As spartaxoxo has said they can be soloed and more scale to the amount of negligence on the part of the players.
SilverBride wrote: »If the players do great DPS and can take down the Pikes fast. Otherwise the Champions keep spawning because the Pikes are staying up too long.
SilverBride wrote: »The more Pikes that are up the more Ghosts that are spawning, which is why most successful groups I have been all focus on the same Pike and take them down as fast as possible.
Scaling would be good but what helps the most for harrowstorms currently is someone using plague break. If there is at least one person using that set the horrowstorm can be completed by two people in about 7mins. You have to turn the ghosts and the other npcs into bombs, it wipes the pikes quickly.
I agree with scaling and would like to see variations of scaling.
The present idea, scaling Harrowstorms is excellent.
Hopefully all World Events will scale to be more difficult as the number of players increase.
Scaling upp and down would be great for the long suffering World/Group Bosses and the magnificent Dragons, why are these epic monsters dying in seconds when swarmed by puny players?
And, most hopefully, that these would be optional choices for the player.
SilverBride wrote: »It's not the difficulty alone that's the issue. It's the fact that there aren't many players in Western Skyrim doing these now, and it's hard to find a group at all let alone a group that is experienced with them.
Harrowstorms are a challenge even with a full group. With a group of 3 or 4 it's sometimes not possible and I've seen groups give up from the frustration.
I know there are SOME players that solo them but that is far from the norm, and is not the reality of what I see when trying to complete these today.
I'm not even suggesting that the mobs have their difficulty lowered. Just scale how many ghosts and mini bosses spawn to the number of players fighting them so players today can complete this content.
Aardappelboom wrote: »SilverBride wrote: »It's not the difficulty alone that's the issue. It's the fact that there aren't many players in Western Skyrim doing these now, and it's hard to find a group at all let alone a group that is experienced with them.
Harrowstorms are a challenge even with a full group. With a group of 3 or 4 it's sometimes not possible and I've seen groups give up from the frustration.
I know there are SOME players that solo them but that is far from the norm, and is not the reality of what I see when trying to complete these today.
I'm not even suggesting that the mobs have their difficulty lowered. Just scale how many ghosts and mini bosses spawn to the number of players fighting them so players today can complete this content.
Everyone should be allowed to enjoy the story, I see your arguments but, it is very much about difficulty...
fleetingyouth_ESO wrote: »Scaling is not the answer and you shouldn't jump to making content easier because of low population/interest. Elsywer is an older zone yet there are always people doing dragons. Why is that? You should be asking the devs to create new incentives for players to do harrowstorms just like the dragons. The problem isnt old content its that its not worth doing for a lot of people. It would be a lot easier and better for the community to increase the reason to do harrowstorms than add scaling and essentially make them boring like geysers. Geysers are never hard. if you solo them its essentially a dolmen if there are any more than 2 people it's over in 2 mins. what is the point of that? How is that fun for anyone?
Make them more like Dragons, not like geysers. That way players who want a challenge still get one and there are more players during busy hours for the rest to get them done. Plus everyone gets better rewards for their effort.
...I do not have difficulty getting players in zone to come to a Harrowstorm if I ask. They take longer than dolmens and geysers but are very doable when you know the mechanics...
SilverBride wrote: »"They are very doable when you know the mechanics" should read "They are very doable by all size groups and all experience and skill levels" because that is the mix of players that is in the zone and that make up the groups.
I'm not even suggesting that the mobs have their difficulty reduced. Just scale the amount of ghosts and minibosses to the number of players.
SilverBride wrote: »I don't want them made soloable so I don't think they should scale to one player, but there are ways they could prevent this from happening.
They could start with a minimum number of ghosts and minibosses for a group size of 3 or 4, then if the group is larger the number of these would increase. But the way it is now there are the same amount of ghosts and minibosses for these small groups as there is for full groups, even though being a less populated zone now we never see full groups any more.
spartaxoxo wrote: »SilverBride wrote: »I don't want them made soloable so I don't think they should scale to one player, but there are ways they could prevent this from happening.
They could start with a minimum number of ghosts and minibosses for a group size of 3 or 4, then if the group is larger the number of these would increase. But the way it is now there are the same amount of ghosts and minibosses for these small groups as there is for full groups, even though being a less populated zone now we never see full groups any more.
Do you mean you want the mini bosses to have less health in small groups?
SilverBride wrote: »spartaxoxo wrote: »SilverBride wrote: »I don't want them made soloable so I don't think they should scale to one player, but there are ways they could prevent this from happening.
They could start with a minimum number of ghosts and minibosses for a group size of 3 or 4, then if the group is larger the number of these would increase. But the way it is now there are the same amount of ghosts and minibosses for these small groups as there is for full groups, even though being a less populated zone now we never see full groups any more.
Do you mean you want the mini bosses to have less health in small groups?
No. I mean I want less minibosses spawning in smaller groups.
SilverBride wrote: »I've not been in one with zero champions yet.