Inner Light does NOt prevent NB from immediately recloaking, as the skill tooltip states
3. Incapaciting Strike, after Update 37, stuns you for a solid 5 or more seconds, in which you stand there swaying in a daze, unable to break free regardless of having a nearly full stamina bar
ThisIt's a learn to play issue, you could start by blocking as a first step.
I might be biased since I play nightblade, but one of my favourite activities is also to hunt other nightblades sneaking around keeps. It's like a homicidal version of hide and seek and is a nice change of pace from zergs, ball groups and tower defenders...
Nightblades really are the best Anti-Nightblade class. It used to be so much better when Piercing Mark's reveal was longer.
Shadow Image
They're not where you are anymore as a nightblade will dodge roll into cloak, and then teleport to their shade while still cloaked. This combo allows Nightblades to get away, and those that don't use that combo get absolutely shut down by Magelight, Expert Hunter, Detection Potions, and Flare.